Hornillos del Camino

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    • Dia 24

      Rain Got Me

      20 de junho de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      Bruce and I got caught just outside Hornillos Del Camino in my 1st real deluge on the trail and I gotta say.... Not a big fan of walking on open plains with lightning.

      I am a big fan of when the rain stops and the sparkling sunshine begins.

      If that's not a metaphor, then I'll just stop looking.
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    • Dia 22

      Shivering in Hornillos del Camino

      1 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      A wonderful day of walking, Amr says it was 21.82kms. But it was cold! We left Burgos a little after 8.30 in our usual blue and cloudless sky, bracing but lovely…but have to admit that soon fingers ached a bit, and it was a bit too cold for comfort, and my blue Lululemon pants seem to feel more breezy…I think it was about 7° but a cold breeze.

      An easy walk out of Burgos, and then an easy, but not picturesque section walking back and forwards to get through and under many main roads and motorways leading in and out of Burgos. But after that it all became spectacular…the amazing greenery of the new crops, the new spring growth in the trees, undulating vistas.

      We paused at a dear little Ermita where we had our camino passports stamped, and were blessed, that we remembered from before. And we stopped for a break at a spot just off the track where there were picnic tables, and suddenly we realised this was where we had gratefully paused last time as an oasis to escape the heat from the very exposed track we had been walking along…SO different, now we wanted protection from the cold (which it didn’t give!)…

      But being cold puts a spring in your step just to keep warm, and it was a great day. The cloudless sky had become scattered with puffy clouds which a couple of times had produced 3 drops of water…but the breeze never let any cloud stay overhead for more than a minute, and the sun shone intermittently. We all remembered that you walk along a plateau with nothing in sight but fields (this time green) and then there is a fairly steep descent and Hornillos, a small village, appears. This time it was magical…a sweet town amongst green fields…in September it was a clump of houses in the middle of nowhere!

      So we arrived, at the little place we stayed at in 2018. But this is May Day and a public holiday here, and everything quiet…our place was closed, with a sign saying “completo” but the door was not locked, so we went in and found a table with keys on little notes - one with Rachel Higgins, and one with Rosemary Marzouk, and room numbers (I think we were the last to arrive and collect our keys!) and found it is self serve today…got to our rooms, bags there, all perfect…except Amr says the shower doesn’t drain well and I’d better have a quick shower so it doesn’t overflow. Also the note said we had a voucher for dinner at a restaurant up the road between 7 and 9 (dinners are included for the next few days) and gave us the breakfast times…so all taken care of and we are very content. R and R have the exact room we had last time, with a sloping ceiling and a skylight!!

      We went for a walk up the road to find where we would be eating, and as we walked along, feeling even colder, some drops started falling and this time we realised that they weren’t raindrops but snowflakes!! They only lasted a few minutes too, and after checking the restaurant, which had a delicious smell of roast chicken, we went back to a closed bar and all had a celebratory drink. Now still cold, with every layer on, but hope they will turn on the heating at night!

      Oh dear, bad reception and difficult uploading..will remove pics and just do words, add photos later…
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    • Burgos to Hornillos del Camino

      29 de setembro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ 🌬 14 °C

      Today we covered 21km, which is in our comfort range of about a half-marathon per day.

      We left Burgos about 8am after an improvised breakfast in our room of juice, yoghurt, cereal cookies and a massive chocolate croissant, determined to avoid running low on fuel like we probably did late yesterday.

      It was a pleasant walk of about 5km to the edge of Burgos. First through the central cathedral area, then along the river walkway for a while, and finally through the University of Burgos precinct as 9am lectures were about to start. The university has some very old and some very modern buildings.

      There is a killing to be made parking a food/coffee truck right there but, alas no coffee there as we passed through. Sadly we had to walk another 7km to Tardajos before we could self-caffeinate. We stopped for coffee and a sandwich/tortilla there.

      We were sad to find we would not be in Tardajos for the annual “Day of exaltation of the potato” on October 2 but we intend to be there in spirit on the 2nd.

      Then it was 2km or so to the village of Rabe de las Calzadas, which has lots of very large murals painted on the sides of buildings, many illustrating a bible quote.

      Leaving Rabe it was quite a steep climb on a wide dirt track for several kilometers to a ridge with many wind turbines. It became fairly windy and rainy in the ascent so the ponchos were donned again. I think we reached an altitude of about 940m above sea level.

      Then things flattened out and the weather cleared nicely as Hornillos del Camino was revealed a few km away, tucked into the next valley.

      We checked into Casa del Abuelo. It is very good and has a bar where we downed a couple of beers. Also here are 3 generations of an New Zealand family, doing the Camino with two infants in pushers. Hats off to them.

      Every day here the San Román church offers a Mass and blessing for pilgrims so we attended. Many countries represented. It was nicely done by a priest with a very good singing voice.
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    • Dia 18

      Hornillos to Castrojeriz

      9 de junho de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Lulled to sleep by a nightingale and woken by a cuckoo - possibly only on the Camino and on the Meseta?
      Slightly wild dreams but was awake just before 6 and left around 6.40.
      Unbelievably beautiful landscapes again and again I’m wishing I could paint. It’s hard to describe how stunning our environs are here. You need to see it for yourself.
      We have been lucky with the weather - not too hot and very little rain today.
      Stopped for coffee at an albergue just before Honteras and then again in the town itself where we met up with Sheryl and Janice.
      Easy walking today with the final stretch into Castrojeriz passing a ruined monastery now run as a very simple albergue by the Canadian Confraternity. I have to stay there next time if I’m lucky enough to be able to do this again. It has no electricity so dinner is by candlelight. No hoy water either - but I can do cold showers!! I’m aiming for it!
      Arrived at our Albergue, Iacobus, which was at the very far end of the town. Hopefully this means a bit less distance tomorrow which at the moment looks like quite a long day.
      Managed to get washing dry despite heavy thundery showers.
      Dinner at the albergue - not very veggie friendly so had to eat fish as a main course but did get a cup of camomile tea at the end which was a bonus.
      Now trying to get an early night as very tired!
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    • Dia 22

      Day 18: Hornillos to Castrojeriz, part 1

      4 de junho de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 54 °F

      Mileage: 12.5 miles
      Altitude gain: 676 feet
      Altitude loss: 722 feet
      Weather: very warm and sunny
      Total mileage: 209.5

      Another beautiful day! We had the room (with 7 beds) to ourselves last night - it was helpful to get so much good, quiet sleep. It took us a while to get breakfast and coffee but it was worth the wait. Most of today was on the meseta, which I had read would be boring, but so far that’s not the case. The green grain fields and poppies continue to be beautiful, and even the very flat parts just remind me of Kansas, which I don’t mind. In fact, I have two posts’ worth of photos to share today!

      1. In Hornillos. They do like their pollos here!
      2. Hornillos door with misty morning meseta just visible in the background
      3.-6. Meseta views
      7. The bell tower in Hontanas, where we finally had coffee. The bells rang while we were there - very cool. I have a video.
      8.-10. More meseta views later in the day. The poppies make me so happy.
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    • Dia 15

      Hornillos del Camino

      5 de setembro de 2019, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      In Burgos hatte ich mal wieder nur Nescafé mit Kondensmilch aus der Tube zum Frühstück und ein geschenktes Magdalena. Aber es ist auch gut, erstmal 5-10 km zu laufen, und sich erst dann ein schickes Frühstück zu gönnen. Das war dann aber doch noch ein Dorf später (km 12) und an einer stark befahrenen Straße, also kein richtiges Camino-Frühstück ;-). Dafür ging es danach in die vielgerühmte und berüchtigte Meseta, die sich aber heute von einer ganz anderen Seite zeigte. Ja, Weizenfelder bzw. Stoppel, wohin man auch schaut, aber durchaus unterbrochen von ein paar Bäumen und insgesamt sanft hügelig. Da es ziemlich kalt ist (17 C Grad) bin sogar ich im Fleecesweater gelaufen, andere haben sogar ihre *puffy jackets* dabei, viele frieren! Ich hingegen finde es sehr angenehm so. Es gibt nach der Großstadt Burgos nur kleine Dörfchen zu durchwandern oder zum Übernachten. So trifft man also alle wieder, die man verloren glaubte :).Leia mais

    • Dia 27

      Day 18 - Hornillos del Camino

      23 de setembro de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 64 °F

      Back on the trail again after a good day off. We are now less than 500 kilometers from the completion (just under 300 miles). First day on the Meseta (you know, it only rains in Spain, mainly on the plains - meseta). No rain today but we did walk about 14.5 miles. It seems to be getting easier to do longer distance, provided the weather cooperates.Leia mais

    • Dia 23

      Day 20 - Finish of the Mesta

      10 de setembro de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Left Hornillos del Camino 6.30 am arrived 12.30pm at Castrojeriz
      We had a breakfast of toast and orange juice before we left this morning. Left in the dark as usual. The terrain today was similar as yesterday on the Mestea, not much except for dry paddocks, no animals at all. No shade. Only a few paddocks of sunflowers today.
      We passed through one village and a monastery.
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    • Dia 16

      Day 16: To Hornillos del Camino

      27 de maio de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      This morning I woke up in my comfy hotel and repacked and organized my backpack before meeting one of my Camino friends I’ve been walking with the past few days downstairs for breakfast. Elana from Bulgaria was diagnosed yesterday with tendonitis in her ankle so she is staying off of it, per the free ER Dr’s orders. Ahh… universal health coverage… (Drop by any hospital and they will do what it takes to get you better for free…)

      It’s interesting how people you meet on the Camino disappear over the next or previous hill because of a difference in walking pace or a meal stop and then magically reappear days later. Yesterday, in the Burgos plaza, I ran into a family from New Zealand that Dorothy and I met in SJPDP the evening before we started the Camino. When I arrived at my albergue this afternoon, here they are again! You never know who you may see again, and who you may not. Sorta like life I suppose…

      Back to my Camino, I started a bit late (nearly 9am) walking out of Burgos. It really is a pretty town so I spent a little more time walking around. Leaving town there were a number of art cutouts representing Peregrinos in different styles. When I reached the village of Tardajos there was a festival going on where people were dressed in costumes including the (adorable) children. I asked a local and was told it was an annual local celebration; ‘La Virgin de las Aguas’. (The Virgin of the Waters.)

      Passing through Rabé de las Calzadas there were several murals celebrating the peregrinos and one that confirmed I am between 1/3 and 1/2 the way to Santiago. Yea! One step at a time…
      A few minutes later I passed a small church with a couple of elderly folks sitting on the front porch and a sister in the doorway. I motioned to see if it was ok for me to take a photo and she motioned me in. Once inside she gave me a tiny gold medallion with a hug, then wished me “Buen Camino” and stamped my passport with an image of the medallion and a Peregrino. It instantly became my favorite sello (or seal) for my pilgrims passport. It was very sweet and a moment I won’t forget.

      Today I entered the Meseta. It’s a large fairly flat area in Spain that you walk through on the Camino between Burgos and Leon. Many peregrinos actually skip over it entirely and take a bus to Leon because of its reputation for being hot and visually dull. I would agree with the ‘hot’ description (and I’m here before the really hot months), but I would definitely not call it dull. So, speaking of ‘hot’, I became the coolest peregrino around by putting on my official hiking umbrella with a mounting attachment for my backpack. I may (or may not) have looked cool, but I was cool, and that’s what counts.
      As I walked, I continued past wheat and barley fields and a gazillion wildflowers lining the pathways. Before long I entered Hornillos de las Camino (my shelter for the evening.) As soon as I arrived at my albergue, I dropped off my backpack and then went to the square for a glass of wine.
      That evening at the albergue they served up a great pilgrims dinner including a good salad and the largest iron skillet I’ve ever seen full of Paella. After a great dinner, I was off to bed.
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    • Dia 13

      One night in Burgos

      17 de julho de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 37 °C

      Aua, aua, aua! Das Ding ist gestern noch komplett aus dem Ruder geraten. Aber erstmal chronologisch:

      Nachdem das Fußbad ne Eisenhower A+ war, hatte ich dann geschaut, wo der nächste Schuhladen ist. Alles in der Stadt abgelaufen, schließen die Geschäfte zur Siesta aber alle gegen 15 Uhr. Die einzige Möglichkeit war dann Decathlon - 5,5 Kilometer entfernt vom Stadtzentrum auf einer Strecke. Nach so einem Tag nochmal extra 11 Kilometer aufs Tacho zu bekommen, stand für mich außer Frage - so wurde es das Taxi für ca 25 Euro hin und zurück. Mich dort mit Wandersandalen, einer Adidas kurzen Hose und einem T-Shirt eingedeckt, ging es zum Frustessen: einmal McMenü mit nem BigMac, Pommes, Cola und Mayo bitte. Im Nachhinein sau unnötig, aber in dem Moment völlig wichtig. Witzigerweise schmeckt Mccens halt wirklich in jedem Land anders!

      Gegen 18:30 Uhr wieder in der Stadt gewesen, stand auf der heutigen Taktiktafel für den Abend: Kneipentour. Startend bei einem Maß Bier in der vor der Alberge, wurde der Fahrplan besprochen. Es gibt in Burgos eine Kneipenstraße, ähnlich wie das Barfußgässchen, nur ein wenig enger und mit Stehtischen versehen. Thorsten und ich in der Vordersten angefangen, haben wir uns jeweils mit einem kleinen Bier vorgetastet. In der Mitte angekommen, trommelten wir dann andere Pilger zusammen und dadurch wurden wir relativ schnell 10 Leute. Weil der Jakobsweg bisher deutlich mehr Geld gefordert hat als geplant, sind wir dann auf Wein umgestiegen. Ein Glas kostet hier 1,80 Euro - absoluter Schnapper!

      Na und wie es dann immer so ist, war dann der Schnabel auf einmal nass und so wurde auf Flaschen anstatt Gläser bestellen, umgestiegen - geht ja deutlich schneller! Ich, Profi wie ich bin, gegen 21 Uhr mich von der Gruppe verabschiedet und gesagt, dass ich mich ja kenne, wenn ich jetzt noch ein Glas weitertrinke, gehts komplett los. Stolz wie Bolle habe ich es dann bis zur Herberge geschafft, wo in der Bar ca 15 andere Pilger auch saßen und ich mich nicht ganz vorbeimogeln konnte. Hergerufen, dass ich mich doch nochmal dazu setzen soll, wurde mir dann direkt ein Bier gereicht. Kiara und Silvia, die beiden Italienierinnen, die ich seit Tag 1 hier auf dem Camino kenne, haben mich dann dauerhaft probiert zu überreden doch noch mit weiterzuziehen. Na gut, to be honest, sie haben mich gefragt: Hey Alex, komm doch noch mit auf ein Glas, wir ziehen jetzt nochmal durch das Viertel. Überredungsschwelle hoch wie der Kölner Dom, hab ich direkt ja gesagt und so begab es sich..

      Das Ding auf dem Jakobsweg, was es immer sehr schwer macht, ist: alle Herbergen schließen pünktlich 22 oder 22:30 Uhr. Hagrid wartet in jedem Dorf komplett pingelig darauf, dass er endlich pünktlich auf die Minute die Eingangstür schließen kann und wenn man danach kommt, hat man Pech. Es besteht keine Chance mehr reinzukommen. Vor diese Entscheidung wurde ich gestern dann gestellt: die beiden Italienermädels ins Hotel eingebucht, da sie morgen ein Restday machen, war ich mit Armando und Michael (der mit dem World Cup 2006 Witz) die Einzigen mit, die wieder in die Alberge mussten. Jetzt darf jeder gerne mal für sich im Kopf überlegen, wie der Abend weitergelaufen ist haha

      Gegen 22:20 Uhr der felsenfesten Überzeugung gewesen, kam neben Stefania, Elisabetha und Kiara 2 noch Raily, der Amerikaner aus San Francisco dazu, der unglücklicherweise zwei angefangene Flaschen Wein mithatte.. und eine Musikbox. Mit den völlig unglücklichen Umständen und das erste ‚Volare ooooh‘ auf den Ohren, war es dann 22:27 Uhr und wir hätten es ja eh nicht mehr geschafft!

      Naja guuuuuuuut, jetzt musste man mindestens bis 6 Uhr durchhalten - die Tür war verschlossen, der Zug war abgefahren, die Kuh war vom Eis. Mit dem Wissen und der Erkenntnis wurde dann final die Handbremse gelöst und sich die Batterie aufs herrlichste abgeklemmt. Die ganze Gasse mit unserem fröhlichen Gesang unterhalten, wurden wir relativ schnell viele und auch die Einheimischen haben sich zu uns gestellt. Klassiker wie Guantanamera, La Bomba, Morenita oder auch Disco Pogo schallten nun durch die Burgoser Innenstadtgassen (Videos reiche ich nach - versprochen!).

      Schon kurz vor Zapfenstreich auf dem Alkoholmessgerät, kam dann von einer Einheimischen der Tipp, dass auf dem Marktplatz ja ein Club offen hatte - war ich der festen Überzeugung, dass ich mit meinem Outfit niemals reinkomme. Bad Taste Hemd mit Muscheln drauf an, dazu ne Badehose und klassisch Adiletten. Die Türsteher uns komplett sympathisch gefunden, hatten wir nach dem anfänglichen schwierigen Start in den Tag, jetzt einen völligen Lauf. Reingekommen, war das dann final der Todesstoß haha

      Gegen 5:15 Uhr mich kaum noch auf den Füßen halten könnend (ob es die Schmerzen vom vielen Laufen waren oder andere Gründe hatte, lasse ich offen) hab ich mich dann auf den Rückweg Richtung Alberge begeben. Riesenhoffnung in alle Hektoren der letzten Tage, wurde ich aber enttäuscht und alles war zu und noch keiner auf den Beinen. Stellt euch das Bild vor: eine riesige Eingangstür wie bei einem Schloss und ein Alex Langner lehnt liegend dagegen und macht einen kleinen Powernap. Mit diesem möchte ich euch gerne entlassen - 6:20 Uhr wurde ich dann erlöst und durfte in mein Bett, bis ich 7:30 Uhr darauf hingewiesen worde, dass die Herberge um 8 Uhr schließe und ich bitte aufstehen soll. Wie dann der heutige Tag war, im nächsten Blog - jetzt steht erstmal ne Weltklasse Paella auf dem Abendplan! ✌🏻
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    Hornillos del Camino, 09230

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