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    • Gün 2

      Raclette, OldTown Niederdörfli Zurich ZH

      7 Şubat 2020, İsviçre ⋅ ☀️ 5 °C

      Zurich "Niederdörfli"

      The celebrated Old Town district of the Niederdorf is affectionately known by locals as the Dörfli – the “little village”.

      With its winding, car-free alleys, its emblematic Grossmünster church and its many small boutiques, antiquarian bookshops and craft studios, it is a delight to explore both by day and in the evening. The Niederdorf also perfectly embodies the city’s unique charm. The Schober-Péclard boutique and confectionery, for example, is a listed building that stylishly combines the elements that make a trip to Zurich so special: history, architecture and shoppingOkumaya devam et

    • Gün 57


      12 Ağustos 2023, İsviçre ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland and it is situated in the north-central part of the country. The city is a major centre for banking and finance and is also known for its beautiful architecture, museums, and art galleries. Zurich is located on the shores of Lake Zurich and is surrounded by the Swiss Alps, providing stunning views of the mountains.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 12

      Zurich & Lucerne (Day 1), Switzerland

      17 Ağustos 2023, İsviçre ⋅ ☁️ 81 °F

      What we did:
      - Another early wake up to catch our 6am flight. Had some time to walk around the city of Zurich - walked along the glacier blue river and Lake Zurich overlook before breaking in Switzerland right with traditional Fondue for lunch!
      - After lunch traveled onto the beautiful town of Lucerne. Took an hour or so break to regroup once we got there. Planned on doing a boat tour, but clouds/slight rain and unexpected cost led us to instead just explore the area on foot, and we were very happy we did!
      - We felt like true Euro locals as we had our 1st picnic of the trip down by the lake! Throngs of locals all hanging out and not a single one staring at their phone… need to import that back to the US somehow.
      - Capped the night in the land of chocolate by enjoying a box of assorted Swiss chocolates while reading on a park bench down by the lake that had an unreal view of the sunset on the mountains. Probably safe to say Steph’s trip peaked in that moment, and folks, we might be all downhill from here.

      Where we ate:
      - Lunch at the highly recommend Swiss Chuchi! Lots of hype coming into this and it lived up - true Swiss fondue with bread, steak, pickles/onions and potatoes. Some cold Chasselas wine that locals say helps your stomach with the cheese. 10/10
      - After gorging for the last few days we hit the local grocery store for salads to picnic at the lake.
      - Couldn’t be tooo healthy so grabbed a box of assorted chocolate from Bachmann’s (this place is Steph’s Mecca).

      Fun facts:
      - Fondue is typically only available in the winter so not many places serve it summertime. Fondue originated in Zurich!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 2

      Zurich Airport

      27 Haziran 2017, İsviçre ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Finally landed at Zurich after about 13 hours. Felt like an eternity. Did get some sleep which helped pass the time. Looking forward to coming back to Switzerland. Very clean, very green and lush and very systematic and we'll organised. Best souvenere shop ever. Swiss army knives/ tools, Swiss chocolate cook clocks. Nice airport.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 2


      24 Temmuz 2017, İsviçre ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Fin tur ind til Zürich. Gåtur gennem Bahnhofstrasse med alle de dyre butikker. Sejltur på Lake Zürich. Alte stadt med frokost på b.good efter anbefaling fra Sabine. Lang gåtur rundt og kigge på den del af byen.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Zurich Aldstat

      7 Eylül 2018, İsviçre ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Today’s been a good day, if a little slower paced than yesterday. I was awake at 5:30am and by the time I’d had breakfast and gotten ready I had some time to kill before heading out. I may have had a nap.
      I started at the Landsmuseum. I got a great overview of the history of Switzerland and can now understand why there are 4 official languages of Switzerland (basically numerous cantons came together to form a federal state.
      I also learnt that Switzerland may have been politically neutral in the past but that didn’t mean Swiss men didn’t fight. They just did it as mercenaries.
      I downloaded an app which gave me an audio tour of the museum and was well worth it. I also got to see a Swiss bank vault. It wasn’t all that exciting, just a bank of fancy lockers but interesting for what it represented. I also found out they have 200, 500 and 1000 Swiss franc notes. That’s nearly $1500 in one note!

      They had a special exhibition “what Swiss eat” and had a lot of memorabilia from the past. They had a small goods store set up and it was all knitted. From a distance it looks like the real thing.
      On exiting that exhibit they had someone handing out samples of insects. He had crickets, locusts and mealworms. There were a couple of guys there already and I watched them eat it before I tried. The cricket was okay, the locust not so good (even after removing the wing and legs) and the mealworm tolerable. If they were in a dish with other ingredients I think they’d be fine. They’d give the dish some crunch similar to nuts. They’ve only been legal in Switzerland for a year or so and still have a way to go before becoming a cheap protein source. The server indicated a bag of 50-100g would be 20-40 CHF.

      It was time for lunch, there was a cafe in the museum but as these can often be plain and expensive I thought I’d eat at the cafe just outside the museum. There were too many smokers sitting outside so I went inside. It was only when I sat down I realised it was the museum cafe. I picked out what I thought was a roll with cheese and some type of cured meat (no English translation here) but it turn out to be cheese with purple cabbage.

      Behind the museum is a lovely little park. I went and sat there for a while. It was nice and peaceful. I sat there a little too long as I got to the dock for the river boat just as it was leaving. So I sat for a bit longer.

      The next stop was the Grossmünster (Great Minster). It’s a grand church and again the audio tour was very informative. I wanted to go there as it played a major part of the reformation movement in Zurich and it was alluded to at the museum. I did feel slightly disloyal though as they talked about the great rivalry it’s the Fraumünster (Women’s Minster) and I didn’t have time for both.

      I was going to catch the boat back to the museum as it’s not far from the hotel but my ticket was on my phone and by phone was down to 1% battery power. I was hopeful it would hold as the decrease in battery power isn’t a steady decline. It was a moot point as I also just missed that boat. So walking it was. My phone was still on when I got back to the hotel.

      After a brief rest (and recharging of phone) I again set off for the museum to catch the boat. This time I got it right and arrived a couple of minutes before the boat. We then went down the river towards the lake. They say the boats are built especially to fit under the bridges and it looked like less than 30cm clearance. I had expected we’d stop just inside the lake but we kept going to Zurichhörn. I could definitely feel the difference from being on the river compared to the lake. It was choppier.
      The driver/pilot/captain/not sure what he is called and his conductor/offsider were having a great time, waving to all the other staff on boats we passed. They certainly seemed to be enjoying their jobs.

      I got off the boat and went in search of dinner. I found a place on the list of Swiss restaurants I got from the hotel staff last night. It wasn’t one of the ones personally recommended though (last night’s was). I had a half serving of raclette. I don’t think I would have coped with a full serve after last night’s cheese but I’m glad I got to try it. It was very nice. The same can’t be said for the main meal. I’m not sure whether it wasn’t well made or just not to my taste. It was mushroom sauce with some veal in it and rosti. Supposedly a Zurich speciality. I was kind of regretting not just getting some of the Indian two doors up from the hotel. The smells tempt me every time I leave the hotel.

      Tomorrow I head to St Moritz.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Das Großmünster in Zürich

      31 Aralık 2018, İsviçre ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Unser erstes Großes Ziel des Tages war das wunderschöne Großmünster. Nachdem wir das Münster von außen angesehen haben & dem Glockenläuten gelauscht haben, sind wir ins Innere. Vom Vorhof des Münsters kann man einen wunderschönen Blick auf das die gegenüberliegende Uferpromenade werfen. Der Eintritt in die Kirche war zum Glück kostenlos, leider war das Fotografieren im Inneren leider verboten. Heimlich habe ich es geschafft ein Foto zu machen! Das Grossmünster gehört zusammen mit dem Fraumünster und der St.-Peter-Kirche zu den bekanntesten Kirchen der Stadt Zürich. Seine charakteristischen Doppeltürme sind das eigentliche Wahrzeichen der Stadt. Erste schriftliche Belege für die Gründungslegende des Grossmünsters finden sich aus dem 8. Jahrhundert. Der Name ‘‘Grossmünster‘‘ stammt erst aus dem 14. Jahrhundert. Ursprünglich wurde die Kirche in den Urkunden schlicht mit ‘‘Zürcher Kirche‘‘ bezeichnet. 1272 taucht die Bezeichnung Münster erstmals auf. Grossmünster erscheint erstmals 1322, wohl zur Unterscheidung vom kleineren Fraumünster. Nachdem wir das Münster ein bisschen angesehen haben, haben wir den Aufstieg auf den Turm gestartet. Hierfür zahlt man 5 CHF Eintritt, die Aussicht ist aber jeden Schritt wert.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Aufstieg auf den Karlsturm

      31 Aralık 2018, İsviçre ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      Von den zwei Türmen der Kirche kann man jederzeit den einen besteigen, den zweiten Turm (Glockenturm) nur nach Anmeldung. Besteigen kann man den Karlsturm. Der Karlsturm ist der Südturm des Grossmünsters. Seit dem Hochmittelalter ist eine Statue von Kaiser Karl dem Grossen am Turm angebracht und erinnert an die Gründungslegende der Kirche. Vom Kirchenschiff aus führen 187 Schritte hinauf zur Aussichtsplattform, von wo aus man einen schönen Ausblick auf die Stadt und den See mit den nahen Glarner Alpen hat. Der Anstieg war trotz der geringen Anzahl an Stufen relativ anstrengend, da die Stufen relativ hoch & der Turm relativ schmal ist. Der Aufstieg und der Eintritt haben sich aber definitiv gelohnt!Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Die Aussicht vom Karlsturm

      31 Aralık 2018, İsviçre ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Auch wenn es heute wieder bewölkt war, war die Aussicht unglaublich toll! Die Sicht war frei und man konnte deswegen recht weit sehen. Die ganze Stadt konnten wir überblicken und somit auch alle Sehenswürdigkeiten wie z.B. das Fraumünster, den Limmat und den Zürichsee. Auf dem Turm war es etwas windig, trotzdem konnte man es gut aushalten.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Pingu vor der Züricher Innenstadt

      31 Aralık 2018, İsviçre ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Auch heute hatten wir wieder unseren kleinen Begleiter mit dabei. Vor der wunderschönen Kulisse der Züricher Innenstadt haben wir ihn fotografiert. Gut zu sehen, die St. Stephan Kirche, das Fraumünster und der Limmat. Nachdem unsere Fotosession abgeschlossen war, haben wir den Abstieg angepackt. Nach knapp 190 Stufen nach unten sind wir weiter zum nächsten Ziel.Okumaya devam et

    Burayı şu adlarla da biliyor olabilirsiniz:

    Grossmünster, Grossmuenster, Granda Monaĥejo, گروس‌مونستر, 그로스뮌스터, گراس منستر, Гроссмюнстер, 苏黎世大教堂

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