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    • Day 15–18

      Altafulla: when life gives you lemons…

      December 26, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Sei kurz sour, aber lach bald drüber 🤪🤣

      My experience here was, to be precise, an exactly-what-I-needed -but-still-very-fucking-hard Challenge (yes, with a capital “C”). With no heat, no stove, no plan, unexpectedly alone in a country that had largely shut down for the year (no available lodging in the surrounding area, super limited/unreliable opening hours of restaurants & markets) but hey, what’s a couple more big knots to untangle before the year’s end? 😋

      I found a place that seemed (semi) legal to park and was right next to the beach, but of course, in the sake of staying within the theme of „couldn’t make this shit up kinda luck“ , some drunk dude backed into my parked van and we had to call the cops, making them aware of my presence 😵‍💫 so I had to leave the spot I had searched for all day after all… 3 more park4night suggestion fails later, I bitterly threw Blackie in park on a steep hill spot next to a giant dumpster and said out loud, „hmm! Schräg, schief, trash. Passt zu meinem Leben gerade“ 😜 Looking back now that I’ve had a shower and slept and eaten properly, it’s pretty funny. In the moment though, I was so mad that I actually had to call an emotional support hotline. I’m not even joking, those people are awesome, like a direct line to a Psycarer 💜

      It seemed nearly impossible that I would find a place to be for the transition 24-25 where I could reflect and celebrate in a form I would like to, and even though I admittedly wanted to give up in many moments, I didn’t. I kept finding strength, scraping the bottom of the bucket, rejection after rejection, persisting and trying to stay mentally flexible about where to go and how to meet my increasingly more urgent and numerous needs.

      It took 3 days, 4 Baumärkte, 3 gas stations, a 10 euro bribe, and a sassy not-accepting-no-as-an-answer attitude to get all the things I needed to fix my gas in the van to be able to use my stove and heat 🤣 but damn it I figured it out and got it done🏋️‍♀️ I shed a tear (okay no, several) as I made my first tea just cause I could, both relishing in my little victory and decompressing the very intense emotions that you build up when your basic needs go unfulfilled for days on end. At least now I could fry an egg instead of just my nervous system 🤣

      I am happy not only to report that I found a very fitting place with lovely people to bring in 2025, but also that life has showered me with many gifts since the 29th of December, but more on that in the next post 💜
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    • Day 18

      Heaven Sent

      December 29, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      On the 26th of December I pullled a tarot card “Heaven Sent”- it told me that very soon, I would receive a spiritual gift of great magnitude. I forgot about it for a few days while life threw its challenges at me, but then I was given an unexpected gift.

      I have been wanting to book a reflexology appointment for ages, since my feet are truly one of the most communicative parts of my body, and I got the privilege of sitting with Eva, a magical woman with a very compassionate touch.

      She shared quite a few incites with me about what she could feel through my feet that made logical sense to my current health and situation. But one thing she began to speak about surprised me: she asked me if I hated shoes&socks, and if this topic resonates with me… (my family is laughing already 😂) but for those who don’t know, I made my caretakers lives absolute hell over socks and shoes, always resisting them til I was in middle school, and even at the start of college I spent nearly a year barefoot in rebellion. For the last 8 years, I’ve owned one pair of shoes (barefoot shoes) and refuse to wear anything else more restrictive.

      Eva told me that she believes she can feel my past life, and asked if I felt connected to South America/the Andes. Again this completely caught me off guard, since this woman doesn’t know anything of my past in the Andes of Ecuador/Peru- the places that called me since I was a child, the places I made my home before (semi reluctantly, but in hindsight very fortunately) moving to Europe. She continued saying that she feels I was indigenous Latino, and that the traces are strong.

      I took a DNA test when I was in the states in the fall, kind of expecting some little bit of Latino genes to be hidden somewhere. I have always felt so connected to Latino culture, language, the preservation of nature, and to rituals… all since I was so small, even before I really “knew” about those places.

      I thought this was interesting, but am never super quick to subscribe to any particular idea, so I let it settle for a few days. Once I arrived at the New Year’s retreat, it kept popping into my mind randomly…. And one day, a woman named Lourdes approached me and said, “I’d really like to chat with you!” And so we did, and she became a part of this journey into embracing the idea that Eva brought into my life.

      All of my seemingly varied and different passions as well as those strange feelings of belonging somewhere I hadn’t ever even seen since I was small feel seamlessly connected and make a lot of sense under this lens. My studying Latin American development politics and environmental preservation, my time lobbying for protection of the forests, my work facilitating the exchange of knowledge between tribes (Panama, 2015-2019) and supporting plant ceremonies, in connecting everything I’ve ever done to the moon, Pocahontas as my childhood hero, resenting clothing and shoes and hating the distance capitalism puts between us and our communities and nature..

      I honestly neither doubted nor believed in past lives; I have always been open to the possibility but never had any personal experience or reason to lean to one side or another. Whether it is objectively “true” or not, it brings me peace to understand a part of myself in a new way. The greatest part of this gift is the peace it gave me in putting to rest a part of my wondering of “why” I feel a part of me still belongs in los Andes, why is has always felt like home.
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    • Day 7–14

      Tarragona, Costa Dorada,

      September 24, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Wir haben unseren sehr erholsamen Stellplatz in Monte-roig del Camp verlassen und sind nach Tarragona auf dem Campingplatz TAMARIT BEACH RESORT angekommen. Wir haben uns ein schattiges Plätzchen ausgesucht und bis zum Strand und der Strandbar 😉 sind es drei Gehminuten. Hier wird natürlich viel angeboten, Kinderanimation, Livemusik, es gibt hier auch ein Schwimmbad mit Restaurant, einen Supermarkt, und vieles mehr. Der Strand ist wundervoll, wir haben von dort die Sicht auf die Burg Tamarit und auf den Ort Altafulla. Das Wasser hat hier das 25°C, einfach traumhaft, man kann, geschätzte 100 Meter ins Wasser gehen und man steht bist zu Hüfte drin, also es ist sehr flach. Allerdings…hier waren die Wellen an zwei Tagen, mal so geschätzte 2 Merer hoch, da hat man richtig Spaß und es ist dann nicht mehr hüfthoch. Einfach nur toll, wir hatten hier mehr Spaß. Es ist auch wunderschön im Dunkeln die Zeit am Strand zu verbringen und den schönen Blick auf die Burg TAMARIT, die beleuchtet ist, zu genießen. Die Burg hat natürlich eine lange Geschichte hinter sich, sie existiert seit Karl des Großen (um 800 n.Ch.), aber wen es interessiert, der schaut bei Wikipedia nach😜Read more

    • Day 13


      September 30, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Nachdem wir gestern den Tag einfach mal in Ruhe genossen haben und den schönen Sonnenuntergang betrachtet haben, bereiten wir uns schon einmal darauf vor, wieder in Richtung Deutschland 🇩🇪 zu fahren. Morgen geht es erst einmal wieder nach Frankreich 🇫🇷. Wir sind schon auf unseren nächsten Stellplatz gespannt.Read more

    • Day 8

      Cala d‘Oques

      May 3, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Wir sind wieder zurückgefahren und ein paar Tage geblieben auf dem Cala d’Oques…
      Der Betreiber Dominique ist so sympathisch und wir waren gerne dort. Sonst sind wir selten solange an einem Ort… aber heute ging es weiter ins wunderschöne Ebrodelta….Read more

    • Day 7

      Aufbruch zum nächsten Stopp

      May 26, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Heute Nacht war eine heftiger Wind , wir wurden schön in den Schlaf geschunkelt. Morgens sind wir zeitig zum nächsten CP gestartet. Auf der Autobahn sah man schon eine Veränderung in der Landschaft.
      Unser neuer CP ist auch sehr schön. Wir stehen unter Pinien im Schatten und haben viel Platz. Der Strand ist toll, das Wasser hellblau und den Gin in der Strandbar kann ich später beurteilen.
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    • Day 7


      September 21, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      A day out on the bicycles from the campsite finds us in the older part of town of Altafulla for a wander round and then a visit to the museum of the Roman Villa.
      Check out the picture of the mosaic floor, it’s 1st Century AD.Read more

    • Day 53

      Urlaub im Urlaub

      April 3, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Nach insgesamt einer Woche in Spanien sind wir tiefenentspannt. Schlafen, Sport, Strand, essen...repeat. :)

    • Day 11


      February 12, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Radtour nach Altafulla

      Ein sehr idyllischer kleiner Ort mit Schloss und Schlosskirche und verspielten Gassen.
      Treffen uns mit Martin bei Francesco und speisen typisch spanischen. Super lecker schmecken die Calcots.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Altafulla, آلتافویا, Ալտաֆուլյա, Альтафулья, 阿尔塔富利亚

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