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    • Day 5

      KitKat nur bis 8

      June 2 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      5 ter Tag
      Von Las Cabezas de San Juan nach Utrera.

      In der Zeit des römischen Imperiums hatte Utrera eine besondere Stellung an der Via Augusta. Heute gilt die Stadt als ein Ursprungsort des Stierkampfes. Eine Attraktion der Stadt ist die Burg und verschiedene Kirchen.

      29,5 Kilometer waren es heute. Lange und einsame Strecken neben Bahntrassen, Bewässerungskanälen und zum Abschluss ein unfreiwilliges Stück Straße. Heute am Sonntag zum Glück kaum befahren.

      Bei 32 Grad waren 4 Liter Wasser gerade recht. Kein Dorf, keine Bar und kein Schatten auf dem Weg. Bin einfach gemütliche durchgewandert.
      Zu essen gab's ein Bocadillo von gestern, Kekse und KitKat. Die 3 KitKat 🍫 waren sicherheitshalber schon vor 8 Uhr verputzt.
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    • Day 4

      Dortmund vs. Madrid

      June 1 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      4 ter Tag
      auf der Via Augusta von El Cuervo de Sevilla nach Las Cabezas de San Juan.

      Sommer, Sonne und Staub. So wie gestern und die Tage davor. Ich gehe ein gleichmäßiges Tempo und pausiere regelmäßig. Irgendwie geht es mir gut hier in Spanien.
      29,3 Kilometer von Hotel zu Hotel. Klassische Pilgerherbergen mit Schnarchsälen gab's noch nicht.

      Noch dürfen Tipps für das UCL Finale abgegeben werden.
      ... 23:00 Uhr für mein Tagebuch
      Madrid gewinnt 2-0.
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    • Day 12

      To Dos Hermanas (41 km, 150 m)

      April 22 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      This is a longer day than I would have wanted to do, but cascading events made it the only choice if I wanted to walk the whole way.

      Jumping ahead to Thursday— we have train tickets to take us from Sevilla, where this camino ends, to Ponferrada, where the Invierno begins. Our train leaves at 9:30, so the only way to have a good chunk of time in Sevilla was to have a short day tomorrow, which in turn required a long day today.

      It was hard for me, even with essentially no elevation gain. The first part was lovely — rural and mostly off road. I had a long break in a charming plaza in Utrera and began the second half about noon. A good chunk was through the very shady and quiet Cañada Real, but the last 9 km were out in the sun, on a dirt road, alongside the train tracks. It was a case of mind over matter, step by step. I got to our little apartment by about 4:45, pretty wiped out. We are now going for pizza to a highly rated pizzeria owned by an Italian.

      But having a 15 km day tomorrow into beautiful Sevilla will be one reward for this penitential day.
      And the other reward is that I now have proof positive that there will be no more 40 km days for me. It’s good to have a reality check, and to get a good understanding of what makes sense for this old lady.

      And here are two good tidbits— I heard from my friend in Santiago that my duffel bag finally arrived. And my power bank looks like it has revived itself!
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    • Day 12

      To El Coronil (31 km, 440 m)

      April 22 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Great day! The first half, to the town of Montellano, was all track, through ag lands with people out and about, always happy to stop and chat. Olive groves, sunflower fields just sprouting, and some green fields of grain along with some that were ready to harvest. And the wildflowers, oh the wildflowers! There was a small castle way up on a hill, but I wasn’t even tempted to climb up! And several Moorish atalayas (watch towers) in sight in several directions.

      In Montellano, I got a stamp in the town hall, with a nice chat about the Via Serrana with the two functionaries. The last 12 km into El Coronil were also very nice, except for the 4 km on the side of a fairly busy road with a shoulder that was overgrown with wildflowers.

      There was a “water feature” on this stage, which meant getting over to the side of the running current, finding some branches to cross the stream, and then walking in water up to my knees and crawling through an opening of about 2 feet between branches. This meant taking off my backpack and carefully transporting things from side to side. I know this is a terrible description, but believe me, it was a big challenge, and I was happy to make it with just my feet and legs wet. But the reward soon after was a 13 century Moorish castle that was really impressive.

      As I arrived in Montellano, I saw the turn-off for the consulta médica and headed in. I was very sure I had an infection, and even though I know exactly how to treat it, Spain has really clamped down on its pharmacists. No prescription, no nothing. Not at all like the old days.

      But this visit was quick and painless. I entered an empty office, with one doctor and two nurses, one assistant, and me. They asked for my health care card, but when I said I was from the US, they shrugged and gave me the cup. No more than 5 minutes later I was out of there with a prescription and a second prescription in case I still had symptoms a few days later. My Belgian friend Sabine was exactly right – Monurol was the medicine of choice. They had no way to charge me for the visit— this is a regional health care center, open 24 hours a day, with no billing office, no cash register, and no insurance forms to fill out. For someone from the US, it was mind-blowing.

      Clare found a great restaurant and we had an excellent menú del día, nothing like yesterday’s glop. Casa Miguel, in case you are ever in El Coronil.

      Two days to Sevilla! I can’t believe it.
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    • Day 56

      CASA Thomas und Campersur

      December 1, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Die ganze Nacht hat es üppig geschüttet, nach dem Malheur mit der Markise habe ich noch dazu vergessen im Bad das Fenster zu schließen als ich in der Nacht auf die Toilette gehe, tröpfelt mir Wasser auf meinen Kopf. Nachdem ich gestern mit dem Sessel umgefallen bin und mir meinen Kopf ziemlich angeschlagen habe, war ich momentan entsetzt ich dachte es ist Blut. Den ganzen Vormittag versorgen wir noch unser Automobil mit allem Nötigen und dann geht's auf zum zahlen.
      Für diese fünf Nächte auf dem Stellplatz mit dem Strom haben wir 57 € bezahlt das ist mehr als vernünftig.
      Dann geht's etwas über eine Stunde Richtung Sevilla in eine kleine Werkstatt, welche über Google Bewertung 5 Punkte hat.
      Wir kommen dort gegen 14 Uhr an und werden nett empfangen, die beiden Jungs bemühen sich sehr unsere ramponierte Markise wieder in Schuss zu bringen, der Arm wird abmontiert, in den Schraubstock eingespannt gehämmert und zu guter Letzt wieder montiert. Johann schaut das alles korrekt ausgeführt wird.
      Seine Privatkasse wird dann um 85 € inkl. TRINKGELD geschmälert und dafür werde ich noch zusätzlich als Entschädigung für einen fantastisches Essen eingeladen. Natürlich habe ich eine Überraschung parat, wir fahren nach Sevilla in die Casa Thomas wo ich weiß, dass es fantastisches Spanferkel gibt.
      Er ist um eine Erfahrung reicher und ein wenig Geld Ärmer.
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    • Day 44

      Ronda (only one d)

      January 23 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Up early to go and beat the crowds at Ronda. Managed to find a good street parking spot and walked a mile or so down to see the bridge, which of course I couldn't look down from, so the sky suddenly became very interesting.
      John spotted a museum en route. It was really good. Museo Lara. It had all sorts of engineered implements from guns (which I found surprisingly interesting. They were works of art), sewing machines, nautical measuring instruments, cameras, knives, pipes, guitars and loads more. It also had a witchcraft section (see videos) and a Spanish inquisition section. John was bowled over with it and said it's one of the best museums he's been to. It was a private collection. We would have stayed longer but it was too cold inside and we'd dressed for 23° (it felt a lot hotter than that in the sun).
      We splashed out on lunch of goat's cheese 'brick' (which turned out to be deep fried in batter parcel) and a waldorf style salad for me and beef and bacon burger with chips for John, plus bottled waters, a coffee for me, and a pudding for John. It cost €43, probably higher prices due too being close to the bridge. Ironically, we chose the one sunny table outside but half way through, they went and put a parasol up and placed it so we got no sun! It was too late to ask them not to.
      There were many parties of people with a guide. Mainly Japanese we thought. Lots of nationalities but luckily at this time of year it didn't feel crowded. Good for people watching. We then walked to lower ground and saw the bridge from below.

      Moving on, we tried an overnight spot in Montelballo but didn't like it so have ended up here. In a small area where walkers come, near a place called Moron.
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    • Day 40

      Seville part 3 - bus trip to Andalucia

      May 30, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

      Andalucia's White Hills Towns - all the buildings are a shade of white. Most popular town is Ronda.

      The first village we stopped in was Zahara where one of our stupid was an olive oil mill. Next was lunch in Grazalema. The highlight of the bus trip was Ronda, a city split down the middle by a deep gorge. We spent a couple hours walking around the town, enjoying the scenery.Read more

    • Day 2

      Dag 2 richting de Spaans/Portugese grens

      April 17 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Vanochtend een uur of 8 opgestaan na een goede nachtrust. Na douchen, ontbijten en de camper vullen en legen met schoon en vuil water richting Sevilla vertrokken. Net buiten Sevilla bij de Lidl boodschappen gedaan. Toen op ons gemak richting Huelva gereden. Onderweg op mooie plekjes koffie gedronken en de lunch gebruikt. Iets over vieren hebben we een wildplekje gevonden. We hopen dat we niet weggestuurd worden. Het is heerlijk rustig hier.
      Morgen hopen we de grens over te gaan richting Faro.
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    • Day 10

      Seville & Cordova

      May 25 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      We drove to Cordova and saw the Mosque-Cathedral. UNESCO heritage listed. Originally a massive mosque built by the Moors in the 700s, then in the 1200s, the Catholics overtook the Moors. Luckily they didn't knock down the mosque, and they built a massive Cathedral within it. Very interesting to see and compare.
      Another interesting thing was the world's first commercial concentrating solar power generation tower. It uses heaps of mirrors pointing to a power tower with water.
      It was the last weekend of a 2 week spring festival, a great day and people about everywhere. Lots of Hen's parties around. All dressed with a theme, and flamenco was a common one.
      Back in Seville we went to a flamenco dance school - and had a lesson. It's much harder than it looks! After much stepping, stamping, clapping and finger work - none of us passed muster 😂 Good fun though.
      There was a flamenco show afterwards that we appreciated much more after doing the lesson.
      We saw another bull ring - apparently the young people are not so keen on the brutality, and they are fewer bull fights now, although a local tour guide told us that a matador at a big fight makes about $200,000 a fight. After the fights, the bull's meat is sold. The longer the fight goes, the more people pay for the meat...

      Bill and I found a market near the river for dinner. More Hen's and Bucks' parties going off.
      Google said it was 37 mins to walk to the hotel, so we walked along the river for a pleasant stroll back.
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    • Day 5

      Derniere pause avant Algésiras

      February 17, 2023 in Spain

      Dernière pause de ce deuxième jour du raid. On aère le moteur et on le fait souffler. On refait un plein d'essence (pour la voiture et les pilotes) et on repart pour les deniers 140km avant notre destination finale en Espagne : Algésiras.Read more

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