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    • Day 10

      Bilbao Tag 3 - Nach Gaztelugatxe

      October 2, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Tag 3 und letzter Tag in Bilbao - morgen geht es weiter. Da stand ein Besuch des Klosters Gaztelugatxe - keine Ahnung wie man das aussprechen soll - an. Ein wunderschöner Ausflug an einen wunderschönen Ort. Auf dem Weg dorthin kamen schon einige Besucher entgegen, deren Fitness wohl eher im Minusbereich zu finden ist, da sie sichtlich nach Luft rangen. Aber nach den letzten Tagen im Baskenland muss man sagen, ok war jetzt nicht ohne aber naja... Aber ich denke die Bilder sprechen für sich ein wirklich atemberaubend schöner Ausflug... Am Abend ging es dann noch in das Museum of Fine Art, bevor es dann in einer Pizzeria lecker Essen gab....Read more

    • Day 5


      June 2, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Wir besuchen zuerst die Eremitage San Juan de Gaztelugatxe. Kleines Kirchlein, tolle Aussicht, viele Stufen. Viel Schweiß 🥵 trotz der frühen Tageszeit.
      Ist ein Kraftort an dem sich Wünsche erfüllen, wenn man 13 mal die Glocke läutet. Leider kommt man an die Glocke nicht ran. 🤔

      Außerhalb vom Bilbao gibt es die Puente Colgante. Das ist eine Hängebrücke, die Autos und Passagiere über den Rio de Bilbao befördert.

      Die Altamira Höhle ist leider nur noch als Nachbau zu besichtigen.

      Und zum Abschluss noch Santanilla del mar. Ein mittelalterliches Städtchen voll von Touristen.
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    • Day 22

      San Juan de Gaztelugatxe

      July 14, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Heute haben wir San Juan de Gaztelugatxe einen zweiten Besuch abgestattet, dieses Mal hatten wir Tickets 😃.
      Zuerst ging es ein ganzes Stück bergab, in Serpentinen und trotzdem ziemlich steil. Wir konnten die Insel immer wieder sehen und hatten das Gefühl, wir kommen nicht näher.
      Nach einer kurzen Pause im Schatten und dem Fund des ersten Caches, kamen wir am Übergang zur Insel an.
      Ab hier war der Weg noch schmaler und es ging über alte Steine, erst über eine Brücke und dann eine lange Treppe nach oben zur Spitze der Insel.
      Leider konnten wir die Kirche San Juan nur von außen anschauen.
      Die Anstrengung hat sich aber auf jeden Fall gelohnt, denn der Weg ist schon einzigartig!
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    • Day 74

      Gaztelugatxeko Doniene / San Juan de Gaz

      June 16, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌩️ 20 °C

      Mitten an der baskischen Küste liegt
      die magische Felsinsel San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, welche umgarnt ist von einer beeindruckenden Kulisse. Das einsam gelegene Biotop steht unter Naturschutz und zählt zu einem der meist besuchtesten Orte dieser Region. Aufgrund der Beliebtheit wird empfohlen die Tickets für den Einlass bereits im Voraus zu buchen. Was wir natürlichen weder wussten noch gemacht haben. Also hatten wir die Wahl, die natürliche Schönheit gekrönt mit einem Kloster auf der Felsspitze von weitem zu betrachten oder 4 Tage später wieder zu kommen (da bereits alles ausgebucht war). Aufgrund des Zeitfaktors und der vielen Besucher entschieden wir uns gegen einen erneuten Besuch und bestaunen die Insel aus der Ferne.Read more

    • Day 81


      October 3, 2023 in Spain

      Im vorhinein, es ist warm, sehr warm, heute war es kurz um die 40,5 grad, wir waren am Strand und genossen es. Wir wollten eine Sehenswürdigkeit anschauen gehen, aber naja ausgebucht für eine woche..., also weiter nach dem Strand von Bakio. Der ist ganz ok, nicht mega schön oder so. Aber sehr anders als wir die letzten Strände erlebt haben. Hohe Wellen, Steil abfallender Strand, links und rechts gehen die Klippen weg, eben das Gegenstück von England. So sieht es hier auch aus, also so rund herum nur etwas tropischer, wärmer, aber sonst wirklich ähnlich.Read more

    • Day 19

      Gaztelugatxe, Spain

      June 10, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Gaztelugatxe is an islet on the coast of Biscay belonging to the municipality of Bermeo, Basque Country (Spain). It is connected to the mainland by a man-made bridge. On top of the island stands a hermitage (named Gaztelugatxeko Doniene in Basque; San Juan de Gaztelugatxe in Spanish), dedicated to John the Baptist, that dates from the 10th Century, although discoveries indicate that the date might be the 9th Century.
      The walk there was quite easy and the views spectacular. The walk back not as enjoyable as the second half of the return journey was all uphill. However, it was well worth the exhaustion!
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    • Day 8

      San Juan de Gaztelugatxe

      May 15, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Here's the lowdown on this place:…

      As the guide says: San Juan de Gaztelugatxe is connected to the mainland by a man-made stone bridge. The bridge transitions into a narrow path that contains 241 steps and zigzags its way back and forth. Once there, you will find the church which has a bell situated along the front of its facade. According to legend, after you have completed the climb, you should ring the bell three times and make a wish.

      So, I did all of those things - with a full backpack. Not quite a rest day after all! It was great to reach the top, but my favourite part was probably sitting on the rocks at bottom and looking back up at this very unusual structure.

      I'm staying in Bilbao tonight, before starting my journey to Bayonne for the Camino del Baztán.
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    • Day 45

      San Juan de Gaztelugatxe

      October 15, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Frühmorgens als Erster auf dem Weg zur Ermitage de San Juan de Gaztelugatxe. Bezaubernd.

      Die Insel sei Drehort gewesen für den Film "Game of Thrones". Ob ich mir den auch mal anschauen sollte?

    • Day 38

      Finally - Placa San Juan De Gaztelugatxe

      November 9, 2021 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      At 9:45am we left penagos, and drove 60 miles north to the coast and the town of Berango. I had checked park4night and apparently this place had everything we needed for a resupply.
      First stop was the repsol garage where we refilled with LPG and the helpful attendant told us about the repsol app called waylet that shows us where all there LPG stations are. Then it was round the corner to the erksil supermarket where they have a self service laundrette and while the washing was on we stocked up on fresh food. Then while the washing was drying we put the food away and 15 minutes later we were back on the road heading 30 miles north to the town of Bakio.
      This town has a major draw factor for me, and I specifically plotted this route to get to this place at this time of year as I missed it 2 years ago in our France trip and because it is so far over in the map I doubt I’ll ever get to come back, so to me getting here and getting this shot is a big deal.
      We arrived in Bakio around 2pm, stopped for a quick coffee as we’re the only ones in the top car park and Ellie done some research on our location.
      Placa San Juan De Gaztelugatxe is what I’ve come to shoot, but I had specific angles and locations I wanted to shoot from, now Ellie starts the research only to tell me it’s closed, and it’s been closed since January 2021 because of a landslide. But we could still get to a viewpoint. I was gutted, but I hadn’t looked yet to see what the angle was like so off we went, down a huge hill with a very steep incline and there was the viewpoint.
      It wasn’t quite the angle I was after but I got a few shots and if I get down further I might be in luck. Off we went, down a steeper hill and I could see the second viewpoint I wanted and then as we got to the bottom of the hill we were greeted with security fencing and couldn’t go any further. I was completely gutted, but I started scheming on the way back up to Wanda to see if there were any other secret paths or tracks on google maps and I thought I saw one up the top near Wanda, so that’s where we went.
      When we got there the track was 400ft up and although it did go down it was only about 8 inches wide and went down the sheer face of the cliff. If I was on my own I probably would have got my camera gear and chanced it for the shot I wanted but Ellie was with and she said no chance, but why don’t you try the drone?
      I’ve never dropped the drone lower than me before, I didn’t know what would happen. Obviously when the drone leaves me it’s at ground level, so what would happen when I flew it over the edge of the cliff, would it reassess ground level? Would it already be above the 400ft legal limit if it did reassess and drop down below? Or would I fall into negative ground level?
      I decided to risk it because, like I said this is possibly a once in a lifetime shot.
      I set the drone off, flew it out over the trees, angled the camera down to see what was underneath and then started descending, the drone fell into negative numbers. I kept on dropping until I was at the height I wanted (almost ground level), positioned the drone and camera angle where I wanted and then started shooting.
      The drone had no problems, infact I even sent it out to sea some 600ft up while I had the chance and shot some different angles. Getting it back in was a bit of a challenge guiding it inbetween the trees back to me at the edge of the cliff, but my pilots training kicked in, I knew what I needed to do and just done everything really slowly and without panicking.
      Getting back to Wanda and reviewing the images I was really pleased with the drone and myself for getting the shots and I can finally tick this place of my photography list once and for all.
      Then, we sat down for a chicken salad dinner and watched the sunset into the sea from our free camp spot on the top of the hill.
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    • Day 3

      Dragonstone - Game of thrones

      October 6, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Hoje é dia da rota de Game of Thrones já que Dragonstone que aparece em todos os episódios da 7a season foi filmado no país basco. Na realidade Dragonstone é composto por dois sítios distintos que na serie fazem um único lugar, Gaztelugatxe e praia de Itzurun onde se situa a gruta na qual John Snow extraiu o Dragonglass para matar os white walkers.
      Para chegar a Gaztelugatxe e voltar nada melhor do que fazer 6km a pé para ir e voltar nuns caminhos relativamente inclinados que nos permitirão sentir as pernas nos dias seguintes. Cortaram o acesso de carro provavelmente para proteger o sitio na que ficou muito conhecido com esta série.
      Entre estes dois sítios fizemos uma paragem para uma fotografia em Guernica y Luno para ver a obra de Picasso, Guernica, uma das obras mais famosas de Picasso (1881-1973), pintada a óleo em 1937, é uma “declaração de guerra contra a guerra e um manifesto contra a violência”. 

      Antes de passar por itzurun almoçamos uns pintxos em Mundaka, uma praia conhecida mundialmente pelo circuito de surf, por ter uma onda muito característica mas ondas nem vê-las.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Bakio, باكايو, Baquio, באקיו, Բակիո, バキオ, Бакио, Бакіо, 巴基奥

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