Punta Lagosteiras

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    • Day 41

      The sun has set

      August 26, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      0,000 - finis terrae, the end of the world.

      I watched my final sunset, took my final steps towards the 0,0 marker, breathed one last pilgrim breath of the fresh ocean air.

      It’s night now, the stars that guided me for 42 days hidden behind clouds. A last look back, a last deep sigh. Good bye Camino.

      On the Camino we wish each other in passing a “Buen Camino,” a good way. And that it was.

      I’ll be back.
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    • Day 39

      Etappe 33 - Muxia 1

      October 20, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Heute ist die letzte Etappe an der Reihe.
      Die ganze Nacht hat es wieder gestürmt und geregnet.
      Werde heute, etliche Pilger haben dies ebenfalls vor, den Bus nach Muxia nehmen.
      Noch einmal bei Regen laufen, habe ich einfach keine Lust mehr.
      Vielleicht zieht sich das Wetter doch noch auf, so wie gestern.
      Glück gehabt - ab 13.30 Uhr kam die Sonne vor. Dies hat zu einem zweistündigen Rundgang durch Muxia verleitet.
      Dabei habe ich, trotz Sturm, schöne Schnappschüsse einfangen können. War auch beim Kilometer Null des Jakobsweges.
      Kulinarisches stand auch auf der Agenda: Pizza mit Pulpo.
      Heute abend geht es noch zur Pilgermesse.
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    • Day 43

      Day 40 - The sea is calling!

      October 25, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      “The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” - Jacques Cousteau

      Day 40 - Finesterre to Muxia by bus

      Well yesterday was fun! Three Netflix movies, two slices of toast, four plain cookies and 2 rolls of toilet paper! Lordy. At least I woke up feeling better today and was able to hop the morning bus to Muxia.

      I love the sea, the salty smell in the air and the brisk brisk breeze that usually accompanies a seaside town. Muxia has all of that. It also has the usual parade of bars and restaurants along the front, lots of seagulls and lots of rain. Again with the poncho on, poncho off all day.

      Thankfully, I was able to leave my backpack at the hostel I was supposed to have checked into yesterday, as check-in wasn’t until noon (and it was only 10:45). Lost those € for the night I wasn’t here, but what could I do?

      Off I go to wander the town. Up and down the small streets, along the front where I watched a couple of women clam digging and around the small harbour. The wind was blowing and the rain was coming down. I didn’t last too long. But then, neither did the rain! By the time I got back to the area where the bars are, the rain had stopped.

      I continued out of town and towards the lighthouse and Santuario da Barca. The Muxia 0.000km marker and the A Frerida (Wounded) sculpture. The wind up here was almost as crazy as at Finesterre!

      The cultural history of this town is linked to the Sanctuary of A Barca and the surrounding stones. It has been the object of magical-religious worship throughout the centuries and of veneration for the thousands of pilgrims who travel the Camino Xacobeo from Santiago to Muxía – Fisterra. The arrival at the Sanctuary becomes the long-awaited reward for the effort made to reach the end of the Camino, the place where the Virgin arrived in a stone boat to encourage the Apostle Santiago . The pilgrimage of La Barca is recognized as being of National Tourist Interest.

      The place is spectacular. And I had to stop myself taking too many photos! The religious precinct itself and the atrium that extends beyond the low wall, towards where the "magic" stones are, with healing and divinatory properties: the Pedra de Abalar (oscillate), the Pedra de Os Cadrís (Kidneys), Pedra dos Namorados (lovers) and the Pedra de O Temón (rudder). They are the remains of the boat in which, legend has it, the Virgin arrived by sea to encourage the apostle Santiago in his gospel.

      The temple was rebuilt several times, it is believed that four times, the last time in 2015. On Christmas Day 2013, the sanctuary suffered a tragic fire that left the altarpiece and the ceiling completely burned. Only the exterior walls and elements such as benches and confessionals remained standing. In addition, the lateral altarpieces could be recovered.

      I need to go back tomorrow as I want to look at the stones with new eyes since I did not know the history until after I had been there. I also missed the A Pel fountain. This is a beautiful and magical place located next to an old pilgrim path known as the A Pel path. It is very close to Punta de la Barca.

      In the spring, pilgrims and the sick bathed before entering the sanctuary of A Barca as a measure to avoid spreading leprosy. The Perello room (a perello is a demon or goblin) is made up of enormous stones that form a room inside it that can only be discovered by approaching it. This imposing mass dominates the vision in this stretch of coast.

      I walked back along a different wet path that took me past an old church and it’s cemetery. Church was locked, but I was able to take a photo of the cemetery (one of two areas) - which intrigues me. I have always loved old cemeteries. But the ones here in Spain are all vaults, which is so different to other countries I have been too. The cemeteries are almost always on the edge or just outside of cities and towns. Generally by a church but not necessarily. Most are enclosed behind high whitewashed walls with a cross at the entrance. And almost all internments are in vaults, several stories high. This type of burial is due to the ground generally being too hard and rocky to dig ground level graves as we know them. Apparently, this is the same as in Italy. Hhmmm… the things you learn!

      Finally checked in to my Albergue and it is almost completely empty. I think there are 3 or 4 people here and room for maybe 20. Got my bed made and then decided it was time to test my stomach with lunch. I found a cute little bar that I had been told was really good, and had padrón peppers and fried clam strips. With wine of course because it’s cheaper than tea or water!

      I later walked out the other end of town towards the beaches. Again, the wind was really bad, so I turned back after getting close enough to to take a couple of photos. Contrary to popular opinion (because I like to be different!), I think I prefer Finesterre to Muxia. I was closer to the beach there (although I didn’t get to go to it ) and I like the vibe a bit more.

      After that big lunch, it was a pre-packaged salad for dinner and time for an early night. Tomorrow I will meet Tracy and head to her Pilgrim post-Camino retreat home, where I am volunteering until the 29th.
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    • Day 41

      Muxia, Spain

      April 30, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      We moved a little further north along what is known as La Costa da Morte, "The Death Coast," to Muxia, [pronounced moo-she-a]. We spent a few days here before both of us caught stomach bugs. After 2 months of traveling, it was bound to happen. We still managed to explore this quaint fishing village rich in legend and gooseneck barnacles.

      Some believe that Mary (yes, the Virgin Mary, Jesus’ mother) appeared along the rocky shores of Muxia in a stone boat to encourage the Apostle James to keep preaching. The stone boat then broke up into smaller stones. These stones are still here, and legend has it that they possess healing powers. Pagan legend predating Christianity’s takeover of Spain also regard the stones with mysticism.

      Perched behind the mystical rock formations stands the Sanctuary of “A Nosa Señora da Barca” the Virgin of the Boat, originally built in the 12th century to replace Celtic worshipping grounds. Whether you are a believer or not, seeing the cathedral along the rocky shores is a sight to behold, especially at sunset. To me, that’s when the real magic happens.

      Like Finisterre, Muxia is another finishing point on the Camino de Santiago. If you saw the movie, "The Way," this is where Martin Sheen’s character sat on the rocks and released the ashes of his son.
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    • Day 27

      Abreise Start - Mittwoch Nr 1

      June 7, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Bei Regen Abfahrt 06:15

      Und der Himmel weint mit mir

      😢 Snief 😭


      Nun sitz ich im Bus von einer der Perlen der Reise Muxia nach Santiago de Compostela. Kam mir gerade der gesamte Schwall der Reise und Camino 2. Zerspringen wollte ich voll Stolz seit verfrühter Start bis heute, vor Glück ebenso, erneut eine solche Erfahrung erlebt zu haben. Tränen laufen vor Traurigkeit dass die Reise ihr baldiges Ende findet. Übel ist mir von den Kurven der Straßen und der Busfahrt.

      Und dennoch versuche ich wieder wie es im Leben sein soll:

      Aufstehen, Schlafsack zusammenrollen, Rucksack final packen und sich für Aufbruch entscheiden, Orte und Gedanken hinter sich zu lassen. Neuen Mut für das Kommende zu fassen, den Glauben daran bewahren, alles wird gut und Vertrauen darin und in sich selbst.

      Camino 1 danke für meine Vergangenheit und erreichen der Gegenwart.

      Camino 2 danke für die Zukunft.
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    • Day 145

      Von Muxía nach Oia

      July 23, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Als ich in Muxía in der Schlange vor dem Bus darauf warte, mein Ticket kaufen zu können, blicke ich zu Addie und Maru zurück, die mit mir auf den Bus gewartet haben. Maru zieht mit den Fingern seine Mundwinkel nach oben, um mich daran zu erinnern, zu lächeln.
      "Besser!", ruft er, als er sieht, dass es funktioniert. Dann beginnen die beiden "Don't worry, be happy" zu summen. Und zum Abschied geben sie mir noch unser gruppeneigenes, etwas lächerliches Winken mit auf den Weg.
      Als ich im Bus sitze und mir die beiden immer noch winken, kommen mir schließlich die Tränen. Ich forme mit Daumen und Zeigefinger ein kleines Herz, wie Maru es uns beigebracht hat. Dann setzt sich der Bus in Bewegung.

      Meine Reise von Muxía über Santiago und Vigo nach Baiona verläuft reibungslos. Allerdings wird mir etwas übel, da ich schon ewig so gut wie gar nicht Bus gefahren bin.
      In Baiona werde ich von meiner Freundin Tanya abgeholt. Sie kommt aus den USA, lebt aber in Oia, einem kleinen Ort in Galicien, der am Camino Portugués por la Costa liegt. Dort betreibt sie eine Pilgerherberge, in der ich letztes Jahr über ein Monat ausgeholfen habe.
      Oia ist mit dem Auto nicht weit von Baiona und so sind wir schnell am Ziel. Ich fühle mich sofort wie zu Hause. Und bin in der Herberge, wo Tanya mir ein Bett freigehalten hat, sogar wieder unter Pilgern!
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    • Day 31


      August 30, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Today was a really special day. I took the bus from Santiago to Muxia, one of the coastal towns that is also connected to the Camino if you decide to keep walking. It’s a small village with mostly local people and a few pilgrims.

      I arrived midday and went right to the beach for a swim. The ocean water was cold, but I saw other people swimming so I knew it was possible! It was the perfect way to mark the end of my Camino - by swimming in the ocean. The shock of the cold water felt invigorating.

      The rest of the day was just as delightful. I walked to the end of the peninsula to see a stone church that was built right along the water. I watched the waves crashing against the rocks for a while and enjoyed the familiarity of the Atlantic ocean and rocks and the ways it looked and felt similar to Maine.

      Dylan happened to have planned a day at the beach with his mom, so we waved to each other across the ocean.

      I ended the day collecting seashells and watching the sunset on the beach. A pretty perfect day.

      I can hear the waves on the shore even as I write this and go to bed.
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    • Day 34

      In Muxia

      May 14 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 14 °C

      I have walked from Finisterre to Muxia (or the reverse) at least 5 times. 30 km, 600m. This time it was hard. The ascent at the end was a killer for me. If I’m lucky enough to walk this route again, I will split those 30 km in half. The little town of Lires, which used to have one old pensión and café, has had a small camino explosion.

      The weather was fine, with a little drizzle as I left and a few drops as I arrived. But nothing in between. I took a detour to the Lires beach, hoping the bar would be open, but it wasn’t. So I sat on a bench, looking out at the beautiful water, chomping on some nuts and drinking water, instead of my longed-for Fanta de Limón.

      I wasn’t feeling particularly social when I arrived, and after a good lunch alone of sea bass and razor clams, I walked out to the church on the rocky point. It’s a spectacular setting. The waves were ferociously pounding on the rocks and the tide was so high it would have been dangerous to walk out on any of them like I usually do. So I just sat, with the wind blowing like crazy and contemplated. The end of another walk —it always happens. No profound revelations after this month of walking, just a sense that life is good and that I am extremely lucky to have been able to walk another beautiful camino.

      It’s raining here and it looks like sunset will happen behind a thick veil of clouds. But I’m not disappointed because this has been a really full camino.
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    • Sad Day but so many memories

      October 5, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Day   laced  with  sadness  toe cap off a bootiful relationship with my  pair of sole mates .We've been down a  lot of roads together  . Adiós my smelly amigos

      Seriously though 2 Camino's and many many miles of prepartion over the last 16 months and never one blister or as much as a broken toenail They owe me nothing ! Aldi best !Read more

    • Day 447

      Von Enseada de Corme nach Muxia

      August 9, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

      Heute kleiner Katastrophen Tag.
      Nach einer ruhigen Nacht vor Anker gab es ganz schön wind.beimm treffen der Fock ging die etwas kaputt, könnte auch nicht mehr geborgen werden.
      Also Motor an, aber, die Motoranzeige / Bedienpanrl tot. Der Motor liess sich zwar noch starten, aber keine Anzeige. Nach Anruf beim Volvohändler könnten wir den Motor starten, ohne dass es einen elektronischen Schaden gab.
      Also nicht in die nächste Ankerbucht, sondern in den Hafen von Muxia.
      Hier könnten wir das zerrissenene Segel wechseln und jetzt geht's dann nach Vigo zum Segelmacher.
      Und gleich Mal zum Fischessen.
      Bis morgen!

      Noch eine kurze Sequenz mit Delphin und Beethoven!
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