Santibáñez de Valdeiglesias

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    • Day 27

      Day 21 - San Martin to Astorga

      July 30 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Today was a pleasant 24 km walk to Astorga, home of the Gaudi designed Palace and many other fine old buildings.

      We walked through much greener countryside today, and it was less dusty as there had been much needed rain in the night. Lightning was still flashing in the sky as we began our early morning trek to the next town.

      Coffee and a catch-up with others was well timed at 8 km along the way. Arriving on the fringe of Astorga nice and early we had a quick lunch before searching out our Albergue. The girls are never letting me navigate again as I chose the hottest most direct route.

      Astorga is a lovely town with lots to see and do. We got lucky again with our choice of Albergue, staying at My Way. Brilliant place, a pool, great service and an amazing meal in the evening. I highly recommend.
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    • Day 39

      Day 29 - Santibáñez de Valdeiglesias

      October 5, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      13 mile walk today. It was extremely straight today, I almost forgot how to turn left or right while walking. Some of the images and videos were from last night after my last update.

      We are less than 300 kilometers away from our goal. We have an 8 mile walk into Astorga tomorrow and a day off.Read more

    • Day 39

      Day 29-Santibáñez de Valdeiglesias

      October 5, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      We're starting to climb some small hills now. It's good training for what's to come, I suppose. We headed out just before sunrise and enjoyed cool air for most of our walk.

      We stopped for lunch in Hospital de Órbigo at a place with a beautiful garden. The highlight was sharing the garden, and some of our lunch, with the roosters, hens and pheasants. The pheasants had beautiful color patterns in their plumage.

      It started heating up for the final hour of our walk so we were happy to finally arrive at our albergue. 13 miles in all today. Tomorrow is a shorter day into Astorga.
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    • Day 30–36

      Astorga 18km

      September 30 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      Another nice day beautiful sunrise and walk into Astorga. A sunrise tent along the way with heaps of food by donation. I saw the young guy from Hong Kong with the ear issue I met on first day . There was also a guy on his motorbike I think on drugs and acting like a lunatic.

      Stopped in cafe for phone call before heading into beautiful town of Astorga

      Continued my 30 year love affair with the work of architect gaudi and saw a building he designed as the Bishops residence. Bought a new pair of leggings pants 👖 in camping shop before heading off the albergue which was nice and talked to late Scottish guy. At dinner was next to german girl who walked 4 years ago and a dog followed her 400km she adopted the dog which has now died so she is back to scatter ashes
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    • Day 29

      To Santibanez de Valdeiglesias

      September 29 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Nice easy walk, talked to Australian couple from Brisbane and ran into my friends poppa and Alan from Sydney at morning tea.

      Highlight I heard some singing behind me it was 3 girls from Glasgow singing take me home country road. I joined in and they asked if I had any requests so I said "on the road again" and we all marched along singing. Then I said goodbye as they were walking fast.

      As I approached the town I was staying I could hear singing and realised it was from the church being Sunday so I slipped into the back of the church. The tunes were familiar but of course the singing was in Spanish.

      The alberge was nice and had a welcome sign at the front with names of guests which was really cool.

      Got all washing done and had dinner with 2 Canada 🇨🇦 ladies and an American called Kylie. I explained about our good day and they all liked the idea and did it

      For me
      Best part _ singing with Scottish girls
      Grateful _ 🙏 to go into a church service
      Tomorrow- looking forward to seeing gaudi building
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    • Day 21


      September 24 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      Today was an easy day of just over 17km. We got a little rain, nothing too crazy, but enough to put on the rain gear. We had breakfast at the place we ate at right by the bridge last night, it was the earliest open and likely the only in town so that was the winner. We hit the road after that only stopping once for a little roadside donativo stand that was really cool. That’s when the rain started so it was perfect timing to put in the rain gear. Kittens were playing, a dog chasing a ball, pilgrims huddled up grabbing a coffee or fruit being offered. Neat place. Right as we left a pilgrim pulled out a flute and started playing. Nice little touch and ending to this cute stop.
      Astorga is such a cool smaller city. We got in early enough to roam around town, checked out the amazing cathedral and the stunning Gaudi Palace. Love his work. So unique. Then we found the plaza mayor (town square) and had an amazing salad to tide us over until an 8pm dinner. Looking over my itinerary, there is only 11 days until we walk into Santiago. I know it seems like a long time but it goes so fast once you get to the final 1/3. Bittersweet feeling. I miss home, kids, husband, mom, friends, and of course our sweet puppy dog, Sam, but this is really a wonderful experience that I’m so grateful to have. There are other things that I super miss too such as proper makeup, curling my hair, different clothing/shoes, my truck (hahaha that would make things go a little quicker right now!!), my work & coworkers, clients…the list is endless really. But there is something really freeing about going without all the wonderful added bonuses in my life (not the people, but the things). It’s so simple here. I get really happy about buying good chocolate or having a wonderful meal shared with people from all over the globe. This experience never fails to restore my faith in humanity and how nice and helpful people are. On the Camino we live in slow motion. We have time to offer help to others, and notice the little things like seeing a crocus blooming in a place where everything else struggles to grow. It reminds me that if that can bloom and thrive in a stressful environment, then I most definitely can. I’ve also come to believe that anything is possible if you have enough nerve.
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    • Day 26


      May 10 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      The Camino got beautiful again! And the Astorga cathedral did not disappoint. There were some long stretches of trail without any towns, but also some beautiful views and lots of animal friends. Today was the first day that it was warm enough to wear shorts and we’re expecting more warm weather tomorrow.Read more

    • Day 36

      To Santabáñez de Valdegleisias

      May 16, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Met Luis the Mexican, sitting in the sun outsde the front door of the auberge. Ended up telling him my family story, starting with the fact that I'm part Mexican. His story was that he left Mexico for a job that could pay enough that he could build his Mum a house. He wanted to marry his girlfriend but he had to do that for his Mum first. He'd been told he could save enough in three months to do it but it took three years of hard graft in a fish can't in Alaska to do it.
      Came home built the house married the girl and moved to LA where her family was living, was going to take her back to Alaska, but she fainted the day before they were due to leave - she was pregnant - so they stayed in LA. He started driving trucks, bought his own skiptruck and three skips, now has three trucks and seventy skips, with his son's working with him in the business.
      He offered to go with me to Durango if I ever wanted to go.
      Very friendly hostelero, but middling average pilgrim dinner.
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    • Day 27

      Villar de Mazarife to Santibanez 20km5hr

      October 1, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      We started before 7am in the moonlight. The sun doesn’t rise here til almost 8:30 so that gives a good chunk of time to hike in cool weather. It was so pretty with the slightly less than full moon guiding us. Todd took a picture and when we looked at it, the moon looked like a cross!!
      We walked with Joyce from the Netherlands today. She was going on another 7km past us. Hopefully we catch up with her again.
      Our albergue is very nice. Quieter than yesterday’s party spot.
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    • Day 19

      Schöne Wege sind immer länger ...

      June 9, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      So, gestern kam ich irgendwie nicht zum Schreiben, denn ich bekam morgens morgens, als loslaufen wollte noch einen guten Tipp für den gestrigen Weg vom Herbergsvater. Damit ich nicht so viel an der Straße laufen muss, sollte ich eine bestimmte Abzweigung nehmen, dann würde ich fast nur durch schöne Natur laufen.

      Anfangs war der Weg auch wunderschön, gleich zu Beginn begegneten mir zwei Störche auf dem Feld, die sich von mir nicht bei ihrer Futtersuche stören ließen. Als hinter mir dann eine Gruppe Pilger auftauchte, die sich lauthals unterhielt machten sie den Abflug und flogen nur ein paar Meter an uns vorbei. Das er schon ein beeindruckender Anblick. Leider gibt es davon kein Foto.

      Ich ließ die Gruppe an mir vorbeiziehen, denn auf so viel Unruhe hatte ich am frühen Morgen keine Lust. Als ich dann genügend Abstand hatte und weiterlief, hörte ich recht bald wieder lautes Fußgetrappel von hinten auf mich zu laufen, lauter Rap inklusive plus die „sängerische“ Begleitung durch die Jugendlichen … Also wartete ich erneut und um es kurz zu machen, das wiederholte sich dann noch zweimal.

      Das war das erste Mal, dass ich so viele Pilgergruppen auf einen Schlag erlebte – sonst waren es meist einzelne Pilger, zu zweit oder dritt laufenden Grüppchen, die sich dann aber im Lauf des Tages immer mehr auf dem Weg verteilen, so dass das nicht wirklich auffällt. Lediglich bei den Cafe-Stops trifft man dann wieder zusammen.

      Aber auch in Spanien ist Pfingsten und da werden diese Tage eben gern genutzt Teile des Caminos zu laufen. Gegen später hatte ich dann aber wieder die gewohnte Ruhe. Der Weg war wirklich schön, es gab allerdings wenig Schatten und mein Wasser wurde immer knapper, da tauchte zum Glück am Wegesrand ein Brunnen mit trinkbarem Wasser auf (s. Foto), wo die Wasserflaschen nicht nur von mir aufgefüllt wurden.

      Eigentlich hatte ich genügend Wasser eingeplant, was ich aber nicht wusste, war, dass der schönere Weg auch um ein paar Kilometer länger war … Das hab ich dann abends von anderen erfahren, dass die schöneren Wege, abseits von Schnellstrassen und Autobahnen, in der Regel länger sind, weil zwischen den Orten für den Verkehr möglichst die direkteste Verbindung gesucht wird. Das nächste Mal weiß ich es 😏.

      Abends saßen wir dann in gemütlicher Runde zusammen, so ein paar kennt man jetzt auch vom Sehen und gemeinsamen Aufenthalten in den Herbergen, den gemeinsamen communal meals, das ist dann in der Gruppe ziemlich unterhaltsam, aber es ergeben sich auch immer wieder interessante Einzelgespräche.

      Gestern Abend war ich aber dann ziemlich platt und beschloss noch vor dem Einschlafen, heute einen Pausentag in Astorga einzulegen, nachdem ich jetzt fünf Tage am Stück gelaufen bin. Der Tag heute war dann recht gemütlich, aber dazu dann morgen mehr, denn ich habe vorher beschlossen noch eine weiteren Tag anzuhängen.

      Astorga ist in Spanien bekannt für spezielle Süßwaren – Mantecados, Hojaldres und Schokolade. Da gibt es auch ein Museum, das ich gern anschauen möchte und natürlich auch die Spezialitäten probieren. Heute, am Pfingstsonntag ging das nicht. Aber morgen ist ja auch noch ein Tag.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Santibáñez de Valdeiglesias, Santibanez de Valdeiglesias, 24288

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