Villares de Órbigo

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    • Gün 39

      Day 29 - Santibáñez de Valdeiglesias

      5 Ekim 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      13 mile walk today. It was extremely straight today, I almost forgot how to turn left or right while walking. Some of the images and videos were from last night after my last update.

      We are less than 300 kilometers away from our goal. We have an 8 mile walk into Astorga tomorrow and a day off.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 39

      Day 29-Santibáñez de Valdeiglesias

      5 Ekim 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      We're starting to climb some small hills now. It's good training for what's to come, I suppose. We headed out just before sunrise and enjoyed cool air for most of our walk.

      We stopped for lunch in Hospital de Órbigo at a place with a beautiful garden. The highlight was sharing the garden, and some of our lunch, with the roosters, hens and pheasants. The pheasants had beautiful color patterns in their plumage.

      It started heating up for the final hour of our walk so we were happy to finally arrive at our albergue. 13 miles in all today. Tomorrow is a shorter day into Astorga.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 37

      Santibanez de Valdeiglesias

      21 Eylül 2022, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      13 Miles today... about half the day was walking along the road today but it was not as loud or boring as yesterday, we got to look at corn fields and dried up sunflowers and the mountains ahead of us that we will soon start to climb over. Two little villages we crossed through were only separated by the long bridge.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 24

      Etappe 20 - Rabanal 1

      5 Ekim 2022, Ispanya ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

      Gut ausgeruht ging es heute morgen wieder einmal auf eine lange Etappe, ca. 37 km.
      Ich wollte recht nah an den Übergang zum Cruz de Ferro kommen, da ca. 550 m Aufstieg und rund 1000 m Abstieg zu bewältigen sind.
      Deshalb war auch nur ein Kurzdurchgang in Astorga angesagt. Hab dies dann beim Aufenthalt in der Stadt fast bedauert, da ich nur Zeit zum Kurzbesuch der Kathedrale hatte, konnte daher das Gaudi-Haus nicht besichtigen. Entscheidungen sind getroffen - werden auch konsequent umgesetzt.
      Bis Astorga war der Weg sehr abwechslungsreich,
      u.a. mitten in der " Pampa" auf einmal eine Oase mit vielen Leckereien. Diese mussten nicht einmal bezahlt werden. Die Inhaber freuten sich über eine Spende. Gern gegeben!!!
      Am Wegesrand bis Astorga waren viele Flächen mit Baumpflanzungen zu sehen.
      Der Blick auf Astorga war wunderbar.
      Astorga selbst ist eine schöne und sehr interessante Stadt. Eigentlich müsste man mehrere Tage in der Stadt verweilen.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 37

      Santabaniz de Valdeiglesias

      21 Eylül 2022, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      Today we walked to Santibanez de Valdeiglesias. My fitbit says 21km. Mostly the same terrain we have been following for several days interrupted by several small towns. What made it special was meeting up with several Camino friends we have gotten to know. One couple we hadn’t seen in a while just happened to be in the town before us and we lingered to catch up and make promises to meet again. New and old Camino friends make a long day short.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Hospita Orbigo nach Astorga

      27 Eylül 2022, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Nach einer guten Nacht geht es heute weiter bis nach Astorga. Im Vergleich zu gestern stehen allerdings nicht 31 KM, sondern lediglich 18 KM mit rund 250 Höhenmetern auf dem Programm. Wir wählen wieder den Weg fernab der Autostraße. Wir treffen zahlreiche Pilger aus vielen Ländern und Kontinenten. Es ist ein fröhliches Hallo verbunden mit dem Wunsch "Buen Camino". Auch auf dieser Etappe können wir uns wieder mit Früchten vom Wegesrand stärken. Überrascht werden wir von einem von Pilgern für Pilger organisierten Picknick. Es gibt Früchte, Wurst, Käse, Getränke, Kuchen, Eier und noch vieles mehr. Gegen eine kleine Spende kann sich hier jeder bedienen. Die Atmosphäre ist herzlich und es bahnen sich interessante Gespräche zwischen den Pilgern an. Das letzte Stück nach Astorga gesellt sich ein Holländer zu uns. Wir gehen dieses Teilstück gemeinsam, tauschen unserer bisherigen Erfahrungen sowie Erwartungen an den Weg aus. Ich schätze diese - wenn auch nur kurzen - Begegnungen mit anderen Pilgern sehr.

      Astorga ist eine kleine sehenswerte Stadt am Rande der Berge von León. Sie ist eine der ältesten Städte der Region, die während der Herrschaft der Römer auf der iberischen Halbinsel als Asturica Augusta bekannt war. Zu dieser Zeit war Astorga der nördlichste Endpunkt der römischen Straße Via de la Plata, die von Mérida im Süden nach Astorga führte und deren gesamte Wegstrecke von 470 KM gepflastert war. Auch wir nutzen auf unserem heutigen Weg ein Teilstück dieser alten Römerstraße und spüren so ein bisschen den Hauch der Geschichte. Unsere Straßenbauer sollten sich einmal ein Beispiel nehmen an der Nachhaltigkeit des damaligen Straßenbaus.

      Unser Hotel liegt in Sichtweite zum Palacio Episcopal (Bischofspalast). Er wurde nach den Plänen des Katalanen Antoni Gaudi errichtet und beherbergt heute das Museo de los Caminos mit Ausstellungsstücken zur Geschichte des Jakobswegs. Morgen geht es weiter nach Foncebadón. Mal sehen, was uns auf diesem Weg erwartet.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 28

      To Hospital de Orbigo

      27 Eylül 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      September 27

      Today was a shorter day (10 miles) to Hospital de Orbigo, a place we only walked through five years ago, and a town with a fabulous medieval bridge that Alan couldn’t wait to see again.

      The bridge is one of the longest and best preserved medieval bridges in Spain and is one of the most famous landmarks along the Camino. It is known for a legendary jousting tournament.

      In the year 1434, a knight from Leon (Don Suero de Quinones) was scorned by the woman he loved. As a result, he challenged any knight who dared to pass over the bridge to a jousting battle. Knights from all over Europe took up the challenge and Don Suero successfully defended the bridge for a month until he had broken the 300 lances he had pledged to use in its defense. Thus, he retained his honor, although it doesn’t appear that the lady changed her mind. He later travelled on to Santiago to give thanks for his newly restored honor. There are indications that Cervantes may have used this story as inspiration for his character, Don Quixote.

      The Great Parts of Today

      1. The AMAZING sunrise!
      2. The birds chirping this morning
      3. Meeting Anna from Russia
      4. Alan seeing the bridge again
      5. Running into Candi as she entered town and then joining her for dinner.
      6. We have comfortable beds. 🛏️

      Tomorrow, we walk to Astorga. 🙂
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 29

      Astorga! And Less than 300 km left!

      16 Ekim 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

      Today we walked to Astorga. It is a lovely town with a cathedral and a building designed by Gaudi. And, maybe most importantly, a shoe store! I sad as it was to say goodbye to my previous shoes, the soles were completely torn up. They had to be replaced.

      We had a wonderful time at our previous location. Our hosts were completely lovely. Dolores, the woman who ran the lodging facility, was so lovely. She gave us and our new friend from Chile big hugs when we left this morning. We made friends with a wonderful woman from Chile. She walks faster than us, though, so I’m not sure if I’m going to see her anymore!

      Walk today was only 15 km. It was pleasant and through countryside. We arrived in Astorga fairly early. We went to a shoe store. They had the same brand of shoes I have been wearing but not the same model. They probably gave me a blister between my big toe and second toe! So I have been doctoring the blister and I relaced the shoes. Hopefully that will solve the problem and my shoe issues will no longer be a problem.

      We went to that which was lovely. We had an audio tour. It rained on us even though it wasn’t supposed to rain once we were here in town. Of course, we were not carrying our ponchos when we were out being tourists. All of the restaurants in town are closed because today is Monday. Not Sunday, but Monday. Apparently that’s a thing too! So we and all the other pilgrims in town are at a pizza place tonight. But Pizza is a good all purpose food!

      We were looking at a map for tomorrow, and we have a steady, uphill climb going to our next location, Rabanal. We were surprised to see that the day after tomorrow is the day we go to Cruz de Ferro where are we will be leaving our rocks on the big mound where everybody else leaves that rocks! It’s actually pretty exciting to have made it more than 2/3 of the way now!

      We were very excited when we saw a mileage marker that was 369 km. Unfortunately, about 5 km later we found a mileage marker that said we had 375 km to go! I think it just goes to show you that you can’t really trust those mileage markers! According to our guide book, we have 256 km to go!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 5

      Hospital de Orbigo

      25 Mayıs 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      I planned to stay over in Hospital de Orbigo, but got to the town at 11:20 and decided to carry on to the next town. Seeing that I did not book any accommodation it is easy to change my plans. I walked over the famous bridge and the first one on my CaminoOkumaya devam et

    • Gün 28

      Hospital de Orbigo to Astorga

      19 Haziran 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      After dragging myself away from Albergue Verde felt like nothing would be the same -
      And it wasn’t really.
      Howver, a lovely walk with increasingly different scenery to our days on the Meseta. More undulating and greener, with more trees and less sky. Weather was mixed, cloudy but warm and then rain as we came into Astorga.
      First coffee was at Santibañez de Valdeiglesias - advised by Cally (from Albergue Verde) that the coffee wasn’t good, unfortunately listened to another guy who said it was fine. It really wasn’t - pretty i drinkable and very expensive.
      High point of the day, apart from the Palacio Gaudi in Astorga, was the donativo rest area run by David between Santibañez and St Justo. Wonderful fruit, and all sorts of other food as well as places to rest. I satisfied my craving for watermelon and also had a banana - just what I needed at that moment. A very generous place driven by love of the Camino.
      Then continued into st Justo, where I went into a farmacia to see if they could give me something to help with my wrist - think I was bitten by something in the garden last night and it has swollen up - a bit like my shoulder did previously. The stuff they gave me in Carrion de las Condes didn’t seem to be working - this farmacia advised something else. So I’m hoping, but it’s still fairly itchy and swollen at the moment.
      Into Astorga, in the rain, over a crazy bridge!
      Astorga seems a bit run down, very quiet and a bit dull.
      Our Albergue is clean but expensive for what it is and have just paid €17 for a plate. Of rice and beans - which seemed expensive. Basically back to 1970’s UK when vegetarians got the main course less the meat rather than an actual meal. It was fine but a bit boring, even when sliced up with loads of Tabasco. And I felt slightly cheated when we had to pay the same as the people eating loads of meat! But you win some, you lose some, and last night was a privilege, as was the donativo rest stop today, so I’m very happy.
      The highlight of Astorga for me is the Gaudi Palacio. Quite astonishing and I could have happily spent hours in there. Another weirdly emotional place for me - he seems to be an architect that has the power to move in an almost religious way - the chapel within the palace filled me with awe - I would come back to Astorga just to be there again.
      Something in the palace made me think of Healah from RAK, who I haven’t heard from for ages, so I WhatsApped her and she wrote back immediately - that too was a gift and very unexpected.
      Also good was meeting the other (all new) fellow pilgrims at dinner and having a drink with Bart (we met at Albergue Verde) in one of the squares.
      Need to go to sleep now as have to be up early to get to Rabanal to ensure we get places at the Confraternity hostel.
      Okumaya devam et

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    Villares de Órbigo, Villares de Orbigo

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