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    • Day 7

      Alboloduy to Ocaña

      February 9 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Gerard: This day was 800 meters up and down, with very narrow tracks at some parts. We were intimidated but everything worked out fine. During the night we already noticed that the wind was picking up. There was a storm coming in and when we were at the highest point the wind was fiercefull. When we joined the road we walked in the middle because we’re afraid we would be blown over the railing, really, even with our backpack on it felt like we were feathers to the wind. We pushed ourselves to get as early as possible to Nacimiento because we knew a post office was there to post our abundance stuff home. Only to find out the post office was closed. It is hard to understand the opening times for shops bars etc. We will have to pay for that rushing I am afraid as it was very close to too fast. The walk after the mountain was thru the river bed, which was, I am sorry to say, a bit boring. Grey stones, bushes on the side, hardly any view and we had to keep our focus to the floor as it was so variabel. In Donna Maria no places to eat. We scored a bag of chips, a bocadillo (belegd stokbrood) and a bottle of wine in a bar. Just to be safe. Then we rushed the last 2 km to Ocaña where the only bar would close at six, ofcourse to find out that the bar was closed when we arrived. On a Saturday night! We wonder how do the people earn their money? So the bocadillo wine and chips was going to be our dinner and breakfast. We slept like a rose....Read more

    • Day 6

      Albolodúy to Nacimiento

      April 29, 2023 in Spain

      If one could follow the Río Nacimiento all the way, this would be a reasonably flat stage. As we can't, our 13.3km stage included a nice climb up from the river.
      Last year Nely had advised us not to go back down to the river. The river level was high at the time, and she recommended that we ask Santiago, the owner of the Centro Bar in Nacimiento, to pick us up.
      Today, the river bed was dry most of the way, which meant we didn't need to skip from one side of the river to the other. We also returned to the river, and reached the 50km mojón.
      It was very windy today. We don't know if that's a sign that the heat wave is about to end. Let's hope so.
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    • Day 7

      Santa Cruz to Nacimiento 11.3km

      September 25, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      A beautiful day, broken up into 5 parts.

      We left Santa Cruz de Marchena at day break and crossed the río Nacimiento, which was flowing nicely. We then walked to Alboloduy along the road bordering the río, enjoying the plantations. In Alboloduy, the river was wider than we expected, so we took the footbridge across, starting the game we were to play in the second part of our walk.

      A little bit out of Alboloduy, the río was winding it's way between its banks and we often had to cross from one side to the other. So we decided to see how often we could cross without getting our feet wet 😄 We nearly won, but on the very last crossing, the water flow was just a little too wide...

      The last crossing was the start of a steep but exhilarating climb out of the valley for the third part of our walk. Amazing views, and a sighting of what we think are "capra montés hembra".

      At the top of our climb we got to a carretera, where motorcycle riders were revving up and down. The views were still stunning, but we had to watch the traffic.

      Last night, Nely sent us a message, saying that the last section of the río into Nacimiento was very wet and muddy. She suggested we contact Santiago who owns the only bar in Nacimiento. He came to pick us up at the point where we would have clambered down to the river.

      At the bar, we had tapas for lunch, and for dinner. It's interesting watching the people of the pueblo coming to the bar, and chatting to each other. Everybody knows everybody in these sort of towns.
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    • Day 23

      Tabernas - Europa‘s einzigste Wüste

      April 24, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Da der Wind im Moment auf sich warten lässt, sind wir einem Tipp gefolgt und in die Wüste Tabernas gefahren. In dieser Wüste wurden viele Western gedreht. Auf unserem Stellplatz war weit und breit niemand zu sehen. Die warmen Kleider haben wir unterdessen verstaut und geniessen die Wärme.Read more

    • Day 5

      Alboloduy to Nacimiento

      May 5 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      The fiesta in Alboloduy went on until about 4am but in the end I slept surprisingly well, and woke up feeling refreshed. So, I was up dressed and very well before the alarm, and well before Ken.

      Our plan was to walk the main road rather than the camino path, which had a ridiculously steep ascent about halfway. It was, I think, the right choice but that is not to say that it was easy. We walked very steadily uphill for just over 5 km, and although I think that was considerably easier than doing the hill climb, it did sap our energy somewhat.

      Eventually, near the top of the mountain, we saw where the hill climb came out into the road. Just up ahead, we saw Helen and Jaap, they are about half our age and had left about 20 minutes before us only carrying small day packs. The fact that we almost caught up with them was testimony to the fact that we are incredibly fit for our age...or maybe that taking the road was the best choice.

      Eventually we came to the point where we would have to make a decision to continue on the road which would mean extra 5 km on the walk today or we could return to the hiking the camino trail down the mountain.

      We sat down on a very uncomfortable rock beside the road for some water and fruit and decided to go via the camino path as it looked quite wide and wasn't too uneven. As we set off, we had only gone a few metres when we saw a covered shelter with picnic tables and benches...if only we had looked around!

      The path down the mountain was wide and flat but quite steep in places, and so it zig-zagged its way down to the valley floor. The further we went, the less steep it got, and it seemed like in no time at all, we were at the bottom of the mountain.

      Needless to say, waiting for us there was another dried up river bed, but it was unlike the others we had been on. It was much more hard packed and easier to walk on. It wasn't ideal, but the only way was forward, and so forward we went. It is one of the lessons that the camino teaches you. You have to live with your choices. We very rarely get the chance to redo or indeed to undo the choices we have made.

      The river bed was hard going, but mainly because of the heat. We were very glad to get into Nacimiento, we stopped at the bar and discovered that the bar owner also ran the albergue, and so before going into the albergue we had some drinks and tapas which was great. Once we got in, due to his advanced years, Ken immediately went for a nap, though not before banging his head several times on the bunk bed. I went for my shower to discover that the choice available was cold water or very cold water. I also discovered that there was no electricity.

      I roused Ken to go speak to the owner, as I thought the conversation would require more than my camino level Spanish. It was an easy fix, it turned out that he had forgotten to turn the power on, I guess not too many peregrinos stay here.

      I suggested to Ken that we move our stuff to the room at the back of the albergue as by this time it was clear that the front room would be noisy due to its proximity to the bar. The room at the back of the albergue also had a single bed in it so Ken wouldn't keep banging his head off a top bunk!

      We went for coffee and were surprised to be offered the menu, normally the kitchens don't open between 3pm and 8pm. I think they actually opened so that Ken and I could get some dinner.

      The forecast for tomorrow is that it is to be very hot so we agreed to leave early, and we also expect similar terrain to today as we had yesterday. With nothing else to do in Nacimiento we went back to the albergue, packed our rucksacks and went to bed.
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    • Day 6

      Alboloduy to Nacimiento

      October 8, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      I started early in pitch dark at 7am. I was having regrets walking in the river bed in the dark. But nothing went wrong and daylight slowly appeared.
      There was a steep up hill to the road. Then a short stretch on the road. I wondered why a man in a blue van was waving at me, looked friendly enough so I smiled and waved back. Turned out it was Santiago from the bar in Nacimiento where I am staying tonight. Typical of this camino, there is a family of people who look after you.
      Across country and a steep downhill back to the river bed. Someone has built a patio over the track, but I clambered over the fence and walked through their patio. The alternative was a cliff.
      Nacimiento was soon in sight, and sure enough, Santiago was in the bar. Matteo from Argentina found a dodgy stream to watch the rugby. Though I think he is more into River Plate.
      Another warm balmy evening in a lovely town in Andalucía.
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    • Day 25–26

      25. Tag

      April 29 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Bin heute Quer durch Spanien gefahren… mehr als 500 km.
      Machte einen kurzen Zwischenstopp in Granada. Hier wollte ich die Berühmte Alhambra ansehen aber es war alles ausverkauft ):

      Mein Schlafplatz ist heute in der Tabernas Wüste mit einen Traumaufblick auf die Wüste und das Meer.

      Es hat heute auch geregnet und richtig abgekühlt! (7 Grad)

      Und die Berge sind sogar angezuckert❄️😮

      Die Nacht wird kalt, aber es lohnt sich mit dieser schönen Aussicht.

      Reise-Kilometerstand: 5123 km
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    • Day 7

      Tag 7 El Almendral - Almería

      September 23, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Wieder spät gestartet, jedoch mit weniger Kilometer bis zum Ziel, (keine 80 sollten es werden) wurde der Tag keine sonderliche Herausforderung. 15km Umweg nach Tabernas wurden noch aufgenommen, denn hier gibt es die einzige Wüste in Europa, die vielen Filmen als Drehort diente, wie zahlreiche Sergio Leone Filme. Anschließend ging es nach Almería zurück ans Meer. Hier war Ende für diesen Tag und ich nutze die Gegebenheit, um im Wasser etwas schwimmen zu gehen.Read more

    • Day 19

      Alhambra und Observatorium bei Nacht

      May 14 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Geplant war sich die Alhambra in Granada, welche auch zum UNESCO Weltkulturerbe gehört, bei Nacht anzuschauen. Also haben wir eine dementsprechende Tour gebucht, leider war diese doch sehr enttäuschend. Man konnte sich zwar die Gärten und den Palast von Karl dem V anschauen, das war es dann aber auch schon. Also sind wir in der Nacht noch zum Observatorium Calar Alto gefahren. Das Observatorium liegt auf 2200 m Höhe, hier hat man einem atemberaubenden Sternenhimmel. Diesen Platz kannten wir schon, da wir 2021 schon einmal hier waren. Und auch dieses mal hat es sich absolut wieder gelohnt, Natur pur und ein grandioser Sternenhimmel.Read more

    • Day 91

      Calar Alto

      February 2 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Wir fahren weiter, neben der Autobahn. Nur so entdeckt man verborgene Sehenswürdigkeiten. Neben einem zerbrochenen Windrad auch Gelenkkreuze.
      Auch einen wunderschönen Stein. Der wäre eine Zierde für unseren Garten also nehmen wir in kurzerhand mit.
      Weiter geht's immer den Berg hinauf bis zum Observatorium Calar Alto auf 2150 m Höhe.
      Es ist erstaunlich mild und so genießen wir den Sonnenuntergang.
      Nachts ist es sehr kalt, nur 1°C, aber der Sternenhimmel ist traumhaft.
      Gehen die Kälte haben wir eine gute Heizung im WoMo, gutes Essen und eine Wärmflasche 😄
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    Gérgal, Gergal

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