Afrique du Sud
Moses Kotane

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Top 10 des destinations de voyage : Moses Kotane
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    • Jour 2

      Pilanesberg Nationalpark

      26 septembre 2015, Afrique du Sud ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Wieder stellte sich heraus, in Südafrika lässt es sich etwas weniger einfach spontan eine Bleibe finden als in den bisherigen Ländern. Beim dritten Anlauf fanden wir auf einem völlig überfüllten Campingplatz den wohl letzten freien Platz. So viele - hauptsächlich (weisse) Südafrikaner - Menschen auf einem Fleck waren wir uns schon gar nicht mehr gewohnt! Diese Menschenmege schlich am nächsten Tag in aller Früh autofahrend durch den Park um Tiere zu beobachten. So auch wir und erspähten Elefanten, Zebras, ein Nashorn inkl. Baby, 'die üblichen Antilopenarten', Nilpferde...
      Ein landschaftlich wunderschöner Park und als überschaubare Alternative zum riesigen Krüger Nationalpark schon dadurch empfehlenswert, weil er nur wenige Stunden nordwestlich von Johannesburg und Pretoria entfert liegt (ca. 2.5h)
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    • Jour 28

      Sun City and Pilanesberg

      21 juillet 2018, Afrique du Sud ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Yesterday we pack up our bags and headed north west to a holiday park called Dikololo which we are staying at for the weekend. It is a holiday club type of place with lots of little units in the bush. It is about 1 and a half hours drive from Pretoria. We are staying in a little 6 sleeper unit with Charl and Suzette.

      Today Natasha and I took a drive to Sun City which is a large casino resort (much bigger than Crown) on the edge of Pilanesberg national park, located about 1 and a half hours further west of where we are staying in Dikololo. We had a walk around the casino and hotel before getting lunch. After lunch we headed back to the car to take a self drive tour through the national park.

      The park is much smaller than Kruger national park but has all the same animals. Straight inside the gate, next to the road was a herd of about 40 Rooibok impala. They did not seem at all fussed about the car or us taking photos. We had a great time driving around the bumpy dirt road of the park seeing many animal including rhinos, Wilder beast, hippos, zebra, meerkats and various types of other Boks. I was very impressed with the little Suzuki Jimny we were driving. It looks the bumps well and was easy to drive. I did feel for many of the other small cars out there like the Getz's and i10s as well as the many nice BMWs, Mercedes and Lexus sports coupes that were getting beaten by the rocks and dirt.
      All up we did about 350kms of driving today of which half was on dirt track and the rest on potholed roads. But I'm sure we could have spent many more hour driving around the park. We only got back to our accommodation after 7pm in time for dinner.
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    • Jour 4

      Pilansberg Game Reserve

      26 février 2022, Afrique du Sud ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      This morning we were all up bright and early. Hilda was up first at 5:15am and I was a close second at 5:30am. While Hilda was doing yoga I was doing press ups waking ourselves up nicely. Ellie was next out of Bed and then Pieter who got fresh coffee and some breakfast cereals on the go and finally Becky was up at around 6:15am.
      By 7am we were all ready, and we set off for the gates and entered pilansberg National park. I had high hopes of seeing a leopard on entry and had 2 cameras and the go pro ready but unfortunately the universe had other ideas.
      Within 30 minutes it started raining, and came over very black and then thunder and lightning started. It wasn’t very heavy but with none of the animals want to get wet so everything except a few birds and a random Elephant miles in the distance was in hiding.
      Our first stop of the day was a watering hole and although there were no big animals we did see Pied Kingfishers close up and got some beautiful shots, then on leaving there we saw Hippos just surfacing from a lake.
      Our second stop was for a quick coffee at the guest lodge and we took that with us and got back on the hunt. Next on the list was a giraffe, then a few Zebra and the rain was now starting to clear so Pieter thought it would be a good idea to stop for lunch for an hour or so and then try again.
      We had a picnic, and the girls threw together a mixed bean salad with some ham and some rolls and we sat there for an hour hand feeding a small Guinea Fowl while the sun eventually came out and started to cook us.
      Within 15 minutes it went from 19°c to 33°c and we set back off exploring with the air con blasting.
      As we turned the first corner from our picnic spot, we saw wilder beasts with babies, Zebra with babies and warthog with babies. It was an amazing sight and Pieter turned the engine off and we sat there for 20 minutes with the animals right in front of us.
      From there we drove in and less than a kilometre later we ran into a heard of atleast 20 elephants and they had several babies with them too. We sat there for ages as 2 young males started to play fight and then they all crossed the road right in front of us. As we turned the next corner there were 2 White Rhino right in front of us. Today has been an incredible day.
      Our last stop of the day was another huge watering hole and this time we had hippos across the other side, we could only just see them but a big male kept on popping his head up and yawning and Ellie was determined to get a picture. Eventually she did get an amazing shot.
      Then at 6:30pm it was back to camp.
      No we hadn’t seen any big cats but I think the elephants and rhino made up for it and we still have a long way to travel yet.
      Back at camp, Pieter cooked us a wonderful meal of marinated pork, with steamed vegetables and cheesy mushrooms with herbs. It was a stunning meal cooked completely and perfectly on an open fire.
      We shared some drinks and some stories around the fire again before heading for bed at 10pm. Tomorrow we have a big drive ahead of us.
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    • Jour 3

      Our first night wild camping

      25 février 2022, Afrique du Sud ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      After a very bad nights sleep I woke up at 6:30am and Ellie woke up at around 8am. The people in the chalet next door to us must have been deaf, because there TV was up so load we could clearly hear it in our room. To top it off our room just got hotter and hotter and by 1:30am I gave up trying to sleep and went an sat out by the swimming 25 meters from our room and I could still hear next doors TV. The planes landing and taking off also didn’t help and although they did stop big planes at 1am, at 6:30sm on the dot they were coming back in.
      At 8:30am we went for a cooked breakfast of Bacon, eggs and chips and then had a shower and sorted our stuff out for leaving.
      Pieter and Hilda were supposed to pick us up from our guest lodge between 11 and 12 but by 1pm they hadn’t arrived and slight panic set in, but at 2pm just before the heavens opened they arrived and we loaded up his Toyota Land Cruiser and trailer and off we went. Unbeknown to us another guest had booked to come on our trip 2 days ago an American girl called Becky. So off we went to a different airport to collect her.
      On the way there was a mega thunderstorm and it even blocked the sun out it was so dark and heavy with rain. It took us 2 hours to get to the airport and it should have taken us 30 minutes, but eventually we picked Becky up and we are now a group of 5. Pieter who is native South African, Hilda, from Norway, Becky from New York and us from the UK. All we have in common is adventure.
      Our first stop and first camp is Pilingsberg National Park, and after once again driving through mega thunderstorms we arrived at around 5pm. At the entrance we were greeted by hundreds of impala’s and after Pieter checked us in, he drove us straight to our first camp spot.
      It is a designated camping area and although there are other campers here we feel pretty isolated. There’s even 2 motorhomes just like Wanda. We all unloaded the trailer and Pieter gave us all our tents and camping gear and each of set to work putting the tents up and then putting in the bedding and lights, whoever was finished first went in to help the next person. While Pieter sorted out the fire and food and got the drinks flowing. Already we are becoming a little team. Pieter cooked a lovely meal of South African sausage, with corn on the cob and salad on an open fire and then we all sat around the fire talking talking before finally calling it a day and crawling into our tents at 9:30pm.
      This is it, Our first night wild camping in a tent in Africa!!
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    • Jour 45

      Pilanesberg departure and pizza!

      13 août 2018, Afrique du Sud ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      The final day of our South African safari. We check out of our chalet and spend some time with the Hildebrand’s. Playing cards and even some freezing cold pool time before we pack up for our drive home. We had some tough farewells (and promises to not wait another 18 years to visit) and thank yous with Louise and the kids, thank you all for helping make our visit to South Africa amazing and memorable. Sean drove us to rendezvous with Verity. We enjoy a waffle treat before returning to Johannesburg. Tonight Isaac offered to make dinner!En savoir plus

    • Jour 11

      Safari i Pilanesberg

      25 mars 2017, Afrique du Sud ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Vi startede dagen med at pakke sammen og tjekke ud af vores dejlige mini-lejlighed. Vi skulle køre næsten 200 km til safariparken Pilanesberg med diverse stop undervejs.
      Vi startede turen hos den lokale købmand (Spar) for at skaffe forsyninger. Vi kørte forbi et lokalt marked der solgte alverdens træ- og sten-figurer og efter mange overvejelser fik vi købt nogle skåle, og selv om vi pruttede om prisen, er vi helt sikkert blevet snydt.
      Turen fortsatte forbi Hartbeespoort Dam, hvor der var en kabelbane op til toppen af et bjerg med udsigt over søen, men vi måtte nøjes med udsigten nedefra, da vi ikke var sikre på, at vi havde tid til at tage på toppen.
      Vi fortsatte til Pilanesberg hvor vi havde booket en overnatning i et safari-telt. Vores camp lå i den ene ende af parken og vi ankom ved en af de andre indgange, så vi havde fornøjelsen af at køre igennem parken alene. Vi så ikke andet end en elefant, men vi holdte os også til hovedvejene og havde i øvrigt lidt travlt.
      I teltlejren blev vi modtaget af nogle vældig flinke værter der stod for både lejren, aftensmaden og fungerede som vagter om natten. Vores telt mindede mere om en lille hytte med plads til kun senge og natborde, men der var både elektricitet og lys.
      Efter en lille times afslapning skulle vi på en guidet safari ind i parken i en stor åben jeep med plads til 10 passagerer. Denne safari var lidt mere vellykket end vores egen, da vi både så næsehorn, gnuer, springbukke, en giraf langt ude i horisonten, zebraer, flodheste, en krokodille og 9 løver, der kom gående på vejen. En af løverne gik lige forbi jeepen, så Jesper kunne røre den hvis han ville. Det var en helt vild oplevelse.
      Guiderne, der var et par hvide sydafrikanske kvinder med meget britisk accent var lidt nogle fartbøller, og vi havde da også et mindre sammenstød med en af de andre guider.
      Tilbage i lejren var der forberedt aftensmad. Det var ris og sammenkogt og frugtsalat til dessert. Ikke noget at skrive hjem om, men det gik an. Efter at have hyggesnakket lidt med de andre turister, gik vi i seng. Det var hyggeligt at sove i telt.
      Dagen får 4,5 fantastiske stjerner.
      Road trip: 195 km på dagen - 238 km i alt.
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    • Jour 3

      Safari im Pilanesberg NP

      10 octobre 1998, Afrique du Sud

      Der Tag der Messe kam dann näher, wir sind nach SunCity rübergefahren. Nachdem wir noch etwas Zeit hatten, haben wir einen kurzen Trip in den Pilanesberg-Nationalpark gemacht. Der liegt ja gleich an SunCity angrenzend. SunCity wurde ja als Freizeitkomplex entwickelt, mit Casinos, Shows, luxuriöse Hotelanlagen, künstlich angelegte Wasserfälle, Golfplätze und andere Sportanlagen. Zur Zeit der Apartheid wurde es von vielen internationalen Künstlern boykottiert.En savoir plus

    • Jour 6

      Safari im Pilannesburg Nationalpark

      20 novembre 2018, Afrique du Sud ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Unsere unglaubliche Safari im Pilannesburg Nationalpark, 2h nördlich von Johannesburg!
      Ich bekomme immernoch Gänsehaut wenn ich die Bilder sehe! Die Natur und die Tiere in Freiheit erleben zu dürfen, war ein absolutes Highlight! Das Lebensgefühl in Afrika ist unbedschreiblich! Naturverbunden und Gastfreundlich!En savoir plus

    • Jour 17

      Tierisch tierisch!

      16 novembre 2016, Afrique du Sud ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Wegen dem nicht ganz so tollen Wetter in der Früh haben wir uns gegen das Valley of the Waves entschieden, und stattdessen den Mini Animal Park im Hotel besucht. Michi war furchtlos bei den Pfauen und dem Schwan, es gab Papageie und Äffchen. Nachdem es doch noch schön geworden ist, haben wir den restlichen Tag am Pool relaxt, bis wir zur Safari (Game Drive) abgeholt wurden (mit über 30 Minuten Verspätung und nach mehreren Anrufen beim Veranstalter). Die Safari war dann super und wir haben einige Tiere entdeckt, der Höhepunkt war der Heimweg der Löwen, den wir hautnah verfolgt haben. Jetzt sitzen wir noch beim Busch Braai Abendessen und fragen uns, wie und wann wir zurück ins Hotel kommen. Weil hier attackieren uns komische Käfer, die echt hartnäckig sind. Brrrrrr!En savoir plus

    • Jour 15

      Sun City

      14 novembre 2016, Afrique du Sud ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Heute sind wir von den Bauarbeitern geweckt worden, die Julians Hause nach dem großen Unwetter letzte Woche repariert haben. Wir sind ohne Frühstück nach Sun City aufgebrochen. Nach 2! Polizeikontrollen in Pretoria und einem akzeptablen Frühstück bei 'Der Zuckerbäcker' sind wir bei 30 Grad durch die Wüste gefahren, wo dann diese Hotelstadt wie aus dem Nix auftaucht - das Las Vegas von Südafrika. Alle Mitarbeiter sind überfreundlich, aber machen alles in Zeitlupe oder 'Morgen'. Restaurant für morgen Abend reservieren - tomorrow. Zip Line für Mittwoch - mhmmmm - tomorrow. Das Wetter schwenkt grade mit Donner und Blitz von 32 Grad auf 23 um, die morgen angesagt sind. Deswegen bleiben wir hier an der Poolbar um die Ecke von unserem Zimmer bei Drinks, Pizza und Burger (kein kulinarisches Highlight). Deswegen gibt's noch Fotos von gestern von der Safari und unserem Abendspaziergang mit Julian und den Hunden Max und Shumba.En savoir plus

    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Moses Kotane


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