Carrión de los Condes

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    • Dzień 22–23

      D21- Villarmentero de la Vega to Calzadi

      3 czerwca, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      384 km (238.6 miles) total walked. 383km to go.
      Today we had a light breakfast in the albergue before heading off for our 27km day. We thought we would stop and have an early morning coffee at the first town, Villalcazar de Sirga, however nothing was open so on we walked to Carrión de las Condes. This was the 10km mark and between this town and Calzadilla de la Cueza is 17km with no services or water. The meseta can be challenging mentally as the scenery doesn’t change. We are pretty much walking between farmland with crops of wheat, rye and barley on either side of our track. The walk today was relatively flat with a few small hills but out in the open with no shade. For a while we had a cool wind behind us but it turned quite warm as we got closer to our destination. We did get a nice surprise when halfway along this stretch there was a coffee van set up with refreshments. We were running short of water and wondering how much further we had to go when all of a sudden the town just appeared in front of us. Nice cold beers all round. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 17–18

      Day 16 to Carrión de los Condes

      22 maja, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Cold morning... flat road... this would've been great to run! So therefore I decided to take it super slow... contemplating life & stuff... 20km alone... was good though. The aim is to not arrive in the next town before lunch... cause then it's just too long to hang...

      Saw 2 runners... and felt a bit jealous.

      Came to a crossroad where you can either go left or right... I took the right hand side arrow and glad I did... was stunning under trees and next to a river... the Left side is next to a road!

      Saw the lady with injured knee again... she does not give up!
      Met 3 young cyclists from Spain last night and they flew past today! Having a total jol!

      Ps. Saw Michael (from Pamplona) in the Supermarcado... I think there's a sweet love developing!!! (Between him and young Korean girl... looks like they're hanging together)

      Pss. Met Miguel from Muxia!! His first Camino
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    • Dzień 26–27

      Carry on to Carrion

      31 maja, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌬 68 °F

      We enjoyed a somewhat liesurly morning at the hotel. We were so happy to have scrambled eggs and fruit and coffee and we're really in no hurry today. We opted to shave a few kilometers off of our trip by getting a taxi to drop us off on the alternative route so we could walk along the river with tree canopy. The cold breeze dropped the temperature by over 10° today on the Meseta, keeping us cool as we walked towards Carrion.

      We lingered for a lunch break in the small village of Villacazar, enjoying refreshments with fellow Pilgrims. Trina and Cheryl spent some time in the 13th century Romanesque cathedral. I hung out in the square underneath the tent and enjoyed the fresh air. We walked another 6 km on the somewhat souledd "sendas" or paths along the roadway until we hit our destination. We walked about 12 k today, and are now about 405 miles to Santiago... Depending on what guide or road sign you believe.

      Our hotel welcome was less than welcoming, as I entered the lobby I was "greeted" by a self-check-in machine portal that required me to give all my reservation details, insert my passport, and more. I was having a bit of a time with it until Trina got here because I could not complete it without each other's information to check in. Is this what guest services is coming to? After multiple failures, and words of encouragement from fellow pilgrims who somehow got someone to get them inside, Trina arrived and we succeeded!

      Trina went out to the rooftop pool to bask in the warm sunshine, complete with new age music. I went down to the neighboring square and had a glass of wine and a conversation with my temper and lack of patience for automated technology in hospitality. I also talked to some friends, then decided to go relax by the pool instead of listening to the singing nuns, a big Camino Attraction happening soon

      Now as I sit in the sunshine, I remind myself of the wonderful day that we have had, with warm blue skies, puffy white clouds, beautiful fields and a nice cold breeze. I imagine summer pilgrims do not get to have this version of the Meseta. Lucky us. We have everything we need.
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    • Dzień 19

      Carrion de los condes

      Wczoraj, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      We started later (7am) today as it was grey skies and about 10c cooler which suits me fine. Fiona's hands turned white though and she has spent most of the day cold.
      The walk was flat and took us along an ancient canal with lots of birdsong, which you can identify with an app called Merlin. Then across more wheat fields through a couple of dead villages, one with an amazing church with knights templar tombs and 15th century carvings.
      My feet and knees decided that today they would ache and the last few kilometers were hard. The changing insole trick didn't fool them. However, most people are far worse off and a couple of our camino 'friends' are giving up or taking rest days because of blisters. Thank you Hoka trainers, and Michael my nhs podiatrist!
      Carrion is a nice town and we have a private room tonight which means sheets, towels and a bathroom instead of a hostel bed. We had a nice lunch in the busiest restaurant, and then at 6 went to see the singing nuns. A thing where people share where they are from, why they are walking and sing non religious songs with nuns. It reminded me of school in Cádiz, as the nuns were just as lovely. Anyway, a bit special and hard to explain. I went for a walk afterwards on my own and ended up having beers with a bunch of people we have met over the last few days.
      The photo of the man on the bike with an umbrella is my picture for my drawing project today. Day 370 of daily drawing.
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    • Dzień 16

      in Carrión de los Condes

      25 kwietnia 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      Following my longest day, i had a short day - only about 13 miles. Still, i did not feel well, not just physically, but also unmotivated. I simply did not want to walk today. Walking 13 mi when there’s not even an ounce in you that wants to do it is nearly an unmatched mental challenge 😂. But now I am in Carrión (which is at the 400km mark i think), staying in a 4 star hotel that used to be a monastery that my mom booked for me saying it was her favorite stay on the Camino, so all is well. :) also in choosing my pics, i realized I didn’t take a lot today. I think I begrudgingly stomped my way here all 13 miles and forgot to enjoy it. 😅 Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 77

      Fazit der 11. Woche

      4 czerwca 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Eigentlich wollte ich ein wenig klagen. Heute Morgen hatte ich etwas den Wegkoller. Wir hatten eine enge Unterkunft, unruhige Pilger und dazu schlechte Luft im Raum. Ich hatte das Gefühl dass meine Kleider alle stinken trotzdem ich immer wieder von Hand wasche. Nach der Ankunft und einer Siesta sind wir in die Stadt gegangen um einen Kaffee zu trinken und da haben wir völlig überraschend Ellen getroffen. Das letzte Mal haben wir sie in Moissac getroffen. Eine Schweizerin aus Chur.
      Wir haben uns sehr gefreut. Dann hat sie mir ihre Geschichte und den Grund für den Jakobsweg anvertraut.
      In zehn Tagen jährt sich der Todestag ihres Mannes zum zweiten Mal. Sie waren über 35 Jahre zusammen und haben gemeinsame Kinder. Er starb an einem Herzinfarkt in ihrem Beisein. Sie will nun einen Stein vom Grab ihres Mannes beim Eisenkreuz hinterlegen, um ihn loslassen zu können. Sie will ihr Gewissen, nicht genug für ihn getan zu haben, entlasten. Sie will die Bilder in ihrem Kopf loslassen, im Wissen dass er immer bei ihr sein wird. Und ich Kleingläubiger jammere über meine Kleider……., dabei laufen mir Tränen die Wangen runter.
      Tragt Sorge zu Euch und lebt zufrieden und dankbar!
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    • Dzień 21–22

      Day 18 FromistaDay 19 CarrionDeLosCondes

      28 kwietnia, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      On Day 18 we woke up to a surprise ascent that reminded us of the Pyrenees. A 26 km day that included a walk by the old canal into Fromista. Alot of churches have stork nests on their steeples, I've only seen that here in N.Spain.
      Day 19 was a flat 20 km straight line day that had us checking into our church municipal hostel run by the Sisters of Charity - it will be a warm sleep as the sisters won't shut the heat at 10pm🙏
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    • Dzień 16

      Albergue Espíritu Santo

      7 sierpnia 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      All albergues in Carrión have some connection with a church. The place is full of churches!
      But this isn't like the parochial albergue I stayed at in Grañón, which had basic facilities and was by donation. This one has a set price, and it is very clean, spacious and comfortable inside.
      I had read good reviews about it and I was coming straight here. Jan followed and is here too. Without having arranged it, Milka, Svenia and the Belgians also ended up in the same place, and Carol as well - plus other people I don't know.
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    • Dzień 30

      Day 21 - Carrión de los Condes

      26 września 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌙 73 °F

      Today was our longest hiking day of our trip, and it seemed easier than the last long hike we had earlier. We have two more long hike days, but they are in the last ten days. The hike was over 16 miles, and we started at a 6:45am. The sunrise here is at 8:05am. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 18

      Day 18

      10 września 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Fair to say I woke up feeling a bit tired this morning.. I’m no party popper and I love a good band!… but!.. 3am really is kind of late to finish playing… especially when I’m getting up soon after 6.. but hey ho…
      Waiting to go into breakfast .. it’s always a busy one.. a guy that had said hello last night at dinner, asked if I was going the whole distance… I said I was, asked if he was, he asked where I’d started, I said St John, asked where he had… he said Germany!! I sort of blurted / squeaked out WHAT 😮.. he then asked if he could join me for breakfast!! Feeling a tad rude about my response, I said yes of course!!😬
      Turns out, Norbert, from Bavaria, set off walking from Germany, to do the Camino!! He’s a bit tired ( really??!! ) and had lots if blisters.. but hoping to finish by the end of September as he’s flying back on 2nd October.. what a guy!!! I imagine I’ll catch up with him again ( he’s said he’s stayed in a few of the same places as me up to now??!.. who knew?! ) .. he’s staying in a monastery tonight and I’d love to hear about it.
      He must have seen my three legs on my rucksack as he seemed to know I was from the Isle of Man, and said it had always been a dream of his to have raced the TT, but it just hadn’t worked out.. what a small world we live in..
      The walk today wasn’t actually all that interesting, but it was just a fabulous morning to be out walking and appreciating how lucky I am to have the health and fitness to be able to do, and enjoy this walk. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and it was just a feel good morning!
      If I’m totally honest, I had very low expectations of where I was to finish today, but, it’s a really lovely place, small, but absolutely vibrant and just so different from the last two places.
      It’s a little bit sad, but I got seriously excited that I count do laundry here too!! Showered, changed, laundry sorted, I went off for a wander around.. yep!! I ended up in a bar with a beer watching the last 59km of the penultimate stage if the Vuelta!
      My dinner this evening was at a different location to where I was staying…. VEGETABLES!! YES!!i had the most amazing plate of vegetables…I’m so hy.. it really is the small things…
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