Hostal dos Reis Católicos

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    • Gün 7


      12 Ekim 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      Disappointed and tired, I went ahead and checked in to the hotel, hoping my room would be ready early. It was.. and the first thing I did was soak in the tub. lol

      My mom's birthday gift to me, along with helping watch the kids while I'm gone, is a night at the amazing parador in compostela. 🥰

      The hostal dos reis catolicos is literally right beside the catedral. It's one of the oldest hotels in the world, dating back to the 16th century when it was first used as a hospital for peregrinos. I added all the photos I have for the parador, including the breakfast buffet where I indulged in four (!) tostads con tamate. 😄
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 9

      Journey's End : New beginnings

      14 Mayıs 2019, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Slightly giddy with the excitement last night, we went out on the town, back to the cathedral square for better pictures, then into a beautiful church that had been closed earlier - a wander, window-shopping, and to look for a restaurant. We chose a teeny-tiny place where there were just two tables out front. We got the table for one and three quarters that butted into the side of the building. It was even hotter at 7pm than it had been during the day, so we were more than happy with this, and the added bonus - we were able to catch up with our Israeli friends later - I spied them strolling by as we ate. We had chosen a gorgeous tapas menu without a dessert, deciding to have an ice cream for pudding, from round the corner (spotted on the way in).

      This morning we got up early to get to the certificate office for 8am. As we came down the hill, I said, "Aren't we disciplined to get here for ten to”. We rounded the bend to find that unfortunately there was already a substantial queue, of other people even sadder than us and, when we all filed in we realised that we were in the same place in the line as we had been the night before! Luckily this time though, we were out and done in under the hour, as the man on desk number two was pretty nifty with his form filling. We opted for ‘todos’ - the certificate of distance, the Compostela (religious document), the special tube holder, and a freebee ticket for church entry. This was all good because we could now do breakfast.

      Next stop the cathedral - smaller than anticipated inside, but not disappointing. I lit my candles to remember much missed family members - June, Horace, Emily and John. Certain of them would have loved to be here with us in this special place. And one extra candle for the living. We looked at the glitzy and painted bits on the columns and ceiling, then passed down into the crypt to see the casket of the remains of St James, plus a plaque to commemorate the visit of Pope John Paul II in 1982. Officially, this is the end point of the Camino Way. We had arrived! Up the other side, and up the steps for the final ritual - to hug the statue of St James. I just put a friendly hand on his shoulder, leaving Chris to do the cuddling.

      As we emerged into the heat of the square, we heard the buzz of voices - a large crowd of school children and their teachers had completely filled the steps to the East of the plaza. The local Christian school was celebrating 300 years since the death of John the Baptist de la Salle, after whom their school was founded. There was singing, readings and pronouncements - it was all very cheerful. A very entertaining half hour was spent, sitting in the sunshine, watching the teacher/pupil relationship - a very familiar scene, wherever you are in the world. There was the teacher in unsuitable shoes (far to cool for school), and the throwback from Fame with red curly hair and matching round sunglasses. Miss High-heels was in charge of handouts, and Curly was on behaviour management. Young male PE LSA was looking after the boy with a broken arm - I hope it wasn’t his health and safety failing.

      All perfect timing for a quick coffee before the special ‘Pilgrims’ Mass’ at midday, in the St Francisco church, followed by lunch. By this time it was extremely hot, so we retired to the hotel to cool down, before returning to the square, where we were serenaded by a band at the town hall. A trip on the little white tour ‘train’ showed us all the sights of the city. Still seriously hot at 6pm, so we were ready to ‘go home’ again before dinner - same restaurant as last night, seafood themed. Cheers.

      El fin del Camino.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 40

      Santiago Tag 4

      22 Ekim 2021, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Guten Morgen, guten Morgen, guten Morgen Sonnenschein!
      So weckte ich heute morgen um halb 8 Janine. Denn heute kommen unsere Männer also mussten wir unser Apartment aufräumen. Wer mich kennt weiß, dass ich im Urlaub eine Sch… bin.

      Gesagt getan habe ich Janine aus meinem Schlafzimmer geschmissen. Denn wir haben bis jetzt in einem Zimmer geschlafen, obwohl wir eigentlich zwei Schlafzimmer haben. Nach dem duschen zogen wir los und kauften für uns Kaffeejunkies noch Kaffeepads, denn die waren nach vier Tagen schon leer.

      Aus unserer Verabredung zum Brunch haben wir kurzerhand ein Sektfrühstück gemacht, ohne Frühstück versteht sich.
      Mittlerweile sind wir Strassenhocker geworden, also trafen wir uns danach alle vor der Kathedrale und beobachteten das Spektakel der Neuankömmlinge. Als wir gerade von Franz und Bianca sprachen, tauchten sie auf dem Platz auf und wir feierten zusammen ihre Ankunft!

      Leider mussten wir uns schon früh verabschieden, da wir zu unseren Männern an den Flughafen laufen mussten . Taxi fühlte sich in diesem Moment einfach noch falsch an. So liefen wir 17 km zum Flughafen um dort immer noch viel zu früh anzukommen. Aber wenn wir bis jetzt hier eins gelernt haben, dann ist es nichts tun. Nachdem wir uns dann durch das Reportua des Snackautomaten gefuttert hatten, kamen auch endlich unsere Männer an! Die Freude war riesig.
      Wir sind gnädig sie dürfen heute nochmal Taxi fahren, das letztemal in den nächsten 12 Tagen !

      So fuhren wir schnell ins Apartment und direkt in die Stadt ! Wir trafen uns noch mit Helmut und hatten ein super lustigen Abend !
      Leider fliegt er morgen wieder heim , wirklich sehr schade!
      Jetzt sind wir totmüde und fallen ins Bett!
      Gute Nacht

      -17 km
      -112 Höhenmeter
      -829,81 km Gesamtstrecke
      Einfach nur große Freude dass unsere Männer uns jetzt den Rest der Strecke begleiten.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 17


      4 Eylül 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      Leg 2, Barcona to London

    • Gün 8

      We'll just see how far we can get

      13 Mayıs 2019, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      We set off before 8.30am again - after the masses (by the time we went for breakfast, everybody was out of the dorm, and only a pair of French couples were still in the cafe next door), but early enough to try and eat up the km before lunch, and to give us enough time to stop and rest the foot.

      We took lunch, outside, at a ‘locals’ cafe, at the foot of the church steps in a tiny village. The man who had been selling beaded goods at the top of the hill, came down to the cafe to play with his baby grandson as we ate (tortilla Francesa in a floured bun with cheese, and zumo naranja). Everybody took a turn to hold and cackle at the baby, until grandad’s friend dropped him and he was swiftly returned to dad - the loud cooing was now mixed with the sound of screaming. Good food. Interior like the tardis. Nice toilets.

      We got going again - more woods - a mini waterfall bubbling through the greenery - we passed through smart villages, just before skirting the airport - Ryanair planes close enough to touch sailing over the trees. More countryside.

      The aim was to get as close to Santiago de compostela as possible - the whole stage was 20ish km - we had booked our next accommodation in the city, but planned to taxi the uncompleted part of the journey, then get a taxi back in the morning to complete the final stretch if necessary. But, we just kept walking, and walking, and walking. We got to a cool church at the top of a hill on the outskirts of SDC and stepped in for a few minutes. Just 5km to get down to the cathedral - we could do that (once round Quorn) - nothing to it! We had to give in however, when we saw the oasis - a lovely French style corner cafe with chairs out on the street - and we’d definitely been walking six km at least by then anyway. Just one more zumo naranja please. We (I) shuffled (painfully, Chris says) down the remains of the street, eventually arriving into the cathedral square at least 2 hours later. Hooray and hoorah. Can I take my shoes and socks and dressings off now? No, we’re going to get our certistificates! Big sigh! We queued for a bit - well Chris queued, and I sat on the edge of the fountain dipping my hands in the camellia-flowered water, getting my back wet, until a kind lady said there was a two hour wait, and there would be nobody there if we came back at eight in the morning. So I fetched Chris out of the queue and I hobbled after him to the hotel. I’ll tell you about the evening tomorrow, because Chris is sleepy. Night night.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 16

      Cathedral tour/dinner.

      3 Eylül 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 81 °F

      Pictures of dinner and Santiago on Saturday evening. Plus, tour of Cathedral

    • Gün 22

      Santiago de Compostela

      5 Mart 2022, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA.... das Mekka und das Ziel des Jakobsweges.
      Ich parke fast unmittelbar vor der Kathedrale von Santiago😄.... im Halteverbot😉.
      Das Glück ist momentan auf meiner Seite😇

      Die Kathedrale ist wieder einmal sehr imposant. Wie aufwendig und detailgenau früher gearbeitet wurde. Der Eintritt ist frei.

      Sehr pompös....viel Gold und viel Reichtum steckt in der, sowie in den meisten Kirchen/Kathedralen dieser Zeit.

      Für meinen Geschmack zuviel.... da es auf der anderen Seite so so viele Menschen und Lebewesen gibt, die sich nicht mal ordentlich ernähren können - geschweige denn sich richtig aus dem Gesundheitssystem bedienen dürfen.

      Der historische Kern der Stadt ist wie immer ein Magnet. Obwohl es auf dem Platz nicht übermäßig voll ist; dafür, dass heute Samstag ist.

      Ich kaufe mir in einem der unzähligen Souverniershops eine goldene Kette mit der Muschel.... dem Markenzeichen auch vom Jakobsweg.

      Danach setze ich meine Reise fort.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Day 13: Salceda > SdC (27.3km)

      12 Mayıs 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      The final day walking. Somehow I managed to find a sweet spot between the masses of pilgrims from the French way and spent half my day in the quiet on a surprisingly green route to Santiago to Compostela.

      I made it in fewer days than expected and now have a few to relax. Another post coming soon to close off this trip.


      - Celebrating with new friends
      - Best Tarta de Santiago of the whole trip
      - Finishing the journey


      - Zero sleep due to snorer/sleep fighter below me
      - Too many people in S.D.C
      - Finishing the journey
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 31

      Compostela por Andreum

      28 Eylül 2021, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Jetzt ist es offiziell: Ich habe den Camino geschafft. Den Staffelstab werde ich in einigen Jahren weitergeben, damit in unserer Familie eine Tradition daraus wird.

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