Provincia de Valladolid

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Los 10 mejores destinos de viaje Provincia de Valladolid
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    • Día 65

      Auf dem Weg in die Pyrenäen

      22 de junio de 2022, España ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Regen und teilweise tiefschwarze Wolken haben heute unserer Route begleitet. Salamanca haben wir diesmal ausnahmsweise links, bzw. rechts 🤭, liegen gelassen.
      Unseren Nächtigungsplatz haben wir heute in Torquemada, zwischen Valladolid und Burgos, gefunden. Wir stehen hier alleine auf einem sehr ruhigen und kostenfreien Platz der Gemeinde, neben der Kirche und dem Friedhof… Storch auf dem Kirchturm inklusive! 😊Leer más

    • Día 25

      Mi amigos

      30 de mayo, España ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

      Stopping for a break in the day on the way to fromista with my friends I met two days ago. Waiting for Trina and Cheryl to catch up.

      The Walk across the maceda has been made better by walking with my friend Claire I met last week..

      Being with people takes your mind off of your body which is a good thing.

      Only 5K to go.
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    • Día 18

      5 Goat Town

      8 de junio, España ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Last night was very different. Only three of us staying, us and a guy from Barcelona. The host, a very intense alternative-lifestyle-with-money woman had done amazing things with the derelict house. It was very peaceful and relaxing, and the dinner was really good. Lentil and tomato salad with dill, and veggie couscous. I managed to sleep through a big thunderstorm. Today started with a hill, and then more rolling countryside for 20km to Bobadilla, a mostly abandoned town where the most interesting thing is a lovely church, with a bad smell of pee, and 6 storks nests on top. There are 5 goats grazing and 2 hostels, one of which we are staying in. The people who run it are Dutch, and serve pancakes and Thai curry among other things. Very quiet and about to rain by the look of the skyLeer más

    • Día 21–23

      Day 21 Carrion de los Condes

      26 de mayo, España ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

      We are still in the Meseta, which is green and flat. Although look closely at the one green pic and you can see mountains in the distance. We will be at our highest elevation later, even higher than the Pyrenees at the start of this journey. Walked several miles along the Carrion River and saw plenty of farm equipment harvesting grain. The town of Carrion de los Condes is alive and vibrant. We met Marie from Whales, who is staying at the Monastery of San Zolio, and she took us through the museum under the Monestary, which is not open to the public. The Monestary was built in the 1100s, and it is stunning. I told 3 people I would light candles for them. You know who you are, and your candle burns bright in the Monastery of San Zolio. We were on our way to dinner when we heard the bells toll for the Augustinian sisters blessings of all those walking the Camino. I do not usually post food pics, but here is
      dinner. Grilled vegetables.
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    • Día 24

      Magical Meseta

      29 de mayo, España ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      We had our second day walking through the maseta on Wednesday, accompanied by the sound of birds and a Canadian named Helen. We walked 11 km to Hantanas, a small pilgrim village tucked in the fields. I stopped at the El Puntido bar and Albergi for refreshments and sat at an outdoor table on the Camino that passed through the little town.

      My feet decided that the morning walk was enough for the day so I called a taxi to take me to Castrojeriz. The driver was very friendly, she even paused for a moment so I could look at the Arco San Antonio which the ruins of a 16th century ancient convent, Pilgrims can still stay here without electricity but share a meal. It still contains recessed alcoves where bread was left for pilgrims.

      The hotel in Castrojeriz it's very nice and built up into the hill with lovely views looking over the meseta. We toured the tunnels underneath the hotel which were cold and stone places where people in the past kept their animals in wine and who knows what else.

      We walked to dinner with Cheryl at the plaza Mayor and had good pizza and chatted with a digital nomad blogger from Italy.

      As we go to back to the hotel after dinner at 10:00 the sun is still setting. It is so wild to have such long days.
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    • Día 17

      Yet more poppies and big skies

      7 de junio, España ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      After the heat yesterday we got up really early and walked 19km to the first cup of coffee through beautiful fields of wheat and poppies. We found a place with carrot cake for breakfast and kept on walking down to a ruined abbey that Fiona wanted to stay the night in. Except that we saw a sign in the middle of nowhere for a veggie, alternative lifestyle place in Castrojeriz so here I am sitting in a beautiful peaceful garden under a tree. There are only four beds, which are in a huge yoga studio, and only three of us staying so far. It's a very lovely place which promises some variation on the pilgrim diet, which being meat heavy is not really my thing.
      Walked past a poppy and purple flower field. The attached photo doesn't do it justice.
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    • Día 21

      Day 20 24k to Fromista, and a canal boat

      26 de mayo, España ⋅ 🌙 46 °F

      Big climb out of our lonely town this morning, then the landscape flattened out. Our albergue owner cooked us a breakfast that included vegetables, which are hard to find here. As we came into the town of Fromista this afternoon, there was a canal boat that we hopped on, and for 2 euros it transported us the last 5k into Fromista. Fromista is a bigger town, families are out, this Sunday evening. Oh, and storks nests! Ive seen 7 or 8 storks nests, so far. They are huge! Pic attached. Our accommodations at the Hotel San Martin are nice.Leer más

    • Día 20–21

      D19- Hontanas to Itero de la Vega 21.3 k

      1 de junio, España ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Walked so far 334.4 km. 432.6km to go km
      After a lovely night at the Albergue Santo Brigida we set off about 7am after a quick coffee. It wasn’t just as cold as the day before but there was still a chill in the air. After 5km we came to the ruins of San Anton monastery and pilgrims hospital. There is an 12 bed Albergue run by volunteers on site. We ventured a few more kms and stopped for breakfast at a cafe as we entered the town of Castrojeriz. It was a fair sized town but not much activity to be seen, maybe being a Saturday morning everyone was still indoors. Leaving Castrojeriz we walked for a bit then saw a sign that said we had a 1050m climb up the Alto de Mostelares. It was a long windy km ascent and at the top there is a picnic area with beautiful views over the countryside we had left behind. The descent on the other side was much steeper but the scenery was amazing. We continued on the trail a bit further and saw the old pilgrim hospital of San Nicolas and now a small albergue. Just after this we cross the Puente Fitero and we are now in the region of Palencia. Our albergue Puente Fitero was 1.5 km after this, very nice albergue and we had a room for five which we shared with Chris and Kate. We ate lasagna for dinner washed down with the best sangria we have had so far.Leer más

    • Día 31

      Campanario to La Haba

      4 de marzo, España ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      D: Today’s walk began with misty long views, including of Magacela, perched on the side of the only mountain half way along today’s 20 km route. It was a pleasant walk today in mildly variable weather. The route was to take us a little ways up the mountain but G found a diversion and we bypassed the town. My main issue today is my sore Achilles, but La Haba offers a pleasant opportunity for rest. The Albergue is only 5 years old and really nice. Clean, great beds, great showers, a nice common room and cooking facilities. Angelina, who is in charge of the Albergue, is quite sweet and reminds me a bit of Nely. She said that G and I can share the showrr/washroom because we are married and there is no-one else here! 😇 Such a contrast to the horrible Hostal Maya we stayed at yesterday.

      About the photos: obviously they are mainly taken by Gerrard as I am in so many of them. His phone has a much better camera, I ask him not to post so many photos with me in them, but he insists that the backgrounds are nice. Oh well!

      G: debi en ik schrijven alletwee in deze blog. Soms overschrijft de een de bijdrage van de ander. Zo ook deze keer. Ik laat het hierbij, heb geen zin om het hele verhaal nog een keer op te schrijven. Morgen maak ik mijn verhaal eerst in Word dan kan ik het altijd terug halen… weltrusten.
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    • Día 32

      La Haba to Medellín

      5 de marzo, España ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      D: We began the day with a cold but quick walk to Don Benito, where we had our first coffee of the day. By that time it was sunny and warm (although we are quite fine with the cold for walking…no complaints about weather). After Don Benito the walk was quite uninteresting, on or near a highway. Part of the walk along the highway was on a very narrow side of pavement with a constant stream of vehicles passing us at great speed. Gronze warns about the danger of this part of the walk.

      We had arranged with the local police to sleep at the sports hall and had told them when we would arrive, but when we arrived at the police station it was closed (oops, wrong station!). We decided to walk to the nearby sports hall to investigate access before trying to phone the police. Coincidentally (?) a police officer pulled up and showed us into the building, providing us with instructions and keys. We were to sleep on some sports mats in the corner of the gym. We were totally ‘game’ for it, and G began to try a bit of gymnastics, but after the officer left the cleaner informed us that the area would be used by small children from 5-6, and from 6-9 the gym would be used for athletics, so it was not available to us until after 9, when it would also presumably be filled with the scent of perspiration. That was all a bit too much for us, so we went for a menu del dia and then headed to the hostel, which is cozy and comfortable, with great beds.

      I took an anti-inflammatory this morning and that did wonders for the discomfort of my Achilles. Yay drugs! Last January we walked the Via Serrana, which is a much shorter route, and G had trouble with his Achilles (his first time with a walking injury…he was indignant). We had to skip the final two days and take the train to Seville to hang out on patios drinking sangria. I feared (?) a repeat.

      Still, I am hoping that the remainder of the way to Merida will not be dominated by hard surfaces. We will need to check with the police in the morning about the river crossing as we forgot go ask the officer who assisted us this afternoon.

      G: Vanmorgen op zoek naar de bakkerij in het dorp. We vonden die maar er was geen winkel alleen de bakkerij. Debi ging naar binnen en vroeg of ze iets kon kopen en koffie. De bakker verwees haar naar het restaurant in de richting waar we net vandaan kwamen. Dan maar koffie in het volgende dorp, acht km verder.

      De koffie was in Don Benito zo gevonden, de Camino liep er bij doorheen. Na de koffie lopen we het dorp uit en zien dan al snel het kasteel op de berg waar we naar toe moeten, Medellin. Na twee uur wandelen zijn we er.

      Bij de politie konden we de sleutel van de herberg ophalen. De agent leidt ons binnen in de sporthal. Er is een schoonmaakster bezig. Hij wijst ons douche en waar we kunnen slapen. Dan gaat hij weg. We slapen in de conditie ruimte met een grote judomat en allemaal toestellen.
      Het is half drie en Debi begint alvast haar bed te maken, door een paar extra matten op elkaar te leggen. Het is improviseren maar daar kunnen we wel op slapen.
      Dan komt de schoonmaakster, ze is klaar en wil weggaan en ziet debi bezig op de mat. Ze vertelt in rap Spaans dat er om vijf uur kinderen komen spelen op de mat. En nog iets… we halen de google vertaal app erbij.
      Ze zegt dat er van zes tot negen volwassenen komen trainen op de apparaten en dat we daarna in de ruimte kunnen slapen.

      Misschien is het toch maar beter om een pensionnetje op te zoeken… wat we dan ook doen.

      We scoren vervolgens ook nog een menu del dia dus onze dag kon niet meer stuk. Welterusten.
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    Provincia de Valladolid, Valladolid, Balladolit, Província de Valladolid, バリァドリッド(バジャドリッド)

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