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    • Day 30


      September 27, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Tough walk today from Ferrol to Pontedeume. There was a fair amount of climbing during the last part of the day and absolutely beautiful views but the most difficult part for me is how depressed I get on the walk from Ferrol to Neda. There is a lot of car traffic, then walking along the military base, then the industrial area, and finally the very smelly and garbage strewn area of the bay. But for some reason it seems much more than that. It just sucks the life out of me. I had the same reaction when I did it before and this is the only route I have walked twice. Fortunately Pontedeume has the opposite effect and I had a nice place to stay and WIFI so I could write this update. I had dinner with a Chemist (Dr Christian Richard's) from the UK who has lived and worked here for 15 years and shared the history of the region. I also had a wonderful fish dinner with a huge appetizer of cheeses, salami, cured ham, and churizo. I could only eat one of the two large fish filets and the total with tax was $9!Read more

    • Day 233

      Van Life

      August 19, 2021 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Sommer, Sommer, Sommer- fast jeden Tag kann ich surfen. Große, kleine, mini Wellen.
      Außgerechnet bei den Mini Wellen reißt mir die Gopro aus der Halterung als meine Leash im Shore Break reißt und mein Board alleine zum Strand surft. Ich Body surfend hinterher. Dummerweise war gerade High Tide und ich Schredder mit dem Kopf über den Sand, als mich die Welle auf den Sand wirft.

      Schade, waren echt gute Aufnahmen vom Surfen drauf😂

      Kommt langsam Einiges zusammen an Material Schaden. 1x Gopro Verlust, 3x Leash gerissen, 1x SUP Delaminiert, 1x Longboard Finne verloren, 3x Werkstatt mit dem Auto.

      Was soll's - Bisher konnte ich ja viel Geld für Übernachtungskosten sparen. Somit kann ich auf diese Weise mein Geld in den Kreislauf der Wirtschaft zurück geben.

      Mal gewinnt man, mal verliert man😊

      Es gab wieder Tage mit großen Wellen. Macht auch Spaß, gibt nur leider keine Video Beweise.

      Dafür hatte ich Wunderschöne Ausblicke wenn ich Aufwache und Mega Sun Sets zum Abend. Nette Begegnungen mit Menschen und Tieren.

      Ich habe immernoch viel Spaß und genieße weiter.

      Hasta pronto
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    • Day 30


      September 27, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      There were quite a bit of short hills today and thankfully a lot of shade. There was a very steep long hill near the end of the day but fortunately there was not any rain. The albergue actually has a washer and dryer so my clothes will be good and clean! Fortunately the albergue doesn't close until 10:00 since there is no place that offers dinner before 8pm and most are 8:30. I made a visit to the church of Santo Domingo in Betanzos and it is gorgeous inside including a sculpture of a Pilgrim above the tabernacle. I wonder who it is.Read more

    • Day 6


      August 21, 2021 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      My longest day so far with 25 k walking. I kept on running into the guys and spent some time talking with Alejandro, who wanted to practice his English for his job. The walk was a real roller coaster ride and I one point we got down to a beach and then up steep hill like at the biginning of today's walk in Pontedeume

      I also had lunch again courtesy of another Camino angel. It was a nice spot nestled amongst the trees in a eucalyptus forest. It was perfect timing because I had another hard up hill slog just before I came up on the food.

      I also tied my shell back on my backpack. The knot had become undone as I was leaving breakfast, Perigrinos tie on a scallop shell to show they are pilgrims. And there are.many places to get one including stands on the way where you can pick up a shell and leave a donation.

      I crossed a Roman bridge today. There are still scattered around the countryside from when Spain was a Roman colony.

      Betanzos is a small pretty hilly midieval city. When you enter through the old gates the way markers point to the left and another steep uphill walk. What a surprise! I found out later after I went out to explore that if I had turned right streets are less steep, and I could have meandered back to the place I was going. Lots of beautiful small Gothic churches too.
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    • Day 7

      Ruhetag in Betanzos

      July 9, 2021 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Betanzos hatte ich bis zur Planung gestern überhaupt nicht auf dem Schirm. Wunderschöne kleine Stadt irgendwo im nirgendwo, die Unterkunft aus dem Camino Reiseführer ist unschlagbar günstig mit 15€ die Nacht. Deshalb habe ich mir hier auch meinen Tag Pause gegönnt. Und das Wetter ist hier besser als in jeder Wetter App angezeigt.Read more

    • Day 5

      Pontedeume to Betanzos

      May 6, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      We got off to a cracking start with an extravagant breakfast of fresh orange juice, toast, two types of jam, a huge croissant, some cheese and finally several slices of cake! Not the usual black coffee and vamos.

      Even though our lodgings gave us a head start it was still a good slog out of Pontedeume. We met up with two American pilgrims and casual conversation had the miles slipping by. So much so that we completely missed the 3km detour to Igrexa San Miguel de Breamo. Next time ( perhaps )

      For the first time we had extended walking on pleasant earth paths through open woodland. Eventually a steep descent brought us down to Ponte Baxoi and a welcome cold drink at a great cafe. From here we skirted the golf course on the outskirts of Mino then over a 14 century bridge commissioned by Fernán Pérez de Andrade 'The Good'.

      We then descended fairly uneventfully into Mino where we left the Americans. Mino was a busy town and by now the sun had risen along with the temperature. Now the long slog began

      First up alongside the Mino estuary to the oddly named Ponte de Porco. As you'll see from the picture, there was a statue of a pig. We rambled along more tarmac until we came to the medieval Ponte Lambre.

      Then we went up. And up. And up.

      I ran out of water but begged some from an elderly chap doing what elderly chaps do best. Messing about in a shed. He said it came from high in the mountains and I could believe him. Cold and sweet.

      On we trudged looking for shade under anything we could find.

      At last we arrived at Igrexa San Martin de Tiobre. A "beautiful 12th century romanesque church with exquisite corbels, tympanum and motifs". It was shut.

      Just to add to the misery, we now started to plummet down towards Betanzos. We had a chance for a break when we found the church of Nsa. Sra. Do Camiño open. A quiet and cool spot to recollect ourselves before the bustle of Bezantos. An elderly lady began the ascent towards the church. She looked every inch the Spanish widow, all in black with a medal of St. Benedict around her neck.

      Arriving we crossed the Río Mandeo using the handsome medieval bridge Puente Viejo and into the town via an arched gate. Then we went up again. In fact the whole of Betanzos seems to be built on a thimble with roads pouring down from it.

      I was struggling by now and paused to gather myself. Hearing a familiar voice to my left I turned and found Christof tackling a platter of pulpo. At this point we realised we were outside our rooms for the evening. A quick check in and we were sat with our fellow pilgrim dining on a Betanzos tortilla. All runny and gooey, we'd been told in Pazo da Merced that they were some of the best in Spain. I'd not argue with that.

      We had a choice of churches for Mass. The Igrexa San Francisco was at 19:30 but the Igrexa de Santa María do Azouge pipped them to the post with an advertised time of 19:00. There was also the prospect of a pilgrims blessing. That swung it.

      However, come 19:00, we kicked off with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Followed by Benediction. Followed by a continuation of a novena to Our Lady of Fatima. Then Mass. After Mass we had a continuation of a novena to San Roque. Finally we were called forward for a pilgrims blessing. Just to add to the Catholic element of all this, there was a collection. A couple of hours kneeling on hard wooden kneelers. Ah well.

      Back to the rooms for an early night. The Southward march continues tomorrow.
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    • Day 7

      Planung Etappe 3

      July 9, 2021 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Geplant habe ich für morgen 11km, gefühlt werden daraus bestimmt wieder 20km. Und da die ersten beiden Etappen für mich das maximum waren und der Reiseführer von noch höheren und noch längeren Etappen spricht, will ich es ruhiger angehen und teile mir die Etappen kleiner ein. Auch wenn das bedeutet das ich in verlasseneren Gegenden übernachten muss. Ausserdem rechne ich mit wesentlich mehr Sonne und will morgen noch früher starten. Und ich plane gezwungenermaßen meine Erste Übernachtung in einer Alberge. Buen Camino.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Betanzos, بيتانزوس, بتانسوس, Բետանսոս, ベタンソス, Бетанзос, Бетансос, 贝坦索斯

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