Las Cortes

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    • Day 4

      Back in Madrid

      October 3, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      We headed back to Madrid at around 12 pm. By 3pm, we were already in the city. Took the time to see the sights in Madrid, have lunch, take a quick shower and head to the airport for the night flight to Santa Cruz, Bolivia.Read more

    • Day 154

      Madrid - Day 1

      November 6, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      A couple of hours from Medinaceli and we were in the centre of Spain. Using a campsite at Aranjuez, 43km south of Madrid as our base, we took the train into the city for some culture.

      With three of the worlds best art museums to be found in Madrid, we opted for the Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Museum, a private collection acquired over two generations, which showcases works of the great masters over a 7-century period.

      Exhibited over three floors, we were able to admire works by Gauguin, Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh, Rubens, Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Picasso, Dali and Freud to name a few and look in detail at each painting. It was an excellent exhibition and is free to the general public on Mondays, thanks to sponsorship by MasterCard. Even if you don't get the chance to visit on a Monday, it is well worth the admission ticket.

      From there we wandered around the old town and admired the ornate buildings and old-fashioned shops all beautifully displaying their goods. By this time we were getting a bit peckish and our guidebook gave us a very good suggestion for a local bar renowned for its 'bocadillo calamares'. Le Ideal is a small bar just off the main square where the counter area was so narrow that the half a dozen staff behind it each had to man their one-metre length of it as it was impossible for them to get past one another! We placed our order and in no time our deep-fried squid rolls arrived as did the wine and beer. It was standing room only in there, but that just added to the experience.

      With our heads full of exquisite paintings and our stomachs full of squid rolls, we walked back to the train and headed back. A great first day in Madrid.
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    • Day 1

      El Paseo del Prado

      June 8, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Iniziamo a girellare senza meta e ci ritroviamo sul Paseo del Prado, uno dei viali più importanti di tutta Madrid (è qui che si trova il Museo del Prado infatti). Passeggiamo poi sulla Gran Via, dove ammiriamo il famoso edificio Metropolis, e finiamo con il ritrovarci di fronte alla Stazione di Atocha, tristemente famosa per l'atroce attentato che c'è stato nel 2004 e all'interno della quale è stato allestito un bellissimo giardino tropicale.Read more

    • Day 1


      October 31, 2021 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Anlässlich der Anerkennung der „Landschaft des Lichts“ bzw. Paisaje de la Luz als UNESCO-Welterbe begeht Madrid vom 29. bis 31. Oktober erstmals LuzMadrid. Internationales Lichterfest Madrid, das die letzten Herbstabende in einem einzigartigen Kunst- und Kreativ-Event in Szene setzt. Vom 29. bis 31. Oktober, zwischen 20 Uhr und Mitternacht, hüllen innovative künstlerische Ausdrucksformen den öffentlichen Raum in ein neues Licht. LuzMadrid ist Teil eines Netzwerks internationaler Festivals mit ähnlichen Veranstaltungen in anderen Städten weltweit und bringt repräsentative, spartenübergreifend arbeitende Künstler aus dem In- und Ausland zusammen. 
      Über zwanzig Werke, bei denen Video, Installation, künstliche Intelligenz, Bewegung und Mapping zum Einsatz kommen, regen die Besucher zu einer neuen Begegnung mit der städtischen Umwelt an. Das kostenlose Event für alle Altersgruppen kann auch außerhalb einer festgelegten Route besucht werden. So können Bewohner und Besucher Madrids Zeitpunkt und Schauplatz selbst wählen, ohne einem vorgegebenen Ablauf zu folgen.
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    • Day 3

      train to seville

      May 14, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      great way to see the country side. saw many small hamlets surrounded by fields and groves of trees. definitely lots of olive trees, grey leaf, but there was another taller crooked trunked tree that looked evergreen. not sure what tree that was. great hills and what looked like basalt columnar this like the chilcotan plateau and part of an old lava flood plain??? more research needed 😁 later. looked like some nice walks out of a train stop at I think porto lenno. saw purple flowering plant along disturbed areas and at least 2 types of pine trees tall and airy and short and squat. unfortunately we were facing backwards and I started getting motion sickness by the time we got to cordoba. next time we will have to see how you book a seat that faces forward!Read more

    • Day 3

      night time wanderings 1st night

      May 14, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      after getting some groceries 9 pm we headed out. found a beautiful flatiron building in calle tueton with lots of wood details, palm leaf on balcony which we have seen before....leftover from easter I think. swifts nesting above the wooden blinds you can see the poop stainsRead more

    • Day 3

      the Mary float "Pasos"

      May 14, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      we are wandering up calle tueton and hear a marching to check that out and we stumble upon a magnificent Mary float
      called a Pasos usually part of the Semana Santa or holy week festivities....but why is she out tonight??? Sevilla is known for the most amazing holy week processions by each neighbourhoods parish taking their floats to the cathedral but why this night? Saturday eve. she made a stop at iglesia de la annunciation church a former Jesuit church and one of the most classic semana santa churches in Seville apparently. then turned up another street next to the setus de sevilla a magnificent swirly mushroom like shade structure that covers the square. the pics are blurry but you can see the young men's feet carrying the float. they change teams very 20 min or so so the float stops. there is chicken wire where there heads must be so they have some fresh air. it was a slow procession and I don't know if they would head back to the cathedral or not. you can see the head turban like structures the men wear ( no women allowed to carry so far..) on one of the blurry pics.Read more

    • Day 3

      continued wandering

      May 14, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      we continue wandering back maybe towards the cathedral. having a slice of pizza on the way. pass by the big red church- iglesia collegian del divino Salvador- then to the cathedral of Seville the largest gothic church in Europe...or maybe the world, built on the former site of the mosque. the giralda tower - which has both Muslim and Christian portions 1184 and 17th cent. it has a ramp to the top, no stairs so the sultan could ride his horse up to the top for the magnificent views. then to the plaza del triunfel built after the triumph of the 1755 lisboa earthquake- this because those at mass in the cathedral survived the quake- . the puerto del leon new entry to the alcazar - red lion- then onto the patio de banderos, patio of the flags, the old military square of the alcazar ( good irrigation technique for the orange trees) then through a passage to the Fuentes de dona elvira- a beautiful tiled square with fountain. then back to cathedral and homeRead more

    • Day 3

      san francisco plaza

      May 14, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      this plaza was where the Spanish inquisition took place. today a wide open space. views of the giralda tower behind the bank of spain building to the south. to the west the town hall of seville or ayuntamiento de Sevilla - built in 1526 initially , platereque style, and remodelled in 19th century. the square has had many names depending on political situation. plaza de constitution, plaza real de Fernando vii.... there was another beautiful flatiron building - edificio de la adriatica- with lots of moorish details commissioned in 1914 built in 1922 in time for the ibos American exhibition of 1929. the building has mudejar, plateresque, and gothic styles blended together.Read more

    • Day 4

      patio courtyards

      May 15, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      we got out at the early hour of 6 pm.....that's what happens when you are up to 2 am and sleep till 1130. not sure if it is jet lag or just the Spanish way! we peeked in at some courtyards in our neighborhood and they were beautiful. the outer doors are open but inner metal door is locked. I think this is all for good air circulation in this hot climate it sure works for our place. also a pic of a neighborhood balcony enclosed in glass with the palm leaf.Read more

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