Rinconada, La

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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 113

      Sevilla Stadtbesichtigung

      4 de março de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Gut zum Flughafen gelegen, sind wir heute morgen gemütlich zu unserem letzten gemeinsamen Stellplatz gefahren. Antonella musste zu Hause bleiben und wir sind mit dem Linienbus ins Centrum von Sevilla gefahren.
      Die Stadt ist super schön und alle Bars und Cafés rappelt voll. Wir lassen uns treiben und genießen die Atmosphäre.
      Die Rückfahrt gestaltet sich etwas schwieriger- aus dem Bus raus sind es eigentlich nur noch 15 min zu Fuß....
      unser Navi leitet uns jedoch als Fußweg die Autobahn entlang 🤣🤣

      Wir laufen eine knappe Stunde neben der Autobahn bis wir endlich wieder zu Hause sind.

      Jetzt gibts noch a Glaserl Wein.

      Schade, das die gemeinsame Woche schon fast wieder rum ist.
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    • Dia 56

      The Columbus Egg

      27 de fevereiro, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Today is our last full day in Seville. This morning, I just want to take it easy and do a little planning for City #13, Cordoba, on our Southern Spain trip. We bought our train tickets from Seville to Cordoba and booked a tour at the Mosque Cathedral. We will only be there for 3 nights before heading to Madrid.

      While I am checking things out, Chris took a 8 km walk along the river bank to see the huge ‘Columbus’ Egg’ (Nacimiento del Hombre Nuevo).

      The walk to the monument is a pleasant walk for those who love the fresh air and a bit of exercise. That’s definitely Chris!

      The 500 ton bronze, egg-shaped sculpture is 45 metres high and holds a 35 metre figure of Columbus within it. A Georgian born Russian artist Zurab Tsereteli created it and it was a gift from the city of Moscow to the city of Seville in 1992 on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the arrival of Columbus in the Caribbean in 1492.

      To transport the monument to its current location, it was first taken by boat to a port in Northern Spain and then by road to Seville. Seven trailers and an additional two special transport trucks were needed to transport the large pieces to its destination.

      Columbus is holding a map of the ocean in his hands, which also shows the three caravels that accompanied him on his first expedition to America: ‘La Niña’, ‘La Pinta’ and the ‘La Santa María’.
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    • Dia 3

      Soirée à Alameda 🤗🍷

      12 de novembro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Le soir mes amis Laura, Juan, Jose y Maria nous rejoindre pour un verre. On se promène au centre ville et on marche jusqu'à Alameda, le quartier avec beaucoup de bars.

      On fait une soirée tranquille tout simplement avec des tapas et du vin 🍷❤️‍🩹Leia mais

    • Dia 206


      19 de fevereiro, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Dieses Wochenende traf ich ein paar Freunde aus Barcelona in Sevilla.
      Wir waren lecker Frühstück, haben bei einem Stadtrundgang Teil genommen, der Musik bei einem Festival gelauscht, waren feiern und haben vor allem das gute Wetter unterwandert beim Picknick am Fluss genossen. Es war richtig schön bekannte Gesichter wieder zu sehen!
      Sevilla ist mein letzter stopp bevor es weiter Richtung Marokko geht. Es ist eine super Erfahrung mal alleine zu reisen und in Spanien kommt man super mit dem Bus, Zug oder Blablacar von A nach B.
      This weekend I met some friends from Barcelona in Seville.
      We had a delicious breakfast, took part in a city tour, listened to the music at a festival, partied and, above all, enjoyed the good weather with a picnic by the river. It was really nice to see familiar faces again!
      Seville is my last stop before continuing towards Morocco. It's a great experience to travel alone and in Spain you can easily get from A to B by bus, train or Blablacar.
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    • Dia 99


      29 de outubro de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Our trip to Seville was pretty short. All we had to to do was to take a 3 hour bus ride to Seville and then a 6 minute walk to our apartment. Our apartment was much more quiet in Seville compared to Granada but the Architecture wasn’t too different.

      The next day we explored the town a bit, but all the shops were closed so we couldn’t do much. But it was nice to get a vibe of the place.

      On our 2nd day we went to a Spanish Palace which the Spanish royalty still use. It was much smaller than the ones in France and Germany but it was still big!

      The next day we didn’t really do much but on the 4th day we did the complete opposite.

      On the 4th day we went to the Plaza de Espanya, where they filmed a few movies including Star Wars. It was huge. There we took some photos and looked around. We even saw some Flamenco dancing. After that we went on a churro hunt where we got lost multiple times down tiny streets because the GPS was getting lost. That night we went out for a special dinner because it was really cheap for All Hallows Day ( a Spanish public holiday) also for All Hallows day they had a band parading past our house so we could watch it from our balcony. And it had a a bunch of priests with candles and a float with a statue of Mary on it, and a whole brass instrument band.

      On our second last day we booked tickets to see a Flamenco performance and it was amazing. There were three people on the stage. A dancer, singer and a guitar player. Each one of them took their talent to the extreme. The dancer was hitting the ground so hard with her feet that I’m surprised she didn’t break an ankle. The singer / clapper guy was singing so loud and clapping so hard too. And the guitarist was playing super fast. I think I liked Seville better than Granada. It seemed more relaxed and clean. They had wider streets, no cars in the old town and a bunch of street entertainment, making it the perfect city for me.
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    • Dia 2

      Sunday in Sevilla

      5 de novembro de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      A sunny day of slow wandering around. First to Setas de Sevilla (the wooden mushrooms, brilliant) then to convent san ildefonso for cakes thru the door but closed (will have go another day) then to catholic church divini Salvador (brilliant 400 year old wooden and gold leaf alters etc) mixed with a few drinks and a very good tapas lunch. Another +20k steps, feet are a bit sore.
      Tonight is as busy as last night at 8pm, dont kids go to bed here! absolutely packed. There must be close to 100 bars/restaurants near us packed outside on street.
      Pics ...
      Hotel coffee machine
      Setas de Sevilla x 2
      Strange front garden
      Salvador church x 2
      Outside our hotel
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    • Dia 28

      Food in Seville

      4 de junho de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      In the breakfast room of our hotel…fake agapanthus! We had a adventure, at lunchtime, in an off the beaten track restaurant. My tortilla patatas was mashed potatoes, and David and Trish’s lagartitos (translates as lizards) was fried pieces of pork on top of chips swimming in oil.
      The cake shops looked good, but not cheap! Euan taste checked the icecreams and orange was superior
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    • Dia 2

      Soirée typical Andalusian 🧀🍷🙏🏼

      11 de novembro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Le dîner se passe très bien chez "Lama La Uva", un restaurant gastronomique à côté de "Las Setas de Sevilla" 🍄

      Juan et son ami nous rejoindre et on essaie quelques vins différents, aussi que de jambon et du fromage. Avant de partir je vole un verre à vin car le dessin me plaît et il y a pas beaucoup de choses qui me donnent plus d'adrénaline et satisfaction dans la vie 🤫

      Caza Vizcaíno est un des bars les plua typiques à Séville et on le remarque dès qu'on rentre. On trouve un bon endroit pour nous mettre et boire un coup. On discute un peu sur la bière qui vient de Séville (Cruzcampo) et on fini pour la commander et la goûter 🍺

      Pour bien finir on va a Garlochí, un bar où j'avais envie d'aller il y a plus de 4 ans. Ça vaut le coup car c'est une sacrée expérience dès qu'on traverse la porte. Tout ce qui nous entoure est dédié à la religion, on voit presque pas les murs. Tout est en rouge et le comptoir du bar est un char de Pâques. On est venus pour essayer un cocktail qui est fait qu'ici: "Le Sang du Christ", fait avec du Cava, du Whisky et de la Grenadine, et apparemment je suis le seul à qui le plaît vraiment 😂
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    • Dia 1–5

      Sevilla, late 2023 sun getaway

      4 de novembro de 2023, Espanha ⋅ 🌬 22 °C

      Early start, 1am for airport, effortless trouble free all the way to Seville.
      First impressions are that this is a really nice place, hotel is good, weather is great. Second impressions after walking 20k steps in North sector of old town is that it is very good and on its way to being best place we have stayed and seen in Spain.
      On our afternoon exploration we stopped in a local bodega where Diane asked for sangria and they said NO, they had their own version; red wine, ice, lime and bitter lemon. I just wanted red wine and took a sip when the barmaids threw their hands up in horror. Your not supposed to try that rot gut red wine!!! That's why they add ice, lemon and lime. All in it cost us 4 euros, poor wine but great place.
      Found a supermarket on way back to get a bottle of wine with a screw top as i dont have a corkscrew for the afternoon. It tasted really heavy and sweet, then Diane found it was sherry! All got 6 euros!
      Ps,,,some lovely buildings and churches/basilicas i have photographed here not quite to Diane's taste!
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    • Dia 8

      Day 8 - Last Day/Night in Sevilla

      17 de setembro de 2017, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Sevilla has been absolutely amazing! It reminds me of a Spanish Richmond. It has all of the feels of a small city, yet it's large enough to have a little of everything. There are restaurants, bars, and cafes on every street. There is a ton of culture and history everywhere you look. The people are so charming and friendly. It's cheap! There's a waterfront full of architecture, parks, water sports, art walks, and even a foodie event that we stumbled upon today (similar to "Broad Appetite" of Richmond). While we could happily stay here forever, we did these 3 days right and are happy to see what's in store for us next. We stayed in a beautiful Andalusian home with the nicest hosts imaginable. We ate some of the best food we have ever had (and checked off 7 of the 15 or so restaurants off of our hosts' recommendation list), we wandered about 10 miles a day through streets and alleyways, we explored the beautiful architecture on both sides of the canal, we saw the Cathedral, the Real Alcazar, the Plaza de Espana, and so much more.

      Today was a great finale. Another workout on the water. Crepes for breakfast. Hours of alley wandering and site-seeing. Siesta. Wine on the rooftop. More walking. Another tapas-filled dinner and people watching on a busy terrace. Now some rest and relaxation before we head off to Granada in the morning.
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    Rinconada, La

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