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    • Day 3

      Muxía á Dumbria

      July 26, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Rückwärts laufen ist gar nicht so einfach. Die Markierungen fehlen und an anderen Pilgern kann man sich nicht orientieren. Die ersten 10 km waren ein Spaziergang, obwohl ein paar mal verlaufen. Ab dem letzten Cerveza wurde es etwas anstrengend.
      Wir machen jetzt Siesta und gehen dann einkaufen. Die Wäsche ist in einer Maschine. Arbeit für heute erledigt.
      Celin ist ein guter Leader und läuft vorne weg. Bin noch nicht eingelaufen und kürzere Beine hab ich auch noch😫😂

      20 km
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    • Day 6

      Lago to O Logoso

      September 17, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      More farming lessons: they put the corn harvest in pits, drive over it to flatten it, then put plastic over. Good cattle feed. Corn seems to be the primary crop in this area. Corn ➡️ cows ➡️ manure ➡️ corn. The circle of life. I did see sheep as well. And one heron, can you find it? The cemeteries here are beautiful.Read more

    • Day 7

      Camino Fisterre Day 4

      September 18, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      I met two Canadians yesterday- Dennis and Carl, travelling with Pirash from Hungary. We had beer 🍺 together. Nancy and I made a pasta dinner in the albergue kitchen. Nice little town but not much for restaurants. The Xunta albergue is quite nice, very modern. More pilgrims than yesterday but not quite full. Today I will see the ocean!Read more

    • Day 8

      As Lires to Buxan

      September 19, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      I thought we were finished with hills but we were not. As the temperature climbed, so did we. Or at least lots of ups and downs. There was the ocean now and then, to get my hopes up. And a small lumber operation. Then something wonderful! A donativo rest stop. At first I thought it was a sketchy bar, then the fellow wouldn’t take our money, pointing instead to the donation jar. It was very well stocked, and came at just the right time. Great ambiance, once we knew it wasn’t a sketchy bar. Check out the video.Read more

    • Day 30

      Dumbria to Muxia (23km)

      October 7, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Short day, not too much elevation and the destination is 5*****. Another day of going through small hamlets, usually connected by dirt paths up and down and around the monte. I met an elderly señora waiting for the grocery store truck. She told me she would not be able to stay in the village if it weren’t for these wandering, honking trucks. And I talked for a while with a man cutting the “maleza” with a scythe. He gave me a few basic pointers, but I declined the chance to whack with it, especially when I saw how sharp it was.

      There’s a beautiful Romanesque church in Moraime, about 5 km before town. My favorite piece is the Last Supper depicted over a side doorway. I have never been able to get inside, but if I had been willing to stick around for about three hours, I could’ve gotten in today with the women coming to set up for a wedding tomorrow. Maybe next time.

      The entrance into Muxia is nice. Truth be told, it’s not a very picturesque place, except for the sanctuary at the tip on the rocks. Very good seafood restaurants, and a pretty lively atmosphere. Since my room in the hospital wasn’t ready when I arrived, I just dropped off my backpack and went out to the sanctuary. Sitting on those rocks and watching the waves crash is a really nice place to reflect on things. Even on a windy cloudy day.

      I will go back for sunset but it might be a washout.
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    • Day 24

      Faro Touriñán

      December 10, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      ...oder, der westlichste Punkt auf dem spanischen Festland.

      Ein schmaler Singletrack durch Wald und Flur führte uns zum Ziel für heute...das Cabo Touriñán mit gleichnamigen Leuchtturm...und kleinem Parkplatz, der über Nacht uns gehörte. Ein Träumchen, direkt unterm Faro...

      Vielfach wird angenommen das der westlichste Punkt das Kap Fisterra sei, das stimmt aber nicht. Dabei verhält es sich ähnlich wie beim Nordkap, das ist auch nicht der nördlichste Punkt.

      Das Kap und das Meer waren relativ ruhig und wir konnten in Ruhe einen Spaziergang machen. Vereinzelte Angler standen weit unterhalb auf vorgelagerten Felsen...ihr Fang konnte später am Abend von uns bewundert werden.

      Der gefangene Fisch wurde vor Ort von ihnen gegrillt und verspeist. Danach waren wir allein und genossen den Abend.
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    • Day 44

      Day 41 - Foxy lady 🦊

      October 26, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill

      Day 41 - Muxia to Morpeguite - by car

      Shockingly, it was raining again this morning. This did not stop me from walking along the front and down to the small beach at the harbour. I was determined to get my feet in the water today - and I did! I hung out watching a husband and wife raking for clams (and confirmed that was what they were looking for), and just took time to enjoy the drizzle and the (wet) sand under my toes.

      Some hot chocolate and churros helped to take the chill off my bones before venturing out again.

      As I mentioned yesterday, I wanted to go back to the Sanctuary de A Barca and have another look at those rocks that the Virgin came to Muxia in as a stone boat. As I got up the hill, the sun came out and remained shining most of the rest of the morning.

      Unfortunately, I couldn’t get high enough to actually make the specific stones out. I also could not find the Fonte de Pel where the sick came to wash before going to A Barca. I did however get up to the lookout point, and it was worth every step. Absolutely amazing 360 degree views! Over the sea, A Barca and the lighthouse, the harbour and the town. Incredible. I took a bunch of photos (too many as usual) and a video or three while standing there in the wind, on the highest point of the area.

      Back to town to collect my backpack and head to the grocery store. I wanted to grab a few things to bring home that are a lot less expensive here than there - specifically saffron and sea salt flakes. Both specialty items at home that cost a bomb. I also grabbed a few things for when at The Little Fox House that I had been craving.

      I headed over to Tracy’s shop in town so I could catch a lift back to the house with her, saving me the trouble of a bus ride.

      The Little Fox House is a donativo (by donation only) post-Camino pilgrim retreat. A place to relax, reflect and process your Camino journey before moving on - either home or with other parts of your journey. Tracy Saunders - the owner - is a retired psychoanalyst and and practitioner of clinical hypnosis. She is also a writer with about 10 books under her belt, including a couple of best-sellers. In addition to running The Little Fox House, Tracy also has a shop in Muxia called Celtic, Wicca & Bling. Very cool little shop! Tonight there is only one guest (from Kentucky) but she leaves tomorrow as does Tracy for her long weekend in Malaga with her family. Hence my volunteer duties. I am in charge of the house, feeding pilgrims, cleaning house and changing beds, cat mum to Tracy’s 4 furry friends and all-round house sitter. There may be other pilgrims coming in, but at this time, none are booked (one just cancelled). It’s unusual for the rooms not to be booked, as it is a popular stop for pilgrims after their Camino or, those enroute to Muxia or Finesterre. There is a 2 night minimum and a 4 night maximum stay.

      The three of us had a lovely dinner, good wine and good company. All is ready for me to take over, tomorrow.
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    • Day 45

      Day 42 - Rest and reflection

      October 27, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      “I walked 5miles to school each day, uphill both ways” - said every parent ever

      Day 42 - The Little Fox House - Morpeguite

      Today Tracy and the last pilgrim (Jude) left, leaving me in charge of the house and cats. As there are no other pilgrims scheduled for my time here, this has turned in to more of a house and cat sitting gig than a volunteer one. I did have to change the bed today that Jude had been in, ready for the next pilgrims at the beginning of November - Carolyn and Jenny, actually! Have fed the cats twice and went for a walk. Otherwise, a quiet day after the ladies left. There wasn’t even the constant sound of rain as other than a sprinkle (and really high winds), there was no rain today for the first time in over a week!

      So…..for YEARS I have laughed at the quote above and thought “yeah, right. Not possible. What kind of a fool do you take me for?” Well, a big one as it turns out. What was I thinking? Of course my parents could have walked X km or miles to school, uphill both ways. I always assumed if you went uphill to school, you’d go downhill coming home. Right? Well, kind of. Today I walked 1.3km to the store and back, uphill both ways! It is possible and I am an idiot for not realizing it sooner. After leaving the house, I went to the main road and did a slow incline uphill. Slight downhill before the road levelled off a bit. The, another uphill. After this, I went downhill, then levelled off again. Store was here. So coming back, I had to go along the level bit, then uphill to get to the next level bit, then up a slight incline before going downhill again. Uphill both ways!!! Duh!

      I had grabbed some extra stuff to make a huge salad today (and some junk food for the evenings!) but didn’t end up having it. Will likely have it for lunch tomorrow, but I have way too much food (that I bought and brought) for the amount of time I am here. I was just so excited to be cooking for myself!! If I do another Camino (Keith and I are considering the Portuguese for next year), I am making sure that at least half the albergues have kitchen facilities. I miss cooking and it is usually much cheaper. I just haven’t wanted to be stuck carrying (or transporting) groceries from place to place. Looks like I may have to for whatever I have left over though!

      Rest of the afternoon and evening was spent just sitting quietly, reflecting, chatting with the girls and watching a movie on Prime. Nice quiet day.

      House is cold and damp, but I hung out in the kitchen and study where I was able to have a propane heater on (after 5pm) to help keep the chill out. Going to be an early night under the warm duvet for me!!
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    • Day 46

      Day 43 - Solitary

      October 28, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      ‘Alone doesn’t mean lonely. It just means alone. It just means that for now you are on your own, and that’s not a terrible thing” - Hemal Jhaveri

      Day 43 - Morpeguite

      Today was a solitary day - just the cats and I. No visitors, no tv, no music - just quiet and the sound of the blustery wind and occasional rain. It was a peaceful kind of day where I had no expectations of myself or from other people. A day to just sit and do nothing special at all.

      I did go for a walk before lunch, just in the local area. Not for long, but enough to get some fresh air into my lungs, take a few photos and gather some chestnuts for roasting later.

      Bacon and egg breakfast, large salad for lunch and burnt chicken wings for dinner. That had more to do with the oven cooking too hot and then the power going out! I managed to salvage a bit of the wing meat. I also had the chestnuts to fall back on but wasn’t really hungry anyway. I had roasted them in the oven and they were nice and sweet. Bringing most of them with me on my way back to Santiago tomorrow.

      Looking forward to the next stage of my trip - even though it will mean this part of my journey is truly over. In reality, it’s been over for a week. But, once I see Nancy, Dave and Luie come in, it really will be done. With any luck, Linda may also come in while I am still in the city. Would be great to see her too. I wish I had been able to see Jenny and Carolyn again, but it wasn’t to be. But, that’s the Camino (and life). Gives you what you need…not always what you want.
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    • Day 36

      The Little Fox House

      April 20 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      I decided to pay a visit to the Little Fox House. This is their website
      I was here in 2013, and wanted to stop by. Tracy Sanders is an older lady who has written many books about the camino. She had to go out for the night to visit a friend, and just told me that the house is mine for the night! Anyway just taking it easy for the next 2 days. A few pics today.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Muxía, Muxia

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