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    • Day 33

      Day 31 walking!

      June 9 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      So penultimate day of walking 22 Km to our destination of village called A Rua.
      We set off under grey threatening clouds but didn’t rain but there was a chill wind in the air and it stayed mostly cloudy.
      The way started up hill to Arzúa and had breakfast there. There were some gentle ups and downs but not too taxing, and along country paths and roads at times, even over an empty motorway!
      The land seems more cultivated and busier as we get closer to Santiago. We only have about 22 Km to walk tomorrow but it’s around the airport and likely to be more urban and busier. I’m quite tired and bit weary now, so will be pleased to finish tomorrow and my feet will definitely be happier!!!
      We’re in a modern Albergue and it’s our last night in bunks 😊
      David is flying into Santiago tomorrow evening so I’m looking forward to seeing him and staying in a hotel too!
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    • Day 33


      May 20 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Day 33 Ribadiso

      Feeling under pressure for time - I want to arrive in Santiago on Thursday and have a couple of days to rest and enjoy the city before setting off with Luca again at the weekend - and rather threatened at the prospect of therefore having to walk up to 30km a day feeling as weary as I was yesterday, I skipped a day's worth of walking by taking a bus. Happy cheat! It's only me (...and petty, competitive people, you know) who take any interest in the 'purist' completion of the Camino: the unspoken rules of the road include always carrying your own bag, never taking public transport, going completely offline even for finding the way, not taking any days off. Now I have broken them all, hooray! (I call it 'grace'!)

      Hilariously, I missed the intended bus stop and had to wait for another bus to go back 20 minutes so I could start at my intended town at 4-doable-days' distance. We pilgrims' collect 'stamps' at every overnight stay and often in restaurants, cafes and churches, did you know? It is part of the Camino culture that every sleepery and eatery has its own logo, so the collection serves as proof of where we have been; at the end, in the Santiago pilgrims' office, the well-stamped 'Credential' enables us to receive the 'Compostela', a rather super certificate of completion. In the last 100km we have to have at least 2 stamps a day over the distance we have walked; that was why I needed to go back and not just double-cheat!

      I managed then to walk over 25km, feeling bright and perky all day ... perhaps I needn't have taken the short cut after all! It was pretty flat terrain today, and the weather was mostly dry and even a little sunny, which of course makes every step feel a little lighter.

      Lugo city centre was much nicer empty and in the bright morning sun than yesterday, when it was full of TOURISTS (those pesky people!), noisy and busy. The other photo subjects just took my eye. The more the days and the distance pass, the less I'm interested in the landscape, it seems. Perhaps it just seems to be 'normal' now; I wonder if I will regret in future taking so few pictures. But I still found several new flowers today! The number of flowers I have identified has is nearing 200: YES IT'S TRUE!

      Ginny and Martin, Orlando. Jenny, Islington. 2 couples from Boston. Dora, Hanover. Laurence, Sandwich.

      It's so good to be here
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    • Day 35–36

      Day 32 to Ribadiso

      June 9 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Was good walking weather... never too hot! (And I had Comrades FOMO)

      Learnt our lesson that everything is closed on Sundays, so popped in at a big supermarcado in Melide and bought food... so for the last 10km's our bags were heavy and uncomfortable...

      But the end result was so worth it! Stephan made a huge stew and mini veg stew for me. We had spinach, pea & feta salad and tomato & onion salad... most beautiful, big, fresh tomatoes!

      Since we totally over catered, we invited Gregg & Dick for supper! A great time was had by all.
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    • Day 40

      Ribadiso de Abaixo

      October 14, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      With just three days left until Santiago we started off at a bit slower pace today. As we walked by headlamp in the dark I noticed a lady walking without a light trying to follow others. At one point I looked back during a rocky downhill to make sure she could see the path and then offered to walk with her in the dark until the sun came up. And that was the kick off for a wonderful day for the three of us walking together.

      We learned Monica is a young 70 year old, newly retired nurse from Australia. She is quick to point out she is Swiss but ended up in Australia because of love "or what she thought was love". We spent the day strolling the amazing countryside of Spain, knocking out almost 17 miles, made easier because it was shared with a new friend.

      Totally out of the blue, nearing the end of this great adventure, who knew we would still be meeting new and interesting people. At the end of the day, Monica bought us beers, we met again for dinner and (hopefully) will walk out of town again tomorrow morning in the dark. Not sure who saved whom this morning but we are grateful for the opportunity to be a friend and make friends on this journey.

      2 more days of walking.
      Buen Camino.
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    • Day 13

      Day 12- Palas de Reis to -Rabides-17 mil

      April 17 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      I am exhausted. 10:40 pm. Lights are off. Everyone is sleeping. I need to write this post. Will be short.
      Walked 17 miles today. We only have 41km left.
      We left this morning for our little jaunt at 7 am. It was still dark. I fell and hurt my hand. I am/will be ok.
      Our alburgue tonight is right by a river. It is very nice.
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    • Day 39


      September 26, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      What a pretty little village with 3 Albergues and 2 houses.
      Tonight, we are sharing a room with 68 others. The luxury of this place we can manually turn the lights out. Other places are automatic, lights don't go off until 10 pm, and there is no switch, and that's a real pain.Read more

    • Day 47

      Le défi a le dessus sur la peur

      June 4, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      Aujourd'hui dernière journée difficile, 29,5 km de marche quelques montées exigeantes.
      Au fur et mesure que l'on progresse sur le chemin nos peurs s'estompent une à une et est gagnée par la confiance,contre les blessures, la forme physique, le moral, l'attitude, les montagnes abruptes.
      Réussites sur réussites éliminent graduellement les peurs qui t'habitaient et qui nuisaient au tout début à l'appréciation d'un voyage de rêve et d'un objectif énorme à réussir.
      Il aura fallu plus de 975km de marche pour réaliser qu'il faut du temps pour se bâtir une confiance une acceptation de soi sur lequel on peut s'outiller pour prendre la vie du bon côté, rester en équilibre avec ses valeurs et ses convictions, malgré les évènements souvent insensées qu'on essaie de nous imposer.
      Aujourd'hui j'ai vu un pèlerin en chaise roulante sportive sortir du groupe de pèlerins et prendre l'autoroute le seul moyen selon sa situation de faire Compostelle quelle leçon courage et pour nous qui avons tout pour défier la vie.
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    • Day 34

      Day 34: Arzúa

      October 13, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      We timed our departure from Melide to arrive in Arzúa after noon. With only 13.5 kilometers to walk, we had a rather leisurely start to our day—including the biggest slices of tortilla we’ve encountered on the Camino.

      Once underway, our path meandered up and down hills, past flower and vegetable gardens, plowed fields, and plenty of pastures with horses and cows.

      At one point, a farmer ran a line across the Camino halting pilgrim traffic as he coaxed his cows from one pasture to another.

      We stopped for second cups of coffee in A Peroxa, and were delighted to bump into Scott from Seattle, the pilgrim we’d shared a Tesla taxi with from Pamplona to St. Jean-Pied-de-Port at the beginning of our Camino. We hadn’t seen him since, and we’d been wondering how he was doing.

      We were soon on our way again, and we enjoyed meeting Rebecca, a pilgrim from Eugene, Oregon. It’s always a pleasure to strike up a fun conversation over the course of a few kilometers along the Way.

      Our lodging today has a utilitarian, truck stop kind of feel to it, but it is clean and has a restaurant which means we don’t have to walk further to forage for food.

      Tomorrow we’ll walk 19 kilometers to O Pedrouzo. With the forecast calling for rain, we expect our ponchos will be earning their keep.
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    • Day 37

      Day 37

      September 29, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Well.. only one more walk to go!!!! I’m so looking forward to tomorrow and ( hopefully ) saying . I’ve done it!!!
      Today was really wet, I decided to set off an hour later than usual, mainly so that I knew I’d be able to check into my accommodation when I arrived and not have to hang around getting freezing cold..
      That side of things worked out perfectly.. I enjoyed my breakfast a bit more leisurely than usual, sorted out what I considered my best clothing options and eventually set off..
      The amount of people on the route today was unbelievable. I think I also got caught up in a massive school trip, trying to get through was a nightmare until a poor guy on a mountain bike came and tried to make his way through.. I hung in behind his back wheel ( he wasn’t going v fast obviously, but was creating space!! ) and made it through “all in one piece “
      It was again a nice route, just too busy and really wet, but all part and parcel of the experience 😀
      It’s really hard to believe it’s all nearly over, it’s gone so fast and yet it seems like an in incredibly long time ago that I was a nervous wreck in St John about to start….
      I think I had just about the best meal I’ve had along the way this evening, seriously nice food and exceptionally lovely staff…
      One more day to go……

      Today I took a start and a finish picture as it was way to wet to dig out my phone.. a few random Camino markers in the middle from places…
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    • Day 28

      Santiago Mañana

      August 27, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      This will be my last day before I will reach Santiago tomorrow! The landscape is still nice, green and you see that the whole area of Galizia is richer than Navarra or Castilia y Leon! Houses are nicer, farms modern and the weather is more like our „normal“ summer! Still a lot of pilgrim tourists on the street but really annoying are the bikers who try to do slalom around the pilgrims when shooting downhill- fullspeed! I am surprised that I don’t see more accidents!Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Arzúa, Arzua, 15810

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