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    • Day 8

      Day 6 - To Puente la Reina

      September 14, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Day 6 -To Puente la Reina - 24.1 km 28°C
      Today was a lot of uphill again, and sunny. But it was really quite windy so kept the day tolerable. Pleasant….other than bucking the wind. Hard enough without that.
      People on the trail are absolutely amazing!Everyone cares about everyone else and always ready to help. Like one gigantic family from all over the world. I’ve heard this before, and have discovered it to be true.
      I fell yesterday. Nothing serious. A knee abrasion. I guess I lost my focus on the path which was very rocky, and down I went. About 5 people pounced on me to help. One from Scotland, at least 2 from Switzerland, and possibly the other 2 as well. They helped me up (a feat in and of itself with the heavy pack), handed me wipes to clean my knee, and kept offering any help at all. When I convinced them I was fine, as they were leaving one man said “we are all here to help each other!” Later in the day I saw them further along the path and, after asking how I was, one of the guys said “we’re keeping an eye on you”. Lol. So special!
      Beautiful views as always. A lot of farmland. A bunch of metal statues in honor of pilgrims. On yeah, and an interesting vending machine; only on the Camino!!
      Another blessed day!
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    • Day 9

      Cirauqui to Villamayor de Monjardín

      April 22 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      Part 1 - Cirauqui to Estella
      Today we covered almost 25k (15.5 miles), the views never get old and it’s great to feel our bodies getting stronger along the way as we adjust to our new “normal”.

      Oh, and today’s journey included a free public wine fountain. Yes, you read that correctly… a wine tap on the outside of a winery building! 🍷

      Tomorrow looks like it might be a little wet & chilly. Based on the towns, we have to choose either a 20k walk or over 30k so we are opting for the 20k to Torres del Rio. We will have plenty of 30k days in the future. 🥾
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    • Day 5


      July 27, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      This is day 5 of my walk and I got into a good routine. Packing and unpacking every day is almost automatic, and I got much better at keeping my stuff organised, with easy access to what I need, when I need it.

      I still need to adjust some of my expectations though. I came with the idea that I would support the small villages by buying my daily food from local cafes, expecting tasty local dishes made by a local person at the back of the shop.

      But the reality is, some villages don't even have a cafe. Some have vending machines. And some have bars were the food is very unappealing, like the pizza I had today for lack of other options. It wasn't even fresh, it was frozen. Bigger towns and cities provide more choice.

      Tomorrow I am carrying snacks for the day and hope to find an albergue with a dinner option. Those I had so far have been the best meals, all home made.
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    • Day 6

      Puente la Reina to Estella

      May 6, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      A most exciting that happened first thing this morning while I was wandering about, I saw a Spanish snake! I nearly stepped on in and I don't know who was more or the snake. He was a gold and black, skinny about 18 inches long. He had a pointy head and his tongue was certainly showing off his muscles!

      Todays' walk was really quite lovely. We are now entering wine country! I actually walked past a vineyard and tasting room. I didn't go in for a tasting. I didn't buy any wine...but I was tempted... It was not too far about 24 km today, and still no shortage of hills as we went through about 5 towns and to and from each town is a climb and a descent.

      For a few people, I know they struggled today getting a taxi. People are starting to feel the miles in their feet and legs, and so a new conversations have to get a bus or a taxi. By now most people have figured out their hotel rooms, and have either decided to live with the "bed rush", or they are booking the rest of the days, or at least booking a few days in advance. Feet and legs are becoming a more frequent conversation as well...I am hoping that after 5 full days of walking that I am getting the most obvious of ailments out and out of the way...I hope that is true.

      At Lorca, which would be about 1/2 way to Estella, I planned on stopping for lunch and was pleasantly surprised by a concert in the town square, so enjoyed a few minutes of the concert with my lunch.

      I am starting to meet the same people again and again through the day. We stop and start at our own schedules but somehow seem to meet up again. I walked a few miles with Kelly today, and another friend Diane. In fact I bumped into Diane and her friend Julie at a cafe in our desperate search for food in Estella which in the end turned out to be another piece of egg and potato pie, and a couple glasses of wine. Between the holidays, soccer games, siestas and possibly the fact that it is Saturday made for definite food challenges which are not going to improve tomorrow since the hike tomorrow has the first 10 km without any food or water service, and it is quite exposed. It will be cooler tomorrow only about 23 degrees so that does make a difference.

      On the whole my body is holding up. I mentioned to some people that I burnt my hand on one of the first days I was in France with boiling is healing, but I am having to bandage it up with my modest first aid kit because my burn is getting burned!

      My feet are ok. I switched out shoes today...but they left small blisters where I remember they do (ugh), so tomorrow it is back to the mountain shoes I think, and continue to manage the blisters as best I can. With all the shops closed today, I was lucky to happen upon a grocery store and got a few things there and also some food for the trip tomorrow as well. What I really need is a fork!
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    • Day 7

      Day 7

      August 30, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      This morning seems such a long time ago… I left at my usual time yet it was already much warmer than it had been in previous days at the same time.. it was another easy walk today as regards the terrain, undulating with a few long easy climbs and thankfully no steep or dodgy downhill sections.. my two tender toes were doing a celebratory dance as they needed a downhill break 😂
      Once again I spent the first hour or so passing people, lots have become regulars and I’m greeted with ( from the English speaking ones.. I’ve no idea what curses may be coming my way in other languages 😳 ) “hey, here she comes “, “was wondering when we’d see you” to “ oh, it’s you again!!” I could start developing a complex!!
      Again the scenery on route was spectacular, it’s seriously stunning and I feel so lucky to be a part of something so special..
      There were a couple of dodgy bits today where the signs seemed to disappear and I’d panic I’d gone wrong, especially if there were no other rucksacks in sight.. some of the towns are especially lacking.. there was one today that seemed totally deserted and I half expected to see rifles out of barn windows and for Zorro to come riding through!!!
      Anyway.. I made good time again which was great as it has been seriously hot today and the place I was staying was a further 2km off the route.
      After a shower, and trip to the laundry I decided to have a wander round town… and of course have a beer!
      Going down to dinner tonight I was invited to join another party, two couples from the UK and two ladies ( I think they were sisters ) from Canada who had all become friends a few days earlier. I’m not great with company I don’t know, but, I had a lovely evening with them, with us all being desperate for bed before 9pm.. ( that’s actually pretty late for me at the moment 🙄 )
      Now it’s definitely way past my bedtime 🥱 so goodnight 😴
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    • Day 9

      Day 7 - To Estella

      September 15, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Day 7 - To Estella
      22 km; 25°C
      My guidebook offers a difficulty rating for each stretch of the path. Today was rated at 2/3.
      Puente La Reina was a beautiful quaint little town, a typical European village. I love the old buildings!
      Along the way to Estella I came upon this restful place of tranquility, in the middle of nowhere. Free snacks and refreshments (hopefully a donation offered). A place to exchange things no longer needed…, books, etc. A sign with a sobering thought as I left. Still 676 km to go!
      I happened upon a
      “Trail Angel” providing water, wine and snacks at no change. Bless the angels! Then finally arrived in Estella!
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    • Day 18

      Day 18 Pamplona to Estella, bus

      October 18, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      The French and I took the bus from Pamplona to Estella today. It’s about a 2 day walk on the Camino, but just 45 minutes by bus 😞

      We were able to find a lovely apartment for 3 nights with the hope that a little more time off my feet will help me get back on the camino. Kind hosts Jose, who welcomed us, and Ana who made a cake. Estella is a good choice because if we can’t walk from here, there is a direct bus to Irun which we will take to make our way back to France.

      My world feels a little small at the moment but I did take a few photos on the 350 metres between the bus station, the apartment and Mônjardin cafe where we had lunch. Thankfully I’ve been to Estella before and seen the loveliest parts of the old town. The French will take some photos tomorrow and I’ll be able to share them.

      Also, I have a physio appointment tomorrow so we will see what that brings. To be honest, I feel like it’s really just ‘a long goodbye’ to this long camino we’d planned but, we have time, so might as well explore the possibilities. I’ll be delighted if the Physio thinks just a few more days or even a week will be enough. But, as there’s been no improvement since Monday morning, I’m not confident.

      That’s about all the news. All my gratitude to Dominique who continues to be patient and kind, as always. It’s not much fun for him either. I can’t walk and he doesn’t want to walk without me. So we are both in this holding pattern. I wonder what tomorrow will bring … 🤔
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    • Puente La Reina to Estella

      September 3, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      We started earlier today from Puente La Reina, but it still was a hot walk. We arrived in Estella around 2pm, and got right after our chores. Now we are out walking around waiting for the restaurants to open after siesta, some at 7pm and others at 8pm. Today is the beginning of a ancient music festival. They kicked it off with ringing all the bells in the city.Read more

    • Day 9 - Estella - Day Off

      September 7, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      I am kind of down today. It is my day off in Estella but I am really missing Jörg. I am staying in the albergue that we hosted together back in 2014. The memories are just flooding back. I feel kind of numb. I took a nap this afternoon thinking it may help a bit, but not really. Maybe a good sleep tonight might do the trick. Tomorrow I have 20km planned and it is around 20km for at least the next 5 days but I think I am physically ready (emotionally ready is another matter). I just want to be sure to get as far as I can before the heat of the day. The temperatures are consistently around 30. I am pretty sure tomorrow I will need to break out the hat and possibly the music.

      I didn’t really take pictures today so today’s pictures are memories from 2014.

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    • Day 101

      Aus für den Jakobsweg wegen Corona???

      March 13, 2020 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Freitag der 13.

      Wir erreichen Estella und viele Herbergen sind wegen Corona geschlossen!
      Die Kirche, wegen Corona geschlossen!!!

      Wir finden eine Unterkunft...die Rezeption verlassen!
      Check in per Telefon! Später kommt der Besitzer kurz vorbei.
      Er ruft für uns in der nächsten Etappe an um nach einer Unterkunft zu fragen. Als erstes wird gefragt ob wir gesund aussehen...

      Logrono wird zum Krisengebiet ernannt... Dort wollen wir übermorgen hin!

      Viele von uns brechen ab und fliegen Morgen zurück nach Hause.

      Wir wissen nicht weiter! Erstmal in eine Bar auf einpaar Gläser Wein und Bier!!!
      Dort beschließen 6 von uns Morgen weiter zu machen!

      Haben eine WhatsApp Notfall Gruppe erstellt, um auf dem laufenden zu bleiben und sicher zu stellen daß es den anderen gut geht!

      Müssen bevor wir starten in den Supermarkt und uns was zu essen besorgen, denn die Restaurants und Bars sollen alle geschlossen bleiben.

      Kurz bevor wir zurück in unsere Unterkunft wollen, erreicht uns die Nachricht das der Flughafen in Barcelona ab Morgen den Flugverkehr einstellt!

      Fühle mich wie in Resident Evil....
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