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    • Dag 73

      Day 71 & 72: Castroverde - Lugo

      24. oktober 2016, Spanien ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Distance: 22.5 (1768.3/99.8)
      Weather: 16C, some sun bit chilly!
      Mood: A but mixed
      Staying at: Lucus Hostal

      Today, I'm not a pilgrim but a tourist in the capital of Galcia, Lugo. I've become so good at being a pilgrim that I nearly forgot how lousy I am at being a solo tourist. I'm feeling a little lost and out of place amongst all these people who are just going about their day. I ask about a route variation in the camino interpretation centre, but am turned away as it's not the real camino and therefore not part of their scope...
      The students at the table next to me are quizzing each other on German words and grammar. It makes me smile. I just read an article on how repetition is far from the most effective way to learn, but this may not be the time to tell them.
      Feeling out of place here makes me question what is my place in this world and it makes me miss my loved ones. I'm a doer, a problem solver, not a quiet observer and I feel such a strong need to add some value to this world again.
      I stumble upon a fellow pilgrim asks me for help on deciding what to do the next days. I use the knowledge I gained on route variations, onward walks and busses from Santiago and I leave him satisfied with a number of alternatives to choose from. And I... am happy again cause I was able to add some value.
      The day ends with a reunion with another peregrina. We share food, a glass of red wine and stories about love, work, travel and life after the camino. We agree that the tougher days like today and at times being uneasy is good for reflection and learning. It's these days that make us grow.
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    • Dag 19

      Lugo - San Frolain festival

      8. oktober 2016, Spanien ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      Lugo certainly knows how to party! We had a great night wandering around the city. We're just waking up now and people are still out on the streets.

      We've a choice of routes today. Not sure yet what we'll do.Læs mere

    • Dag 16

      A short day into Lugo

      21. september 2021, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      By 1:00 I was in my hotel and washing clothes. I will have all afternoon to enjoy this beautiful city. The walk was much nicer than I remember it, and I am assuming they have taken huge chunks off the road and put them on gorgeous little green tunnel paths.

      At about 12 km along the way, I came to a point where the arrows offered a choice to take on an extra kilometer and visit the church at Soutomerille. I had done that once before, long before there was any announcement of the option, and when I got there the whole church was covered in overgrowth. So I decided that this fancy little sign must indicate that someone had bothered to cut away the brush so the church would be visible.

      What a great decision, with several ancient chestnut trees as a bonus. One, according to a plaque, is at least 400 years old. And the church has a window that has been dated to the pre-Roman times. So it all was definitely a worthwhile detour.

      Lots of people walking these days and the weather is super. Sunny and 66 degrees in Lugo.

      I am off to walk the Roman walls before lunch. It’s about 2 km around and the walls are in tact. The guy who checked me into my hotel said they are the only fully intact Roman walls in the world. And the only ones that have free access 24/7 and no charge.
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    • Dag 16

      Afternoon in Lugo

      21. september 2021, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Well there was a lot for me to do. First I walked the Roman walls and occasionally felt like I was intruding into someone’s private space as their windows opened onto the path.

      Then a real splurge for lunch at a place called Paprica. I got the menu del dia but even so it cost more than my hotel room. But my hotel room is very cheap. 😁 I have walked in Galicia many many times, but I have never really tried all the seafood specialties. So I am making up for lost time.

      In the afternoon my main objective was to find a new shirt to replace my dear blue shirt, whose right shoulder has been ripped open by the backpack strap. Not surprising after ten or twelve caminos. But I went from store to store and found nothing. So I called it quits and went to a few Roman sites in town.

      Lugo is a beautiful city with a lot of life. I was talking to Joe from a cafe in the plaza Mayor and he could hardly hear me.

      Weather looks good!
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    • Dag 137


      30. august 2017, Spanien ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      First things to note is that Ady has completed Tsuguru swim, in Japan, congratulations to him and suppose crew on job well done.

      So this is Lugo 78km from Ribadeo per guidebook book but for some reason it took the bus 2.5hours to get here, the Roman wall, Unesco listed, around the old town is complete and measures 2. 5km. Inside the walls are both old and new buildings one of the old is the Church of St Maria photo 1+2 also Unesco mentioned and seems to consist of lots of little chapels/shrines on edge photo3 and shiney main section Photo4. Walls photo5 and roof top with very dodgy looking slates photo. None of it looks great as it has been raining all day. We are now a bit damp, well my feet are soaked the rest of me is damp so a nice hot chocolate to kill some time till bus back. You can almost make out John in photo 2as he heads into Church as he is wearing sailing Jacket with luminous yellow hood.Læs mere

    • Dag 33

      St-Jacques-de-Compostelle -Lugo

      21. maj 2019, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Après avoir dit au revoir à mes amies du Minnesota au terminus d’autobus, nous nous sommes promis de se revoir bientôt.
      Pour terminer le voyage, je suis venue visiter Alba dans sa ville natale Lugo. Je l’ai rencontré à Portomarín. A mes yeux, elle n’a qu’un seul défaut: elle habite en Espagne. Léger détail. Je pense que c’est réciproque. Comme par hasard, son ami est arrivé 2heures en retard. J’étais bien choqué😂😂😂Læs mere

    • Dag 10

      Lugo (ca 218,3km)

      9. april 2018, Spanien ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      Mittlerweile merkt man, dass wir das Bergland verlassen und die Wege ebener werden. Bis nach Lugo hatten wir ca. 30km zu erledigen, die wir im Schnellschritt hinter uns gelassen haben. Am Ende haben die Füsse zwar unfassbar geschmerzt, insbesondere aufgrund der Strapazen der letzten Tage, aber wir könnten es noch bis in Zentrum schaffen.

      Da haben wir uns ausnahmsweise mal ein Hotel gegönnt und hatten, da wir früh ankamen, noch die Gelegenheit, Wäsche zu waschen und überflüssiges Gepäck in die Heimat zu schicken. Der Abend wurde dann noch mit einer Room-Service Pizza abgerundet.

      Am nächsten Morgen nahmen wir uns noch ausgiebig Zeit für die beeindruckende Kathedrale in Lugo. Wie es der Zufall wollte, liefen wir auch in eine Kirchendienerin, die uns direkt durch die Kathedrale führte und uns eine Menge interessanter Fakten präsentierte. Für alles reichte es natürlich nicht, da die gesamte Kathedrale neben dem Hauptschiff aus vielen Einzelkapellen und sonstigen Reliquien besteht.

      Vor allem lernten wir viel über die Jungfrau Maria, die auch Schutzpatronin Lugos ist und der die Kathedrale geweiht wurde. Auch ist es wohl eine der wenigen Kathedralen weltweit, die das heilige Sakrament 24/7 ausstellen. Als Nicht-Katholiken wurde uns das Konzept sehr verständnisvoll erläutert und ich gebe zu, dass ich auch von der Morgenandacht, der wir beiwohnen durften, sehr beeindruckt war.

      Am Schluss erhielten wir noch das Siegel der Kathedrale als Stempel in unseren Pilgerpass und, trotz unseres protestantischen Sündentums, schenkte man uns in der Sakristei ein Heiligenbild der Jungfrau Maria, damit sie uns auf unseren Wegen beschützt. Lugo ist definitiv eine Stadt, die man wieder besuchen kann, denn von der Geschichte der Stadt, die bis ins römische Reich zurückreicht, habe ich noch gar nicht angefangen!
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    • Dag 18


      7. oktober 2016, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Just arrived in Lugo after a 30km walk from O Cadavo. It was long, but not particularly difficult and mostly on country roads or dirt tracks.

      I was expecting a long hard slog into the city, but it was actually quite a pleasant entry.

      Looking forward to a hot shower before exploring. Lugo seems to be a lovely city.
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    Du kender måske også dette sted med følgende navne:

    Lugo, لوغو, LUY, ルーゴ, 27001, Луго

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