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    • Giorno 35

      Day 34 Lestedo

      9 giugno, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      We left early this morning to avoid the tour groups that are walking the final stage of the camino. Had to laugh when we ran into a Portuguese tour group before we even got on the camino. Lots of forest walking until we got to dairy land. A lady on the road sold us some goat cherse or maybe it was sheep cheese, which we will eat tonight. I walked with a lady from Israel who just started walking 2 days ago, and she was so excited to hear that I started walking in France, that she invited me to be in her video blog, lol. We are staying in the small town of Levardo, such a beautiful place. Our hotel is maybe the nicest we have stayed in. A renovated multilevel hotel with dining room, family room, library, outside dining. Our room , the penthouse, is enormous. The food is amazing and staf is so welcoming. We walked to Viller de Donas, a church built in the 800s. A local 97 year old man opened the church and showed us around. It contained crypts from knights protecting the camino and murals from the 1100s. The man was sharp and passionate about history. He lived through the Spanish Civil War. People in this town live a long time. His neighbor is 101.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 46


      9 giugno, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Day 38 Portomarin
      Distance from Sarria to Portomarin 25kms

      We left Sarria this morning along with many other pilgrims most of whom were starting their 1st day of walking. They walked with fresh legs clean shoes and an eagerness to complete their first day. Walking today took us through woodland paths and along gravel tracks . Although the paths were busy with the influx of new pilgrims it was a welcome change and at times there were few. We passed through small hamlets spotting a white turkey with a blue face he refused to pose for a photo. A momentous moment as we approached the 100km marker it seemed surreal that we had walked so far.
      Portomarin is a lively town (overlooking a reservoir) buzzing with pilgrims overflowing restaurants and cafes food markets and gelato shops (my favourite) we love this town!
      Another fabulous day meeting new pilgrims from New Zealand and other parts of the world and although the temperature was a cool 17c it was pleasant to walk in and we had another great day on the Camino.
      The final countdown
      4 days remaining.
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    • Giorno 21


      8 giugno 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

      Much quieter start today. Ancient road with walls on each side and trees grown into the walls. I get that twitch I get and break out my rain gear. Other pilgrims smirk and shake their heads, but in 200m a light spritzy, evanescence, just enough to wet you through hits and I hike on by as they dig out their kit. More ancient stone farm buildings. I meet an older man having a pipe while leaning on his bike. I see that he has an artificial leg, a really expensive metal one with an articulating knee joint. As I climb the steep hill, he hops on the bike charging hard and passes me. An inspiration. I link up again with Dave and Gerry Jones. Before reaching the bridge to Portomarin I face three choices. The choices are borne out on a board.: go right and stay safe, go left (the ancient way) which clearly leads to injury and death and a further route in green. I go left and where the two part are more indications of death with pictures showing a narrow steep slot canyon with no steps on the ancient middle way, I stick to the far left green route and am rewarded with life. I reach the bridge and ring the Liberty Bell, then I read the sign indicating that if I ring the bell, I am morally obligated to visit the sister city of Portomarin. Dave and Gerry wait for me on the other side. The bridge spans 500 over a fjord of water from a vast lake to the north. I arrive too early for checkin and wind up chatting with Dave and Gerry over a long 2 beer calzone lunch. Check in, shower and a machine laundry wash and dry set up in a garage in the hotel parking lot. This is the swankiest place in Portomarin a three star Parador called the Pousada de Portomarin…a nice treat. Laundry is 4€ with automatic soap, dry for 3€, the cheapest so farLeggi altro

    • Giorno 33–34

      Day 30 to Portomarin

      7 giugno, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Nice walk... easy day... apart from stupidity... bumped my toe last night... on the way back from the shop/restaurant/drinking hole...

      Suspected sprained toe... but nothing too bad...

      Also reached the 100km mark... tomorrow we have a little more than the Comrades left... tempting to send the bag to Santiago and do my own virtual Comrades... think I'm fit enough now to make it within 12hour cut off!!!

      Day of horses, dogs & cats & a huge green lizard.
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    • Giorno 8

      The Hope of the World

      20 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 46 °F

      The day started out bright and early cause today was the BIG walk, 15.5 miles and hoping for no rain. Well God showed up in a BIG way!

      👉🏽 Sun ☀️ was out!

      👉🏽Visited churches along the way. I think about all that entered but walked away without hope. Praying for those lost and alone.

      👉🏽 Praying together with my bride as we walk the Camino is one of our favorite times.

      👉🏽 One store we passed had a ‘free hugs’ sign. No one was standing there. I asked Brett if I could stand there and give free hugs. She said I could but that she was leaving 🤣.
      I got the message!

      👉🏽 We finished the day with a pilgrims mass. The country is predominately Catholic, but as I finished the day and sat by the bench i saw the sun setting as it lit up the cross on the church. Was reminded that Jesus is the hope of the world.

      The ending of a wonderful day.



      Route Summary

      15.5 mi, 1832 ft

      Portomarín to Palas de Rei

      After leaving Portomarín, a town that dates back to the Romans which was an important stop along the route in the Middle Ages, you will set out on foot for Palas de Rei. This stage will take you through the region of Monterroso and Palas de Rei, crossing renowned villages like Gonzar, Castromaior and Ligonde. The first half of the stage goes right by the main road and the second over roads paved specifically for the pilgrims.
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    • Giorno 32

      Day 29 - Slow, Rhythmic, Strong, Repeat

      14 ottobre 2022, Spagna ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      "Jobs fill your pockets, but adventures fill your soul." - Jaime Lyn Beatty

      Day 29 - Outside Sarria to Vilachá- 22km - 5hrs 45min.

      Today was a long, drizzly but rewarding walk.

      I headed out at 7:15am and consciously left my rain poncho in my backpack that was being transported. I am trying to have a positive attitude and manifest happiness. So, there was not going to be any rain today! I was meeting Annette near her Albergue in Sarria so we could walk together and as I had a total of 22km to do today, I was very happy for the company. I made it to town in 25 mins and got settled for a cup of tea. After Annette joined me, I realized my manifestation was not working and it started to rain - fairly heavily. We waited it out a bit and left around 8:30 am after it had slacked off somewhat. I was going to buy a cheap plastic poncho but as “cheap” was 12€, I decided I’d get wet. And wet I got!!! A light mist and drizzle followed us for the first 7km. Lovely. Thankfully I was wearing my merino wool tank and long sleeved shirt so I was never cold. And I knew they would dry with my body heat and there was lots of that from the hills!

      There were SO many people on the trail. School class groups, long distance pilgrims and those that had just started. All day there were crowds of people and it was kind of weird to see and honestly, a bit annoying.

      Shortly after leaving Sarria, a Camino friend of Annette’s named Kate, joined us. On one of the fist uphills, Kate told me her grandfather “Poppa Roy” ( Rot was also the name of one of my own grandfathers!) used to be a long distance swimmer. When he had a long swim, he had a mantra that Kate has been using on her Camino and especially for going up hills. She also uses small steps, tries to glide rather than plod, and go slowly. The mantra is ‘Slow, Rhythmic, Strong’. I used this and added ‘Repeat’ to the end. So every hill after, I was invoking Poppa Roy to help me up the hills. Head down, don’t look to see how long and steep the hill was and just go at my own pace. Annette and Kate let me lead, even though they are both faster walkers than I am. We had a nice tea rest break after about 8km and Annette had bought a lovely cake slice that she shared. Bit early for me, but holy heck was it ever good! While we were there it decided to stop raining, which was lovely.

      On we went. We were going to be hitting the 100km marker this morning and were a bit pumped. This means there are only 100kms to go until you reach Santiago de Compostela Cathedral. Between the towns of Ferreira and A Peña, we found it. The 100km marker! Like almost every other pilgrim, we decided to take photos here to mark the occasion. We only had to wait for two people in front of us, thankfully. But due to the crowds, after the 3 of us had our turn, there had to be over a dozen people waiting. And they kept piling up! We got out of there quickly and continued on our way. We were actually able to do over 1 km with almost no one around, at one point. And it was very peaceful for the first time today.

      Last night at the Sarria pilgrim office, I had been told about an amazing bar that did the best hamburgers in Galicia. I had mentioned this to Annette and Kate so when we saw the bar, it was a foregone conclusion that we were stopping! Best sangria and burger I have had since….well, at least since the other great one in Pamplona :-) After eating, we hit the road for the last push and were able to strip down to bare essentials as it was now hot, hot, hot. I only had 1.5km to go to my Albergue and they were closer to 4km to Portomarín where they were staying the night.

      We finally arrived at my Albergue Casa Banderas, just before 3:30pm. Not bad timing for the day - just under 6hrs total walking time for 22km. I’m happy with that! This Albergue is run by a couple from the US and is a converted barn, as many Albergues are. Ray and Dominique great you with a small charcuterie board as there are few places to stop on the way here, and pilgrims are always hungry on arrival. As I had just had this massive burger, Dominique waited a bit and then brought me wine and a lovely fruit and nut board. Perfection! The Albergue has a washer and drier so I was able to pay for the luxury of a wash and dry for all the clothes I have - with the exception of those I needed for modesty! I had a shower in the outdoor shower area (so cool - like being in the Caribbean) and then did more planning as I have nothing booked after this point. Dinner was homemade vegetable soup, spaghetti bolognaise and a butternut squash bolognaise, triple chocolate brownie with homemade vanilla ice cream with blackberry jam. I’ve had WAY more food than I needed today!

      Looks like tomorrow is another 20km day with the first 10km all uphills again. I’ve got this (I hope!!) Slow, Rhythmic, Strong, Repeat.
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    • Giorno 31


      5 ottobre 2022, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      12.4 miles walked. Today was...slightly frustrating. I'm trying my best to keep the Camino spirit. With all the new people that started in Sarria and will only be doing the last 100km it has gotten very crowded. Despite that, it was a beautiful day. The landscape was so green.
      We started early and got to watch the sunrise over the mountains.
      Lunch was interesting. We stopped at a place that had a buffet set out. The price was donativo meaning you could pay whatever you wanted. Food was good too. I got to try some things that I had been too nervous to order at a restaurant in case I didn't like it.
      The place we are staying tonight is great. An oasis from the busy. It's run by an American couple, and by the smells coming from the kitchen, dinner is going to be delicious.
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    • Giorno 45

      L’euphorie des 100 km restants 🤪

      2 giugno 2023, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Chemin de Compostelle 36/40
      Étape #. 29. Camino francés « Sarria à Portomarin ». Kilomètres parcourus 24,1 km. Cumulatif : 921,9 km, moyenne 25,6 km par jour. Étapes restantes avant Saint-Jacques de Compostelle : 4 et moins de 93,5 km à fouler.

      Une randonnée riche en émotion aujourd’hui car il a fallu 3 heures de marche avec des foulées déterminées pour arriver à la borne de 100 kilomètres avant Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle. Un moment émouvant de notre voyage de rêve et une sensation extraordinaire de fierté indescriptible. En prime, nous avons voulu tourner un petit vidéo après avoir franchi la borne des 100 km.

      Visionnement de la vidéo:

      Après 36 jours de marche nous avons foulé 921 kilomètres et, si tout va bien, dans 4 jours nous arriverons à Santiago, l’ultime étape.

      Buen Camino.
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    • Giorno 34

      Approaching Portomarin

      20 giugno 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      Pilgrims from Latvia Ralf and Guenta ( second Latvian couple I meet on The Way)

      They got LIBERTY BELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you even believe it?!?!?

      And I tell you...I got SERIOUS vertigo crossing that bridgeLeggi altro

    • Giorno 40

      Into Palas de Rei

      27 ottobre 2023, Spagna ⋅ 🌧 50 °F

      Today we walked about 20 miles. It’s getting a little bit more difficult because we both have blisters now and because our feet are just achy. I don’t think that’s going to remedy itself. I think we’re just gonna have achy feet for the next 70 km or so. This town has two pharmacies and two small markets. The town is not actually that big! Anyway, we visited the pharmacy to get some blister treatment. And we picked up more ibuprofen. I think we’re gonna make it for three more days of walking.

      This morning in Portomarin when we woke up, we could hear the water coming down super hard on our roof. Luckily, by the time we were walking, it didn’t rain nearly as much. We’ve had a few periods of no rain at all today! We didn’t take as many pictures as usual because it’s hard to do it when your phone is in your pocket under a couple layers of rain gear!

      A lot of our walk today was through forested land. We also went by a lot of rolling hills and pastures. By enlarge it was a pleasant walk. At this point, our feet are so sore though, everything hurts! It is hard to imagine being a medieval pilgrim, making this journey in sandals!
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