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    • Hari 13–17

      Pontedeume to Miño

      25 September 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Only 10.3Ks today and like yesterday a steep climb to begin with + more to follow.
      The hills and heat were easier to handle with more groups and individuals to chat to 😂. Nationalities were Spanish, Canadian, American, English and Swedish. All with the Camino Spirit and enthusiasm. Photos include a beautiful Border collie, and the welcoming Camino signs and arrows. Tomorrow up and onto Betanzos (said to be of historical importance.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 21


      7 Desember 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      ...als wir gestern noch einen kleinen Spaziergang gemacht haben, sahen wir in einem Garten eine uns unbekannte Frucht, oder war es ein Gemüse. Da eine Dame gerade Wäsche aufhing, bot es sich an sie zu fragen...sehr freundlich nannte sie uns den Namen: Chayote...ok, kannten wir immer noch nicht, trotzdem vielen Dank für die 3 Früchte die wir in eine Tüte gesteckt bekamen...müssen wir mal testen wie die schmecken.

      Pünktlich zum Fußball Marokko:Spanien konnten wir uns an unseren reservierten Tisch setzen. Das hatten wir am Vorabend bei einer kleinen Bier-, Schnaps- und Weinverkostung mit Einheimischen so klar gemacht...das Endergebnis des Spiels sollte bekannt sein 😥...Schade eigentlich, wir hätten gerne noch mehr spanische Spiele gesehen, so müssen wir unsere Hoffnungen auf Portugal legen.

      Am Morgen steuerten wir den nördlichsten Punkt des spanischen Festlandes an (@Birne: leider keine Bratwurst weit und breit 😉)

      ...weiter ging es in Richtung Ferrol und damit befuhren wir ab jetzt nicht mehr die Nordküste, sondern begaben uns ganz langsam auf die Westküste.

      Der Weg dorthin war recht schön...mal wieder satt-grüne Eukalyptuswälder und große Palmen auf leicht geschwungenen Hügeln...sehr entspannt.

      Ferrol ist eine große Hafenstadt und der anvisierte Stellplatz war dann in Natura doch nicht so schön wie erwartet. So fuhren wir noch ca 20 km weiter in die Nähe von Boebre. Dort war ein großer Parkplatz direkt am Meer, das war unserer...der Blick auf 's spiegelglatte Meer und die wartenden Überseeschiffe hat was Entspanntes...
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    • Hari 5

      Day 2 as Pilgrims

      8 April, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      We woke to rain this morning 🙁
      After a light breakfast of toast and jam, the rain eased off so we donned our rain jackets and headed off to Pontedeume. We hadn’t gone too far, however, when the rain got heavier so we sheltered at a bus stop and put our waterproof pants on. We saw many more pilgrims today, we even met a group of young people from England at our lunch stop, an amazing restaurant attached to a gas station. Lunch service only began at 1pm!! After lunch the weather improved with only the occasional April shower.
      We came across several structures that were used as wash houses back in the day, built over a stream with constantly running water, and huts built on concrete stilts that are used to dry corn. Lots of small farms too and more abandoned homes. One was even for sale for 15,000 euros.
      Our accommodation tonight is considered a boutique hotel. We had to call for someone to let us in. The lady did not speak a word of English and we had a hilarious time using Google translate. We are the only guests and she told us to enjoy the house and left. We did a lot of climbing today just to reach Pontedeume but the hotel is out of town and that involved some more climbing. Someone stopped to chat on our way up and told us it was a mile straight up. The streets are unbelievably steep.
      At least we have a jump start for tomorrow.
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    • Hari 6

      Day 3 as Pilgrims

      9 April, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      What an amazing hotel last night and an unbelievable breakfast spread by the male owner. There were croissants, toast, muffins, yogurt, ham, cheese, and of course, crushed tomatoes, which we now know go on toast and are delicious.
      The service here is wonderful. People take a real pride in the presentation of food and there is always a small extra.
      After breakfast, we continued uphill FOREVER!! The weather was cool and sunny and we walked on some delightful wooded trails. Since this was a short day, we arrived at our beach hotel by 1:00pm and were able to check-in, take a rest and enjoy sardines and empanadas for lunch, then take a walk on the deserted beach. Another rest and a refreshing shower and it was time for dinner of giant shrimp and grilled cod. The restaurant was full of football fans cheering on Madrid who were playing Manchester City. Even Chris was cheering for Madrid because Man City are big rivals of Liverpool.
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    • Hari 4

      Vor Betanzos

      29 September 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Hier sind weitere Bilder. Die heutige Etappe war 20 km lang. Ich genoss die Zeit und das Wetter. Besonders toll war, dass nach dem Regen alles duftete. Eukalyptus und andere Kräuter Sorgen mir in die Nase.


      Here are more pictures. Today's stage was 20 km long. I enjoyed the time and the weather. What was particularly great was that everything smelled after the rain. Eucalyptus and other herbs worry my nose.
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    • Hari 4

      Weiter bis Betanzos

      29 September 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Der Rest der Strecke war angenehm. Es ging auf und ab und zum Glück gab es keine größeren Orte, die die Natur unterbrachen.

      Der Weg nach Betanzos führt steil abwärts und der Bereich, in dem die Herberge ist, kommt mir vor wie auf einer großen Kugel. Es geht in alle Richtungen nur abwärts.


      The rest of the route was pleasant. It went up and down and luckily there were no major places that interrupted nature.

      The path to Betanzos leads steeply downwards and the area where the hostel is feels like it's on a big ball. It only goes downwards in all directions.
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    • Hari 4

      Hinter Pontedeume

      29 September 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Der Tag begann mit leichtem Regen. Die Betten waren laut, jede in der Herberge konnte jede Bewegung der anderen hören. Außerdem waren die Betten viel zu kurz und es war heiß.

      Heute lief ich überwiegend alleine. Das tat mir sehr gut. Am Mittag als die Sonne mit voller Kraft zum Vorschein kam, erreichte ich Betanzos, mein heutiges Ziel.


      The day started in light rain. The beds were noisy, everyone in the hostel could hear each other's every move. In addition, the beds were far too short and it was hot.

      Today I'm mostly alone. That was very good for me. At midday, when the sun came out in full force, I reached Betanzos, my destination for today.
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    • Hari 4

      Pazo da Merced to Pontedeume

      5 Mei 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Breakfast was at the civilised hour of 08:30 and was excellent. The juice from two freshly squeezed oranges might not be big on volume but its certainly big on taste. The only dissappointment was not being able to get into the church attached to the hotel. All the more so when the receptionist gave a glowing report of the baroque splendor to be found inside. Apparently its only opened on feast days of Our Lady.

      We found the way easily enough and walked on a pleasant path running parallel to a railway line, eventually dropping down to the estuary again giving us good views across to Ferrol.
      Then the confusion began. We didn't really want to walk along the beach as sand and shoes seldom mix. But neither did we want to walk along the main road as the route indicated. So we freestyled it. What could possibly go wrong?

      As it happened, not a lot. We drifted through the housing estates of Fene admiring the street art.
      After negotiating the N-651 we found ourselves outside the Igrexa San Salvador, which was of! It was being cleaned, so in we went on shiny and slippery floors. As we left we got a sello for the credential.

      Then it started to wrong. Walking through built up areas it's not always easy to spot the arrows. We found a few, then obviously missed one and were heading back towards the big roads. But, just as it only rains on the wicked, only the unjust man stays lost on the Camino for long. A pickup with Xuanta de Galicia written on the side berthed alongside us and gave us direction back to the way. He even went ahead and pulled over to make sure his wandering sheep got themselves back on the right track.

      We started the climb towards Vilar do Colo along quiet roads. I found a fountain and as I was filling my bottle noticed a QR code on it. A quick scan told me I was at a water fountain near Fene. Fine. Then it announced that we were 120km from Santiago! Not fine. That's further than when we started in Ferrol! I'll stick to getting water out of the fountains.
      Up we soared on quiet roads and forest tracks. I'd never had the need to know the collective noun for Jays before as I always saw them in pairs. But today a group of six chased us away with piercing alarm calls.

      Soon Vila do Colo was reached. Then began the epic struggle to get onto the old way which follows "pleasant forest paths". The guidebook gives a vague reference to "turn right at the roundabout". There's three of them. All within sight of each other. After a half hour thrashing through dense woodland we were more or less back where we started. We opted to follow the new arrows.

      In fairness the roads we were on were quiet, but it was a dull old slog. Pausing only for an ice cream we soon had Pontedeume in sight below us. It looked fantastic in the early afternoon sun. Once in the town we walked up to the church to check on Mass times. 20:00 each day.

      As our rooms were out of town we opted to eat first then head for a shower. The first bar-cafe we sat down at only sold shellfish. A niche market perhaps, but it did seem to be flourishing. We moved on. At the second establishment we visited we ordered (and thankfully managed to cancel before chef had got started ) a spicy octopus pizza! The cheese, tomato and ham we settled on was wolfed down in minutes.

      Then began the drag up the big, big hill to our rooms. The Monte in H. Montebreamo should have been a clue. At least we were gaining height we'd have to gain the next day. Our lovely host spoke no English and we had even less Spanish. But it all worked out fine.

      If pilgrimage involves suffering then we're good pilgrims. Back down the hill we went to attend Mass at the Igrexa de Santiago. Inside there's a wonderful statue of St James as Santiago Matamoros. Mean, moody, magnificent. Mass over it was time once again to ascend our Via Dolorosa.
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    • Hari 6

      Zweite Etappe

      8 Juli 2021, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Aus den geplanten 19km sind mal wieder 30km geworden und auf den ersten 1,6 Kilometern, ging es auf 200 Höhenmeter, raus aus der Stadt. Und was soll ich sagen das war an diesem Tag nicht der einzige Aufstieg. Zum Glück gab es auf dem weg kein Taxistand.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 6


      21 Agustus 2021, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      At the 77k marker I laid my burdens down. I started off early in Pontedeume with coffee and churros. Then a steep up hill with Jose-Carlos and Romi. It was 165 meters up, just over 540 feet, to get out of town. We walked with a group of 4 guys who have been passing me by since the bus ride from Santiago. Romi and guys are from Madrid. We had some nice chats while walking, untill I came to the 2nd up hill. They're all half my age or less and walk way too fast for me, so I had to stop and rest and let them go on. Romi and Jose Carlos saw a wild boar in the woods before we split.

      You get a view of Betanzos, the end of this stage from a hilltop after we split up, but Betanzos is still a long way off. Over 10 k away.

      Shortly after that I stopped for breakfast. Well time to get back on the way...
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    Miño, Mino

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