Guijo de Granadilla

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    • Day 22

      Day 22 - Jarilla - 17.7 km

      October 12, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      This morning was exquisite.
      We started off in the dark and then were greeted by golden morning light with the waning moon bright in the sky. It was so peaceful walking through the fields with only some cows and a few pigs (which I hadn’t seen for a while).
      It took me a while to realise I couldn’t hear a distant motorway, which often accompanies this Camino. I think that was one of the reasons this morning was so special. A perfectly divine morning.
      We walked through what appeared to be a very wealthy stud farm called Finca Los Baldios (The Baldios Eatate). Lots of stone pillars signifying different areas of the estate - we all thought it to be worth millions.
      A short while later we passed Caparra Ruinas Romanas - the remains of a significant Roman city with a great arch, an old road and lots of building foundations. So interesting.
      I also noticed it was quite dry here. The waterways were all dried up and a waterhole was only a quarter full.
      I turned off the Camino again to stay within my 20 km limit. I am glad I was with Sylvie and Maria from France as we were all a bit concerned that I would not find the correct turn off. But after consulting my guide and looking for the sign - there it was painted on the side road. I sadly farewelled Sylvie and Marie (they are lovely) and walked the 2 km to Hotel Asturias.
      I had an excellent lunch - salada mixta, lamb chops with chips and vanilla mousse for desert and with a whole bottle of VinoTinto. In this area they give you the whole bottle and you just drink as much as you like. I am sure they pour the leftovers together into a new bottle for the next customer as the bottle is already open when it arrives at the table. But still it’s lovely and generous. The Spanish wine is mild and delicious and I can easily have a small glass or two with my meal without any ill effects.
      So today was walk, arrive, lunch, nap, do some washing, yoga, look at next stages of the Camino, watch the beautiful sunset …. Perfect.
      My room has a small balcony from which I can see the distant blue hills - no need to even step outside as everything I might want to see is just there.
      It is 8.30 pm and the red/orange afterglow from the setting sun has nearly faded.
      Buen Camino

      PS. We are in wild lavender country.
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    • Day 180

      Poblado del embalse de Gabriel y Galán

      March 20, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Was für ein wunderbarer Ort zum Verweilen. Der Stausee ist sehr gut gefüllt, und keine Menschenseele weit und breit. Ein paar Segelschiffchen schaukeln auf den Wellen. Kein Geräusch außer dem Summen der Bienen und dem leisen Plätschern der Wellen. Idylle pur.
      Am Abend kam noch ein nettes Ehepaar mit VW Bus, die aber morgen schon Richtung Heimat fahren wollen. Wir unterhielten uns nett, während die Sonne langsam unterging. Der Himmel färbte sich blutrot.
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    • Day 181

      Sonne putzen 🌞😎

      March 21, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Juhuuuu, Zeit zum Ausschlafen, zum Lesen, Spazieren gehen, zum Brot backen und kochen und natürlich, um faul in der Sonne zu liegen und zu dösen. Herrlich geruhsam ist dieser Platz. Und das Beste ist, wir sind ganz alleine hier.
      Überall blüht wilder Lavendel und wilder Rosmarin, die Pflanzen sind gut besucht von summenden Kleingetier und die Kiefern verströmen ihren holzigen Duft. Wie ich das liebe. Mehr braucht man nicht zum glücklich sein.
      Da der Platz hier an einer kleinen Halbinsel ist, haben wir das Glück den Sonnenaufgang in die Eine und den Sonnenuntergang in die andere Richtung beobachten zu dürfen. Nun lassen wir den Abend gemütlich ausklingen. Jetzt um kurz vor 20.00 Uhr sitzen wir noch im T-shirt bei offener Tür im Van und genießen die Abenddämmerung und den Gesang der Vögel. Hey, es ist der 21. März! Nächste Woche ist es noch ein bisschen länger hell.😊😊
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    • Day 17

      Carcobosso - Hostal Asturias 30 km

      May 16, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      I was up and away before 0600, the first couple of km were on the road, and the turnoff to the countryside was well marked. This morning was the coldest it's been so far since I arrived in Spain, but I expect it to be colder once I got into Galicia

      The path was very good, clearly marked and I felt quite energised and really enjoyed the walk. Kelly's guidebook said that you could basically ignore the yellow arrows as the camino no longer followed that route, though it would still get you there. I decided to follow his GPS, and although there were no arrows or way markers for the first 5-6 km it led me true. There were actually very few arrows on this section of the camino but for the most part it was pretty easy to follow, if the path only goes in one direction then that's the direction you have to go in - I'm sure there's a life lesson in that.

      I noted in my journal that it was the best day's walking so far. I reached Cáparra in good time, and phoned the Hostal to pick me up, then spent some time taking photos, and making a short video for friends back home. I also spent some time taking photos for the steady flow of cyclists coming through.

      As I waited for my lift I reflected on the nature of Empire and was reminded of Shelley's famous poem Ozymandias and the much quoted line "Look on my works ye mighty and despair!" It struck me that no matter how great are the works of the mighty, and there was surely no greater or mighty empire than that of Rome, all empires fall. Mighty as the Roman empire was, all of its mighty works have turned to dust, or lie as ruins for tourists to gawk at. So end all the works of man. The things that last cannot be measured in a share price, or carved in stone.

      My lift arrived and off we went, the Hostal was nice enough, and my room was small but clean and it had everything I needed. the Hostal was basically a stopping point for truckers and salesmen so it was near the motorway but not near anything else, fortunately it had a restaurant and the food was good.

      I had coffee with Rita, she was going to go in the taxi in the morning with her suitcase to Aldeanueva del Camino, I was going to walk it, but things didn't quite work out that, with nothing else to do it was another early night of reading and listening to music.
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    • Day 33

      Two more cattle calls

      May 10, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Yesterday after lunch I went to the park and chatted with the señoras. The women sit in the park, the men in benches along the road. Just as the women had given me instructions on how to get to the church with several Roman milestones on display, one of the Japanese peregrinos came up, so we went off together. We had a limited conversation, given my non-existent Japanese and his limited English. He told me how he had had to end his first camino early because he got really sick from losing too much weight. He explained that eating in Japan is just as much about the visuals as the taste. If it’s not beautiful, he won’t eat it. Except on the Camino. I thought of Osamu’s words later that night as I looked at my sautéed chicken breast and French fries.

      As usually happens when I get a good night sleep in a private room, I was awake at 5. Finally got up at 5:30, and after coffee, yoghurt and fruit, I resisted the urge to leave before 6:30. There was a little daylight then and I wanted to get started because it was a long day, and the temps are pushing 80. Right at the exit of town I saw a headlamp and a backpack— a confused young Brit I hadn’t yet met was starting out on the wrong path. It was a good coincidence because it’s always nicer to start out in the dark with someone else. In the hour or so that we walked together, I learned that everything he owns (except for one small box in Switzerland) is in that pack and that he has essentially been walking for the last two years. He also told me that I should have just walked right through that herd of cattle yesterday, just making sure not too get to close to a calf.

      The early morning walk was just gorgeous with those oaks, meadows, flowers. There were so many different gates to open and close that it was impossible to know if I was going into a cattle pasture, out of one, or just from one to another. But soon enough it happened again— off to the right a little ahead of me I saw a big group of them walking towards the camino. And lots of little babies!!! I decided that the best strategy was to try to get ahead of them. So I turned left and ran ahead. BUT... the reason these meadows are so green and so resplendent with wildflowers of all colors is because the ground is essentially an over soaked sponge. With totally soaked feet I made it back to the Camino ahead of where they eventually crossed it. Luckily the second encounter was with a bunch of lazy cows, so I passed them easily.

      Aside from the cows, the clear highlight of this stage was the 1st century Arch of Caparra, where I took a long break. Amazing. A group of Germans thought I was more amazing and spent more time talking to me than seeing the ruins.

      The afternoon kms were mainly off-road and very nice. I will probably take s very short day tomorrow. Can’t believe that I have only four days left!!!
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    • Day 85

      Coria wo die Stiere Menschen jagen.

      February 16, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Heute fahre ich nach Coria. Dieses nette Städtchen ist berühmt für seine Stierläufe, welche seit über 500 Jahren stattfinden .
      Die Veranstaltung findet jährlich gegen Ende Juni statt
      Es gab schon tote.
      Manche Wände Drachen deutliche Spuren des stierhörner .
      Es ist so faszinierend, durch diese engen Gassen zu gehen, und zu wissen dass hier Menschen und Tiere um die Wette laufen. Danach setze ich mich am Hauptplatz und bestelle mir ein Bier .
      In einem eisgekühlten Glas wird mir einmal ein wirklich großes Bier serviert und dazu kostenlos noch ein gutes keines Tapa .
      Ich bezahle 2,80 € und gehe dann wieder Richtung Wohnmobil um meine neue gekaufte Datenkarte ins Gerät einzulegen und von nun an problemlos zu surfen.
      Für über 60 GB habe ich 20 € bezahlt und darf das Netz nun auch im Ausland benutzen.
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    • Day 86


      February 17, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Gestern Abend bin ich hier angekommen, und habe noch ein wenig die Gegend erkundet .
      Heute habe ich mein Fahrrad genommen und bin 30 km durch die Landschaft gefahren um im Hinterland eine nette, kostenlose Ausgrabung zu entdecken .
      Ich lasse meine Drohne fliegen genieße die schöne Gegend und fahre dann zurück um nachmittags im Wohnmobil zu landen .
      Ich habe meinen restlichen Salat von gestern verschmaust und werde mich nun wiederum hinters Steuer setzen um weiterzufahren.
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    • Day 58

      Embalse de Gabriel y Galán

      February 7 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Heute wieder durch eine mystische Landschaft mit Korkeichen, Steinmäuerchen, Felsen, unzähligen Kranichen, Störchen und Greifvögeln gefahren die uns an Schottland oder Cornwall erinnert hat.

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Guijo de Granadilla

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