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    • Day 18

      Day Eighteen: Barcelona Here We Come!

      April 2 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Today was the road to our final stop before the guided tour! We had a late morning train to catch at 11:25. No worries at all! I went to bed early, ready for a relaxed morning. Then I wake up to Ethan's head, looking down from the top bunk, saying, " it's 11, we need to wake up now!" He had face paint on, blood on his face, and man, I was so lost. How the hell did I sleep for 11 hours?!?! And the one who partied woke me up!! Choas ensues as we run to get to the train station. Of course, it is a 30-minute walk.. so we jump on e-scooters and make it with a little time left. But in Spain you can only park them in certain areas and we couldn't find one.. and when we did ethan's app was buggy and didn't work. So I ran to the station while he tried to find a different one. And, of course, there is security. And the train just left, like a minute too late... so there goes more money. But it's official, I have booked for the wrong time and arrived late. So, really, I've made all the mistakes u can, so nothing else will happen! I hope. And I should say Ethan did this on no sleep and severely hungover, so good for him. But afterward, when we arrived, we walked over to the hostel, got comfortable, and went for food. We went everywhere nearby to buy food but everywhere was closed... we couldn't find food at all! Finally landed on a place. It was funny because the guy even had to use Google translate to ask us what we wanted. And of course, the burger we got was medium rare, which is way too normal here. It makes the meat a little too slimy... Overall, it felt like another nice local find. It's extra nice because the burgers without extra charge include cheese, fried egg, and bacon. Then we went back to the hostel and got another free dinner too, some nice pesto pasta! Then, since we decided to go to the pub crawl on the first day of any hostel, we went out again. Honestly, this time, it was disappointing. It was free but stopped at one bar and one club. It was free, though, with a free shot! We did start with drinking games at the hostel. It was this board with different bubbles containing activities. The crowd was not very fun, but the idea of the game was awesome! I feel like the night went the same way. It was not very exciting. Me and Ethan ended up just going to the beach right beside the bar and had a bro to bro moment talking about life and things. He is my brother, and it is truly unreal to have him here with me. Makes everything feel like a dream. I love you, Ethan, and I'm glad we are making everything work and just having a blast!Read more

    • Day 63

      Tag 63 - letzter Tag in Begleitung

      November 5, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      Heute haben wir um 13:00 Uhr mit der Cousine meines Onkels Susanna am Bahnhof von Madrid abgemacht, so dachte ich das ich heute ein wenig länger schlafen kann, doch mein Onkel weckte mich wieder ziemlich früh und wir frühstückten wieder gemeinsam zuhause. Frühzeitig machten wir uns auf den Weg zur Metrostation und gingen dann mit dem Metro zum Bahnhof Atocha, dort warteten wir auf Susanna. Wir liefen Richtung Zentrum und sie fragte uns, was wir essen gehen wollten, denn sie wollte eigentlich ein Cocino Madrileno mit uns essen gehen, wusste aber nicht, ob ich das mögen würde. Da mein Onkel aber so Lust auf das spanische antike Gericht hatte und meinte das ich dieses mögen würde, sind wir tatsächlich ein Cocino Madrileno essen gegangen. Der Cocino ist eine Suppe, die mehrere Stunden lang mit verschiedenen Fleischstücken gekocht wird, zuerst wurde die Suppe serviert, die ich auch gemocht hatte und danach das Fleisch, von dem ich auch zwei, drei Arten mochte. Vom Restaurant aus, liefen wir weiter bis ins Zentrum, wo wir eigentlich dachten das wir schnell eine Bar oder eine Cafeteria finden, bei der wir einen Kaffee trinken können. Da in Spanien aber Mittagszeit war, durften wir uns nur hinsitzen, wenn wir auch etwas essen würden. So liefen wir noch weiter, bis wir eine Cafeteria fanden, bei der wir einen Kaffee trinken konnten. Da wir gerade im Zentrum waren und ich noch ein paar Sachen benötigte, sind wir diese auch noch einkaufen gegangen. Wir verabschiedeten uns von Susanna und gingen zurück nach Hause, bevor wir aber nach Hause gingen, sind wir uns von unserer Tante verabschieden gegangen, denn mein Onkel verlässt Madrid morgen bereits wieder und auch meine Tage hier sind gezählt. Es war bereits spät und wir gingen nach Hause und entschieden uns, wo wir Abendessen gehen möchten. Als wir am Mittwochabend im Viertel Abendessen gingen, sahen wir eine Pizzeria die napolitanische Pizza zubereitet und da wir nicht mehr ins Zentrum gehen wollten, entschieden wir uns heute für Pizza. Das Restaurant war leider bereits voll, doch wir konnten die Pizza mit nach Hause nehmen und zuhause geniessen. Die Pizza war die beste die ich bis jetzt in Spanien gegessen hatte.Read more

    • Day 3

      Madrid Part 1

      August 30, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 77 °F

      We put 8 miles on our feet exploring some of Madrid's delights. Started out with a simple but filling breakfast, walked up Calle Atocha through Plaza Mayor to the Catedral de Santa María la Real de la Almudena. We toured the cathedral and marveled at its beauty. One room covered in gorgeous mosaics didn't allow photography so you'll have to check it out for yourselves.

      Next we toured the Royal Palace and said hi to King Felipe and Queen Letizia (ok, it was a painting). Lots of beautiful art and tapestries. After that, a well earned lunch in the cave at El Botín, operating since 1752.

      For dessert, churros and chocolate at Chocolatería San Gines. Yum!

      We did a little more walking and window shopping, then picked up some Jamón Iberico de Bellota to nibble on later.
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    • Day 5

      Madrid Part 2

      September 1, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

      Walked 12 miles today.

      Started the day with the buffet breakfast at our hotel. I tried the pan con tomate. It was tasty but it's really hard to beat the freshly baked croissant. We spent the rest of the morning waking it off in the Parque del Retiro.

      We shopped and ate throughout the afternoon. I found several fabric stores but was only able to shop at two of them before they all closed for siesta. The Mercado de San Miguel was crowded and fun for tapas.

      We capped the night with an intimate flamenco show. They only allowed us to record the opening song. I really enjoyed the show. The female dancer made beautiful shapes with her dress and body. The male dancer looked like Rick Springfield (enough said there).

      Tomorrow we head for Pamplona.
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    • Day 4

      Leaving Madrid

      September 20, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We have had a lovely time in Madrid but we must now leave now for Barcelona. A quick beer and cake whilst we wait for a platform is a must. We had Churros for breakfast which you must try if you come here.
      The trains can be very confusing and different ticket desks only sell tickets for certain trains. The local short distance trains arec Renfe Cercanias. The long distance trains are Renfe trains from the Botanical Gardens.
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    • Day 27

      My last day in Madrid

      October 9, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Last nights 4 hours late arrival into Madrid took a toll for an early and intended Art Museums tour. There is only a short walk from my Hosta to many Art Galleries and Museum's. . I managed a good late breakfast before a quick tour of the Prado, and the Museo Reina Sofía. Prado is full of Master pieces... 1700s late 1800s and more, but what I did not want to miss was Picasso's Guernica in Museo Reina. Picasso painted this in protest to Franco's war on his people and Germany's bombing of the Basques in the Pyrenees.
      This exhibition includes large preliminary sketches. Guernica is gory and Picasso wish was to demonstrate the carnage of Franco's war. The painting was a private commission and 1st appeared in a Paris exhibition 1937(?). It was then shipped to NYC until after democracy returned to Spain.
      Madrid enjoyed lovely weather Sorry for no scenic photos of their fountains etc.
      It is goodbye to Camino and the Spanish culture. See you all in Oz 🥰
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    • Day 2

      Madrid madness

      July 5 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 37 °C

      Wow, we arrived safely in Madrid to 35 degrees. It is hot!!! So we had a beer, yay. Now back in our room, doing some washing, having showers and an early night to catch up on some much needed sleep. Will post some pictures of Madrid over the next two days before heading to the start of the Camino. One of our followers posted that the trip to Spain is more gruelling than walking the Camino, lol at the moment I would agree, but let's see if that changes over the next 30 odd days.Read more

    • Day 6

      Full Day in Madrid pt. 2

      May 18 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      We had another amazing, late night! We all took naps and then headed to dinner around 9. We had pizzas at an Italian restaurant, which were delicious!! We then headed to an Irish pub for beers and tequila shots. We met up with some creighton study abroad friends of Declan and freeman (I swear freeman knows everyone). At 12:30, we headed to the craziest club I’ve ever seen, Kapital. It was 7 stories and it was packed!! They played a mix of Spanish and English music. We all had rum and cokes, except for Cole who has a newfound love of gin and tonics. Crazy enough, we ran into some Creighton seniors we didn’t know were in Madrid. One of them was the other Creighton Award winner!! They are the ones in the video. We danced the night away and headed home around 4:30. We stopped for kebabs and fries and hit the beds around 5. We again are in shambles as we had to check out by 11. It was worth it though! Such a fun night!Read more

    • Day 5

      Reina Sofía

      September 16, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      》Probably Picasso's most famous work, Guernica is certainly his most powerful political statement, painted as an immediate reaction to the Nazi's devastating casual bombing practice on the Basque town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War.

      Guernica shows the tragedies of war and the suffering it inflicts upon individuals, particularly innocent civilians. This work has gained a monumental status, becoming a perpetual reminder of the tragedies of war, an anti-war symbol, and an embodiment of peace. On completion Guernica was displayed around the world in a brief tour, becoming famous and widely acclaimed. This tour helped bring the Spanish Civil War to the world's attention.

      This work is seen as an amalgamation of pastoral and epic styles. The discarding of color intensifies the drama, producing a reportage quality as in a photographic record. Guernica is blue, black and white, 3.5 meters (11 ft) tall and 7.8 meters (25.6 ft) wide, a mural-size canvas painted in oil. This painting can be seen in the Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid.

      ^A Few Interesting Facts of Guernica:

      1. Guernica, Picasso's most important political painting, has remained relevant as a work of art and as a symbol of protest, and it kept the memory of the Basque town's nightmare alive. While Picasso was living in Nazi-occupied Paris during World War II, one German officer allegedly asked him, upon seeing a photo of Guernica in his apartment, "Did you do that?" Picasso responded, "No, you did."

      2. Picasso's patriotism and sense of justice outweighed physical location. He had not been to Spain, the country of his birth, for several years when the Nazis bombed the Spanish town of Guernica in 1937. He was living in Paris at the time, and never returned to his birthplace to live. Nevertheless, the attack, which killed mainly women and children, shook the artist to the core.

      3. During his creation of "Guernica," Picasso allowed a photographer to chronicle its progress. Historians believe that the resulting black and white photos inspired the artist to revise his earlier colored versions of the artwork to a starker, more impactful palette.

      4. Not only did the artist use lack of color to express the starkness of the aftermath of the bombing, he also specially ordered house paint that had a minimum amount of gloss. The matte finish, in addition to the shades of grey, white and blue-black, set an outspoken yet unadorned tone for the artwork.

      5. The mural contains some hidden images. One of them is a skull, which is superimposed over the horse's body. Another is a bull formed from the horse's bent leg. Three daggers replace tongues in the mouths of the horse, the bull and the screaming woman.

      6. Two of the artist's signature images, the Minotaur and the Harlequin, figure in Guernica. The Minotaur, which symbolizes irrational power, dominates the left side of the work. The harlequin, a partially hidden component just off-center to the left, cries a diamond-shaped tear. The harlequin traditionally symbolizes duality. In the iconography of Picasso's art, it is a mystical symbol with power over life and death. Perhaps the artist inserted the harlequin to counterbalance the deaths he depicted in the mural.
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    • Day 5

      Reina Sofía

      September 16, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      》Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

      An important landmark on Madrid’s famous Art Walk, the Reina Sofía Museum is home to a large collection of modern and contemporary Spanish art renowned throughout the world. Inside find works by Dalí, Miró and Juan Gris, alongside the museum’s masterpiece, Guernica. One of Malaga-born sculptor and painter Pablo Picasso’s most significant works of art, it was painted in memory of the suffering experienced during the bombing of Guernica on 27 April 1937 in the Spanish Civil War.

      Founded in 1992, the Reina Sofía covers the periods that are not examined in the Prado Museum. The earliest work of art is from 1881, the same year Pablo Picasso was born.

      The building where the museum is currently housed was previously used as a hospital, Hospital de San Carlos, constructed at the end of the 18th century.

      ^The Weeping Woman with Handkerchief - Pablo Picasso, 1937
      ^Cabeza de caballo. Boceto para Guernica (Horse Head. Sketch for "Guernica") - Pablo Picasso, 1937
      ^Le gitan The Gypsy - Robert Delaunay, 1915
      ^The Great Masturbator - Salvador Dalí, 1929
      ^Les oiseaux morts (Dead Birds) - Pablo Picasso, 1912
      ^Woman dressed in blue - Pablo Picasso, 1901
      ^Back of Girl - Salvador Dali, 1926
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