Silleda to Outeiro
Distance 24 kms (6 hours)
Last night, there was only 7 peregrinos in the Albergue. It was on the top floor of a municipal building and felt like a ship. For the first time on the Camino, we were supplied with a proper sheet and
I spent most of the evening with a bag of ice on my leg. It helped to reduce the swelling.
Roraigh and I met a few peregrinos in the town and went for a quick meal before we had to rush back to the Albergue to register with the hospilardo. It was just as well we did as it started to rain heavily. We managed to rescue our drying clothes.
This morning, we set out at 8.30am. It was cold and lashing rain. I made the conscious decision to walk most of the way on the road. N525 goes all the way to Santiago. My logic was that it won’t be muddy and fairly dtraight forward. I might find a place for a coffee and food. It turns out that I made the right decision, Roraigh follows the yellow arrows (fechas) and described it as a meandering mud bath.
There were some big ascents and descents but I simply switched off mentally and listening to music as I walked along in the rain.
The last 4 kilometres were fantastic. Back on the official trail, it took me through narrow lanes through eucalyptus and oak forests. It was beautiful.
The sun came out as I arrived at the Xunta hostel which is in an isolated village. It is really modern and cosy as the heating is on. Time to relax. Tomorrow, I have 17 kilometres to walk to Santiago de Compostela.
And that was my 25th day on the Via de la Plata / Camino Sanabres.Read more
Joyce Savage
Oh yes, common name, "Naked Ladies". He, he!
Joyce Savage
Joyce Savage
Sure a lot of ups and downs Hard on the legs.