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    • Dia 5

      Geizig und bequem...

      1 de janeiro de 2017, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      ...diese Kombi wurde heute bestraft 😕.
      Mein Flieger geht morgen früh 6:00 Uhr, auch wenn ich bereits online eingecheckt und kein Gepäck abzugeben habe, sollte man ca. eineinhalb Stunden vor Abflug am Airport sein, man weiß nie wie groß der Stau beim Sicherheitscheck ist und der Airport in Barcelona ist groß, da läuft man unter Umständen ein Stück bis zum Gate.
      Also dachte ich mir, spar die Kosten für das Hotel (Geiz), fahr kurz nach Mitternacht mit dem letzen Shuttle Bus zum Airport. Suche mir dort ein gemütliches Plätzchen und mach die Augen zu bis der Flieger geht (manchmal vergesse ich wie alt ich bin und das mein Körper ein wenig Bequemlichkeit braucht). Deshalb war das Hotel nur bis heute gebucht.
      Irgendwie hab ich es mir vor 14 Tagen dann doch anders überlegt (wie vernünftige), fand die zu überbrückende Zeit in der Nacht dann doch heftig. Also doch noch ne Übernachtung buchen. Blöd, mein Hotel war ausgebucht 😕.
      Also für die letzte Nacht eine andere Herberge, diesmal in der Altstadt, ein Katzensprung vom Palau de la Música Catalana entfernt, dort habe ich heute Abend noch etwas vor.
      Also heute morgen auschecken und der Rucksack muss mit. Ich hätte sicher fragen können, ob ich ihn später abholen kann oder ihn schon im neuen Hotel unterstellen können, die meisten Hotels haben dafür einen Raum und bieten das an. Ich war aber zu bequem/faul da hin und her zu kutschen, also mitgenommen. Sieben Kilo, ich weiß jetzt, warum der Typ, als ich mir den Rucksack nur ansehen wollte (hatte kein Gefühl für 40l), so auf einem passenden Hüftgurt und der Rückenlänge rumgehackt hat. Ich wollte doch nur nen Rucksack, der bei den meisten Airlines als Handgepäck durchgeht.
      Der Hüftgurt hatte heute Premiere und ich war so dankbar dafür. Der setzt das Gewicht auf die Hüften und es hängt nicht an den Schulter. Einen stillen Dank an den geduldigen Verkäufer, Frau lernt nie aus.
      Von der U-Bahn bis zum Park sind es 1,4 km sehr, sehr, sehr steil bergauf (mein Schrittzähler sagt, ich hab 19 Stockwerke überwunden).
      Solltet ihr den Weg jemals gehen, denkt daran, wie ich mich mit meinen sieben Kilo auf dem Buckel gefühlt hab.
      Lehrgeld für heute. In Zukunft sollte ich das besser überdenken und planen. Bin jetzt aber froh, dieses Bett noch zu haben, für ein wenig Schlaf und ne Dusche.

      PS: Den Brustgurt am Rucksack fand ich viel interessanter. Der hat in der Schnalle eine integrierte Trillerpfeife. Das fand Frau oder das Kind in mir viel spannender 😂😉. Habe sie schon ausprobiert, zu Hause, funktioniert 😉👍🏻😂.
      Wenn ich im Großstadtdschungel verloren gehe oder mir jemand was am Kopf tun will, kann ich pfeifen 👍🏻.
      Jetzt sitzen hoffentlich alle mit einem breiten Grinsen da... und ich gehe zum Abendprogramm mit Kultur über.
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    • Dia 76

      Escola Baldiri Reixac

      12 de novembro de 2018, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      An elementary school located in the middle of Antonio Gaudí’s Parc Güell. Imagine having your school day observed by over 3 million visitors each year. At least the grounds are inspiring. I learned that the older students work on English presentation and conversation skills to be able to interact and share information with the tourists who walk through the park.
      (Sorry, this is a repost - Geoff)
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    • Dia 4

      Are you insta-ready?

      10 de junho de 2019, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      On Monday evening we had booked tickets to enter the ticketed area of Parc Guell. We'd briefly visited the Parc on Saturday afternoon but realised that we would have to come back in order to see all we really wanted to.

      For me, Parc Guell was important as it was the iconic images of the two ginger-bread house style buildings and the curved mosaic wall that had been my image of Barcelona for as long as I could remember. I needed to see it from all the best angles in order to recreate the shot I'd seen time and time again on postcards and travel guides. This brings me neatly to my main theme of insta-readiness.

      Let's start at the beginning. Since the dawn of the handheld camera, it rapidly became the norm for people to take holiday snaps and capture a snapshot in time of themselves in a place of significance. As a photographer I've always seen the importance of documenting moments, recording them for the sake of history and for the recollection of memories in later life. Then came the phone camera and at around the same time social media and the dreaded 'selfie'. Whilst selfies are still popular, since the advent of Instagram, a new form of photography appears to have emerged and it's an obsession with getting an insta-worthy shot. This can't be just a standard snap of you stood in front of a landmark nor a handheld selfie. Oh no. A lot of thought goes into an Instagram shoot. Follow any of the big instagrammers and you'll know this, as often they'll provide behind the scenes videos and shots detailing how they got 'the money shot'. As a side note, the term 'money shot' is a term coined by the film industry and is the shot that really makes the film and therefore is considered to be the one that will bring in all the money. It can also mean the shot that cost a disproportionate amount of the films budget to create. My point here is that these insta 'money shots' aren't made to make money. However, often they may depict individuals in locations they've paid a lot of money to get to and know they've only got one shot to get this image! Regardless, the shots aren't to make money, they're made for 'likes'.

      You can spot an instagrammer by the following attributes: they will have planned their outfit and it will perfectly compliment their surroundings in terms of style and colour; they will have a photographer (it can simply be a trusty friend - the good ones work in pairs); they will almost definitely take a shot with their backs to the camera and rarely take shots looking directly into camera. They need something candid. Creating 'candid' always look ridiculous to any onlooker but what could be more candid than having your back to the camera as if you didnt know it was there?

      Parc Guell on Monday night was the perfect exemplification of a swarm of instagrammers all fighting to get the perfect shot and likely none of them succeeding. For starters, a large area of the grounds is being renovated at the moment and therefore space was limited and the perfect wide shot from the postcards was unobtainable. Secondly, whilst the sun was perfectly behind us, it was low and therefore casting shadows on the subjects whether it be their own photographers or other people. Thirdly, time was of the essence. A new swarm arrives every 30 minutes and whilst the majority of people are polite and take their turns, a select few hog the favoured spots and simply refuse to leave their chosen spot until they're satisfied they've got the perfect shot. When did we all become such perfectionist image makers?

      This mildly stressful situation aside, our visit to Parc Guell was a good one. The weather was gorgeous and we enjoyed walking around the grounds before and after our 'insta-shoot'. Recognising the limitations (listed above), Kate and I went old school and simply made sure we had a number of nice snaps, depicting us in the photogenic surroundings. But yes, I did dress in attempt to compliment the backdrop that day and we did attempt a candid, back to camera shot. I'm not proud but at least I was insta-ready. Were you?
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    • Dia 17

      Park Guell #2

      12 de maio de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

      Shady spaces, flowers and trees, magnificent views, innovative ways to catch and store water, and lots of fanciful touches.

    • Dia 26

      Parc Guell

      4 de outubro de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Day 3 - Barcelona - Visited Parc Guell with Garrett, Lisa and Jess

    • Dia 45

      Gaudi and Park Guell

      31 de julho de 2017, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      We ate breakfast at home, rode our bikes to the market and found delicious falafel wraps for lunch. We then rode looking at some of Gaudi's houses. We stopped at Casa Batllo and had an audio tour through the house. It was very organic, flowing, used animal and nature inspiration throughout it. Very inspiring. We rode past La Pedrera and up to Parc Guell via a very steep hill. Luckily we had pre booked tickets so got in to see the mosaic dragon. It was only two metres long, so very small compared to my one at Ruffey. The park was beautiful and inspiring through the use of mosaics, colourful seats and columns. We rode home, had drinks and went out for tapas. Fun day in BarcelonaLeia mais

    • Dia 14

      Park Guëll

      7 de maio de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      After Sagrada Familia (see another post), probably the best known place in Barcelona is Park Guëll. This site was actually begun as a housing development intended to be a gated community of 56 houses. Count Eusebi Guëll engaged Antoni Gaudí to design the site and houses. Work began in 1900 with most site design elements completed. However, the housing development failed. Only 1 house was sold. It was probably too far out from the city as it existed then.
      It became the public Park Guëll in 1926 when Count Guëll's son gave it to the city with the stipulation the his home (in the 1st picture) become a public school. It still is.
      The rest of the pictures are of Gaudi's genius. The site has a road through it to provide access to the 56 sites intended for houses. A small section of the road is in the 2nd picture. Because the site is an eroded hillside, Gaudí built bridges over the gullies to make the road easy to use. The 3rd picture is a look at what is under those bridges. Gaudí provided protected spaces for people to gather out of the sun or in inclement weather.
      The 4th picture is the "theater." It is a multipurpose space for outdoor performances, family gathering, picnicking, etc. The edges have serpentine seating to make it easier for people to sit in groups and converse. What isn't obvious (and most surprising) is that the sand here is what engineers call a slow sand filter. Rain water percolated through multiple layers of sand to be purified. It then flows down through the columns in the next picture to a large cistern below. This is the central water supply and irrigation system for the site and is still in use today.
      The 5th picture is under the theater. These are the hollow columns of the water supply system. The space was intended to be the local market. The domes direct the water above to the hollow columns, and the mosaics are all made with discarded and broken materials--a very early example of recycling. Gaudí was ahead of his time in so many ways.
      The 6th picture looks out to the city from the theater. The building with the tower was the model house.
      From the market below the theater, a monumental stairway proceeds down to the main gate and model house. Halfway down those stairs is the sculpture in the 7th picture. This depicts alchemy and a dragon which is a fountain.
      The 8th picture looks up the monumental stairway from the bottom. Like everything else Gaudí, there is a lot of symbolism here, even Masonic. But with all the people, it's hard to see. Your browser will guide you to better views and interpretations.
      The last picture is the former Porter's horse at the main gate near the model house.
      This is rightly a famous place.
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    • Dia 105


      15 de novembro de 2017, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Die letschtä 2 Täg simr in Barcelona gsi. Sonä tolli Stadt!
      Am erstä Tag simr mitem Bös it Stadt u si grad dür die grossi Markthauä. Mega schön wiesi aues zrächtgleit u aagrichtet hei! Mir hei üs ä Saft gönnt u si de dür d' Rambla zum Kolumbus-Dänkmau gloffä. "La Rambla" – ä mega längi Strass mit Märitstäng, Kioske u linggs u rächts Iichoufslädä.
      Bim Kolumbus-Dänkmau aacho, simr miteme Lift ufä u hei so über die ganz Stadt chönnä gseh. Mega schön u viufäutig! Ufdr eintä Sitä z' Meer, dr Hafä u Gondeli, ufdr angerä Sitä dr Fluss us herbstgfärbte Böim vor Rambla, wosech zmitts dür d' Stadt schlänglet. Rächts heimr die markantä Türmli vor "Sagrada Familia" gseh und am Horizont si verschideni Höger i Himmu gragt. Uf eim vo denä steit äs zouberhafts Märlischloss (schiins ä Chiuchä...). Herrlech, dä Uusblick!
      Wider dunger acho heimr üs ufä Wäg zu derä "Sagrada Familia" gmacht – ä riesegi Kathedralä, wo vom Antoni Gaudi plant isch wordä u sit 1882 im Bou isch.
      Nachdäm mr E-Tickets kouft hei, simr inä. Dinn hets üs umghouä! So ä spezieui Chiuchä; komplett angers ausmers bis itz hei gseh. Sie isch sehr häu gsi, mit wunderschönä farbigä Fänster, wo ufdr eintä Sitä i warmä Farbä wie Rot, Orange u Gäub hei glüüchtet u ufdr angerä Sitä i chautä Farbä wie Blau u Grüen. Mir hei die spezieui u moderni Architektur gnossä, hei üs erstuunt a vilnä liebevouä Details ah Fänster u Wänd u hei d' Atmosphärä uf üs lah würkä.
      Nachdäm mir die Chiuchä verlah hei, simr mitem Bös zrugg ufä Camping, hei Znacht gmacht u si i Alj gah Fium luegä. Itz ischs ungloublech chaut sobaud d' Sunnä furt isch u so ischs duss gar nümm gmüetlech.
      Hüt simr nomau mitem Bös uf Barcelona si när miter Metro zumnä Park gfahrä. Dert heimr chle picnicet u dä Papageiä zuegluegt. Krass, wie ruhig die Millionä-Stadt hie isch!
      Itz simr i Güell-Park gloffä u si dür dä Park gloffä, wo vouer Boutä vom Gaudi isch. Wunderschöni Kunst wo dä spanisch Architekt gschaffä het! Farbig u einzigartig heter d' Wohnhüser und Plätz im Uftrag vom Güell bbouä u gstautet.
      Itz simr widr id Stadt u si dert no zum "Casa Batlló" – äs Huus vom Gaudi – u speter simr is "Bracafe" gah ässä. Erschöpft, abr sehr zfridä, simr ufä Camping.
      Morn geits witr uf Andorra la Vella.
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    • Dia 5

      Hop-On Hop-Off - Part 1

      4 de janeiro de 2018, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      After logging in 8,000-13,000 steps each day (about 6-9 km), we decided to splurge on the Barcelona Touristic Hop-On-Hop-Off bus and give the old guy a much needed break! It cost 25 euros each, about $37, and you get a 4 hour tour of major areas in Barcelona. Our plan was to first see Park Guell, a 30 acre park that Gaudi was designing as kind of a gated community. Only 2 houses were built as work was interrupted by World War I but there are still some remnants of Gaudi’s mosaic works. I tried to buy advance tickets but Visa put a freeze on my card for suspected fraudulent use (straightened that out at the end of the day). So we took a chance and hopped/hobbled off the bus at the Park Guell stop, unaware that there was a 20 minute uphill hike to the park entrance. Unfortunately, tickets were sold out for the day but we were still able to walk through the forested areas, just not the Gaudi work that we came to see. The paths are paved and there were buskers so it was a nice break from the city. The rest of the day we just rode on the upper level of the double decker bus and enjoyed seeing parts of the city that we likely wouldn’t have gone to. It was sunny and the temperature was 21, so a perfect day for sightseeing.Leia mais

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