Punta Lagosteiras

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    • Day 27

      Last day on the Camino - Muxia

      June 13 in Spain ⋅ 🌫 16 °C

      Decided to opt out of the day of walking and Helen and I spent the morning at the beach in Lires and took a cab to Muxia where Mary, who was walking, was there to greet us!
      We spent some time exploring Muxia and went to an evening mass at 7pm.
      In ending this Camino, I must say it has been one of the most difficult Caminos of the 3 I’ve done. Of course a lot due to my foot issues, but I also struggled a lot emotionally.
      With my mother in law passing away on the 27th of May whilst I was away❤️, and the upcoming anniversary of Peter’s death ❤️ on the 17th of June, and all of the “firsts” of going through this past year, this Camino has been an emotional roller coaster to say the least.
      Turning 60 while away was a highlight for sure as I knew I wanted to be away for that, and I’m so grateful especially to Mary and Helen for making it such a special day ❤️❤️
      And it was so nice to have Joyce and Kamala join us in Santiago to make our trek to Finisterre and Muxia a “Party of 5”!!! (even if Helen and I bused and taxied some of the way…… just because we can!!)
      We are back to Santiago today at 11am to overnight, and then my journey back home to Kamloops will begin.
      After 4 weeks of being away, I can say that I am ready for home and my familiar surroundings ❤️❤️❤️❤️.
      Goodbye to the Camino de Santiago again… 😊
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    • Day 27

      June 13

      June 13 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      It was a good feeling waking up and knowing I didn't have to walk today. While it's been an incredible journey and I have seen many spectacular sights and wonderful encounters, I am thankful to be done. Lorelee and I began our day with some beach time at Praia Lires. We had the entire beach to ourselves and it was so peaceful to rest there, listening to the gentle waves as the soft sea breeze whispered while we watched sail boats on the horizon. It was difficult to leave the tranquility of this place, but eventually we made our way back to the hamlet to catch a taxi to Lires. Our taxi driver was very friendly and pointed out a lot of landmarks along the way. Unbeknownst to us, Mary had just arrived at our albergue and greeted us in the lobby when we arrived, perfect timing! The three of us set off for lunch. We took advantage of some of the local traditional dishes and shared Padron peppers, scallops and salad followed by dessert. A brief exploration of the town followed that was shortened because it started raining. After 3 weeks of walking, this is our first experience with any amount of rain, and for that I am very thankful. It was a very dreary afternoon in Muxia, but I did manage to drag myself out to join Lorelee and Mary exploring the town. We had fun taking photos on the rocks and managed to stay standing despite the extremely strong winds. We have a lovely large room that is spacious even with the three beds, a couch, desk, a table and chairs and we have a view of the sea. A perfect space to stay cozy and get a good nights sleep.Read more

    • Day 55

      Wieder am Atlantik

      July 22 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      Heute habe ich wohlbehalten mein erstes Ziel am Atlantik erreicht. Hier in Muxia bleibe ich einen Tag. Zum Abschluss folgt dann eine Genusswanderung nach Fisterra. Das Ende der alten Welt.
      Dort wird meine Wanderung durch Spanien vom Atlantik im Süden (Cadiz) zum Atlantik im Nordwesten (Fisterra) enden.Read more

    • Day 45

      J45 - Départ de Muxia en bus

      October 6 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      J'ai 90 km à parcourir aujourd'hui, mais c'est en bus, de Muxia à Santiago, où je resterai 2 nuits avant mon retour à la "vie normale" ...

      J'ai tapé la causette avec ma voisine, une autrichienne qui a parcouru le Camino portugais.Read more

    • Day 24

      Up for more

      September 28, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      After finishing in Santiago 3 full days early we decided to catch a bus to Muxia, a beautiful coastal town west of Santiago. From here we will walk to Finisterre, the unofficial finishing point of the Camino and once believed in Roman times to be the end of the known world.Read more

    • I have arrived ! Very happy ....

      October 4, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      This is nice .... tea coffee in tap In town yards from sea ...paper sheets yeah I was missing them and the lovely Judith tells me there is a salt water spa for the feet in the basement and. terrace on the roof for the sun .But first things first a hot shower or what tends to pass here for hot shower !Read more

    • Sunset

      October 4, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Had a shower and ate the food I had carried all bloody day, a good sleep so set out to explore but soon I discovered how tired I feel . Lovely place but you know what it'll still be here tomorrow so think I grab a beer hang about for an hour to see the sunset and then bed .This place I'm staying is nice but in closer inspection I can honestly say it's the first place I've stayed and there has been a few that didn't meet its hype. I think it was probably state of the art about 8 years ago when it opened with its electric sliding doors and professional kitchen but it's getting tired and other places have surpassed it in my view . But it's a clean bed it's central and my bunk is beside the bath room and the bunk has curtain and power point, excellent wifi so who is complaining. Can't believe I'll be sleeping in my own bed even if it doesn't have curtains on Tuesday night !!!!
      NB ...nearly got scalded in shower !!! lol
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    • Good Morning

      October 5, 2019 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Slept well let's see what today brings quite looking forward to a quiet restful day but let's see.
      Beautiful place and glad I witnessed a wonderful sunset .This place has a strange vibe it is largely made up of well dressed prosperous tourists staying in nice hotels and using the upmarket restaurants around the harbour and exhausted mainly young walkers and a few new age dudes trying to make the best of remaining funds . It also dawned on me I had been here before last year on my last day I took a bus tour and the place I went to see the sunset was one of a number of whistlestops but definitely better at night.
      The hostel kitchen was very busy last night but with so many people and nationalities very quiet .They have a system here anyone who doesn't want any food or drink as I can relate to would rather dump than carry leave it in a particular fridge and anyone can use it . It was fun seeing people scrapping together marvellous concoctions with what they had bought and what was in it .. I was able to have some olives and sauerkraut with my brie and toast .

      I'm sharing breakfast as I write this with what appears to be a German Youth Group .I should speak but you know what I'm just enjoying the anonymity a big place gives one .

      Could not help myself they are a youth group from Bavaria outside Nuremberg and have been walking for 8 days Cassis their leader says it's been good but the young people have found it exhausting . They have had one rest day in SdC and are now going somewhere ,didn't quite catch where, for a day on the beach I think there may have been a little mutiny !!!
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    • Nice Day

      October 5, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      In the last 3 weeks I've had some very challenging days, some lovely days, some relaxing days and met all sorts of amazing people from all over the world ! I will remember today as one of the most restful. Apart from the trauma of dumping my hard worked walking shoes, an amazing little encounter with a group of excitable lady lace makers , the ongoing stress of wondering if the super snorer would end up in my dorm again , and my altercation with the rogue seagull nothing much has happened !
      Just having a beer while listening to some of my music waiting for another glorious sunset and then head to bed and up for an early bus back to SdC and another day nearer home !!! Can't wait
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    • Day 22


      September 20, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

      Easy ride and just 33km. The weather is holding up until this afternoon and I'm enjoying this ride.

      Suddenly, I see the dark blue of the Atlantic, breathtaking!

      I have late breakfast in Muxia and share ride stories with two Canadians who rode up from Porto, which is a good possible ride for me from here.

      I have a great time hiking all over the rocks along the coast watching the wind whip up the waves that crash on the rocky shores.

      I get the feeling that I'm not hooking up with anyone for dinner tonight and I might just have to dig into some travel planning and reading instead. Yesterday evening I wrote a lot in my small inner work book. While it seems easy, implementing it is another story. It will need a lot of practice.
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    Punta Lagosteiras

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