Just breathe
June 15 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 18 °CGisteravond laat kreeg ik van mijn Argentijnse roommate, type Diego M. een paar oordopjes. Vannacht wist ik waarvoor ze waren: SNURKEN! Kortom een gebroken nacht. Voor 8 uur zat ik op de fietse. EenRead more
Gisteravond laat kreeg ik van mijn Argentijnse roommate, type Diego M. een paar oordopjes. Vannacht wist ik waarvoor ze waren: SNURKEN! Kortom een gebroken nacht. Voor 8 uur zat ik op de fietse. EenRead more
Zo zeg, weer ingecheckt in een albergue, ja op een slaapzaal met stapelbedden, ik lig beneden... maar hoe begon mijn dag..... vanochtend na een heel licht ontbijtje om 08.40 uur op de pedalen. MijnRead more
Such an early start today - up at 5am for a 6am start!! It's probably the 1st and last time we do that! 😬
The walk today was quite blah out of Leon through the burbs. We decided to take theRead more
I’ve been walking through increasingly hilly terrain, a big change from the Meseta. There was a wonderful “hippie oasis” along the way, called El Jardin de Alma. They had a huge assortment ofRead more
We have left the flat plains behind us. The roads were very long and the focus on this part of the journey was more mind over matter. Now we head back into more arid and mountainous terrain. We nowRead more
San Martin del Camino to Astorga
Day 25 - 24 km
What a fabulous days walk! The first few kms were beside the highway, but before long we were back on our beautiful trail 👣 which led us up andRead more
Left Villadagos for Astorga. 28 km's. Having hiked 33 km's the day before was very surprised that I was able to get 28 in today. After arriving we sat down for a quick lunch. After went straight toRead more
Today was one of our best walks. Everything just seemed to be right. A lovely cold, crisp morning. The sun rises directly behind us so the lighting in the early morning is stunning. The beginning ofRead more
Chemin de Compostelle 28/40
Étape #. 21. Camino francés « San Martin del Camino à Astorga ». Kilomètres parcourus 25 km. Cumulatif : 742,1 km, moyenne 24,18km par jour. Étapes restantes avantRead more
Leon to San Martin del Camino
Day 24 -25km
It was a lovely day for a walk today. We woke up to beautiful blue skies again. Leaving Leon at 8 we passed by the Cathedral for one final look then wentRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Bustillo del Páramo, Bustillo del Paramo
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