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    • Dag 20

      Day 17- Healing in Leon

      22 september 2023, Spanje ⋅ ⛅ 46 °F

      Just a knee update.
      As you see from the picture I have been icing my knee . I am doing it 5 times per day .keeping it elevated most of the day. Had the knee brace on day 1 and did not have it on yesterday.
      Today will be my 3rd complete rest day. First day I needed to go out to the grocery store to get food and walked about 3000 steps that day. There was pain in the knee when I walked and I had the brace on.
      Yesterday came in at 250 steps:)
      The funny thing is that new watch I bought kept notifying me to get moving throughout the day:)
      Also on day 1 of rest I did extensive googling on knee injuries. Probably wasn’t a good use of my time but did get a lot of info. One thing I read about that surprised me was the use of NSAIDS with soft tissue injuries. Seems like there is some debate about whether they slow the healing process. As a result I decided to stop taking the anti inflammatory meds I have and just see what happens as I am not in pain when not walking and the icing should help the internal inflammation which I assume I have. There is no exterior swelling.
      The knee has felt different yesterday morning as well as this morning. Yesterday it felt completely fine with ease of movement. No soreness or pain when I poke around with my hand, did a few squats and no issue. This morning the knee feels tighter and a bit contracted.A little feeling of soreness but mostly just feels tighter. I am assuming that these are good signs that healing is occurring. I plan to do my 250 steps today as well as I have enough supplies.
      Tomorrow I will need to go to the store again so that will be a good test of whether I have made any progress or not. After today I have another 4 days of complete rest so fingers crossed!
      Yesterday I mapped out a plan for the rest of the trail if I can begin walking it again. While they say this is an easy walk there are still quite a few elevation changes that one must navigate . The plan I concocted would have us stopping half way down the two largest mountains so that I can split the downhills into 2 days as my downhill walking is more of an issue that flat or uphill. Using this plan would have us arrive in Santiago on 10/9. We do want to go to Finisterre which is 51 miles from Santiago ( it is also called the “ end of the world”) and is the coast of Spain on the North Atlantic Basin . There are bus trips there and back so that will take a day. I ain’t waking 51 more miles:) Our flights are set for 10/10 so will need to push them out a day but did the research on that and should be easy to arrange but we will need to leave from Madrid instead of they Paris as it is difficult to get a flight from Santiago to Paris but easy to get a train to Madrid not to mention that everything I read is the train trip to Madrid provides great views as well!
      CJ is crushing the trail. First day he did around 14 miles and then yesterday he did 40km which is just under 25 miles! Also yesterday morning he had rain and 20 mph wind till about 11am. He said he only saw 10 hikers and 2 bicycle hikers in the morning. In the afternoon it was sunny and he was rolling along! Said it has all been flat and the views are not particularly grand as it is in the middle of the Meseta . He and I talk several times a day so he is keeping me connected with his journey . He has about 55km left to get to me so he should be here tomorrow afternoon. He will have great hiking weather today although it is 48 degrees right now and will only have a high of 65 today and partly sunny all day!
      So in conclusion I am doing the RICE approach, hopefully healing and trying to keep my sanity, Thank goodness for the internet and the 2 streaming services I have that work internationally( Apple TV and Netflix)! Many thanks to all that have reached out, I am hopeful that I can get back to the trail and so far so good so we shall see!
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    • Dag 26

      To León

      25 september 2023, Spanje ⋅ 🌙 64 °F

      We had a nice, relaxing walk to León today. This city is a favorite of ours…so, so beautiful!!

      The Good

      1. Sunrise over the cornfields
      2. Yummy croissants during our 2nd break
      3. The cooler walking weather
      4. Getting new sandals and a replacement long sleeve shirt

      The Funny

      Alan was so hungry by our second break, he bought three croissants 🥐 , one for me and two for him. These French women walked up and were so excited to see our croissants! They walked in to buy some. Alan sheepishly looked at me and told me he had bought the last three. The poor French woman came back out with different pastries and Alan tried to explain, basically by miming, that he had been very hungry. 😂😂

      The Best

      1. Homemade churros dipped in melted chocolate 😋😋
      2. León’s old city
      3. Seeing Candi! ❤️❤️
      4. Visiting with Finton
      5. Dinner in front of the Cathedral
      6. Our hotel room with an actual king size bed! 🙂 🛏️

      We are kind of wishing we were taking a rest day here because this hotel room is amazing and the bed is so comfy, but tomorrow we will walk to Villar de Mazarife.

      We have 191 miles left until Santiago. 🥾
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    • Dag 33

      Leon to Hospital de Orbigo

      6 oktober 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Today was one of the most tedious hot never ending walks we have had! Now we are a team of 10 ( feet) as Bill has joined us for a few days walking.
      We had a lovely start to the day with Fiona Conor Vanessa and Tim walking the first 9 km with us. We all set off in good spirits and another beautiful morning thinking we would find a cafe and all have a farewell breakfast together. Not to be.
      We walked through 2 small villages and nothing was open . It's Saturday and Spain seems to take relaxing in the weekend to a whole new level.
      Finally after no cafes to be seen we all sat under a tree and shared a bag of pineapple lumps that Bill had kindly brought over, a bag of lollies and some sugared almonds.
      Sadly we bid farewell to our Irish family and we trudged.
      along dusty endless tracks beside rolling fields of maize and ploughed dirt.
      We did finally come to a sleepy town where it seemed not a soul stirred but there was a cafe with 2 things in the cabinet and a girl serving us who must have come top of the class at the school of no charm, but she made coffees and that was what we wanted!
      Due to a slightly later start we did not get into Hospital de Orbigo until 4pm. After 30 km it was sight for tired eyes. A beautiful bridge built by the Romans and a quaint historic town.
      The best thing is the Hotel here right by the old bridge and a lovely man running it. I had roast lamb tonight. Delicious.
      The town is famous here for jousting! An ancient sport but the competition continues.
      All having early nights and listening to the Irish game.
      We had a great night out in Leon last night having street food from the markets and ending up in a "snug"with our Irish family and a French man watching France play Italy .Bill had arrived so we were pleased to see him
      A much shorter walk tomorrow thankfully.
      Buenes noches
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    • Dag 22–23

      Halfway to Santiago! 🥂

      5 mei, Spanje ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Kim is officially on the mend, but we took a short train ride to Leon, to give her body a bit more time to recover and save ourselves a day of hiking in the rain. Before leaving Sahagún, we received our “Halfway Compostela” certificates! We can’t believe that we are already halfway to Santiago! 🇪🇸 We had a relaxing evening in Leon and nice meal at Udon🍜 before hitting the trail again the next morning! 🥾Meer informatie

    • Dag 24

      Resting in Leon

      Gisteren, Spanje ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

      Day off and a lie in. What a luxury. We visited Gaudís dragon building this morning. It's really beautifully designed down to every last detail and would be an achievement even today. The dragon in the photo is a replica of the original which had a tube containing documents and the plans, hidden by Gaudí.
      Other than that we just wandered around, ate random not memorable food and am now resting and looking out of the window at the lovely derelict patio.
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    • Dag 20

      A few known faces

      11 augustus 2022, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Here we bumped into a few people we met before: Maren (German), Dari (French), Joanna (German), Claudio (Argentinian).
      Maren had arrived before us and was checked into an albergue she said was very good, so we checked in there too. We are meeting her later for dinner.

      Here's a photo with Maren taken at dinner time. She reminds me of my niece Sarah (a blonde version).
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    • Dag 22

      Day 22 - León

      1 oktober 2022, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      We always say that a sailor’s plans are written in sand at low tide, and it seems that holds true even when we’re on land walking El Camino.

      I had a rough night, and we decided to book two more nights here in León to allow for more recovery time—at a different hotel because space was not available where we were staying.

      Our first hotel was just a few steps away from the cathedral, in a very lively section of the old city. Our new hotel, a 10 minute walk away is in a quieter residential area.
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    • Dag 34

      Leon (21.7km / 461.3km)

      16 mei 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      The most challenging day mentally. Dusty, dry land alongside busy roads and industrial areas didn’t provide much to occupy the mind and divert attention from the walk. But, that is a key part of the Camino at times.
      There were more impressive examples of irrigation systems and we had breakfast in the lovely town of Mansilla de las Mullas where we had hoped to stay but could not book accommodation. As we left the town we could look back to parts of the ancient town wall.
      Arriving in Leon was a major milestone for us. It was the end of 9 consecutive days of walking from Burgos covering 178km. In hindsight it was too much and probably an overreaction to the accommodation issue but it proved what we could do. It wasn’t just the mental side of consecutive walking days but the physical impact.
      I say probably too much because walking the last week I’ve witnessed silent acceptance of pain and discomfort from Jane who’s feet have had blister after blister despite all the preventative care. She’s become an expert at blister surgery at the end of each day! Hopefully a day’s rest and a calmer schedule will put an end to that.
      Tomorrow we will be playing “Tourist” in Leon and from here we are planning shorter legs and more stops so we can enjoy more of what will be around us.
      This evening one of the Franciscan brothers gave us a tour of the church and cloisters of Saint Francis church which is linked to our Albergue. Also a reminder to focus on the spiritual part of the Camino.
      This was followed by mass and Pilgrim blessing and then we went for local tapas with Rob (Canadian). The Tapas bar was 100% local and Spanish. Ordering beer was easy - we had a really nice 18/70! Food was a different story. They have the food behind glass and you point at it. They say whatever it is, you look a bit confused so they show you. The first choice he shows me his ribs. Perfecto I thought. Anyway it’s just as well the we like livers! The other dish was “Cayo”. ??? It was lovely and spicy. We googled it when we got home and it turns out idly was “callo” which is tripe stew but it was really good! A really authentic evening! …,
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    • Dag 21

      Day 19 rest day!

      28 mei, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      As today the way was along side the main road and not very inspiring, Fiona joined me in getting the bus to Leon as rest day and we’ve played tourist all day. Plus as Leon is large place, I’ve bought some walking sandals and will wear them with socks and walk half the way to next stage tomorrow🤞Wearing them with socks is recommended and the sandals don’t touch the nail bed of my big toe, I’ve tried them this afternoon and we’ll have to see how it goes tomorrow!
      So we visited the 13th century Leon cathedral which has magnificent stain glass windows and fantastic gothic masonry and underwent massive maintenance and structural repairs in the 18th century - all very impressive!
      We also did train trip round the city which was fun and enjoyed the sunny weather and eating outside. Leon is lovely vibrant and green city, quite buzzy atmosphere, and we bumped into others pilgrims we’ve met before, which is nice.
      We’re in a hostel right in the centre of town, and very noisy from the outdoor cafes, ear plugs tonight!!
      We’re in bunk beds again and sharing small 4 bed room with 2 New Zealand ladies, and on the top bunk - no choice but to just get on with it! Buenos noches!
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    • Dag 20

      Dinner in León

      11 augustus 2022, Spanje ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Jan, Maren and I were waiting for our dinner when Murdock, who had met Maren before, walked by and joined us.
      He has the most extraordinary life I have heard of so far on the Camino: he's Scottish, and has been living in Oman for 5 years. Who wants to guess what his job is? I bet no one will come even close! 🤣Meer informatie

    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    León, Leon, ليون, Ciudá de Llión, Lleó, Leono, LEN, レオン, 24001, Леон

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