Museum Reina Sofía

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    • Day 2

      Madrid madness

      July 5 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 37 °C

      Wow, we arrived safely in Madrid to 35 degrees. It is hot!!! So we had a beer, yay. Now back in our room, doing some washing, having showers and an early night to catch up on some much needed sleep. Will post some pictures of Madrid over the next two days before heading to the start of the Camino. One of our followers posted that the trip to Spain is more gruelling than walking the Camino, lol at the moment I would agree, but let's see if that changes over the next 30 odd days.Read more

    • Day 27

      My last day in Madrid

      October 9, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Last nights 4 hours late arrival into Madrid took a toll for an early and intended Art Museums tour. There is only a short walk from my Hosta to many Art Galleries and Museum's. . I managed a good late breakfast before a quick tour of the Prado, and the Museo Reina Sofía. Prado is full of Master pieces... 1700s late 1800s and more, but what I did not want to miss was Picasso's Guernica in Museo Reina. Picasso painted this in protest to Franco's war on his people and Germany's bombing of the Basques in the Pyrenees.
      This exhibition includes large preliminary sketches. Guernica is gory and Picasso wish was to demonstrate the carnage of Franco's war. The painting was a private commission and 1st appeared in a Paris exhibition 1937(?). It was then shipped to NYC until after democracy returned to Spain.
      Madrid enjoyed lovely weather Sorry for no scenic photos of their fountains etc.
      It is goodbye to Camino and the Spanish culture. See you all in Oz 🥰
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    • Day 5

      Reina Sofía

      September 16, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      》Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

      An important landmark on Madrid’s famous Art Walk, the Reina Sofía Museum is home to a large collection of modern and contemporary Spanish art renowned throughout the world. Inside find works by Dalí, Miró and Juan Gris, alongside the museum’s masterpiece, Guernica. One of Malaga-born sculptor and painter Pablo Picasso’s most significant works of art, it was painted in memory of the suffering experienced during the bombing of Guernica on 27 April 1937 in the Spanish Civil War.

      Founded in 1992, the Reina Sofía covers the periods that are not examined in the Prado Museum. The earliest work of art is from 1881, the same year Pablo Picasso was born.

      The building where the museum is currently housed was previously used as a hospital, Hospital de San Carlos, constructed at the end of the 18th century.

      ^The Weeping Woman with Handkerchief - Pablo Picasso, 1937
      ^Cabeza de caballo. Boceto para Guernica (Horse Head. Sketch for "Guernica") - Pablo Picasso, 1937
      ^Le gitan The Gypsy - Robert Delaunay, 1915
      ^The Great Masturbator - Salvador Dalí, 1929
      ^Les oiseaux morts (Dead Birds) - Pablo Picasso, 1912
      ^Woman dressed in blue - Pablo Picasso, 1901
      ^Back of Girl - Salvador Dali, 1926
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    • Day 11–12


      November 6, 2023 in Spain

      Si riparte per Madrid e, dopo il check in, andiamo al "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia". Dopo di che, sempre dentro il museo, abbiamo fatto una merenda e poi ci siamo lanciati nel centro città. Con la metro abbiamo raggiunto la "Puerta del Sol" e poi, passando dalla "Gran Via", abbiamo raggiunto la "Plaza de Espana" e lo Zara piu grande al mondo -tappa più che fondamentale-. Sempre in zona, abbiamo deciso di cenare e abbiamo optato per un ristorante dentro un negozio di decorazioni e accessori, "Salvador Bachiller".Read more

    • Day 5

      Reina Sofía

      September 16, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      》Probably Picasso's most famous work, Guernica is certainly his most powerful political statement, painted as an immediate reaction to the Nazi's devastating casual bombing practice on the Basque town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War.

      Guernica shows the tragedies of war and the suffering it inflicts upon individuals, particularly innocent civilians. This work has gained a monumental status, becoming a perpetual reminder of the tragedies of war, an anti-war symbol, and an embodiment of peace. On completion Guernica was displayed around the world in a brief tour, becoming famous and widely acclaimed. This tour helped bring the Spanish Civil War to the world's attention.

      This work is seen as an amalgamation of pastoral and epic styles. The discarding of color intensifies the drama, producing a reportage quality as in a photographic record. Guernica is blue, black and white, 3.5 meters (11 ft) tall and 7.8 meters (25.6 ft) wide, a mural-size canvas painted in oil. This painting can be seen in the Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid.

      ^A Few Interesting Facts of Guernica:

      1. Guernica, Picasso's most important political painting, has remained relevant as a work of art and as a symbol of protest, and it kept the memory of the Basque town's nightmare alive. While Picasso was living in Nazi-occupied Paris during World War II, one German officer allegedly asked him, upon seeing a photo of Guernica in his apartment, "Did you do that?" Picasso responded, "No, you did."

      2. Picasso's patriotism and sense of justice outweighed physical location. He had not been to Spain, the country of his birth, for several years when the Nazis bombed the Spanish town of Guernica in 1937. He was living in Paris at the time, and never returned to his birthplace to live. Nevertheless, the attack, which killed mainly women and children, shook the artist to the core.

      3. During his creation of "Guernica," Picasso allowed a photographer to chronicle its progress. Historians believe that the resulting black and white photos inspired the artist to revise his earlier colored versions of the artwork to a starker, more impactful palette.

      4. Not only did the artist use lack of color to express the starkness of the aftermath of the bombing, he also specially ordered house paint that had a minimum amount of gloss. The matte finish, in addition to the shades of grey, white and blue-black, set an outspoken yet unadorned tone for the artwork.

      5. The mural contains some hidden images. One of them is a skull, which is superimposed over the horse's body. Another is a bull formed from the horse's bent leg. Three daggers replace tongues in the mouths of the horse, the bull and the screaming woman.

      6. Two of the artist's signature images, the Minotaur and the Harlequin, figure in Guernica. The Minotaur, which symbolizes irrational power, dominates the left side of the work. The harlequin, a partially hidden component just off-center to the left, cries a diamond-shaped tear. The harlequin traditionally symbolizes duality. In the iconography of Picasso's art, it is a mystical symbol with power over life and death. Perhaps the artist inserted the harlequin to counterbalance the deaths he depicted in the mural.
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    • Day 8

      Madrid Tag 3

      June 21, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Tag 3 in Madrid
      Heute haben wir es etwas einfacher gehalten.
      Nachdem wir uns in einem Supermarkt etwas Wasser gekauft haben, haben wir uns auf die Suche nach etwas Essbarem gemacht, und ein All-you-can-eat Früchstücks Buffet gefunden.
      Nachdem wir uns Dort den Magen vollgeschlagen haben, sind wir mit dem Bus zum Kunstmuseum „Reina Sofía“ gefahren und haben uns den halben Tag das Museum angeschaut.
      Das Gebäude des Museums von aussen wat sehr schön, alt mit leichten modernen Elementen.
      Die Kunst selber war auch sehr interresant.
      Es sind Werke von Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí und Joan Miró vertreten.
      Unter anderem „Guernica“ von Picasso, welches das Leid nach einem Bombenangriff auf die Bevölkerung Spaniens im spanischen Bürgerkrieg darstellen soll, und 7,8m x 3,5m groß ist.

      Nachdem wir das Museum durchgeschaut hatten, haben wir uns auf den Weg zum Atocha-Bahnhof gemacht. Das ist der Hauptbahnhof von Madrid, er ist in 2 Teile geteilt, den alten und den neuen Bahnhof.
      Der neue Bahnhof agiert ganz normal als Bahnhof, an ihm sind wir auch angekommen.
      Der alte Bahnhof hingegen liegt direkt am neuen Bahnhof und ist ein Tropenparadies, welches auch als Warteraum für Bahnhofsgäste agiert.
      In der Halle stehen viele tropische Bäume und Pflanzen, eigentlich sollte es auch jede Menge Schildkröten geben, die waren aber irgendwie nicht da.

      Wir haben uns mit dem Bus auf den Weg zu unserem Hotel gemacht, und uns noch ein bisschen in der Innenstadt rumgetrieben.
      In der Innenstadt haben wir einen Mexikanisches Restaurant gefunden und uns dort eine Taco platte und je eine Quesadilla gegönnt.

      Mutter wollte noch unbedingt zu einem ganz bestimmten Cafe welches Churros verkauft.
      Auf dem weg dorthin hab ich mir noch einen Bubbletea gekauft.
      Die Churros waren ganz ok, laut Mama.
      Mit den Churros in der Hand, in einem Hauseingang sitzend hat es aufeinmal angefangen zu Regnen, deshalb haben wir auf den Weg ins Hotel gemacht und uns dort auf die morgige Abreise vorbereitet.
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    • Day 2

      Museo Reina Sofia

      June 9, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Eccoci pronti a visitare il Museo Reina Sofia (a quest'ora l'ingresso è gratuito e ne approfittiamo), che ha sede nell'antico Ospedale generale di Madrid e che è dedicato a tutta la produzione artistica dall'inizio del Novecento ad oggi.
      La grande attrazione del museo è la Guernica di Pablo Picasso (ovviamente impossibile da fortografare, ti sparano a vista), ma ci sono anche opere di Salvador Dalí, Joan Miró, Vassily Kandinsky, Georges Braque, René Magritte e altri artisti significativi.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Reina Sofia Museum, Museum Reina Sofía, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Nationella konstmuseet Reina Sofía

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