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    • Day 20

      Top of Europe

      September 23, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

      We took a train to the top of Jungfrau clocking in at 4158m (13642ft!). It was really cold!

    • Day 12

      Still cold 🥶

      June 21, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Freezing but absolutely 100% worth it

      Also, this lady dipping pretzels in noodle water? Anyone else?

    • Day 5

      Eiger, Mönch und Jungfrau

      September 22, 2020 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      Fast jeder hat wohl schon von diesem Dreigestirn gehört, wir wollen es heute mal live erleben. Das Wetter könnte schlechter sein und so haben wir sogar Hoffnung auf eine einigermaßen annehmbare Sicht auf den 4.158 m hohen Jungfraugipfel 🏔 und ihre „großen Kumpels“ 😉.
      Mit dem Auto fahren wir bis Lauterbrunnen. Von hier geht es zunächst mit der Wengernalpbahn immer schön bergauf. Das Tal bleibt tief unter uns und die herrliche Landschaft wird immer karger. An der Station Kleine Scheidegg müssen wir umsteigen. Ab hier fährt nun die eigentliche Jungfraubahn. Und weil das so spannend ist, hier einige Details: Baubeginn der Zahnradbahn war nach etlichen gescheiterten Ideen, Projekten, Investitionen und anderen Hindernissen vor ca. 125 Jahren. Die gesamte Strecke bis zum Jungfraujoch (geplant war das Ende der Bahn ursprünglich in der Nähe des Gipfels) beträgt 9,34 Kilometer. Die Bahn überwindet auf der Fahrt fast 1.400 Höhenmeter und endet auf 3.454 m mit der Tunnelstation Jungfraujoch. Damit ist das Jungfraujoch die höchste Eisenbahnstation Europas! Die Bahn beginnt im Berner Oberland und nur das allerletzte Stück befindet sich im Kanton Wallis. Mehr als sieben Kilometer der Strecke liegen im Tunnel, nur der erste Bahnhof - Eigergletscher - befindet sich auf offenem Gelände. Danach fahren wir direkt durch Eiger und Mönch! An der Station Eigerwald konnte man noch bis vor vier Jahren aussteigen und hatte einen Ausblick über den Abgrund mitten aus der Eiger-Nordwand in Richtung Grindelwald. Leider wird diese Station zugunsten des schnelleren Touristentransportes nicht mehr bedient. Unser 5-Minutenhalt ist an der Station Eismeer, wo wir durch eine große Scheibe einen wunderbaren Blick über die Gletscherwelt haben. Das ist total beeindruckend!!! Die letzen 3,6 Kilometer sind schnell überwunden und schon stehen wir im Tunnel des riesigen Berges. Gespannt, sind wir bereit für die erste Aussicht von ganz oben!
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    • Day 23

      Top of Europe

      June 23, 2016 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Today's optional extra was to head up to the "Top of Europe" - Jangfrau Mountain. We had breakfast at 8.15am, then headed to the reception area to meet Tamara and walk to the station at around 9am. I headed over a little early so I could grab some supplies at the shop. I bought the token Switzerland beanie, and some snacks as we'd been told food would be expensive up on the mountain.
      Tamara gave us our tickets and we made the 10 minute walk through the town to the train station. We jumped on the Jangfrau Railways train and began our journey. This is Europe's highest altitude railway, and was constructed from 1896 and opened in August 1912. It cost 16 million francs to build, about $21.5mil AUD, apparently twice as much as originally estimated.
      It takes around 2 hours to make it to the top, so they include a couple of toilet stops and viewing platforms along the way.
      Once we reached the top, we had a completely free day, so I wandered off with the group in search of the snowboarding/skiing area. We were all amazed by the views and all of the snow, after being so warm everywhere else. It really was something else. Most people paid for ski and snowboard hire, while I opted to save my money and observe, becoming the unofficial photographer and videographer. I was in tears of laughter and my cheeks were hurting watching everyone struggle and fall (they were all laughing too!) Nat, in particular, had some truly epic tumbles, flying down the mountain on her snowboard at high speed and using the fence to stop... Had the fence not been there, we may have lost her to Jangfrau!!
      We spent about an hour and a half there, before a few of us decided to head in search of the Lindt cafe. Turns out that was a failed mission, as there in only a Lindt shop, not a cafe, so we instead headed to a small cafeteria instead. Ashleigh and I shared a bowl of chips with mayo and tomato sauce. Expensive - just like we were told it would be - but delish and fresh, so it was ok.
      We split up after that, and I spent the afternoon with Ashleigh and Jessame. They wanted to have a look at a couple of the souvenir shops, one of which was upstairs. I was feeling just a little odd from the high altitude - walking up the stairs was more taxing than normal, so I stood and rested by the shop entrance while they browsed.
      Once they were done we headed back downstairs to do the Jangfrau tour. This was a self-guided tour, and took about an hour. First stop was the Sphinx view point. Just wow. If we thought the views were good earlier... We took plenty of selfies and just stood and admired the views. It was all so incredible!!
      Next was Alpine Sensation, a sort of museum area, which was opened on the centenary of Jangfrau Railway, with lots of photos of the construction, a memorial to the workers who died during the process, and even a giant snow dome!
      From there we entered the Ice Palace, a series of rooms full of ice sculptures. This was really cool, and you could even find the acorn obsessed Scrat from Ice Age, stuck in the ice. Last stop was the plateau, another viewing area out in the snow. We took our last lot of selfies before we headed back towards the station to make our way back down the mountain.
      I was completely exhausted so napped most of the way back down, thankfully there was a few of us on the train to remind me to wake up and get off!
      We walked back to our hostel, and had about half an hour before another included dinner. At dinner it became apparent that we'd all failed to heed Tamara's warnings about needing sunscreen dispite the cold - everyone was looking a tad red. This did work out well, as we were having a Swiss Disco in the bomb shelter bar at the hostel with a couple of the other contiki groups, and theme was Red and White!
      A big group of us decided it was too early to head into the bar, so we sat outside to enjoy the sunset with a couple of drinks. I had some Jack Daniels to finish that I'd bought all the way back in Amsterdam, so it was perfect! I think it was starting to hit us that the tour was nearly over, so there was a lot of love and laughter in the group.
      We took some group photos, and once the sun had set, we headed to the bomb shelter bar to party up a storm, and show the other contiki groups how it's done. That we did, Tamara even got them to put on our day song, Follow the Sun. We stayed down there until they kicked us out, I'd say it was around 1 or 2am, then I had a bit of a drunken chat with Jacinda and Terryanne (they were sober and had been asleep!) and then headed back to my room to sleep!
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    • Day 5

      Jungfraujoch Sphinx

      September 22, 2020 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Auf dem gleichen Weg kommen wir zurück zum Jungfraujoch, durchqueren den Tunnel und fahren mit dem Fahrstuhl in Windeseile 108 Meter nach oben auf den Sphinxfelsen. Hier oben in 3.571 m Höhe steht eine hochalpine Forschungsstation. Die Labors sind natürlich nicht öffentlich zugänglich, jedoch ist die dazugehörige Aussichtsplattform - mehr als 100 m über dem Jungfraujoch - für alle da. Außer uns ist kaum einer da, allerdings hat sich auch die Sicht aufs fantastische Alpenpanorama verzogen 😢. Wir gucken trotzdem in die graue Gegend und halten tapfer die Stellung. Nachdem wir von jeder Seite so ziemlich NIX gesehen haben, treten wir den Rückzug via Fahrstuhl an.Read more

    • Day 3

      Jungfraujoch (3454m n.v.)

      September 23, 2021 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Osupla in brez besed ostanema ob pogledu na gore,ledenike,sneg itd. UAU UAU UAU. Sloh ne vema kaj bi in kam bi.......
      Najprej odidev do razglednega stolpa Sphinx Terrace, ki se vzpenja na 3571m nad morjem. Bolano! Vreme je brez oblačka in brez sapice vetra. Noro! Res NORO.
      Po 30 minutah euforije in navdušenja, ugotovim, da sem brez nahrbtnika, v katerem imam vse dokumente, denar in FFP2 masko. Kap me je skoraj zadela. To se meni ne zgodi, a tokrat se mi je saj me je narava totalno prevzela.
      Odideva do INFO točke, kjer pripeljejo vlaki, kjer me čaka nahrbtnik z vsemi stvarmi. Hvala BOGU.
      Sedaj pa lahko nadaljujema. V lokalu si kupima kavo in Nugat rolico. Nekaj za posladkat. Počijema cca 10 minut, ter odrinema ven na sneg. Pokličema družino in jih pozdravima preko video klica.
      Naužijema se zagleda na ledenik, Jungfraujoch in razgledno teraso.
      Prežene naju potreba na wc. Ja nič, grema nazaj.

      Po opravljeni obveznosti, si ogledama Alpine sensation, kjer predstavijo celotno zgodovino. Slikovno in zvočno zelo dobro opremljeno. Pot naju vodi dalje do ledene palače, kjer se na 1000m2 razteza isključno in le samo led. Skulpture, napisi, rovi in še in še. Sva morala kar malo paziti na noge, da nisva končala na tleh.

      Ker se približuje ura najinega odhoda, sva odšla še na razgledno točko Glacier Plateau, kjer se nekateri turisti prvič soočijo z snegom in ledom. Naredima par fotografij in že se napotima do restavracije. Lačna sva.
      Za hrano nimam kaj posebnega zapisati, razen to, da sem plačal za dva menija 85€. Pa še to, verjetno bi dobil boljšo hrano v Intersparovi restavraciji v Sloveniji. Pa dobro, saj lačna ne bova.

      Na napoti do perona, naju pot zanese do trgovinice, kjer kupima novi magnetek za najino TRAVEL MEMORY TABLE.

      Malo sva utrujena.... počakava cca 20 minut na vlak, ki pelje v dolino ob 14:17.

      Vmes naju zmanjka, saj sma komaj gledala. Nama je pa koristilo teh par minut počitka, saj sva iz vlaka iztopila kot nova 😅. Prestopima na vlak za Kleine Scheidegg in iz tega na vlak za Grindelwald.
      V dolino se bova spustila po drugi strani, tako da bo malo bol zanimivo. Pot do Lauterbrunnena že poznama.
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    • Day 10

      Ein Gletschertag an Jungfraujoch

      July 21, 2021 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Heute fuhren wir zunächst mit der Zahnradbahn von Lauterbrunnen bis zur Kleinen Scheidegg und dann mit mit der Jungfraubahn quer durch den Eiger in einem Felstunnel zum Jungfraujoch auf 3454 m Höhe. Dort machten wir dann eine Schneewanderung über den Gletscher zur Mönchshütte auf 3657 m Höhe und wieder zurück. Ein beeindruckendes Erlebnis, was ich mein Leben lang nicht vergessen werde.

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    • Day 5

      Alpine Sensation

      September 22, 2020 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Die Rundtour führt uns nun durch die Alpine Sensation, kann man als „Die Schweiz im Disney Stil“ beschreiben. Ganz nett gemacht und sicher gut zur Beschäftigung der vielen Touris, die normalerweise diese schöne Bergwelt bevölkern.Read more

    • Day 6

      The Jungfraujoch, top of Europe

      July 31, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 43 °F

      Thanks be to God for a beautiful day to travel by bus, gondola, and train through the mighty Eiger to the Jungfraujoch, the top of Europe!

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Jungfraujoch, 3801

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