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    • Day 8

      Madrid Tag 3

      June 21, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Tag 3 in Madrid
      Heute haben wir es etwas einfacher gehalten.
      Nachdem wir uns in einem Supermarkt etwas Wasser gekauft haben, haben wir uns auf die Suche nach etwas Essbarem gemacht, und ein All-you-can-eat Früchstücks Buffet gefunden.
      Nachdem wir uns Dort den Magen vollgeschlagen haben, sind wir mit dem Bus zum Kunstmuseum „Reina Sofía“ gefahren und haben uns den halben Tag das Museum angeschaut.
      Das Gebäude des Museums von aussen wat sehr schön, alt mit leichten modernen Elementen.
      Die Kunst selber war auch sehr interresant.
      Es sind Werke von Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí und Joan Miró vertreten.
      Unter anderem „Guernica“ von Picasso, welches das Leid nach einem Bombenangriff auf die Bevölkerung Spaniens im spanischen Bürgerkrieg darstellen soll, und 7,8m x 3,5m groß ist.

      Nachdem wir das Museum durchgeschaut hatten, haben wir uns auf den Weg zum Atocha-Bahnhof gemacht. Das ist der Hauptbahnhof von Madrid, er ist in 2 Teile geteilt, den alten und den neuen Bahnhof.
      Der neue Bahnhof agiert ganz normal als Bahnhof, an ihm sind wir auch angekommen.
      Der alte Bahnhof hingegen liegt direkt am neuen Bahnhof und ist ein Tropenparadies, welches auch als Warteraum für Bahnhofsgäste agiert.
      In der Halle stehen viele tropische Bäume und Pflanzen, eigentlich sollte es auch jede Menge Schildkröten geben, die waren aber irgendwie nicht da.

      Wir haben uns mit dem Bus auf den Weg zu unserem Hotel gemacht, und uns noch ein bisschen in der Innenstadt rumgetrieben.
      In der Innenstadt haben wir einen Mexikanisches Restaurant gefunden und uns dort eine Taco platte und je eine Quesadilla gegönnt.

      Mutter wollte noch unbedingt zu einem ganz bestimmten Cafe welches Churros verkauft.
      Auf dem weg dorthin hab ich mir noch einen Bubbletea gekauft.
      Die Churros waren ganz ok, laut Mama.
      Mit den Churros in der Hand, in einem Hauseingang sitzend hat es aufeinmal angefangen zu Regnen, deshalb haben wir auf den Weg ins Hotel gemacht und uns dort auf die morgige Abreise vorbereitet.
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    • Day 32–33

      Von Sevilla nach Irun

      June 23 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      SEVILLA bei 25° um 9Uhr verlassen, um 12 in Madrid Atocha bei 28° den Bahnhof gewechselt nach Madrid Chambartin mit Ceranicas (Richtung El Escorial). Ca.20min.
      Nach Valladolid (Umstieg) wird dad Wetter deutlich Schlechter. Ab Vitoria Gasteiz geht es durch die wolkenverhangenen Berge/Nebel. Ankunft in San Sebastian. Bahnsteigwechsel in den Zug nach Irun 20.34Read more

    • Day 22

      Estación de Atocha

      October 4, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      At the moment there are some ongoing renovations, which makes it a bit loud and you can not see the station in all of its glory. However it is still a nice green spot to sit down and wait until your train arrives.Read more

    • Day 4

      Back in Madrid

      September 15, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      》Just outside Atocha Station...

      A pair of gigantic, realistic baby heads greet passengers. Made of bronze, they stand 3 meters (or nearly 10 feet) tall and weigh over 2 tons each. Although they may seem slightly creepy, the story behind these sculptures is a sweet one.

      The baby heads,  installed here in 2008, are the work of the Spanish artist Antonio López García. They represent “Day” (Día) and “Night” (Noche). One of them has its eyes open and the other has its eyes shut. Designed in López García’s realistic style, the meaning behind the freestanding baby heads may leave viewers scratching their own heads. But actually, both are based on the face of López García’s granddaughter Carmen, when she was only eight months old.
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    • Day 7

      Stazione di Atocha

      December 1, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Oggi piove parecchio, ma non ci scoraggiamo...
      Andiamo a vedere la stazione ferroviaria Atocha. È molto grande ed all'interno è una vera e propria sera con un'infinità di piante.
      Torniamo poi in centro per gli ultimi acquisti...Read more

    • Day 1


      January 4, 2020 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      The most common image that you see of Madrid is of a bear standing on its hind legs eating from a tree.
      This is because back in the early days bears once roamed here and ate from these trees which had small strawberry like fruit.

      Madrid is the capital and most populous city of Spain. The city has almost 3.3 million inhabitants and a metropolitan area population of approximately 6.5 million. It is the third-largest city in the European Union (EU), surpassed only by London and Berlin, and its monocentric metropolitan area is the third-largest in the EU, smaller only than those of London and Paris.
      The municipality covers 604.3 km2 (233.3 sq mi). The Madrid urban agglomeration has the third-largest GDP[14] in the European Union and its influence in politics, education, entertainment, environment, media, fashion, science, culture, and the arts all contribute to its status as one of the world's major global cities. Madrid is home to two world-famous football clubs, Real Madrid and Atlético Madrid. Due to its economic output, high standard of living, and market size, Madrid is considered the major financial centre and the leading economic hub of the Iberian Peninsula and of Southern Europe. It hosts the head offices of the vast majority of major Spanish companies, such as Telefónica, IAG or Repsol. Madrid is also the 10th most liveable city in the world according to Monocle magazine, in its 2017 index.
      The Madrid train station is a unique style of building and houses an indoor garden of palms and other plants.
      Getting around Madrid is not so easy as there are few English signs as directions.
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    • Day 11–12


      November 6, 2023 in Spain

      Si riparte per Madrid e, dopo il check in, andiamo al "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia". Dopo di che, sempre dentro il museo, abbiamo fatto una merenda e poi ci siamo lanciati nel centro città. Con la metro abbiamo raggiunto la "Puerta del Sol" e poi, passando dalla "Gran Via", abbiamo raggiunto la "Plaza de Espana" e lo Zara piu grande al mondo -tappa più che fondamentale-. Sempre in zona, abbiamo deciso di cenare e abbiamo optato per un ristorante dentro un negozio di decorazioni e accessori, "Salvador Bachiller".Read more

    • Day 3

      Atocha Botanico

      April 17, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      El Atocha es la estación de ferrocarril más importante de España. Madrid es un nudo de comunicaciones. Todas las conexiones de transporte parten de aquí y llegan hasta aquí. La antigua estación de ferrocarril del martes es ahora un jardín botánico.Read more

    • Day 23


      March 21, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      (Am posting these footprints the next morning as I fell asleep before getting to them last night. I do find I get very tired on this trip!)

      One-night stop in Madrid. Lovely area with loads of arty stuff on walls or decorative features on buildings and still lots of older buildings. Very vibrant and feels young (in a good way). Sorted some little work things and sponsorship payment for Eleanor's readathon.

      I had a beer (and plate of olives) and then had dinner at a vegan restaurant. The dinner was nice, but quite on the heavy side and I've been doing so many days where I eat only small snacks through the day that I couldn't come close to finishing it. They served a piece of bread topped with salted pickled ribbons of cucumber (so good - I could have eaten a whole plate of that cucumber) to start and then I had croquettas and I think they had a mushroomy breast filling with a vegan mayonnaise to dip in. And then I had (can't remember what it was called) a bocadillo with seitan and roast pepper with fried potato wedges and a vegan sour cream and onion dip. I think I need to be defaulting to salads or plates of roasted vegetables an not lots and lots of bread and potatoes!

      Then wandered back to the hotel room. I love walking through vibrant cities like this in the evening. Had been struggling to find somewhere to stay in Lisbon in my budget for the length of time I wanted, so needed to look at other options. I have a reservation to Badajoz, so Chris suggested looking there and saw that it looks quite nice and full of historic architecture. So I looked a bit more and saw it has a museum of contemporary art that is free entry and I found a nice looking Airbnb in my budget so booked that for a few days.

      And then pretty much went straight to sleep!
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    • Day 9

      Atoche Train station Madrid

      July 2, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      I missed my train by 3 minutes. Had to buy another ticket ...and wait 2 hours for the next departure. Oh well. Gonna look around at the shops here (and maybe get another coffee).
      Okay, so, I'm sitting at the station, just minutes before boarding, and I hear a really loud thud. A man starts screaming "Puta madre" over and over again, throwing his duffle bag. I look up and see that his train to Barcelona was leaving without him. Damn, I feel bad for him. It's the last departure for the night. Puta madre is right! I'm so glad I learned a very valuable lesson about the train/travel system here before MY trip to Barcelona!Read more

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