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    • Day 17


      December 24, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌧 45 °F

      My day started out with a lot of unknowns but ended up great. Bern is the Capitol and there was so much to see. Bern means bear so that animal was a common theme all over the town.

      Except for the one weird statue of the creepy guy who is eating a child and has several more kids in baskets. The reason for that statue, according to the tour book, is still a mystery. It's a mystery to me why it is still there after all these years.Read more

    • Day 4

      Day 4: Bern

      January 16, 2020 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      Bern, Switzerland’s capital city is beautiful. Medieval architecture, friendly people, chocolate, chocolate and more amazing chocolate! We have had an amazing day walking and exploring the city. Bern is a Swiss German city. Hopefully tomorrow we will enjoy Chris’s favourite - schnitzel 😋Read more

    • Day 10


      July 22, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      The journey from Freiburg to Bern was a 2hr hop, changing in Basel. Mercifully the train we needed to change on to was on the adjoining platform as we only had 8 minutes for the change and our first train was 6 minutes late! We had enough time to change trains and sit down before the second train left.

      In Bern, the first tram we got ended up going the wrong way due to roadworks, so we ended up having to get a bus - however, it was all very simple, and free with your hotel reservation!

      We wandered the old centre under the baking midday heat, taking in the Einstein Haus, Parliament and beautiful streets and statues throughout. The Aare River is a beautiful colour with lots of people drifting down the fast current...something we may try if we have time! Next to the river is the Barengraben, or bear pits, which has apparently housed bears for since 1857.
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    • Day 10

      River Aare

      July 22, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      After a brief bit of respite in the hotel, we decided to do as the locals do and drift/swim down the River Aare. The severe river meander creates the boundaries of the old town and allowed you to float along sublime sights and bridges. Alas, our dry bag, Bob, had apparently developed a slow puncture so we had to purchase another one in town. The river was initially a bit chilly but once in it was superb. The flow was pretty impressive, and so long as you can float its a relatively simple float along the river with lots of other people. We hopped out before the Lorraine Baths, dried off and headed into town to experience the locals beers.

      Bern has a great craft beer scene. We stopped at the Alte Tram Depot, with glorious views over the old town, and then OnTap before decamping to a bar more local to our hotel. On the walk home, we were treated to an impromptu street gig by The Live Jukebox, with an incredible singing voice before a huge lightning storm took over the night sky.

      Beer Index (Bern) - 8.18 CHF/0.5l
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    • Day 4

      In der Berner Altstadt (2)

      October 9, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Vom Rathausplatz ging es dann weiter durch die beeindruckende Berner Altstadt, bis die Führung am Bärengraben endete. Vor der Weiterfahrt gab es am Bus noch Kaffee, den Volker in der Zwischenzeit vorbereitet hatte, und einen Extra-Keks zum Sonntag.Read more

    • Day 50


      December 2, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      Had a crappy night cause at about 1 am breeder messaged me which I replied to and knew the next message I got would be telling me if I was getting Summer or not. So didn’t sleep for the next 2 hours.
      Not Summer - got told new dogs name we get in January. This is a story in progress so might not take her but he name is RhiRhi and she is pretty cute. She would need to have 2 litters but Is apparently a better fit for Robert as she is playful.
      Timing might not work out though so we will see how it pans out.

      A very slow morning as our train didn’t come until 1. We checked out at around 11 and spoke with reception about being charged for the room twice. I showed our 2 separate bank accounts.
      He says it will come back to our account but there is a translation barrier still and I’m not feeling confident he understood completely. I have taken an email address in case. I just want my $500 back. 😭

      McDonalds for breakfast/lunch because cheapest thing in entire country and still $50.
      Waited inside the station because it was at least a degree warmer in there.
      Train ride was about an hour 15.

      Check in was a bit dodge. Could see someone in the office but had to wait until 3 before he opened the shutters. I happen to be constructing a message to the breeder at the time denying her offer to take summer for a week if RhiRhi is in heat start of January when we need to pick her up.
      I said I can’t take her if I have to give her back again. So I was crying and of course that’s when the shutters open. Awkwarddd hahah.
      Had to take the lift up one at a time cause it’s teeny tiny.
      We are very happy with our room. It’s got a tv, table, shelving and a sink and some space.
      Beds are 2 singles rather than a double so feels bigger too. Only bummer is toilet is in the corridor but hostel isn’t busy so we are only sharing in theory. Am yet to see anyone on our level.

      Went out exploring for the 40 minutes before the sun set.
      100000000 times cooler than Zurich. Have seen a couple streets and no comparison. An absolute slaughter lol.
      There is an awesome astrological clock archway - UNESCO.
      Unfortunately only walking tour available is on our last day here so I’ve booked it but might not go. Will have probably seen everything by then. 🤷🏼‍♀️
      I’d like to have more info on all the cool stuff.
      SO MANY FOUNTAINS I LOVE THEM. They are colorful 😍
      Found a sort of lookout section and some Christmas markets which we strolled through. Not nearly as jolly as when you aren’t freezing and it’s daytime.
      Went to the supermarket and bought some bread, spread, sausage and milk for us to eat breakfast and lunch at home tomorrow cause prices are genuinely ridiculous here.
      We don’t have a fridge but have put the milk outside our window in a nice 1° environment. Lol
      The view from our room is LOVELY. Even got the camera out to capture it better.

      Will wanted Mexican so we went to papa joes and I’m OBSESSED with the Resturant. It is rainbow and as if someone has gone to a garage sale and bought the most random things they could possible find and put them all together. There was a bridge, fairy lights a little fountain thing.
      I really enjoyed my chicken salad - Will not fussed by his enchiladas because it had too many vegetables 😆😆
      $140 🫠🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃

      Forgot to say yestsrday the army dudes are really chill here. Bloke just walking around the train station with his automatic weapon slung over his back. Not even holding it. Wicked dangerous bug comical.

      Went to supermarket again and added some snacks to our pile. We are having a rest day tomorrow so I can cry about Summer in peace and keep getting better. Still dizzy at times but definitely better.
      Went through another Christmas markets. Didn’t even try shopping just like the vibe.

      Currently watching the World Cup. Room is cold and I’m snug in my blanket I love it.
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    • Day 51


      December 3, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

      New Plan: Robert and Helen having a jolly time together so until we organize a friend he will stay there.

      It’s 11am and so far we have told house keeping to go away, eaten cereal with our lovely cold milk from outside, showered and that’s about it hey. Hahah

      Swapped lunch and dinner plans around so went to spaghetti house next door for lunch.
      Excellent food. Still shit prices but semi acceptable. Carbonara was amazing

      We then went to Einsteins house where he lived for 2 years and developed his theory of relativity - E=MC2
      He lived there with wife and son.
      Had the families sitting room on the 2nd floor and then info walls on 3rd floor.
      Fun to read about. Divorced his wife and married his cousin. So that’s cute.
      Also had a daughter (first child with wife) that he has never met and no one knows what happened to. 👏🏼

      We then went walking to the bear pits - bears are the symbol of bern. They got a revamped living space in 2009.
      Unfortunately all in hibernation though so didn’t see anything other than the holes they would be sleeping in.
      Walked along the river. A lovely walk. The water is crystal clear.
      A dude was practicing his opera scales as he was running which was a bit funny.
      Could hear him coming LAAAAAAAAAAA
      and hear him leaving LAAAAAAAAAA
      Had to walk a long way to find a bridge to cross over the river to a place we knew where a lift was to get us back up the valley.
      Naturally it wasn’t free to take the lift 🙄

      It’s bloody cold ok. Even with my beanie and gloves. 70% of snow in about an hour 🤞🏼🤞🏼
      Went and got Starbucks hot chocolate and it was literally less than half full. 60% whipped cream.

      Back at hostel where we will stay. Going to have a read once done writing this and then World Cup later tonight which will hopefully be on the Telly.

      Literally me for the last month “I have glass stuck in my head.”
      Will *scoffs*
      He has just tried to pop the pimple on side of head that’s been there since Grand Canyon.
      “I think you might be right, something’s in there”

      Didn’t read. Watched Graham Norton and Miriam Margolyes videos.

      Watching the Argentina V Australia FIFA game. Will was positive until the 2nd goal scored then became a real cranky puss 😆

      Shouldn’t have come here for so long. Don’t have the money to actually do anything. 😂
      3 more sleeps 🥴
      We have no plans for tomorrow or day after. Have exhausted all of Berns attractions 😅
      I had a day trip to Thun on our originally itinerary but even though it’s 18mins away - the train is $150 soooooooo not going because all we were going to do there is walk around anyway.
      Could do day trips to other places to like interlaken or Lauterbrunnen which is the inspiration for Rivendell for LOTR. And I could/would justify the travel expenses if you could guarantee blue skies. But it’s so grey and gloomy. So nope.
      Switzerland is a place you can only come if it’s your entire holiday.
      One week in Switzerland done properly is 6 weeks anywhere else.
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    • Day 52


      December 4, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

      Spelt in until 12.

      Went out with intent to buy salad for lunch at Aldi and some other staples.
      Expect city is closed cause it’s Sunday.

      Walked around and found nothing except Christmas markets which we wandered through.
      They had little fire lit for people to stand around which I liked. Could smell the hot wine. Can’t wait for Germany to have some 🤤🤤
      McDonald’s was open near our hotel and I was 80 % sure a sandwich shop was too so we headed back home and best news ever was sandwich shop was open and sold salad and pumpkin soup!
      So we very happily ate that in the common room at the hostel even if it was more expensive than our make your own salad plan.
      Will added me to his Spotify account so I have spent the aftenoon adding songs and snacking on salami.
      He cancelled his commonwealth bank card before coming so he could get out of paying $50 a week for a boxing class membership lol.
      He put all his other bills linked to his account/card on our account for the time being. I think Spotify will be staying permanently now I’m using too. Boooo. Haha

      I’m totally fine doing nothing but I think Will is a wee bored haha.

      Yeah he bored hahahah. Has been asking if we can change itinerary. Had a look and it’s a no. Where we are located it isn’t possible. Or thousands of dollars.
      I haven’t liked this trip as much having it pre planned. Not the trip part but the lack of flexibility and the domino effect of lost money if we miss a flight or train or something. Causes me more stress.
      Definitely in bern too long. At least we have a private.
      I re looked at day trip options for tomorrow and it’s just too much money, shit weather or just unclear websites that don’t translate properly.

      We have gone out for cheese fondue for dinner which surprisingly was open so I’m pleased by that. Expensive but delicious. This is our Swiss experience haha. 🇨🇭

      We are now smoking some sheesha. The place is so funny. Half built and they heat the coles with a hair dryer in front of you but having a good time doing something lol.

      A man just walked into a glass door, everyone remained silent until he left rubbing his heads.
      Everyone sharing smiles - Very funny.

      No photos as we did nothing.
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    • Day 53


      December 5, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Ready to leaveeeeee.

      First went to find an ATM because we needed coins for the washing machine. Naturally the only atm we could find has a minimum withdrawal of 50.
      Found my magnet. Lots of super cute magnets with bears but as I didn’t see a bear it wasn’t relevant to my experience so ended up with a magnet of the clock and fountains.
      Then went to Aldi to make salad.
      An excellent stock of lettuce. That’s about it. No onions, no cucumber, no chicken.
      So we scrapped that plan and only got washing detergent, soap and deodorant.
      Then went across the street and got pumpkin soup again for lunch.
      Very reasonable at 7francs each.

      Have been doing laundry. Had a small domestic while trying to figure out the machines. 😆
      Washing is on.
      And now in the dryer.

      Have to have 5 1franc coins which was difficult to come by so asked a cleaner who went and found a worker.
      He was like oh? You need to do laundry?
      I said we just need to dry as we have already washed.
      He was very put out by this.
      “Oh you should have got me and I would have loaded the machine for you.”

      Well buddy that would have been terrific if you didn’t close reception for 5 hours in the middle of the day with big notices saying do not disturb unless an emergency.
      Laundry didn’t seem like an emergency but ok sure.
      1h 48m til dryer is done.

      Hung out in our room.

      I packed.

      Will finally cleaned the mud volcano mud off his shoes.

      Went to dinner at a Thai place next door. AMAZING.
      Have already reviewed them online. 😆
      First Massaman curry I’ve seen in Europe.

      Finished my book.

      Thought I lost my wedding ring/left in shower.
      I didn’t. All is well.

      Onto Munich tomorrow thank goodness.
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    • Day 10


      May 5, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Hei hei 😌
      Dane sva poležala kar malo dlje saj sva spanec nujno potrebovala. Ob 9:30 se prebudim, malo za mano pa še Dejan. Na terasi ob jutranjem soncu popijema kavo in smuti, ter se brez idej komaj dogovorima kaj bova počela danes.
      Odločiva se, da se odpraviva v Bern. V Bernu sva bila cca 6 let nazaj in nama je ostal v zelo lepem spominu.
      V Siebnenu si najprej kupiva kavo ter se odpeljeva naprej. Po slabih dveh urah prispeva v sončen Bern. Parkirava avto ter pot pod noge. Peš po centru in medtem še malo po trgovinicah. Lepo je. Mesto živi! Privoščiva so lahko kosilo ( solato ) in nato še kepico sladoleda, ki je bil vrhunski.

      Nadaljujeva po mestnem jedru, vse do razgledne točke nad medvedi kjer spijeva kavo in se počasi napotiva nazaj do avtomobila. Plačava parkirnino, na kar naju skoraj kap, saj sva za dve ure in pol odštela skora 15€😧😳.
      Nato pa malo po trgovinah. Na internetu najdeva shopping center Westside in se odpeljeva proti njemu.
      Na hitro ga prehodiva ter si privoščiva zgodnjo večerjo. Testenine Carbonara vedno pašejo.
      Nato pa nazaj proti Siednenu saj naju čalata še dobri dve uri vožnje.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Bern, ቤርን, Berna, برن, ܒܪܢ, بيرن, Берн, Горад Берн, বের্ন, པེར་ནེ།, بێرن, Berno, Βέρνη, Berne, Bèrna, Beirn, ברן, अथर्ववेद, Bèn, Բեռն, BRN, ベルン, ბერნი, 베른, Bernas, ബേൺ, बर्न, Берн ош, ବର୍ନ, ਬਰਨ, Bann, 3000, பேர்ன், เบิร์น, بېرن, 办合纳, בערן, 伯恩, 伯尔尼

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