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    • Dag 4


      13. juni 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 39 °C

      Als je in Cordoba bent, moet je de Mesquita moskee gezien hebben. Een mooi indrukwekkend bouwwerk. Begonnen als een moskee en tweemaal flink uitgebreid. Daarna hebben de katholieken er nog een kerk opgezet. De toren kan ook beklommen worden, maar in verband met de hitte hebben we daar van afgezien.Læs mere

    • Dag 16–19

      Cordoba, southern Spain

      23. maj, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      A day and a half wandering the old Jewish quarter of Cardoba. Very scenic and a manageable number of tourists.
      Temperatures mid to high 20s in the afternoon and shops shutting 3 to 6 pm. Siesta time, so when in Spain.....
      Loved this place with its mix of old and new, and cheap 🍷!
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    • Dag 17

      Cordoba in the Sun...

      24. maj, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      A day just cruising the district. Nothing special on the agenda. Googled our way between some highlights, which is working brilliantly. My skills are next level now!
      We even checked in by Bluetooth to this apartment, which went smoothly once we realized we were on 1st floor, not second! Every place, booking, has a different system it seems which requires upskilling. Thank goodness we're using a Spanish sim with oodles of data available.
      Very impressed with the hydraulic engineering in the Roman baths. They used the smoke discharge from the furnace (heating the water) to heat all the floors and walls via ducts under the floor. Not bad for 30 BC.
      We're learning a new skill, studying bidet 101. ( sorry, no pictures) We've been horrified they don't like flushing toilet paper, instead providing a bin. Bidets are common, so grudgingly, I have put butt to seat. Enough said.
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    • Dag 38

      Last day in Córdoba and the south

      17. maj, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Another lovely day. We met Omnia at 9, had breakfast and headed off towards the Jewish quarter again, hoping to beat the crowds in the narrow streets…and we did..very successful - we found the synagogue which is hard when tour groups are blocking the way, very old and interesting - only one of the 3 synagogues left in Spain. Then we went to the Alcázar of the Christian kings…another big fortress, but not Arabic style. And no long queue to get in, though quite a lot of people and school groups, and we got in free - being jubilados- retired!! It was a good visit, and a tower to climb with great views (and not so high that it was a huge effort to climb). Then that led on to the alcazar gardens which were almost the highlight. Beautifully laid out, the ubiquitous orange trees, sculpted cypresses, and others - flowers in bloom, and importantly the fountains were founting - the look of them and the tinkling of the water is such a pleasure - calming and beautiful. Then visited the Khalifa baths (also free jubilados)…ruins from the Islamic period.

      So a lovely morning, and we stopped for bocadillos and coffee/colacao and a break. Then back on the trail to wander some more and find interesting places. Omnia parted from us after a while to do her own things, and Amr and I pursued the churches listed as good to visit and on the list with the Mesquita ticket…but only found one open, a lovely one, but after that they all seemed to be having a siesta…but we had fun wandering in different streets from our usual circuit, and where normal Cordoba residents seemed to be living and having their normal lives….stopped for another refreshment and back in room for downtime.

      Still perfect weather, doesn’t get too hot. Clouds floating around, but no imminent rain and mostly sunny. Amr is suffering terribly from spring allergies which is driving him mad with an annoying cough and runny nose and we hope this will improve tomorrow when we go to Madrid. It has only been since we came south, and this time last year he was fine in Madrid…so here’s hoping. Meeting Omnia at 7 for our last dinner here, then get a train late tomorrow morning back to Madrid.

      …I had published, but just have to add that we had the most perfect dinner! Amr and I had seen areas off the tourist track which looked fun and when we went there at about 7.30 all was a bit quiet, but we decided to sit at one place and try…and had a drink and asked for menu and it was different from the usual things we had kept having…still Spanish style but with little twists…Spanish fusion? Anyway, it was amazing, and such a lovely end to our Córdoba experience…by the time we left, people were queuing up and waiting for us to pay and leave…such luck and a perfect evening!
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    • Dag 37

      Lovely day in Córdoba

      16. maj, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      It is my birthday and has been an excellent day, and it hasn’t finished yet. We met Omnia for a leisurely breakfast around 8.30 in the little bakery attached to, but not part of, the hotel. Then we set off walking, via the tourist info which gave us a better map, and we discovered that our Mesquita tickets also qualify us for entrance to many churches dotted around the town. And it doesn’t have to be today…perfect.

      There are many little narrow streets, and flowers and courtyards, so pretty. We wandered down to the river, and walked over the Roman bridge and up the tower at the end, which is a museum plus a lovely view from the not very high top. We then walked through the old Jewish area, which was quite crowded - round the bridge, the Jewish quarter, the Mesquita and the alcazar is where the hordes go, but still not quite as confronting as Seville and Granada. And the weather remains kind - the same cool to start, and never getting too hot…

      Stopped for refreshments- croquetas - this time with prawn and spinach - and then went to the Mesquita for our 2pm time slot…we had bought tickets online, but of course found out today that for this we could have got them on the spot!! Oh well…it was easy. And very popular…many many people, but this is such a vast area it doesn’t feel too crowded. It was built as a huge mosque in 788 AD with many columns, and when the Christians overthrew the Arabs they turned it into a huge cathedral in the 1200s. It is an extraordinary building, with the columns and lamps like a mosque, then you find a gothic cathedral structure all amongst it. Fortunately they kept a lot the beautiful Islamic decoration…it is a huge area, and there are chapels all around the edge. It is hard to describe, and impossible to take photos that capture the whole, but of course we all attempt to.

      After that, Omnia had her own wander looking at the very interesting shops and streets, and we did our own wander, ending up with downtime back at hotel. Getting ready for birthday evening!

      …Now just, and it’s after 11..late! But we had a remarkable evening. First we went to the concert we had seen a notice about at the Conservatorio Superior de Musica - featuring saxophonists. So we thought might be fun…it was free, and obviously was students practising their performing… but they were good…it went for a little over an hour, and at first I was happy, but not enthralled, but then it pepped up, and they did a version of the Tchaikovsky serenade for strings arranged for 11 saxophones, some Manuel de Falla ending with the ritual fire dance, and an encore of a Brahms Hungarian dance!! Didn’t think I’d ever hear them played by saxophonists! They were good, and got riotous applause from (I think) fellow students…Amr took a short video of the encore - (not forbidden at this sort of concert!) it isn’t in focus, but you can get a sense of the fun!

      Then we went to a restaurant where we had booked for 9.30. Really good…not posh, but obviously popular and delicious food. At that hour it was still busy, but tourists had left by then…more people walked in after us…no problem, kitchen still busy. Lovely birthday evening!
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    • Dag 20

      Baena to Castro del Rio

      22. februar, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      D: Today was an easy 20 km stretch, although a bit heavy on paved surfaces. We made the acquaintance of a large dog whose job is to protect the sheep, although he was willing to tolerate our picnic under the olive trees as long as we were willing to share our tortilla patata with him.

      We had a lovely menu del dia with perigrino Hieu, who unfortunately must stop walking today. See you on the Forum, Hieu!

      G: olijven olijven, rupsen en olijven. Hieu en wij delen een prachtig verhaal over een hond, de commotie, de ontknoping,en plot twist en een goede afloop. Maar het is te lang voor nu, dat verhaal houden jullie van mij tegoed.
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    • Dag 40

      Day 29: Baena to Castro del Río

      2. juni 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Day 29, from Baena to Castro del Río, 21.3km.
      If there's one bar you should visit on leaving Baena, it's the Al Lío bar. The friendly owner offers pilgrims a sello.
      A large mojón showed us the way out of Baena. it's bitumen road, but fortunately the traffic isn't too bad.
      After 2km, we took a gravel road. Unfortunately, this only lasted 4km.
      The rest of the stage is on sealed roads, with hardly any verges. Fortunately, the only people on this road are farmers on their way to their olive groves.
      At the eighth kilometre, we crossed the bridge over the Río Guadajoz. This bridge replaced another, which was not destroyed, and offered us a place to take a break.
      The only distraction on the rest of the route is the river, which meanders across the plain, and a few rural activities, such as a goat farm.
      Before reaching Castro del Río, there are olive tree nurseries. With all these young olive trees, the olive oil industry is not likely to disappear any time soon.
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    • Dag 30


      29. september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Feines Schlafplatzer 😜
      Hier starten wir auch unsere Safari Tour inklusive Löwenfütterung und Geparden Rennen. Michi tut sich beim schalten mit einer jetzt echt schwer. Aber wir werden es wohl zusammen schaffen!Læs mere

    • Dag 41

      Day 30: Castro del Río to Santa Cruz

      3. juni 2023, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Day 30, from Castro del Río to Santa Cruz, 19.4km.
      We spent the night at the Hostal A Ka La Sole, which is to the north-west side of the town, and very close to the Camino. A few steps and we were out of town.
      The "official" stage from Castro del Río to Santa Cruz passes through Espejo. The only thing that bothered us about this stage was that just before you get to Santa Cruz, you have to cross a bridge over the Río Guadajoz on the N-432, the Carretera de Córdoba. We've crossed this bridge twice in the past, in a bus, and we've seen the traffic that crosses it. So we didn't want to take any risks crossing that bridge.
      We had picked up tracks by another pilgrim who had taken another route in April 2022, which did not cross the Río Guadajoz at any point. So we chose this option.
      The short climb out of Castro del Río is a gravel road, and we had a great view of the town. On the other side of the hill, we could now see other crops: cereals and chickpeas.
      After 4.5km, we had to take the A-309 for 700 metres. The verge is wide, so there's nothing to worry about. Then we took a country road, not at all busy, given the state of the bitumen. Here, olive trees grow in tight rows.
      A little over 3km later, we took a dirt track that lead us through fields of sunflowers, cereals and olive groves. It's a very varied path, with lots of short ups and downs. We even had the pleasure of seeing the Río Guadajoz.
      A puddle on this path reminded us that it would be a nightmare to walk on this path after a lot of rain.
      The route we took is in fact part of the long stage from Castro del Río to Córdoba. At the junction with the CV-271, a small country road with no traffic, we left the Camino, ignoring the yellow crosses, and followed the road towards Santa Cruz.
      When we reached the area where there is a Roman bridge, the Puente de Fontalba, we couldn't resist seeing it. It didn't take us long to cross the olive grove to get to it! The bridge was probably built in the 1st century AD.
      Back on the road, we came across some arrows, which led us to believe that this road to Santa Cruz was part of the Camino in the past.
      We're staying at the Hostal La Bartola.
      Tomorrow it's going to be hot. We'll have to decide whether to walk the 26km without shade or water, or take the bus to Córdoba.
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    • Dag 3


      5. januar, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Une belle étape avec une arrivée dans la ville de Cordoba vers 13h30.
      Après un repas dans un joli parc, petit tour de la ville. Nous devons alterner entre vélo et pieds car il y a beaucoup de monde. Direction la mosquée-cathédrale qui est juste magnifique.
      La recherche du bivouac elle a été bien compliquée... Et nous a rajouté 7km de montée pour au final nous installer dans un champ d'oliviers au bord de la route 😅
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    Cordoba, Córdoba, _Andalusia

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