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    • Giorno 185


      25 marzo 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Diese Stadt ist genau unser Geschmack. Keine Autoschlangen, Parkplätze ohne Ende und die Stadt einfach per Rolltreppe betreten. Es gibt zwar auch Treppen, aber die schenkten wir uns in Anbetracht dessen, dass wir danach ohnehin noch etwa acht Kilometer (kam mir viel kürzer vor) gelaufen sind.
      Besonders angenehm fanden wir, von niemanden in ein Restaurant, Geschäft etc. "genötigt" zu werden. Auch die Preise fanden wir moderat. Zwei Cappucchino und zwei Portionen Churros für 9,- Euro fanden wir extrem ok. Und das in einem Cafe neben der Kathedrale.
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    • Giorno 9–12


      19 aprile, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Toledo!Love at first sight! Took de bus from the campsite and walked all day in the narrow streets. I visited churches, synagogues and cloistets. So nice! And El Greco, the paintings i have wanted to see my whole life. Unfortunately some things were closed, so Iwill just have go back..Leggi altro

    • Giorno 19

      Cordoba and back on the road

      23 ottobre 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      This morning, Andrew went for a run while Dani and I got dressed and packed up. We put our luggage in the car before going out. There was a lovely breakfast buffet at the hotel, so we had a nice breakfast and then walked to where we would meet our tour guide for today. I was wrong about the building across from the hotel. It was the Mosque-Cathedral wall facing our window. More on that building later.
      We went on a 2 1/2 hour tour of Cordoba and learned a great deal of Spanish history. It has been controlled by visigoths, Muslims, Christians at various times, and there was also for some years a Jewish population. We saw a small synagogue that later became a church after Jews were driven out of Spain. It is amazing that we are standing in buildings that are 700-1500 years old, not reproductions, the actual buildings from as early as the 8th century.
      The highlight of the tour was the most crazy, unusual historic place I have ever seen. The Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba has been alternating as a Christian church and then a Muslim Mosque since mid 6th century. The architecture changes with each time period, as another addition is built onto the original. There are two cathedrals and 60 some little side chapels, as well as Mosque areas that could hold up to 30,000 men for prayers. There is Muslim architecture with so many beautiful arches and tile works, and finally, Gothic cathedrals with Renassance art, a pipe organ from the 15th century, and so much art. And an orange grove courtyard. And a bell tower that was built over a minaret. And the cathedrals were fully surrounded by the Mosque. Mass has been held daily in the main Cathedral since 1236! It was all so amazing!
      It was nearly 3pm by the time the tour was finished, so we needed some lunch. Andrew found a Moroccan tea room, where we had Chai tea and lentil soup. And it had a great atmosphere. We sat on a couch filled with blue cushions. And while we were eating, the forecasted rain began to fall. Some very heavy rain. So we took our time and let the rain ease up a bit before walking back in lighter rain to the hotel to get the car and get on the road.
      It was a 3 1/2 hr drive to Toledo. Pretty scenery and through forests, mountains, clouds and olive groves, in that order. The rain was light for most of the trip and had stopped by the time we reached our destination. Since it was nearly 9pm by the time we checked in to the hotel, we decided to do the fast option for supper. Burger King was next door to the hotel and it made our decision easy. I will do a second post of pictures as it is hard to choose only 10 from today. Sightseeing tomorrow.
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    • Giorno 26


      23 aprile, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      23.4. Kostenloser Stellplatz in Burgos (Aprilwetter)
      Wir machen uns wieder auf den Weg und starten früh. Es soll Regen geben und tatsächlich begleitet er uns bis nach Burgos unserer ersten Station in Spanien. Tanken ist in Spanien übrigens spürbar günstiger als in Frankreich.
      Burgos liegt fast 900 m hoch, am Jakobsweg und war früher wohlhabend und bedeutend.
      Der Stellplatz liegt auf einem großen Parkplatz. Die für Wohnmobile markierten Plätze (20) reichen längst nicht aus. Ungefähr 50 stehen noch im PKW - Bereich. Das wird jetzt in der Vorsaison offenbar toleriert.
      In Burgos dreht sich alles um die Kathedrale Santa Maria. Und die ist gewaltig und gilt als eine der schönsten Kirchen Spaniens. Was für ein Zufall, heute, am 23.4. ist Tag des heiligen Georg, dem Schutzpatron der Stadt (?). Deshalb ist der Besuch der Kathedrale kostenlos (sonst 10€) Die vielen prächtigen Seitenkapellen wurden von wohlhabenden Persönlichkeiten gestiftet und als letzte Ruhestätte genutzt. Hier ruht auch der spanische Nationalheld El Cid. Besonders in Erinnerung sind Im Mittelschiff ein reich geschnitztes Chorgestühl, in einer der Kapelle (Capilla del Constable) die sehr schön gearbeiteten liegenden Marmorfiguren des obersten Feldherrn Kastiliens und seiner Gattin. Neben vielen sehr beeindruckenden Arbeiten auch eine lustige Sache: Im Innenraum bei einer Uhr reißt zur vollen Stunde die Figur eines „Fliegenschnappers“ den Mund auf.
      Nach der Kathedrale beeilten wir uns -begleitet von kaltem Wind und Regen- zurück zum Stellplatz zu kommen.
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    • Giorno 10

      Parador de Toledo

      30 maggio 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Die Lage dieses Paradors ist in Bezug auf Toledo ideal - es liegt nämlich außerhalb der Stadt und man hat von hier eine fantastische Sicht darauf.

      Am Anfang gab es das Problem, dass wir zwar ein sehr gutes Zimmer für vier Nächte gebucht hatten, dass man von diesem aus aber nur im Stehen nach draußen auf die Stadt sehen konnte und es zudem keinen Balkon hatte. Glücklicherweise konnten wir vor Ort das Zimmer kurzfristig wechseln und vom dortigen Balkon sowohl den Pool als dahinter auch große Teile der Stadt sehen.

      Cerro del Emperador, s/n / 45002 Toledo
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    • Giorno 17

      Abschied von Toledo

      21 settembre 2019, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Heute ist unser letzter Tag in dieser wundervollen Stadt. Auch wenn uns nach Autofahren nicht wirklich der Sinn steht, starten wir den Motor. Wir drehen eine Runde um die Altstadt und halten an den verschiedenen Aussichtspunkten. Keine Frage: Toledo ist und bleibt ein Highlight auf unserem Roadtrip 2019.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 5

      Llegada en Toledo

      19 aprile 2023, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Ya en la aproximación, Toledo se mostró desde un lado impresionante. Se encuentra a una altitud de 550 m sobre el Tajo.

      Pasamos por delante de las llamadas fincas rústicas, los Cigarales, a las afueras de la ciudad, por el puente de Alcántara, frente a la ciudad.

      Toledo es una ciudad española ubicada en la región de Castilla-La Mancha. Es conocida por su impresionante casco antiguo, que ha sido declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO. La ciudad presenta una mezcla de culturas y estilos arquitectónicos, incluyendo la influencia cristiana, judía y musulmana. Entre sus monumentos más destacados se encuentra la Catedral de Toledo, el Alcázar de Toledo y la Sinagoga de Santa María la Blanca.
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    • Giorno 4

      Holy Toledo!

      18 giugno 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

      Our excursion on this hot June Sunday gave new meaning to the exclamation, “Holy Toledo!” While much of our activity today centered around the culture and politics of the medieval capital of Spain, some of the most impressive sites we saw were in the cathedral. Although it is not the largest church in Spain, it is the oldest and most important. The Romans settled this place, building a fort on the site of the present Alcazar. We began by touring a Jewish synagogue built by Muslim workers before the expulsion of both groups in the year 1492. From the eighth century to the 15th century thriving Jewish, Muslim and Catholic communities coexisted here in peace. When medieval Europe was suffering through the so-called dark ages and few communities could even throw a pot, arts, crafts, medicine and government thrived here. Damask cloth, Damascene swords and filigree metalwork were brought here by the Arabs, and those crafted products are still produced here.

      The cathedral itself was most impressive. One of the most interesting pieces we saw was a monstrance made in the 15th century. All of the 100,000 little bits of gold filigree making up this ceremonial artwork sparkled around hundred of precious stones. This ornate stand to display the consecrated host sits in a display case most of the year. However, on the annual feast of Corpus Christi, which took place just a few weeks ago, the monstrance is removed, placed on a high-tech, self balancing table, mounted on a cart and paraded through the hilly streets of Toledo.

      This town was immortalized in the famous painting by El Greco, and it has figured prominently in many of the wars of Spanish succession, as well as the most recent revolution that took place in 1936. Although King Charles III moved the capital from here to Madrid in the 16th century, Toledo was the capital throughout the Middle Ages and is still the spiritual and cultural heart of Spain. To Spaniards the town actually has attained a kind of religio-civic holiness. “Holy Toledo” is not merely an exclamation; it distills the character of this place.
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    • Giorno 26

      Museo Greco

      17 maggio 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      We decided out of the list of possibilities in Toledo to take in this home to "El Greco" as he is a painter of the early 1600s who was unconventional for his time (Picasso was inspired by him), with quite a collection at the Prado and it was interesting to see the inside of a home from that period. Entry was free for seniors and it ended up being more extensive and informative than we had anticipated.

      This museum has an extensive collection of paintings by this Mannerist artist of the Spanish Golden Age. The museum first opened in 1911 and is located in the Jewish Quarter of Toledo. It consists of two buildings, a 16th-century house with a courtyard and an early 20th century building forming the museum, together with a garden. The house recreates the home of El Greco, which no longer exists. The museum houses many artworks by El Greco, especially from his late period. There are also paintings by other 17th-century Spanish artists, as well as furniture from the period and pottery
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    • Giorno 134

      Toledo 🙏

      27 giugno 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

      Honestly blown away by this city! An amazing cathedral (built around a mosque), plus synagogues and other mosques - all in a compact old town. the heat was unbearable though 🫠
      Oh and lach stole a menu?Leggi altro

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