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    • Day 11 - Los Arcos to Viana - 18km

      9 September 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Today felt like a long day again, even though it was only 18km and I started at 6:30am.

      It was a rough night of sleep. It was so hot and lots of snorers in the room. I finally broke out the ear plugs and they work well. The only trouble, is I could also not hear myself, so I wasn’t sure if I was being loud with all my moving around.

      My plan was to leave around 7, but everyone was already awake at 5:30 and it was impossible to sleep anymore so I decided I might as well get going as well. At 6:30am it is still dark and I wore my headlamp. It was actually quite nice. Just the right temperature and the path was a straight gravel path so easy to navigate. The one downside is all the moths and flies that hang out in front of your face because of the light.

      I was at Sansol (7km) before 9am and stopped for the daily Coke Zero and a banana. I didn’t eat the banana, I instead ate the chocolate muffin I had bought yesterday along with the bread I had left over.

      I was off again, with a few rest stops and had a bigger stop with a sandwich at a food truck about 5km from the end. I arrived in Viana just after 1pm. I still felt the effects of the sun as if I had been walking all day in the sun. I have to be sure to drink lots of water today, perhaps I am suffering a bit of heat stroke.

      I was originally going to go 22km tomorrow, but I have decided to break it up to two days instead. I have a few blisters on my toes that are bothering me a little so giving them a break should be good.

      I took a nap this afternoon (I don’t often do that), so maybe that will help. I am in a top bunk today in a room of woman, hopefully I will catch up more on my sleep.


      Throwback to 2009 from Julie’s Journal

      Today was hell!!! I am in such a bad mood at the moment, I am hoping this beer will help. We were up at 6am as usual and again as usual, I was in a ton of pain. I packed by 6:30 and was down for breakfast. Today was a day for tears. We were off by 7am. Most of the walk today was on gravel roads which was hard because it was kind of boring. …

      I convinced Joerg to stop in Torres del Rio and then do the 20km to Logrono tomorrow. I am going to stay in Logrono an extra day. It sounds like Joerg does not want to so it may be where we part. I thought he understood that I wanted to stop once a week. I guess he didn’t. Anyway, we will see. My heart is aching as I love him and I love his company but I cannot keep his pace. I think it is time to let him go.

      Well, the rest of the evening was fine. I am determined to get a hotel room tomorrow. We went for a little walk then dinner. We were pretty quiet after the fight we had at the entrance to the hostel. I said something along the lines that tomorrow would be our last day together and he said that was fine as there were lots of other woman on the trail. I then said “That is fine, I have been trying for 10 months now and I give up.”

      Anyway, when dinner was complete we were sitting alone and I apologized for not being nice and he apologized as well. After that we were better. Dinner ended about 9pm, we then headed off to bed.
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    • Hari 11

      To Viana

      10 September 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

      Humidity, Mud, a Surprise and Bulls!

      We thought today would be a bit easier, since it was a little shorter, but our feet are TIRED! There was a huge thunderstorm last night and then it rained until 6:30 this morning. We ended up leaving a bit later than usual, so that meant the sun ☀️ hit us earlier in our walk. So, in the order of occurrence, we had:

      Humidity = tough to climb the hills, sweat, tough to drink enough, more sweat, and eventually heat rash 😡

      Mud from the Storm = wet clay build up on the bottom of our shoes and a very slippery path - so slippery a Camino friend fell and was covered in mud on one whole side of her body and face. She felt the mud would be good for her skin. 😂

      A Surprise = An Italian couple serving cold drinks and snacks along the path just when we were desperately wishing for a cool breeze and a place to just rest.

      Bulls = Fiesta in Viana with the Running of the Bulls today! Our hotel room looks down on the end of the run and it seems almost all the residents are dressed in white with red bandannas and sashes.🙂

      We had our first croquettes of the trip today 😋😋and bought some wonderful, small bocadillos from some young girls raising money during the fiesta. 3 € for two of them, and it included tiny cups of red wine. 🍷

      Tomorrow, we walk to Navarette.

      p.s. I’m going to try adding pictures of some of the people we have met.
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    • Hari 20

      Longer les vignobles de la Rioja

      8 Mei 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Un départ avec un nouveau lever de soleil qui surplombe les montagnes, un départ casse jambe
      disait les français que notre corps supporte de mieux en mieux.

      On a compris que l'on va prendre ce que le chemin nous offre sans condition.

      Longer les derniers vignobles de la région Navarre pour entrer au 14 ième kilomètre dans la région du Rioja et sa capitale logrono où nous prendrons une pause avant d'entreprendre 5 jours de marche intense pour atteindre Burgos

      Nous avons marché 353 km depuis le début et sommes arrivés à destination à 12h36.

      Note: des abris en pierre pour les pèlerins des siècles derniers
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    • Hari 10

      Time in Viana

      26 Agustus 2024, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

      Mass at 8pn and dinner at 9pm. I have an easy day tomorrow. Only 12'-15 km

      Tapas of tuna with an anchovy on top and a cevesa.

      Had a nice dinner and a nice restaurant and did not take a picture

      Took pictures of the mass Had communion And got a special blessing from the priests. The priest got a special kick out of the fact that I'm from New York. He even chuckled when he touched my head and said Buen Camino and added New York to the end of my blessing as in Buen camino ,, New York!

      I think us new yorkers need better representation here
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    • Hari 13

      Day 8. Sansol to Logrono

      30 Agustus 2024, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Fri, Aug 30. Today, 13 miles and 8 hours of hiking. Departed Sansol in the dark at 0630 and was quickly through the neighboring village of Torres del Rio. Although today's path was considered "flat" because the overall elevation gain to loss is near zero, there was nothing flat about walking here. In fact, the elevation gain today was over 1500 feet and with an 18 lb pack some of the hills were a challenge. After 3+ hours, we walked into the village of Viana. The historic center has a beautiful church and another church ruins from bombing during war. Debbie connected with the Oasis Center, a Christian outreach to pilgrims. It is manned by volunterrs ... Joan and Bill from San Diego, CA. They help run the cafe and food truck with opportunities to share Jesus. Largely walking on or beside a commercial highway, it was a long approach into Logrono, Exhausted but still with enough energy in our tanks, we toured the city center and saw the cathedral. Debbie bombed with her attempt to have an affogato. Finally, it was off to the the Marriott (AC La Rioja). Dinner were "groceries" of chorizo, cheese, potato chips, salad and of course, chocolate.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 8

      Los Arcos and Viana

      9 September 2024, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Early start today as I had over 30 km to Viana. Jonas, Lisbet and Gildas are pilgrims I’ve met before staying at this Albergue. I also shared tapas and a glass of of Rioja with Summer and American woman who I met a few nights ago. Lovely to catch up! Trappings of bullfighting here in Viana. The walk here was beautiful - particularly the smell of the pine trees 🌴Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 11

      Los Arcos to Viana Spain

      11 September 2024, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      20km walk today to the wine country of Spain. Perfect weather and great company. Two Canadians, a German and an Italian walk into a grocery store to buy ingredients for pasta bolognesa...Robbie taught an Italian how to make homemade pasta, the Italian and the German gently conversed over what should go in the bolognese. It was my favorite dinner.
      Today's Camino has been brought to you by..a mirage, vineyards everywhere, waterslides and pasta with our Camino family. My stomach and heart are so full.
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    • Hari 10–11

      Day 9 -Logroño, Spain

      27 September 2024, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      383 miles to Santiago

      Rain today! Sore, miserable feet for me, so I bought some new Hokas. Ahhh!
      We put on rain gear and walked to Logroño.
      Usually we eat at the hostel, but tonight went out for Menu of the Day: bean soup, followed by chicken meatballs with fries, flan for dessert.
      Life on the Camino is good!
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    • Hari 9

      Hotel Heaven in Viana

      30 September 2024, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Our night at the service station was the best nights sleep I’ve had so far. Amazing! Dinner with John from Liverpool was nice and a lift back into town at 7 saw us off before first light and on our way . Cool walking 8k til Torres de Rio for breakfast. Highlight was picking fresh figs for a sweet snack. Then a hot walk to Viana by 12.45 arrival with only a couple stops under trees for 11k. Viana is a lovely historic town. And we have a great almost luxury hotel with a bath, yay! This leaves a relaxing afternoon with plenty of time for recovery. Jem has 5 blisters giving him grief. It was 27 degrees as we walked into town. Hottest day yet. 28000 steps. 18k day.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 10

      8. Tag: Torres del Rio - Logroño

      11 Agustus 2019, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Heute starten wir erst gern 7:00 Uhr, da wir nur ca. 20 km Strecke zurücklegen und das Wetter mit bewölkten 24 Grad auch durchaus angenehm ist.
      Die erste Stunde werden wir außerdem von Regen begleitet. Aber nicht wirklich stark, so dass das mit der nötigen Ausrüstung absolut kein Problem darstellt.
      Die heutige Strecke ist tatsächlich einmal realtiv eben und lediglich die ersten 4 km gehen stetig leicht bergauf. Ich bin heute zwar wieder mit der Gruppe unterwegs, gehe aber größtenteils für mich.
      Lediglich mit Alicia und Francisco gehe ich einen Stück des Weges, da diese beiden uns leider in Logroño verlassen werden. Gerade diese beiden Spanier sind mir in der kurzen Zeit unheimlich ans Herz gewachsen. Zwei absolute “Herzensmenschen” die mir mit ihrer offenen, emotionalen Art, der gute. Laune, den tiefgründigen Gesprächen und ihrem viel zu schnellen spanischen Mundwerk mehr als nur fehlen werden. Obwohl ich die beiden erst seit wenigen Tagen kenne, fühlt es sich an, als wären sie mein Leben lang da gewesen. ♥️

      Mit Alicia spreche ich eine Zeit lang deutsch, da Sie Ihr Auslandssemester in Braunschweig verbracht hat und ihre Kenntnisse ein wenig auffrischen möchte. Das ganze ist völlig strange, da ich inzwischen seit über einer Woche kein Wort deutsch gesprochen habe ( von gelegentlichen Antworten auf die Frage wie dies oder jenes auf Deutsch heißt mal abgesehen) muss ich mich fast schon konzentrieren die richtigen Worte zu finden, da mir oft zuerst das englische (manchmal sogar das spanische) Wort in den Sinn kommt. Ein krasser Unterschied zu den bisherigen Reisen, auf denen ich immer deutschsprachige Reisebgleitungen hatte un deshalb trotz allem größtenteils auf deutsch kommuniziert habe.
      Ich habe mich nich nie so distanziert von meiner eigenen Muttersprache gefühlt. Völlig verrückt.....
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