Day 8 Reat Day - Portugalete

Had a great sleep. Woke up early to say goodbye to Bernadette and Anna
Anja decided to stay an extra night. We went out for a delicious lunch I had Sea Bass !
Lots of bones so had to be careful.
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Had a great sleep. Woke up early to say goodbye to Bernadette and Anna
Anja decided to stay an extra night. We went out for a delicious lunch I had Sea Bass !
Lots of bones so had to be careful.
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Je loge ce soir à Santurce, tout à côté de Portugalete. C'était une petite étape d'environ 14 km, presque plate. Par contre, pas vu un seul pèlerin...
Portugalete a aussi une caractéristiqueRead more
J'arrive presque à l'embouchure du fleuve (Bilbao est vraiment dans les terres). Portugalete dispose d',un pont transbordeur qui fonctionne toujours. On peut traverser sur une barge suspendue à desRead more
Wie gut, dass in Bilbao auf der absoluten To Do Liste das Guggenheim Museum steht. Denn heute ist absolutes Museumswetter, es regnet fast den ganzen Tag. Samu hält ganze 3 Stunden mit mir dort aus.Read more
The sun was shining as we got up and breakfasted at Andres’s flat. Then on the road once more.
We wandered through complete urban sprawl on the way out of Bilbao. The nicest sections were along theRead more
This stage was primarily an urban spread. We started the day working our way up the hill overlooking Bilbao, away from the city. We were often out of view of the city, but never out of earshot of theRead more
I thought that this was going to be a pretty easy day, since it wasn't a very long distance - about 16.5 km, or a little over 10 miles. In fact I planned to start a little later than usual because IRead more
Départ vers 7h30 de Portugalete. Le temps est beau, mais il va se couvrir peu à peu au fil de la journée.
La sortie de la ville se fait sur des voies protégées vélo et piéton. C'est trèsRead more
This actually was a pretty easy day. There were some hills, but they were mostly in shade and it wasn't anywhere near as hot as yesterday. I walked most of the day with Kasha from Poland who I met aRead more
Wir wollen mit der Metro zur Schwebebrücke an die Küste.
Was wir nicht wussten, um 14:30 Uhr ist die Bahn total überfüllt. Für 13 Stationen bezahlt man pro Person nur 1,80 € , aber statt 20 minRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Traveler Love that you are eating fish
Traveler It melted in your mouth . So moist. It was a whole fish!!! Head and all😉💖
Traveler Head and all - not sure how appealing that would be to me - was the head part good or was it kinda tough and crunchy? You have certainly met some interesting people - you are not as alone as I had thought you would be - very nice! Getting to be a good navigator is awesome! It's a skill I learned in Search & Rescue that I REALLY value cause I have almost NO sense of direction in my head!