Brienz (BE)

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    • Tag 2

      Day2: Interlaken-Beckenried

      3. Juni 2023 in der Schweiz ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Die heutige Tour stand der gestern in nichts nach: bei strahlendem Sonnenschein starteten wir dem Brienzersee entlang 😎. Nach einem Kafi in Brienz erklommen wir den Brünig und falls ihr es auch vorhattet: tuts nicht, oder auf jeden Fall nicht mit dem Fahrrad, ein Velostreifen wäre hier dringend angebracht und die Autos überholen entweder eeeewig nicht oder zu knapp 🤯. Dafür war die Abfahrt ungloublich schön,da die Veloroute durch ein idyllisches Seitental führt. Da nahmen wir das bisschen Naturweg gerne in Kauf 🤗 Das Grien rächte sich allerdings nach dem Lungernsee mit einem Platten. Zwar rasch geflickt, liefs dann doch noch nicht ganz rund, worauf wir in Giswil zum Velomach gingen, der das Problem für ein Kafikässeli-Zustupf gerne löste ( in Giswil, gute Jungs 👍). Mit sieben Bar im Pneu gings dem Sarnersee entlang, an den Pilatuswerken vorbei 🛩 (F35-Kampfjets haben wir keine gesehen, aber Tarnkappenjets wollen vermutlich auch nicht gesehen werden). Im fantastisch gelegenen Hotel Seerausch, von wo ich diese Zeilen tippe, gönnten wir uns zuerst Kafi und Chips auf der Terasse. Morgen führt uns die Reise via Fähre noch weiter durch die schöne Innerschweiz 🤘💪🚲🤗Weiterlesen

    • Tag 94–97

      Switzerland: Interlaken Region

      16. September in der Schweiz ⋅ 🌫 1 °C

      📌 We started the day with another pastry and baguette to go before leaving France, we shopped on the French side to avoid spending Swiss CHF . We drove into Switzerland with no border checks and headed for the Airbnb, it was a great apartment however we soon realised it had no wifi, I was at fault as I had booked it 🤫😄

      📌 The next morning we got up early and headed for Lauterbrunnen valley, a famous destination. We arrived semi early but the place was already super packed, something we usually avoid and had been avoiding in recent travels. It was lovely to walk through the valley though, and the crowd soon thinned out. We made our way past many waterfalls, up and under one and then into some waterfalls inside caves. The sound of the cows grazing with their bells swinging was a nice background noise amongst the lovely surrounds.

      📌 Day 2 we decided to head for Grindelwald, another famous area. We decided to hike and summit the Faulhorn at 2681m. Uncommon to us, most hikes start with a scenic cable car to a base where the hikes or activities start. We headed up to the Faulhorn which was about 5km and we were rewarded with awesome 360 views of the Alps, the weather really turned it on. The summit was the location of a hotel now mountain hut from the 1800s, hence we enjoyed our chips with a beer looking out over the Alps. This hike was phenomenal, one of the best views we have seen. We had a brief look around Grindelwald and Interlaken but nothing too special to note about these towns compared to the surrounding views from above.

    • Tag 13

      Day 13: Chasing waterfalls 🌊

      23. April in der Schweiz ⋅ ☁️ -1 °C

      This place is magical! ✨

      Here are a few shots from my hike around Giessbach Falls, Lake Brienz.

      (In typical Dayna fashion, I got lost on the circular route and ended up having to run for the last boat back to Interlaken 🙈🤣)Weiterlesen

    • Tag 8

      Ballenberg Muesum & Rothorn Hike

      15. Juli in der Schweiz ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      We started the day catching a series of trains and busses to go to the Ballenberg Outdoor Museum. A particular high point was making our own butter out of cream, perhaps tied with seeing some piggies, cows, and goats. We spent a good amount of time walking about and walking through old farm houses, granaries, and workshops. After a while, Laura started giving me the "I'm hungry" cues, so we found one of the restaurants and had a simple meal of soups/salad/sandwiches, though Caty got the local comfort food of Mac n cheese n applesauce.

      Caty was struggling with the heat and not feeling up for any further activity, and so we decided to split our party once we arrived in Brienz. Laura took her back to the hotel to recuperate and I followed our itinerary by taking the Rothorn bahn, a steam cog railway train, up to the peak of the mountain. As has been the theme this trip, the views along the way were ridiculous, whether looking down at the lake or up at the mountain.

      Lacking my chaperones, the real brains of the group, I made a snap decision when I got to the top of the mountain. I immediately turned around and started to hike the trail back down to halfway point of the mountain, Planalp. The trail was one of the more difficult ones, partly due to the nature of the descent, partly due to the nerves that come with sheer dropoffs on each side of the path, partly because I was racing to catch the last train of the day, and partly due to... aggressive cows.

      I arrived at the station in good spirits, primarily because I hadn't been maimed by a momma cow. Or been zapped by the electric fences and questionably marked bypass gates.

      I beat the last train by a healthy margin, so I sat on a bench and settled in to the panic-inducing thought that they maybe wouldn't let me actually get on the train at the halfway point, or it would just go on by me (fear unfounded). The conductor did give me some trouble, not because of my ticket, but because I needed to show both my ticket and the swiss pass. Tickets validated, I relaxed and enjoyed the view on the steam train back down, and narrowly caught the other trains that took me back to Grindelwald. I rejoined Laura and Caty for dinner at the hotel restaurant.

    • Tag 14

      Varen op de Brienzersee

      29. Juli in der Schweiz ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Varen!! Rens z'n grote wens om in de vakantie te doen. Met een motorbootje! Zo gezegd, zo gedaan!! Heerlijk weer, leuke boot met een sup. Suppen is Hadassa's hobby, dus die kon ook lekker doen wat ze leuk vindt. En met de sup achter de boot..... mama dacht dat het een rustig tochtje zou worden maar dat liep soms even wat anders!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 5


      7. Juli in der Schweiz ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      - Moped alles wieder ok, warsch. Feuchtigkeit
      - der Weg war echt anstrengend
      - geile Kurven aber das Tempo war zu langsam
      - kurz vor Ende bin ich einfach nach vorne und hab Flamme gegeben
      - mega Race gegen Chris und Ötzi, mit das geilste vom fahren bisher
      - das Hotel ist wie eine Jugendherberge mit Toilette auf dem Gang
      - der Empfang hier war krass, der Kellner ist deutscher und reißt hier richtig mit uns die Hütte ab
      - riesen Party bis um 4
      - früh hat uns die Sonne mit perfektem Panorama geweckt
      - eine Frau hat Jens sein Moped beim Ausparken umgefahren

    • Tag 29

      Schynige Platte to Faulhornweg

      2. September 2022 in der Schweiz ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      So then we started our hike! The morning was gorgeous. Beautiful scenery, lovely paths, and amazing weather. We had amazing blue turquoise waters on one side and snow capped mountains and glaciers on the other. We were weaving our way around mountain peaks and constantly amazed at every corner 😍 this was the stretch of about 10km and about 1000m elevation. Honestly the elevation was very gradual so quick a lovely time❤️Weiterlesen

    • Tag 17

      Tag 16 - Die richtigen Oschis

      7. September 2021 in der Schweiz ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Am nächsten Morgen verließen wir unseren schönen Rastplatz im Wald und fuhren einen schönen, waldigen Weg bis Spiez, wo wir eine tolle Sicht auf den See genießen konnten. Von dort erfolgte ein Gerammel entlang der Bundesstraße; guter Weg, direkt am See, aber eben Verkehr ohne Ende. Wir kamen schließlich in Interlaken an: viele Hotels und Gäste, nicht allzu beeindruckend, aber einen wuchtigen Blick auf das Jungfrauen-Massiv! Beeindruckend und herrlich, diese weißen Riesen! Wir aßen lecker Brotzeit mit Gruyère und beobachteten die Paraglider, welche direkt vor uns auf der Höhematte landeten, cool! Danach entschieden wir uns für eine Zugfahrt nach Grindelwald, um den Eiger zu bestaunen. Das muss man einfach machen, vor allem bei dem Wetter!
      So packten wir unsere Sachen in ein Schließfach am Bahnhof und ließen uns von der Bahn hinaufbringen. Schon die Fahrt bot einen wunderbaren Blick in die Berglandschaft und bald wurde auch die berühmte Nordwand sichtbar. Der Wand ist spektakulär und einschüchternd zugleich, bedenkt man die mit vielen Toten gespickte Besteigungsgeschichte. Nach unserer Ankunft am Bahnhof schauten wir nach den Preisen für eine Fahrt auf die kleine Scheidegg – pro Person über 50 Franken mit Retour – nichts für uns, der wunderbare Blick von Grindelwald reichte völlig. Wir sahen uns das kleine Städtchen an und genossen bei einer leckeren Kaffeezeit von einer Bank den Eigerblick und lasen uns seine Geschichte durch. Nachdem wir wieder in Interlaken angekommen waren, radelten wir einen Wahnsinnsweg am Brienzer See entlang. Der bisher schönste Radweg direkt am Wasser; einfach ein Genuss. Die letzte Herausforderung wartete aber noch auf uns: steile Anstiege zu den Giesbachfällen. Total kaputt und verschwitzt kamen wir oben an, aber es hat sich gelohnt! Eine fröhlich sprudelnde und rauschende Szenerie überraschte uns! Ein wuchtiges Grandhotel wurde gleich in der Nähe errichtet, verrückt, der Mensch.
      Die Abfahrt war reiner Nervenkitzel: enge, mäßig gute Straßen, Kurven, etwas Verkehr… aber wir schafften es, die Bremsen dankten. Bisheriger Speedrekord einer Anfahrt: 67,45 km/h. Unten suchten wir einen Campingplatz bei Brienz auf. Der erste Platz ignorierte uns mehr oder weniger, also gingen wir zum Nachbarn… Da die Plätze so beliebt sind, verlangen die kleinen Plätze genau so viel wie die großen, bieten aber kein warmes Wasser, eine Dusche mit Geldeinwurf und kein WLAN… da kommt man sich manchmal etwas veräppelt vor… aber die Besitzer waren super freundlich und gesprächig, da tut es dann doch nicht mehr so weh. Außerdem wollen wir nicht unbedingt auf die großen Ferien-Spaß-Plätze.
      Nach einem Bad im See und leckerem Couscous mit reichlich Gemüse direkt am See verschwanden wir kaputt im Zelt.

      48,3 km, 600 hm

    • Tag 25

      Grindelwald and the Jungfraujoch

      15. September 2022 in der Schweiz ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      Jungrfraujoch is a mountain pass here in the Bernese Oberland. It means "virgin" and it's the location of the highest train station in Europe. We chose the village of Grindelwald as a base for 4 days and nights here to hike and explore the Alps. Our Eurail passes don't cover this area's transportation, so we bought another pass for the myriad of trains, cable cars, buses, and cogwheel trains. It's pricey, but now that we've been here, I can say it's well worth it. It costs about what ski passes cost at most resorts. For 4 days of unlimited travel and one trip to the top of Jungraujoch, it cost about $270 each. That allows you to start or end your hikes at train stations or cable car stops. Even if you can't hike, the cable car rides are majestic and make the pass well worth it. A season pass for the spring - fall cost only $400, so if you can afford to spend more time here, that's a great deal.

      Our train from Bern didn't take too long to get to Interlaken, a town between Lakes Thun and Brienze. They're both bright blue, long, and narrow mountain lakes that frame great views of the mountains in the distance. From Interlaken, we bought our new rail passes and rode another train up to Grindelwald. We rented a small apartment with a wonderful view of Mt. Eiger (of the Eiger Sanction fame.... horrible movie BTW).

      This town allows anyone who spends the night to use the local buses for free. We actually pay for it in our hotel taxes, and it's a great idea. We need to use that bus since we're staying a mile above the village. For our first trip, we just showed our reservation to the driver and grabbed a seat. After checkin, we got a pass to use.

      We hit the ground running on day 1 since it was the best weather day of the 4. We went from Bern to our apartment and immediately took off to catch a bus, a cable car, and a train to get to the Jungfraujoch while the sun was still out. It was amazing. The whole setup is quite the engineering feat. It looks like a James Bond villain's evil lair. Inside there is an underground train station in the mountain, an ice tunnel and caves you can walk through, a Lindt chocolate demo and store, several Swiss watch stores, 3 restaurants, small bars, a light show, and more.

      But the best part is looking down on the largest glacier in the Alps, the Aletsch Glacier. It's slowly melting, but it's not disappearing as fast as many others. From the top, we could see pretty far in all directions and got to walk out on the glacier. The vast majority of the tourists here in September are Chinese, followed by Indians. I hear quite a few American accents also.

      After that, we went back down the mountain and jumped on a random cable car that took us up another valley. We got out and hiked a bit and then zigzagged our way back to our rooom and made dinner.

      On Day 2, we got lucky on the weather and did some more cable cars and hiking. On a small trail down towards Grindelwald, we stumbled on a quaint restaurant with amazing views and opted to have a late lunch/early dinner there with a carafe of wine. It's surprising how there are these tiny restaurants and cafes in the most out of the way places.

      On Day 3, we had a rainy, cold weather day. I had my heart set on doing the classic Schynnige Platte to First hike. We took a train down towards Interlocken and then took an old, narrow-gauge cogwheel train up to Schynige Platte to start the hike. Deanne's shoes weren't the greatest and she did an about face after an hour. I trudged on.

      The views of the lakes and valleys were good for another hour or so, but then it got cold, wet, and windy. A perfect day for hiking! I did the 16 Km hike and even went to the top of Faulhorn. And even way up top, there was a small hotel and restaurant. I couldn't believe it. I had to stop in for coffee. And I was shocked they it cost the same as in the village. I had to ask if they use mules to bring up supplies and she said "No, they used to a long time ago, but now we use helicopters."

      At home, we made spaghetti and enjoyed the views of Eiger with our wine. Restaurants aren't really too expensive here, considering tax and tip is included. I'd say a meal without alcohol costs 10-20% more than a high quality restaurant at home. But we've got an apartment and cooking is a real treat when you're traveling for 10 weeks.

      On Day 4, we visited several villages via cogwheel trains, regular trains and cable cars. Most of the villages are quiet and quaint and are ski towns.

      Wengen was probably the nicest. We ate in Murren above a scenic valley. Lauterbrunnen had too many tourists and not much to see in town. We ended our last day by going all the way back down to Interlaken to see the 2 lakes and take the funicular to Harder Kulm, a line with a 64 degree grade! What views from the top.

      Grindelwald and the neighboring valleys were all that we hoped for, and more. I'd love to come back for skiiing sometime.

      More photos and videos are here.

    • Tag 5

      Giessbach Wasserfälle

      23. Juli 2022 in der Schweiz ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Giessbachfälle bei Brienz – Wasserzauber hoch über dem Brienzersee

      Geniesse das imposante Naturschauspiel und beobachte wie sich die Wassermassen des Giessbachs die insgesamt 14 Stufen herunter in den türkisfarbenen Brienzersee stürzen. Auf dem Rundwanderweg vom Grandhotel Giessbach aus, ist das eindrückliche Tosen der Giessbachfälle allgegenwärtig.

      Ob du mit der historischen Standseilbahn von der Schiffstation Giessbach See, zu Fuss auf einer gemütlichen Wanderung oder vom nahegelegenen Parkplatz herkommst, das mächtige Tosen der Giessbachfälle ist unüberhörbar. Der gut 20-minütige Rundweg führt dich nach einem kurzen Aufstieg direkt zu den Giessbachfällen. Besonders faszinierend ist der Wegabschnitt hinter einen der Wasserfälle. Dein Blick schweift an den spritzenden Wassermassen vorbei auf das märchenhafte Grandhotel Giessbach, den türkisfarbenen Brienzersee und den Brienzergrat. Nach Regenfällen oder während der Schneeschmelze im Frühling führt der Giessbach besonders viel Wasser. Die tosenden Kaskaden wirbeln dann das Wasser noch imposanter auf und die erfrischende Gischt belebt − das einmalige Naturerlebnis.

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