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    • Gün 37

      Welcome to Galicia!

      8 Temmuz 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      After dialysis yesterday we attempted to make the jump to Sarria, missed a bus connection, spent the night in Lugo, then completed our jump late this morning.

      We are now in the last region of the Camino—Galicia, and it is gorgeous! After the wide open spaces of the Meseta it feels close and comfortable. Sean likened it to the Shire in Tolkien’s world of hobbits.

      We are behind schedule but really enjoying the scenery as you can see from the videos and pics!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 9

      Fonfria - Sarria (Fahrrad)

      18 Temmuz 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Heute erreichten wir nach einer rasanten Talfahrt mit den Fahrrädern die von vielen Pilgern gefürchtete Stadt Sarria. Sie ist deshalb gefürchtet, weil sie die letzte Stadt vor dem Kilometerstein 100 ist und somit von vielen Touri-Pilgern als Ausgangspunkt genommen wird. Denn wer die letzten 100 km bis Santiago zu Fuss pilgert, erhält dort die begehrte Compostela. Schon vor Tagen wurden uns Menschenmassen in Sarria prophezeit, dass man die Stadt wenn möglich meiden und grosse Umwege um sie machen sollte, dass die Herbergen rappelvoll seien und es schwierig werden würde, einen Schlafplatz zu finden. Dem war nicht so. Die Massen sind ausgeblieben, eine Herberge haben wir problemlos gefunden, todo bien! Heute haben wir es gemütlich genommen und Kraft getankt für die letzten hundert Kilometer. Morgen geht es nach Portomarin. Buenas noches y hasta mañana!Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 22

      Fresh energy in Sarria

      21 Ağustos 2023, Ispanya ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      I made it to Sarria - the town where most people who walk the final 100km start the Camino. Anyone who walks the final 100km qualifies for the Compostela certificate in Santiago, so a lot of people start here.

      It’s interesting to be a few weeks into this experience and suddenly be surrounded by people who are all fresh energy and excitement. In some ways it helps lend some fresh energy to me, too. Thankfully I rid myself of any sense of competition when I offered myself the grace not to walk the whole thing, so I don’t begrudge anyone who is joining the walk now.

      I didn’t take many pictures today because I was honestly pretty scared walking from Samos to Sarria. The trail from Samos didn’t reconnect with the main Camino trail for 6 miles and there weren’t any towns with cafes to stop in along the way like there usually are on the main trail. I left late and didn’t see anyone for the first 4 miles. I was glad my legs are stronger now because I basically speed walked for 4 miles while my mind imagined all the scary things that could happen being alone in the woods. At one point I did hear some rustling and two big German Shepard-like wild dogs came running by, but I stood still and they kept running in a different direction.

      I was so relieved when I finally caught sight of some people and could slow down my walking pace. I kept telling myself that I never know who’s ahead of me or behind me on the trail to reassure myself that I wasn’t the only one out there, but I was still relieved to actually see people.

      I doubt I’ll have much trail to myself now that I’m in the final stretch with all the newcomers. Most people who’ve been on the Camino before Sarria find the crowds off-putting, but after today I’m hoping I find them comforting - like being a part of a big school of fish or a murmuration. It could be nice to just get carried along in the crowd.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 35

      Triacastela to SARRIA

      20 Eylül 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      Left for Sarria at 8:30 AM. Approximately 20 km's. First of all the coziest Albergue in a while. Very warm, every amenity in a comfortable place. The manager was such a nice gentleman. Didn't do laundry at O'cebreiro because that place was "The Animal House". But in a fun busy way. So in Triacastela I asked where was the laundry room. He said follow me. The washer and dryer was in use, so I said I would sit and wait. He said no, put your clothes in this basket. (Regular clothes basket). So i sat down to wait. He said no, go and have dinner. This dude washed and dried my clothes, folded them up and had them on my bunk when I returned from dinner. Tried to give him 20 euro, he only took 5. The climb down the mountain was very hard on my feet. Today I will walk with less intensity. Under 100 km's. Buen CaminoOkumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Day 0 - Sarria

      27 Eylül 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      The drive from Santiago to Sarria was pleasant. It was mostly freeway at 120 klms an hour, and I recalled when I was driving in Montana and the speed limit on the freeway was 120 miles per hour! It was quite a misty morning which always makes the countryside look great. The first town we drive through was packed with pilgrims, which made me a little concerned about how I'm going to be able to deal with the crowds - but I suppressed that thought. I got to Sarria before 11 a.m. and incredibly, my room was ready, so I was able to come right up. I dropped my things off and then set out to explore the town. As you would expect, there are references to the Camino everywhere in town, and I was very pleased to get some hat pins and patches. I'm now waiting for the rest of the ACU group that I will be walking with. They are all on the train from Madrid. I have everything ready to set off tomorrow.Okumaya devam et

    • Day 38 - Fillobal to Sarria - 22km

      6 Ekim 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Well, are you sitting down to read this? It wasn’t an exciting day but lots of interesting things happened so I may have a bit of a run on the mouth (or fingers in this case).

      First off, I had a wonderful private room last night but I had a terrible sleep. I finally faced the facts yesterday that I have bed bug bites. I had washed everything I own and put in the dryer. I figured it was solved, but I woke up about 1am and had a couple more bites. I am not sure if these were already there and just started itching or if they were new. I was so paranoid about it that I couldn’t really sleep. Every time I thought I felt something, I quickly turned on the lights and nothing was there. At about 4am I finally said, “this is enough, I need sleep, don’t think about it and just sleep.” So I got a good couple hours of sleep.

      I was awake and ready to go by 7:30 so I decided to go. It is still dark until 8am these days so I needed to wear my headlamp. Off I went, about 20 minutes or so into the hike (it was downhill on a path), I could hear someone hiking behind me and see a headlamp. That is no big deal, always happens, but when I looked forward, I saw someone coming towards me (up the hill) that wasn’t wearing a headlamp. I started to wonder why they didn’t have a headlamp and why are they walking backwards on the trail. It took me at least 5 seconds (and count that, it is pretty long), to realize that the figure coming towards me was just me. It was my shadow created by the headlamp on the person behind me. Too funny!

      The hike today was new to me. The last time I was here, the standard trail was through a town called Samos. Now, that part of the trail is an option, and going straight through is the regular trail. The regular one is 6km shorter so you know which one I chose.

      It was shorter, but it was a bit of a challenge. After about 3kms of going down, it was time to go up again. It was a pretty big hill and then there were steep parts going down again. Jenna and I laughed the night before because when you see the elevation profile, it almost looks like the “middle finger”. When I got to the top, I sent Jenna a text saying we definitely named it correctly!

      Today was only 22km (funny I can say only 22km now), but I was feeling extra tired. I am sure it was lack of sleep that contributed to my lack of energy. I made lots of stops to replenish the energy.

      I arrived around 3:30pm, so in the late hot sun again. When I was checking in, Yannette saw me and said a group of them are getting together for dinner at 6 so I joined them. It was fun chatting about nonsense stuff and laughing (I am keeping this PG so I won’t give details). At one point someone asked if we thought we lost weight. Most of us said yes. I can feel it in my shorts and can see it on my face. Then someone had an idea to find a picture from when we started. So I dug back, and boy can I see a difference. That felt good.

      Ok, I am going to head to bed now. Keep our fingers crossed that I don’t see any new bites in the morning or I will definitely need to take more aggressive tactics to rid my stuff of them. The good thing is everything is contained in one bag. The other good thing is that I looked around the table tonight and saw lots of bites, so it ain’t just me.

      TTYL (Video coming tomorrow, sleep 💤 more important today)

      Throwback to 2009 from Julie’s Journal

      The hike today was beautiful. Lots of trees and mountains and very cool old villages. We took our time and walked at a steady pace. I think we finally arrived at the Albergue at 5:30pm. Along the way, Joerg and I kept joking about his “girlfriend”.

      Last night, there was a German lady with a German man that we kept running into. They stopped at our albergue. At one point, Joerg told her that I only spoke English. She didn’t say anything, then he started to say it in German but she cut him off saying she understood. She then still continued to speak in German. At one point, she started rubbing Joerg’s leg for a good 30 seconds then she offered him a mint but did not offer me one. I didn’t think anything of it except that she was a little rude.

      Later I asked what she was talking about when she was rubbing his leg and he said he can’t remember but it was nothing to do with his leg, she was just rubbing it. That was too funny. I don’t feel threatened at all, but we were joking about it all day. For example, there were notes on some posts and he said they were from her telling him to meet her after dark under Cassiopeia.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 41

      Triacastela to Sarria

      14 Ekim 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Today we set off in good spirits knowing we only had 18 km to walk, probably our shortest walking day yet. It was a cool dark morning but had had our coffees , toast and orange juice to set us up up for the day. The weather today was perfect for walking, sunny but not too hot.
      Lots of up hills and down dale today with more beautiful valleys of oaks and chestnuts only just turning colour. Again it was a very rural walk with walking along paths laden with cow pats to guide us on our way!
      After an hour or so we had to stop and check on the election result . We sat in a very "agricultural" spot to see that National had positioned themselves to be the new government and was happy to see that Winston ( hopefully) will not be the kingmaker.
      Had our morning coffee in a great cafe where the cows were coming past to graze after milking. On we walked through a couple of small villages on a lazy Saturday morning. Firewood was being collected for winter and tractors carting hay. The wonderful thing on this walk is that you feel you are looking at Spanish life through the back doors! Nothing is prettied up and we just see life as it is here.
      By 1 pm we had walked into Sarria which is not a particularly pretty town and we had a steep street to climb to get to our Hostel. Sarria is a very busy Camino town as many people who don't have time to walk the whole Camino will start here as it's 100 km to Santiago.
      After a long lunch ..calamari starter, loin of pork and chips, tinned pineapple and vino blanco we returned to our Hostel with one thing on our mind...where were we going to watch the rugby! Well we struck the jack pot. The dear man who runs the hostal called in his son and actually found the chanel that the rugby was on. We couldn't believe our luck as no where on this Camino have we had a TV with the sports chanel that plays rugby. It's all football. We feel this stroke of luck is a good omen for our All Blacks. Our Welsh man Guy may join us and one lone Irish man may also ,but is not sure he could cope with watching with 4 kiwis.
      So here we sit with our olives, pastrami, and fresh bread watching Wales v Argentina, Lee has not long brought the laundry back and we have totally taken over the lounge of our hostel. Domestic bliss.
      Kia Kaha All Blacks and am sure it's going to be a great game!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 31


      19 Ekim 2023, Ispanya ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Today we walked in a steady rain all day. It wasn’t cold, so not miserable. It was maybe our shortest walk of the Camino, and actually was pretty pleasant.

      Sarria is notable because to earn a Compostela you must walk a minimum of 100 kilometers, and people who want to do that minimal distance start in Sarria. Needless to say, despite all our sincere statements about not judging, we much more …weathered pilgrims tend to make comments for instance about how clean their shoes are, or how their ponchos still have pleats. Not judging though! Oh, no!

      What with the rain and keeping my head down, not a lot of photos today. I like the chicken, and i also had my first piece of Santiago torte at a stop today. The view of the church steeple is what I see out of my albergue window this evening.

      So now we have damp clothes draped everywhere, and newspaper stuffed in our very wet shoes. Tomorrow is another rainy day. In fact, spoiler alert, it looks as if it may rain every day until I leave. But, the walking goes well, and all the major hills and valleys are basically behind us, especially after tomorrow. In theory, the path will be crammed full of new arrivals tomorrow , but I’m thinking that what with the late fall temps and nonstop rain it may mostly be us stalwart long-haulers. I’ll let you know tomorrow.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 27

      Day 23 - Sarria to Portomarin

      22 Ekim 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

      On Joan’s birthday, we walked out of Sarria a few minutes before 9am. We were blown over by the number of new pilgrims greeting us before we hit the trail.

      We got a little discombobulated with the number of people and we ended up getting turned around and added 2km to our walk leaving the city.

      However a highlight is we ran into our friends from Asia, and I shared it was Joan’s birthday and everyone on the trail sang Happy Birthday to Joan. It was a special moment.

      As we got started, dodging new pilgrims taking pictures of everything, we immediately hit a large incline that completely took us by surprise. The trail was the best of the Camino. Rolling hills, beautiful countryside, paved trails, stone walls and a canopy of trees overhead.

      We did not get breakfast or coffee before we left, and we got to the first town 3km in and were brought into our new reality. Our old cafes, before Sarria, were 1-2 people. After Sarria they were overflowing, lines for food and the bathroom. Needless to say we were grumpy.

      We were starving so Joan waited in line and we shared a 2 egg omelette. And off we went and walked another 17km to get to Portomarín, our final stop of the night. That omelette was our only food of the day.

      Once we found our apartment. We had to complete our pilgrims work- shower, laundry, find food. We found a great spot for our celebratory beer, appetizers, and some fellow pilgrims joined us, and then we went next door for Joan’s Italian birthday dinner. We had an amazing meal and once again we were the last to leave the restaurant.

      Today we did 23km / 14.2 miles. Tomorrow we have another 23+ km day.

      Getting closer to Santiago.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 30

      Sarria > (another) Hospital

      30 Ekim 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      A day in which a LOT happened, including but not limited to a very persistent cat, a filing cabinet graveyard, hitting the 100K countdown (!!), trekking faar longer than anticipated through absolute dead ghost villages to find an albergue that was a. open and b. had some form of food option (only a. was fulfilled in the end), very suspect shower engineering, and free shots bc the bar was clearing out bottlesOkumaya devam et

    Burayı şu adlarla da biliyor olabilirsiniz:

    Sarria, サリア, Сарриа, Саррія, 萨里亚

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