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    • Dag 10

      Reigo de Ambrós

      28. mai 2022, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 54 °F

      Another day of sharp declines. Some of The Way has been painstakingly cobbled and walled, but much has fallen into disrepair, leaving a tricky track to navigate. The small hamlets here are in a similar state. In some places, you can imagine thousands of carts having carved the ruts in the native slate, or portions where the feet of so many of the faithful have eroded the path four to six feet below grade. I documented a rare switch back about 2 km below Regio.Les mer

    • Dag 33

      Day 31 - To Riego de Ambros

      9. oktober 2022, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Day 31 - To Riego de Ambros
      22 kms; Difficulty 3/3

      Today I came upon a place called Cruz de Ferro. As you will see from the photo it is a huge wooden pole with an iron cross at the top and an enormous pile of rocks at the base. Everyone walking the Camino is aware that they will come across this site. The idea of it is to bring a rock from home or anywhere really. The rocks represent the burdens that people carry. As they leave their rock behind, they hopefully unburden themselves of whatever troubles them, and hopefully are able to live a happier life. Needless to say it can be very emotional for people.

      This place is believed to be “an ancient monument which was first erected by the ancient Celts, then dedicated by the Romans to their god Mercury (protector of travelers), and later crowned by the cross and renamed as a Christian site in the 9th century. For centuries, pilgrims have brought a stone to the place (from home or the flatlands below) to represent their burden. The stone and the burden are left here, leaving the Pilgrim lighter (literally and figuratively) for the journey ahead.”(Camino De Santiago, Village to Village Guide).

      All sorts of items are left. Stones with messages on them, memorial pictures, etc. A friend I met on the trail left a picture of his deceased wife and sprinkled her ashes.
      After being on top of the rocks, at the pole, I sat near the little church thinking. And while looking at the enormous pile of rocks that have been left for centuries, I couldn’t help but think of the enormity of burdens unloaded here over the centuries! I pray that each and every “unburdening” was successful at the time and that they remained successful permanently.

      Most of the trail today was not good, as you’ll see in the pictures. I really don’t like trails like this. They slow me down, they’re dangerous, and I cannot take my eyes off the trail to see the beautiful views. It was tiring.
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    • Dag 26

      Ugh 2

      12. juni 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 82 °F

      There were two ladies from Canada who ordered a taxi into the restaurant and were going to Ponferrada
      they offered me and another Pilgrim who is also staying in Molinaseca give us a lift ( Molinaseca is on the way to Ponferrada) but we tactfully declined and said we would walk
      it was our understanding that The Descent would be steeper but the trail should be more level and do not have Rolling Stones and shale.... guess again
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    • Dag 26


      12. juni 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 82 °F

      So this now officially qualifies as the worst descend for the whole trip up to date
      even the horrible sharp shale that was sticking out on descend to zubiri on day three has nothing compared to this
      practically the whole rest of the day was spent on this Trail
      it took me close to three and a half hours to walk perhaps 3 km
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    • Dag 29

      Acebo de San Miguel to Ponferrada

      1. juni 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Easy walk today although tricky first part due to the terrain. Only about 15km but got a huge one tomorrow to get to the accommodation that's booked. Walked with Rowena and Fanny from Austria 😁 [comments welcome] Tried to get a beard trim but the beardy bastard had no appointments left. Sat with Regina from Dusseldorf and had a beer until could check in to the room. Ponferrada is a cool place. Would be a good place to have an extra night.Les mer

    • Dag 30

      Cruz de Ferro to Molinaseca 18km 5.5hr

      4. oktober 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      What a beautiful hike today, so nice to be back in the mountains. We shared a taxi with 2 pilgrims from Australia from Astorga to Cruz de Ferro (the Iron Cross) which is the highest point on the Camino (1500m). I still was not feeling 100% and the thought of making that climb was just too much for me. We got to the Cruz to Ferro around 9am and left our stones there. Leaving a stone there symbolizes leaving a burden behind….. I am surprised Todd didn’t leave me behind.
      As much as we were grateful not to have to climb up that hill, the downhill climb might have been even harder. We walked about 18km all downhill over some rocky terrain. But oh so beautiful!! And boy did our calves hurt in the morning.
      And a nice surprise along the way, as Todd and I were sitting on the grass taking a snack break our old friend from the very first day on the Camino, Josiah, walked by. So nice to walk with him again.
      For dinner we bought some salad and a big bottle of chocolate milk. So yummy.
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    • Dag 43

      Day 32 - Molinaseca

      9. oktober 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      Iron Cross Day. It is a checklist item as part of our trip. Long day, 17 miles. We peaked at 5000 feet elevation and ended up at 1900 feet elevation. It was really hard.
      We have an 11 mile day tomorrow, then another 15 mile day.Les mer

    • Dag 23

      23. DAY | 21 km

      21. mai 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      1500 Meter näher zum Himmel...

      Nicht nur der höchste Punkt auf dem Camino, sondern auch symbolisch eines der wichtigsten Etappen "Cruz de Ferro". Dieser Ort ist wie im Film "ich bin dann Mal weg" sehr berührend. Als ich dort angekommen bin war ich überwältigt, auch wenn ich mir tatsächlich etwas ganz anderes vorgestellt habe und ich im Film diesen Berg ganz anders wahrgenommen hatte, dieser Ort besitzt eine Stärke die ich nicht definieren kann. Die meisten Pilger haben dort einen Stein abgelegt, viele haben diesen von Zuhause mitgenommen, die Geschichte des Cruz de Ferro besagt, dort alle Sünden und Lasten nieder zu legen. Ehrlich gesagt hatte ich mich damit nicht befasst und von meinen Sünden und Lasten trennte ich mich bereits vor einem Monat bei meiner Taufe, also schrieb ich einen Brief. Auf diesem Blatt haben Gebete ihren Platz gefunden und all meine Herzensmenschen. Bevor ich mich auf den Weg nach Spanien machte, bastelte ich mir ein Armkettchen nun wird dieser für Ewig dort bleiben.

      Also ich wünsche euch dann mal einen schönen Abend, wir gehen nun Abendessen und Molinaseca genießen.


      1500 metri più vicino al cielo...

      Non solo il punto più alto del Cammino, ma anche simbolicamente una delle tappe più importanti "Cruz de Ferro". Questo luogo è molto toccante, proprio come nel film "Ich bin dann Mal weg". Quando sono arrivata lì, mi sono messa a piangere, anche se in realtà avevo immaginato qualcosa di completamente diverso e avevo percepito questa montagna in modo molto diverso dall film, questo luogo ha una forza che non riesco a definire. La maggior parte dei pellegrini lasciano li una pietra, molti l'hanno portata da casa, la storia della Cruz de Ferro dice di porre lì tutti i peccati e pesi di vita. Ad essere sincera, già mi sono separata dai miei peccati e dai miei pesi un mese fa, nell mio battesimo, così ho scritto una lettera. Su questo foglio hanno trovato posto le preghiere e tutte le mie persone dell cuore. Prima di partire per la Spagna, mi sono fatta un braccialetto e ora resterà lì per sempre.

      Vi auguro una buona serata, ci godremo la cena e la Molinaseca.

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    • Dag 39

      Ascension croix de fer et descente

      27. mai 2023, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Une première ascension de 300 mètres pour avec surprise rejoindre la croix de fer symbole mystique du chemin Frances, cette montagne de pierre représente les vœux des pèlerins depuis des siècles, une sorte de prière pour souligner la perte d'un être cher, une espérance de guérison pour soi ou autrui le sacrifice d'une expedition difficile pour les proches
      Nous avons poursuivi notre ascension après une expérience où l'énergie ressentie nous a ammener a réfléchir sur l'impact
      qu'aurait réellement eu ce pelirinage sur les autres.
      A 1512 m apres 13 km de montée nous avons amorcé la descente de 12 km qui fut pour nous le défi le plus difficile que nous ayons vécu ensemble a travers nos experiences, descentes sur cap de roches innegaux, roche multiples, un danger éminent pour une blessure qui pouvait mettre fin à notre objectif.
      Un 25 km qui s'est bien terminé nous avons été chanceux malgré notre prudence de s'en sortir
      N.B la pluie à débuté à notre arrivée.
      Quel chance !!
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    • Dag 43

      Day 32-Molinaseca

      9. oktober 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      We did a 17 mile day today and while it was mostly downhill, it was a crazy, difficult downhill. Today was also the dirtiest are clothes have gotten. A powdery dirt ended up all over us.

      We started walking at 6am so that we could watch the sunrise from the Cruz de Ferro. This cross is a place where thousands of people have placed a rock they've brought from home. You can symbolically place whatever intention or burden you want on the stone and then leave it there.

      The mountains are green, high and beautiful. But along with that comes rough terrain. There were steep descents on loose rocks and slate. It was brutal but the heat wasn't too bad. When we got into town, my legs felt like noodles.

      Molinaseca has a river that occasionally is dammed to create a swimming pool. There are even swimming pool ladders and rails. The river is just trickling today so we'll probably cool our feet for a bit.
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