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    • Day 11

      Day 7: Pamplona to Puenta la Reina

      May 24, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      Mileage: 15 miles
      Altitude gain: 1,565
      Altitude loss: 1,824
      Weather: cloudy to start, sunny to finish, with the cool wind miraculously at our backs
      Total mileage: 54.5

      We left Pamplona early (7:00) since it was going to be the longest day yet for me. I’ve been worried for a long time about Alto del Perdon, the mountain in the middle of the stage. The word was that the ascent isn’t too bad, but that the descent is steep, rocky, and tricky. Well, as with many things on this journey so far, I discovered that my worry was outsized. The ascent wasn’t bad at all, and the descent was easier than the one from Col Lepoeder the other day. What a relief! That said, I am very grateful to have not walked down that rocky hill in the rain/mud!

      This was my first full guidebook “stage,” and therefore my longest walk yet. I was thankful for company! Hopefully I’ll get used to this kind of mileage, but this first long day was tough both mentally and physically, and I was glad for the giggling breaks along the way!

      1. The walk out of Pamplona
      2. Low clouds obscured the mountains in the morning
      3. So many more poppies! I told Angela that if I thought I could get back up I would lie down, pretend to sleep, and have her take a Wizard of Oz shot of me. Ha. So beautiful. I just love that shade of red.
      4. Angela found her European pied de terre.
      5. Several villages along the way with their imposing churches. The church bells are always very different than what I’m used to - they’re not synthesized or large, and they sound like it. Almost like the school bell on Little House on the Prairie.
      6. The top of Alto del Perdon has a sculpture of pilgrims in front of which it is de rigeur to pose. I was very happy to be there after seeing so many pictures and reading about it. What you can’t see are the wind turbines nearby; they’re surprisingly loud!
      7. I couldn’t really capture the vistas from the mountains with my phone camera. We kept stopping to admire, but any photos just don’t do the views justice. Here’s one anyway of the view looking over our afternoon’s walk.
      8. The path was just lined with wildflowers.
      9. More poppies and wheat. I can see why Monet was inspired.
      10. Some of the last hills before Puenta la Reina. It looks like maybe this was one of the areas to have forest fires last year. I hope there isn’t more of that this year.
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    • Day 7

      Cizur Menor

      September 11, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 91 °F

      Today was a short 6 mile walk. It was pretty hot and most of it was thru the city of Pamploma. I had thought about staying there but ended up walking out of the city and found this little gem of a place right across from an old church. I met a girl from Ohio and we went for lunch. It's been a "lazy" Sunday afternoon.Read more

    • Day 7

      Etappe 4 - Puente la Reina 1

      September 18, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Heute haben wir ca. 24 km vor uns. Erster Stopp zum Frühstück nach rund 5 km.
      Den Tag Ruhe in Pamplona merke ich schon, trotz der großen Stadtrundgänge.
      Wir haben heute ein super Schrittmaß gefunden, welches uns gut voranbringt.
      Die Pilgerkarawanenskulptur auf dem Windberg von 1996 kannten wir nur von Bildern: heute stehen wir davor!!! Ein phantastisches Erlebnis.
      Ein steiler und steiniger Weg begleitet uns ins Tal.
      In kleinen Kirchen am Wegesrand holen wir uns unsere Stempel als Pilger.
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    • Day 2

      First days walking!

      May 9 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      So had leisurely start to the day and took few Km walking to get clear of Pamplona. Then gradual climb turning more acute to the top of nearby hill (felt like mountain- so glad we didn’t start it Pyrenees!!).
      We had gently whirring wind turbines alongside us and lots of pleasant fields and flowers. Lovely view from top and then treacherous descent, very glad not raining! down to where we’re staying tonight in Albergue in Uterga after just over 18km. Different style Albergue as more rural and communal dinner with other guests. Just relaxing in hammocks in garden in lovely post heat of the day temperature 😊
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    • Day 11

      Zariquiegui (10.9km 77.5km)

      April 23, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      After a great tourist day in Pamplona we had a breakfast on the main square with a couple of other French Pilgrims ending their Camino as they do it in segments over a few years with their leave. Then went to a traditional Latin mass in the Cathedral. We set off at mid-day for the small town walking through beautiful farm land. I think Jane wanted some time alone as she sent me off to buy some lunch in a small village while she walked on. I caught up about an hour later just before our destination in San Andres Albergue in Zariquiegui! The small Albergue had a communal meal which is one of the highlights of the Camino highlights. Tonight we sat with Canadians and French (a young couple who live in Toulouse, France. They left their home town on foot and will walk all the way to Santiago and then onto Fatima, and then will reverse the whole trip back home. They hope to take 60 days!)
      The Camino is very busy this year and there is a bit of a rush to get to the next accommodation as they are filling fast. We are booking more than we would like and therefore walking a bit less too but it is working for us rather than being so focussed on getting to the next town. Forcing some patience onto me maybe …
      Beunos Noches 💤
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    • Day 12

      On the way to the Alto Del Perdon

      May 17 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

      As we left Pamplona this morning we walked through barley fields lined with red poppies yellow flowers purple thistles blooming peas on the pod. Mostly on a nice gravel road as we made up our Ascent to the top where we will find windmills and the famous Camino Pilgrim sculpture.Read more

    • Day 6

      Stage 5: Pamplona to Obanos

      September 18, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      After two nights of luuuxery (does no one get my Money Python references??) I walked out of Pamplona early-ish at 0800 in 50°, past the Citadel, University and public gardens in a bit of a daze because I had to focus on remembering/relearning how to walk. Felt like a jumble of disjointed parts that weren't entirely cooperating with each other, like my hip joints belong to somebody else. I seem to have developed this wide, rolling gait, the knees aren't sure what's up with that. I didn't take many pictures today because I was busy renegotiating the deal with my body about what we're up to. It took a fair amount of concentration just to propel myself forward.

      So this is the physical shakedown and restructuring, getting me fit for purpose. Got it. Curious what the new configuration will feel like. In the meantime, steady as she goes. I am the Tortoise. 🐢

      Made it up and over the Alto de Perdón and arrived in Obanos, about 13 miles, at the charming Casa Raichu. Laundry is being done, dinner at 7:00, life is good.
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    • Day 16 - going home

      September 16, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      After arriving in Madrid I was wheeled to my sleeper room. Very nice🛏. Had no problem sleeping as it was my 1st venture out of my hospital room in a week.
      This morning my chariot arrived as scheduled and took me on the bus to the correct terminal. This is a big airport🛫. I am waiting in the VIP lounge for my departure home🙏. This is lovely... comfort and coffee🥰
      Goodby Madrid
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    • Day 8

      Beyond Pamplona…

      June 9, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

      Dialysis in Pamplona did not work out. A miscommunication on somebody’s part. Sean and I spent most of the morning chasing down possibilities. Long, difficult climb on tomorrow’s schedule so we decided to tackle a portion today.

      Each day is difficult. Sometimes each step. Far too many hills that are more like climbing stairs. Several times Sean had me turn around to appreciate how far we had already come. Very wise and encouraging.

      Not at all like my practice walks. Lots of loose, uneven gravel or rocks. Several times I have lost my balance but have not fallen. Thank you God.

      Sean caught this picture of me, looking down, watching my step. And another, back in Pamplona, standing with the bulls! (Running is out of the question!)
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    • Day 6

      Pamplona to Puente del Reina

      May 28, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      A wonderful day of cornfields, wild flowers and birdsong
      Forecast was for hot weather so we left the hostel (after very good coffee) at 7am.
      Almost immediately met up with Bego and her friend. She is from Pamplona but is working in Brussels - he is a childhood friend from Luxembourg. She was absolutely lovely and has an adopted niece which meant we immediately had something in common. We talked her family and mine and her work and learning languages.
      We met up with her several times during the day at the various rest stops. First stop was in Zariquirgui where I bought coffee, cherries oranges and a banana. All delicious. In fact two lots of cherries as they are my favourite.
      Beautiful walk meeting up with several members of our Camino family.
      I am feeling very blessed and increasingly serene. Although my shoulder hurt and I’m very tired (and hungry at the moment) I feel so lucky to be able to do this.
      Just after we arrived at our hostel the most tremendous thunderstorm started and has been raging ever since - including hailstones at one point. Hoping it will stop before we need to go out to find dinner!!
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