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    • Gün 9

      Zubiri to Pamplona

      22 Haziran 2022, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      We have a wrench in the plan. It changes everything. I’ll get to that in a minute.

      Yesterday started well again. I think we were in a very nice groove of hiking by 9am and we felt like we were making good time. Jon has had some feet issues that has slowed him down a bit but he’s a trooper and isn’t complaining. He bought new boots for the trip and didn’t quite break them in enough. Also he has a heat rash all over his feet which also has turned into blisters. On the other hand Aiden brought a pair of hole-y sneakers (which I was horrified to see him wearing when it was too late at the airport because I asked him if he needed new shoes). His feet are fine and so are the rest of ours. Go figure. We got a stamp a few hours into our hike by a volunteer at a church who was also giving advice. Our goal was to stay ahead of the ladies group who had no image of athleticism but somehow was always on our tail catching up to us when we had just seen them doing yoga in a town square. How do they do it?!

      We always seem to drag after lunch and the last two hours are rough. But we made it to Pamplona by 2pm and checked into our air conditioned hotel!! Yay!!! Ollie and I went to the train station to get jet out reservations for Sarria. Here’s the snafu. No reservations available. Not for a week! We can’t get on a train!!!! The renfe site wouldn’t let me book the tickets ahead of time using my Eurail pass so it had to be in person. I worried about this part of the trip but assumed they could add more cars on a train if it fills up. Nope. I think it’s a combination of fires south blocking the trail, pope announcement that he’s going to Santiago, and maybe some construction on a route. It’s the trifecta of problems for us. In fact there are no trains to northwest spain at all. So… what do we do? Here’s our plan so far. We booked another night in Pamplona to rest and decide. Today we talk to the pilgrim’s office and make a solid plan. To be continued….
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    • Gün 10

      Stuck in Pamplona

      23 Haziran 2022, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      I left off this journal yesterday not knowing if we were going to get out of Pamplona and if we would even finish our journey. We went to bed after a few prayers a very lovely bottle of local wine (the waitress for some reason gave me the whole bottle?!) and slept in a great hotel with air conditioning and was served a genuine all you can eat breakfast (the boys made good on that deal) and suddenly the answer was in front of us. We needed to ask the pilgrims office for help. It just so happened to be right around the corner from our hotel. The pilgrims office helper called around and typed into his computer like a mad man and threw out the wild idea of taking an over night bus to Sarria. We had to decide how badly we wanted to finish this. Our other option was to head to the Mediterranean and sit in Barcelona for a week. Everyone agreed to continue on. I guess we are on a mission (dare I say “from God”?!). We leave tonight at 10:30pm and get to Sarria at 10:33am tomorrow. Then we start hiking again. Now, I know my limits. And there is no way I can do a 24km hike after a red eye bus ride. So we booked a taxi service to get us right at the 100km mark outside Santiago so our compestellas are still legit. We hike 10km (much easier) and stay in an apartment in Pontmarin and we are back on track with timing. I had already canceled all of my hotel and albergue bookings so we wouldn’t lose money when I thought we wouldn’t make it. So now we hike like real pilgrims with no plans and hope for the best. Buen Camino! (God is protecting us and helping is through the journey! I kind of think these frustrations are all a part of his plan to teach us. The boys definitely learned how to handle set backs. No one panicked. No one argued. We just worked it out and the answer was presented to us.)

      So what did we do with our time today? We walked around town and saw the running of the bulls road and the stadium. We saw the wall and the park. We sat in a cafe for hours while it rained and had hot chocolate and churros. It was a day of resting our legs. Jon bought some new shoes and socks and is already free of his heat rash. Oh. Also, I insisted on Donner Kebab for dinner. I lived in that stuff when Jon worked in Germany and I roamed the streets of Heidelberg every day. It was a fond trip down memory lane for me. Tomorrow we catch up to our schedule and are back on track.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 66


      23 Haziran 2022, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Außertourlicher Stopp in Pamplona auf dem Weg in die Pyrenäen … wir haben’s ja nicht eilig. Die Stadt hat uns doch recht positiv überrascht und der Stellplatz in der Nähe der Altstadt ist auch ok. € 10,- für 24 Stunden, inkl . Strom, finden wir mehr als in Ordnung.
      Als wir am frühen Nachmittag hier angekommen sind waren noch gut 1/3 der Plätze frei. Als wir am Abend vom Stadtspaziergang retour kamen war er voll.
      Abendessen hat heute wieder der „Chef“ gezaubert: Spargel-Champignons-Risotto. 😋
      Morgen geht’s aber endgültig in die Pyrenäen.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 6–7

      Pamplona Rest day

      26 Mayıs, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      Pamplona is a bustling town and I love the way families just congregate in the Plaza de Castillo. We went from bar to bar eating Tapas meeting the locals and other pilgrims. Even with the pain it was a good night. Today we went to the Santa Maria la real de Pamplona Cathedral and had a tour. They have a beautif ul museum of relics of a by gone era. The cathedral is 15th century Neo Classical and gothic style. Even if you are not catholic you can certainly appreciate the beauty and intricacies of the building and all the love it houses. We then walked the Encinerro (bull run) where the bulls run to the arena each year during San Fermin. And followed all the way to the arena. Then back to Cafe Iruña for coffee and chocolate pie. It’s been a relaxing day of rest today. I’m hoping tomorrow my toes can take the walking. Tomorrow is Alto de Perdon the hill of forgiveness. Fingers crossed.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 11

      Bring on the bulls Pamplona!

      16 Mayıs, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Pamplona! I’m here! Why am I crying??
      Lawd I couldn’t stop crying!!


      Upon arrival at our hotel I felt weary and grateful. My legs were like spaghetti noodles. The hotel was awesome!

      I took a long hot and then a cold shower to reset.
      I rubbed my legs out hoping they would stop throbbing …………..and cried!

      Amy brought me a tasty cold Estella beer from the bar and delivered it to my room.

      After I cleaned myself up, I met up with some of the group to head out for Pintxos (Pinchos) bar walk.

      I walked with one trek pole to help support my knee and weight while walking.

      Walking through the streets of Pamplona was a nice introduction to the Spanish bar culture. The food and beverage were great and very reasonably priced. The architecture was fabulous.

      The cadence in how you order and communicate vino tinto con lemon and point at various Pintxos to order was fabulous! The scene was reasonably priced.

      Btw, I never had this drink vino tinto con lemon. Amy ordered it. It’s red wine with lemon soda and ice. It’s super refreshing!

      I chatted with various folks that are walking the Camino and listening to them inspired me and lifted me up. I went and had dinner with Amy and you guessed it …….I cried! Amy listened and lifted me up! 💜
      After dinner I was hopeful that maybe I could recover the next day but I didn’t know.


      I woke up and felt physically wiped out and a little bit better physically and emotionally. Not 100%, but better. It was a full rest day in Pamplona. I slept in. Chores needed to be done like laundry, get some euros, a stop at the pharmacy for medicine for my legs and some compression socks and knee sleeves. We also needed to book more accommodations for our stage stops after we leave pamplona. We had no place to stay.

      Amy checked in on me 😊 and went to have cafe con leche and start planning our next stage. I soon followed her down to the bar for Tortilla Espanol.

      It’s kinda like an egg and potato frittata, it’s super yummy and satisfying. They have different flavors. They salt the eggs perfectly!

      I sat with Amy to discuss our next stage. Our guide Nancy came to meet us and check on us and our planning. We are headed to Obanos tomorrow. The walk will have an ascent and descent.

      I did laundry, chatted with others on the Camino and now off to meet Amy for Pintxos, beer and wine! 🍷 💃🏽….

      Feeling lighter and happier. 😊 still crying literally!! 😊
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 12

      We have a plan - Obanos

      17 Mayıs, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We moved on from Pamplona and headed to Obanos..

      The path was very populated at the beginning of the morning and day.

      We reached the top standing next to humongous wind turbines and the state of the Pilgrim. We celebrated with smiles enjoyed conversation with others from all around the world . It was also very emotional.

      We decided to stay in Obanos. It was a lovely Pension’ run by an elderly couple. They were sweet, firm and very hospitable. They made us dinner in their home and we sat at their dinning room table.

      The couple cooked I t he kitchen for us and pour us some wine. Maria & Pedro. We’re so lovely and humorous. 💜

      Amy made it fun with Spanish- English chit chat with the couple. I sat and listened picking up a few Spanish worlds here and there.

      Maria said she had done the Camino a couple times and it’s very heavy. Shared some stories.

      Maria and Pedro pool looked luscious - and it’s was cold 🥶. I plugged my whole body into it. My knees and hips were killing me. The cold pool provided relief! Yay!!

      Next morning….

      Off to Villatuerta - We had a plan the next morning to pack our day pack as light as possible and send the rest with luggage transport. We heard the trail was less intense and so we wanted to go light. Have an “easy” day!🤣🤣🤣

      However luggage transport arrived 30 minutes early and wasn’t going to wait for us. We packed in a chaotic state. Cramming anything and everything in our luggage nit wanting to carry it.

      We did the best we could under pressure AND when all was said and done we had way too much to carry that day. It was weird irony that we had gotten the lesson on packing light and was prepared to do so and then the Camino said one more day you can walk with your crap on your back ! 🤣

      We had a few stops on our way to Villatuerta. One town we arrived in had a small church where I went to go visit and pray and meditate. They had a pilgrim meditation. It moved me very much. And……. I cried! 🤣🙌💜. I met a woman from Scotland that started talking about letting go very interesting conversation and I/we met a guy named Fred from the Netherlands. He is kind and caring.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 7

      Day 5 - Rest day in Pamplona

      13 Eylül 2022, Ispanya ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

      Day 5 - Rest day in Pamplona
      Today I had a rest day. Or so I thought. But I ended up walking 10 to 12 km throughout the day. I visited a beautiful church! A famous Catholic in Pamplona called “Catedral de Santa María la Real de Pamplona”. So beautiful, as Catholic churches are! I also shopped for a bag to send some of my overpacking to Santiago to wait for me. It was a nice break.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 11

      Day 7: Pamplona to Puenta la Reina

      24 Mayıs 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      Mileage: 15 miles
      Altitude gain: 1,565
      Altitude loss: 1,824
      Weather: cloudy to start, sunny to finish, with the cool wind miraculously at our backs
      Total mileage: 54.5

      We left Pamplona early (7:00) since it was going to be the longest day yet for me. I’ve been worried for a long time about Alto del Perdon, the mountain in the middle of the stage. The word was that the ascent isn’t too bad, but that the descent is steep, rocky, and tricky. Well, as with many things on this journey so far, I discovered that my worry was outsized. The ascent wasn’t bad at all, and the descent was easier than the one from Col Lepoeder the other day. What a relief! That said, I am very grateful to have not walked down that rocky hill in the rain/mud!

      This was my first full guidebook “stage,” and therefore my longest walk yet. I was thankful for company! Hopefully I’ll get used to this kind of mileage, but this first long day was tough both mentally and physically, and I was glad for the giggling breaks along the way!

      1. The walk out of Pamplona
      2. Low clouds obscured the mountains in the morning
      3. So many more poppies! I told Angela that if I thought I could get back up I would lie down, pretend to sleep, and have her take a Wizard of Oz shot of me. Ha. So beautiful. I just love that shade of red.
      4. Angela found her European pied de terre.
      5. Several villages along the way with their imposing churches. The church bells are always very different than what I’m used to - they’re not synthesized or large, and they sound like it. Almost like the school bell on Little House on the Prairie.
      6. The top of Alto del Perdon has a sculpture of pilgrims in front of which it is de rigeur to pose. I was very happy to be there after seeing so many pictures and reading about it. What you can’t see are the wind turbines nearby; they’re surprisingly loud!
      7. I couldn’t really capture the vistas from the mountains with my phone camera. We kept stopping to admire, but any photos just don’t do the views justice. Here’s one anyway of the view looking over our afternoon’s walk.
      8. The path was just lined with wildflowers.
      9. More poppies and wheat. I can see why Monet was inspired.
      10. Some of the last hills before Puenta la Reina. It looks like maybe this was one of the areas to have forest fires last year. I hope there isn’t more of that this year.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 8–9

      Pamplona to Zariquiegui

      28 Mayıs, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 48 °F

      Today was a beautiful walk. Today is what I thought the Camino was going to be. We took an easier day still nursing my toes. We only walked 8 miles but it was beautiful! So sunny and the breeze blowing the wheat fields was hypnotizing. In the pictures you will see a memorial. There are a lot of those along the way where pilgrims have died and their families have come back to memorialize them in some way. We have passed many along the way. We are staying at a little Albuquerque off stage before Alto del Perdon just enjoying the tiny village. The church in the pictures is Saint Andres. It has components of 11th, 14th and 17th century. Romanesque and Gothic and Neo Classical design. Very appreciative of a lazy day.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 8

      Arre to Uterga 22km 8.5hrs

      12 Eylül 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Our day started off hiking through Pamplona so we took our time and explored the cathedral and some other sites. We bought some ham with the help of Cecile to add to her bread and tomatoes for our lunch today. After Pamplona it was a 300 meter climb. We met a 71 year old pilgrim from Italy who said it reminded him of Tuscany (this is his third Camino !).
      After our big trek up it was a treacherous hike down on loose rocks….of course I fell but my pack broke my fall, damn those loose rocks but all is good. We are staying at Camino del
      Perdon in Uterga tonight. Pilgrim dinner tonight is with Italy, France and Australia
      Okumaya devam et

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    Pamplona, Iruña

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