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    • Jour 3

      Mfufu and the Rooster

      1 décembre 2019, Suisse ⋅ 🌧 3 °C

      Efter en god frukost i vår lilla lya, ännu ett gatlopp för att ta oss ut (nu var det knattar som sprang) samt en promenad i regnet tog vi en kaffe innan lunch med Pamela aka Mfufu på Chez Philippe. Ännu fler gamla minnen och många skratt, Anders blev godkänd och vi åt ytterligare en magiskt god måltid!

      Vi hämtade sen upp vårt bagage och tog en kamikazetaxi till Divonne. Där lyckades han köra helt fel så vi hamnade i nån form av återvändsgränd; Ullis fick användning för sina arga franska ord innan vi tog väskorna och gick sista biten... till Grand Hotel du Divonne, en ganska bedagad primadonna i vackra omgivningar.
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    • Jour 4

      Genève jour 2

      28 juin 2023, Suisse ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Après notre première nuit à Lancy (banlieue de Genève), je suis allée courir un peu. C’est toujours un plaisir pour moi de découvrir un nouvel endroit à la course. J’avais en tête d’aller au bord de l’eau, plus précisément à l’endroit où le Rhône et l’Arve se rencontrent. C’est vraiment spécial, les deux couleurs d’eau qui se mélangent graduellement!

      Nous sommes ensuite partis rejoindre grand-maman à Genève pour une journée de tourisme dans la ville. Après avoir fait le tour des boutiques luxueuses, de la place Molard et de la vieille ville, nous sommes allés visiter la cathédrale St-Pierre. Magnifique bâtiment avec beaucoup d’histoire, cette cathédrale repose sur d’importantes fouilles archéologiques datant de l’ère romaine.

      Nous sommes retournés à l’extérieur pour longer le lac Leman. Le jet d’eau était éteint à ce moment là à cause du vent. Un petit arrêt dans une buvette pour luncher avant de retourner visiter les fouilles sous la cathédrale. Le site est immense et rempli d’artefacts et de découvertes fascinantes. Mon grand maniaque d’histoire en a eu pour son argent!

      Après la visite des ruines, nous sommes montés au haut des tours de la cathédrale pour une vue d’ensemble sur Genève.

      Mon grand a pu se procurer la montre Swatch dont il parlait depuis des semaines et visiter la boutique de couteaux suisses.

      Après un délicieux repas dans un resto indien et un gelato au Gelato Mania, il était temps de retourner à la maison reposer nos jambes épuisées de plus de 30 000 pas!
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    • Jour 4

      Jet d'Eau und Jardin Anglais

      2 août 2022, Suisse ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Angekommen in Genf habe ich mich gleich auf den Weg zu meinem Hotel gemacht, welches etwas außerhalb in Carouge liegt. Um ein Ticket für die Tram zu kaufen, musste ich erstmal Geld tauschen. Der Kurs liegt bei fast 1:1, bekommen habe ich etwas, das wie Spielgeld aussieht. Das Zimmer in der Auberge Communal war schon fertig, also konnte ich meine Sachen abwerfen und losziehen. Mein 1. Ziel war das Wahrzeichen der Stadt, der Jet d'Eau, eine 145 Meter hohe Wasserfontäne. Einst steckte der Sinn dahinter, das Wassersystem vom Druck zu entlasten. Heute dient die Installation nur noch der Deko. Danach bin ich durch den Jardin Anglais geschlendert und habe Blumenuhr und Nationaldenkmal besucht.En savoir plus

    • Jour 4

      Bierchen und Dinner

      2 août 2022, Suisse ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Die Hitze hat mich bierdurstig gemacht und so habe ich mir in einer Strandbar ein Bierchen und ein weiteres Fußbad gegönnt. Der Blick von dort über den See, den Yachthafen und den Jet war traumhaft und ich habe bestimmt 1 Stunde dort gechillt und gelesen. Danach trieb mich der Hunger zur Restaurantkette mit dem großen M. Ich habe mir einen Salat für schlappe 10 CHF gekauft und zusammen mit den Reformatoren im Parc des Bastions verspeist. Die Preise hier sind wirklich unverschämt und ich weigere mich, für eine schnöde Pizza mehr als 20 Euro zu bezahlen. Landestypische Speisen bekommt man ab 30 CHF steil aufwärts. Was allerdings toll ist: der Nahverkehr ist für Touristen kostenlos und super ausgebaut. Dafür legt man fürs Roaming wieder Kohle auf den Tisch, weil die Spalter nicht in der EU sind 😉En savoir plus

    • Jour 32

      Geneva Day 3

      20 juillet 2023, Suisse ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Today was just a bigggg lake day. I woke up and had some free breakfast then met one of the fellas from last night’s group to go to the lake. We took the little ferry across the lake as opposed to walking- since it’s included in the free Geneva transport card that you get when you stay in a Geneva hotel or hostel. It was a cute little boat ride, only 5 minutes. We were only at the lake for a short while, he had to go catch his train after a short 40 minutes. I stuck around at the lake, read my book, and ultimately took a nap on the rocks. After that, I was getting hungry, but I spent so much money yesterday that I needed to be budget friendly. I went to the supermarket to get something, anything, that was edible for lunch and ended up getting an egg, ham, and cheese supermarket salad 😭😭 it was not very delicious, but I was just trying to be smart about my money out here, cuz I still have another 3 days out here. I also got a portugese tarte, which I saved for later. I then went back to the same lake spot where I hung out with more people from the night prior, this time I actually got into the water. It was a bit chilly, but refreshing, nonetheless. It was so funny to see how the swans would swim around the lake, paying no mind to the people- but I guess it’s more their home than ours, anyways. The others headed back and I stuck around again, reading my book and then walked across the bridge to go back to the hostel. I picked up some random food- which I did not enjoy, on the way back. I showered and freshened up and then met up with the group again just to hang out and have some take out drinks by the water. I didn’t end up having my drink but just spent the night chatting. Something kinda weird about this group is that like everyone is >25 so I felt really young 😭. The company is nice nonetheless, and they didn’t treat me any different than from one another, and everyone was still very kind. We went back to the hostel and it was early, so I called Lian and Alina for a little bit since I saw that they were together. Shared some of my stories and caught up and it was so nice to talk to them because it’s been like a month!!En savoir plus

    • Jour 3

      Abend in Genf

      11 septembre 2023, Suisse ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Mission Käsefondues abgeschlossen 🫕
      Auf unserer Bucketlist für den Urlaub stand Käsefondues in der Schweiz essen, das haben wir erfolgreich absolviert.
      Nach langer Parkplatzsuche in Genf sind wir bei wunderschönen Temperaturen und einer herrlichen Kulisse zum Genfer See spaziert. Mira hat noch schnell ein Fanfoto mit hHenry Dunant gemacht und danach haben wir den Abend mit einem leckeren Käsefondues ausklingen lassen. 🫕

      Satt, glücklich und noch nicht zu müde zum Fahren, haben wir uns sehnsüchtig doch noch auf den Weg gemacht in Richtung Mittelmeer. Wo wir in Frankreich landen? Stay tuned ✌️
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    • Jour 24


      8 décembre 2023, Suisse ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Only here for one day. A stop over to break the journey. Beautiful blue skies for our journey yesterday but we’ve woken to rain again today. That does seem to be a pattern.

      Vision Apartments is a series of hotel rooms but there is a kettle. It’s comfortable and close to the station and river. Walked to the river yesterday evening which was very pleasant.

      Nothing planned today so will have a mooch about.

      After lunch a wander round the old town then back for a rest.

      This evening ventured out again, had chips in the Christmas market and found a quiet bar selling decent beer.
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    • Jour 19

      Geneva - Switzerland

      3 avril 2020, Suisse ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Genf - tolle Stadt am Genfersee, am Fuße des Mont Blanc. Man spricht halt schon Französisch und es ist alles noch teuerer im Vergleich zu Zürich.

      2013 waren wir mit der ganzen Familie dort. Auf der Rückreise von Frankreich konnten wir in dem Apartment von einem Kollegen übernachten. Wir hatten damals noch kleine Jungs ...En savoir plus

    • Jour 4

      Kathedrale Saint Pierre

      2 août 2022, Suisse ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Mit dem Bau wurde im 12. Jahrhundert begonnen und nach einer Pause 100 Jahre später fortgesetzt. Die Kirche enthält also romanische und gotische Elemente. Der Innenbereich kommt sehr spartanisch daher, was auf den Bildersturm in 1535 zurückzuführen ist. Malereien und Dekorelemente wurden zerstört, die Kirche somit reformiert. Ich bin froh, dass in anderen Ländern trotz Etablierung der evangelischen Kirche die Zeugnisse der katholischen "Herrschaft" erhalten geblieben sind. Die zwei Glockentürme können für 7 CHF bestiegen werden, was ich dann auch gleich gemacht habe. Von oben hatte ich einen tollen Blick auf die Stadt und die angrenzenden Berge, die zu Frankreich gehören. Danach bin ich durch die Altstadt zur Tram, um ins Grüne zu fahren.En savoir plus

    • Jour 39

      Geneva - Where Materialism is Master

      26 octobre 2018, Suisse ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Our final morning in Zermatt began just like every day since we arrived in Switzerland just over a week ago. Although everyone had been warning us that the fine weather was about to come to an abrupt end, when I looked out of my hotel window all I could see was unbroken blue sky.

      Although Zermatt is built around the tourism industry, there is no denying the fact that it is in a beautiful location and we certainly had grown fond of the place in the short time we had spent here. However, after six weeks of constant travel, we both felt that it was time to head home.

      We checked out of our hotel and walked the short distance to the Zermatt Bahnhoff. We didn't have to wait long for the next train to Tasch. From there we transferred to a waiting bus to take us to Visp. During the hour or so we were on the bus, we descended continuously. Often there were tight switchbacks in the road that required the bus to slow right down.It was only when we reached the large station at Visp that disaster almost struck.

      We had both loaded our main luggage into the boot of the bus and put our back packs in the overhead rack. When we got off the bus Allan forgot his backpack and went straight to retrieve his large case. Fortunately I noticed it in time and he was able to get it before the bus drove away.

      The final stage was a two hour train trip to Geneva. I had briefly driven through this city a couple of years ago and remember that it did not make a favourable impression on me then. As the train approached the main station and we saw mile after mile of ugly graffiti, it did nothing to improve my impression of the city.

      After a short taxi ride to our hotel, we decided to explore the so called "old city" and the lakeside. It seems that the main claim to fame of the city is the huge water spout that projects water 140 metres vertically in the air. Although it was somewhat impressive, I dodn't think that I would come here just to see it.

      Since we were both hungry, we both looked for a place where we could get something for lunch without having to sell our houses first. Once again it was painfully obvious that money is king in Geneva. If you want anything, you have to be prepared to pay an exorbitant amount of money for it.

      We finally settled for a pizza place on the basis that, since it didn't have table cloths, it would probably be cheaper. It wasn't. My average pizza cost about $32 AUD. When the waiter asked what we would like to drink, we both replied "Tap water", knowing that restaurants are required to provide it free of charge. He wasn't impressed and clearly made his disgust obvious.

      Some time later our lunches arrived and he made a half hearted apology that he had "forgotten" our water. I knew he was lying and told Allan that we will never get that drink. And we didn't. He just completely ignored us. I am normally an honest person, but I have to admit that I was very, very tempted to "forget" to pay our bill. It was a very disappointing introduction to the city.

      We then went is search of coffee. When we saw a Starbucks, we thought our problem was solved. That was until we discovered that a Starbucks Cappucino was going to cost over $10. We finally found a McCafe where the same coffee only cost about $7.

      The so called old town was rather underwhelming, although the central Saint Peter's Cathedral was refreshing in its lack of internal adornment. The cathedral is not catholic, but Calvinist and this made for a stark contrast to the elaborate cathedrals we had seen all the way along the Camino walk. It is also worth noting that 2017 marked the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.The rest of the buildings in this area just looked dirty and drab, rather than interesting. Perhaps too many years of constant tobacco smoking by the entire population has deposited a thick layer of black tar on every fixed object. Or perhaps I am just getting too cynical.

      In our final evening in Switzerland we walked down to the lakeside to watch the water spout under floodlights. A mass of high intensity LED spotlights illuminated the spout so that it could be soon from a long distance away. We managed to walk almost to the base of the spout and somehow miraculously managed to stay dry.

      Tomorrow we pack our bags for the final time, before catching the FREE bus to the airport. It really must be the only thing in Geneva that doesn't cost a fortune. When I arrived back at the hotel and checked the weather in Zermatt, Apparently it is now pouring with rain there, and snow is expected for every day for at least the next week. How about that ?
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    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Genève, Geneve, Genf, Geneva, جنيف, Горад Жэнева, Женева, Ženeva, Ginebra, Γενέβη, Ĝenevo, Xenebra, זנבה, जिनेवा, Ժնև, GVA, Jenewa, Ginevra, ジュネーヴ, ჟენევა, 제네바, Genava, Ženēva, Genewa, 1200, Genebra, Genevra, Cenevre, Jenwe, جنیوا, 日内瓦


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