Arpico Super Centre also popularly simply known as Arpico is a chain of supermarkets which is also regarded as a departmental store located in Sri Lanka owned by Richard Pieris & Company.Read more
Arpico Super Centre also popularly simply known as Arpico is a chain of supermarkets which is also regarded as a departmental store located in Sri Lanka owned by Richard Pieris & Company.Read more
Nous passons par le très beau bouddhiste Gangarayama Temple, dans lequel se trouve un côté musée avec beaucoup de sculptures en cornes d'éléphants. Même si on nous a expliqué qu'elles ontRead more
Lotus Tower also referred to as Colombo Lotus Tower, is a 351.5 m (1,153 ft) tall tower, located in Colombo, Sri Lanka. It has been called a symbolic landmark of Sri Lanka. As of 2019, theRead more
Since our ship arrived at 2:00pm, we scheduled a tuk tuk ride through town to see the sites and have a Sri Lankan dinner. I took a bunch of picture so I figured I split the days photos over severalRead more
After two days on the ocean we have arrived in Colombo. We skipped the city centre of Colombo the last time we were on Sri Lanka, so we now had the chance to explore it. We started with theRead more
Heute haben wir eine Stadtrundfahrt durch Colombo unternommen.
Von schönen leuchtenden Land ist hier nichts zu sehen. Überall knattern die Mopeds und Tuk Tuk‘s durch die Stadt. Mann muss gutRead more
Ich sag nur: bunt, grell, kitschig, Buddha!
Was die Katholiken mit Gold und Co können, können die Buddhisten mit Farben!
In buddhistischen Tempeln muss man generell barfuß herumlaufen. DafürRead more
Nach der langen Reise schlafen wir erstmal aus. Es ist schon fast Mittag, als wir, mit einem kleinen Frühstück von einem fahrenden Händler auf die Hand, uns auf den Weg mit einem TukTuk zumRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Union Place