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    • Day 7


      July 14 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 41 °F

      We were out the door by 9 today to catch a series of trains back to Interlocken, and then up to Kleine Scheidegg. From there we took the ride through the tunnels up via the Jungfraubahn. It was a steep climb, and we were glad to have packed some warm clothes. When we reached the top, we were at an elevation of over 4100m. The place was packed with people, so after quickly cramming into the elevator to view the summit, we made our way through the tunnels to get outside ASAP.

      We trudged our way down a snowy trail for a bit, but Caty started to suffer the effects of altitude sickness, so we made our way back to the station and got back on the train down the mountain.

      We hiked a bit more down/back-up a trail to kill some time, seeing an old refuge cabin along the way. Once back up, we took the gondola back to the Grindelwald terminal. We had an excursion planned, but Caty was too tired for it so we walked back to the hotel.

      Since we had unanticipated free time, Laura and I enjoyed an adult beverage or two and then floated in the resorts pool while Caty hung out in the hotel room.

      The rest of the evening was low key, and we had fondue and swiss cuisine for dinner at a restaurant in town.
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    • Day 27

      Up to Jungfrau and The Ice Palace

      August 2, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Our second train trip was 40 minutes and took us up another 7,000 feet to Jungfrau Station. On the way the train stopped at Eismeer station (10,000 ft) where you need to get out and acclimatise to the altitude before heading to Jungfrau which is 11,300 feet above sea level. At Eismeer there is a sample of what you will see at the top (well sort of).

      Once you reach Jungfrau Station you walk through an ice cave before taking the elevator out to the viewing platform, which is story of the next footprint.
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    • Day 6


      April 4, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ -11 °C

      Am nächsten Tag ist es sehr sonnig und so nutze ich die Gelegenheit und fahre über Lauterbrunnen zum höchsten Bahnhof Europas auf über 3400m. Trotz Interrailticket kostet die Rundreise von Interlaken aus stolze 160 CHF. Das erste Stück über Lauterbrunnen ist sehr schön. Dann kommen wir in die Wolken und das letzte Stück der Strecke sowie der Endbahnhof liegen im Berg.
      Oben gibt es mehrere Restaurants und Souvenirläden.
      Mit einem Aufzug kann man zur Sphinx genannten Aussichtsplattform auf über 3500m fahren. Der höchste Punkt an dem ich bisher war! Es ist ziemlich kalt, aber die Aussicht ist grandios. U.a. sieht man den Aletschgletscher, Mönch und Jungfrau.
      Vom Bahnhof führen Tunnel als Rundweg zu allen Attraktionen. Es gibt ein Eispalast in dem Figuren, Boden, Wand und Decke aus Eis sind. Außerdem ein paar historische Informationen zum Bau der Strecke vor über 100 Jahren und ein weiterer Aussichtspunkt außerhalb der Station.
      Mit der Zeit wird es immer voller, geschätzt sind 3/4 der Gäste Asiaten.
      Ich bleibe insgesamt vier Stunden oben, zum Glück kann man sich die meiste Zeit drinnen aufhalten. Beim Treppensteigen merke ich auch einmal die Höhe.
      Auf dem Rückweg gibts noch ein Stück Schoki für jeden. Nach dem ersten Teilstück wähle ich einen anderen Rückweg. Eine recht neue Seilbahn fährt runter nach Grindelwald, vorbei an der Eiger Nordwand. Die modernen Gondeln haben sogar WiFi für die 15 minütige Fahrt.
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    • Day 28

      Schilthorn (part 1)

      October 23, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 32 °F

      This is a top contender for prettiest place I've seen, bar none. These views were ridiculous, and include Jungfrau. Schilthorn is one of the Alps' most famous peaks for good reason, it seems. (It was also the filming site of one of the James Bond films.) I had to split it up into two picture sets.Read more

    • Day 28

      Murren to Gimmelwald hike

      October 23, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

      Murren and Gimmelwald are both adorable alpine villages. Murren is for sure the more touristy one, while Gimmelwald is more authentic (and I got me some real alpine cheese there, sold by the local farmers). The views on the hike itself between the villages didn't hurt either lol. The cute little wooden hut is where my cheese was pressed and aged.Read more

    • Day 43

      Die Trümmelbachfälle

      April 12, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Die beeindruckendsten Wasserfälle im Lauterbrunnental sind die Trümmelbachfälle, die man in einer Grotte besichtigen kann. Ein absolut atemberaubendes und belebendes Erlebnis. Andrea und ich sind begeistert.Read more

    • Day 4

      Fondue Suisse 🫕

      August 31, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Soirée fondue au fromage Suisse au restaurant de Lauterbrunnen, accompagnée d'une bière locale

      C'était incroyablement bon !

      Le restaurant se trouve face aux cascades : photo de jour + de nuit 🤩

    • Day 76


      October 6, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Our travelling day in Switzerland was one of our best travelling days yet. All the trains were amazing and really fancy, and the views from the train window felt like we were on a mountain tour train but we were just on a transport train. We did accidentally sit in first class compartment for about ten minutes until they checked our tickets. We got to Lauterbrunnen and it was amazing. On the bus ride to our accomodation Mum met an old friend called Sally from uni. Our Airbnb was awesome too, the view was super cool and it was one of the biggest Airbnbs yet.

      On our second day we wanted to wake up early to go for a few walks but that didn’t really work out, so instead we woke up at 9 and left around 10:30 to go up a few mountains by train and gondola. Some of the gondolas sat like 30 people and we had them to ourselves. We also looked around a lot of the towns on the hill. We even passed a park which had its own bowling ally which Dad said is very Swiss.

      On our third day we took a cruise on a lake which was very long. We then caught a lift thing that was super steep and took us up to another smaller mountain.

      On our 4th and last day we went up to Grindelwald for a walk to a lake and a cliff walk. We got a gondola to ourselves again too. The mountains were amazing. On the tops of them were snow and old glaciers and all the trees were turning orange because it’s Autumn in October which feels weird. To sum up, the mountains were one of my favourite parts of this whole trip and I will definitely miss them as we go on back to France.
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    • Day 7

      Four Finns and a Screaming Child

      September 20, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      This morning we awoke to a clear blue sky and full sun for what was to be our last full day in Interlaken. Tomorrow we are heading to Montreux for a couple of days before reluctantly saying goodbye to Switzerland and returning home. Sitting at the edge of the lake in the morning sun and waiting for the boat to arrive was a brief respite before a busy day of travelling. Our final destination was Murren, a high alpine village and getting there involved the boat, followed by a bus, a train, a cable car and finally another train.

      The first staging post of the journey was the village of Lauterbrunnen, set in the valley floor beneath rocky cliffs and surrounded by mountain peaks. One of the first sights to greet you on leaving the train is the roaring, 300m-­high Staubbach Falls, the highest freefalling waterfall in Switzerland. After a short walk and countless photographs, we sat at the foot of the falls to eat our packed lunch. I emptied out my water bottle, filled in the hotel toilet, and refilled it from a font that I like to believe was dispensing pure mountain water. After lunch I made the climb alone up into the cliff face and behind the waterfall, Jackie's knee and her nerve not trusted to make it up and back unscathed.

      Murren is a cosy mountain village, which at 1650 meters is the highest continually inhabited settlement in the region. Nestling between the towering peaks of the Schilthorn and the Jungfrau, just across the Lauterbrunnen valley, this car-free village is only accessible by cable car or mountain train (or on foot). High above the village, at the top of the Schilthorn is Piz Gloria, the revolving restaurant featured in the 1969 James Bond movie "On Her Majesty's Secret Service ".

      We squeezed into an already full cable car, the last 2 of about 80 passengers and the doors closed. It was about then that the little girl beside us started screaming and grabbing at the door handles. The screaming continued for the full 4 minute ascent and also after we disembarked. Knowing Jackie's love of cable cars, I am sure the child was vocalising what she was feeling inside. The train waiting for our arrival was a small narrow gauge single coach with doors at either end so we hastily headed the opposite end from the still screaming child.

      We secured 2 seats and the train rapidly filled until it was standing room only. At least the densely packed bodies helped deaden the sound of the clearly inconsolable child at the opposite end of the carriage. Standing beside us were 4, middle aged and slightly tipsy Finnish guys. We had as lovely and meaningful a conversation as one can ever have with 4 slightly tipsy Finnish guys on a train at the top of a mountain, so much so that they invited us to join them at the pub. Or to be completely honest, they suggested I go sightseeing and Jackie join them at the pub.

      I can't overstate the sense of awe and wonder we felt wandering around this picture perfect Swiss village surrounded by massive mountain peaks. The Eiger, the Mönch and the Jungfrau look particularly impressive from Murren and we could have sat and gazed at them all afternoon. In fact that is exactly what we did, accompanied by a glass of wine on a wooden deck overhanging the valley below.
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    • Day 18

      Jungfrau (Top of Europe)

      December 25, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 32 °F

      This day trip was a long one. A lot longer than I anticipated and involved more trains than I thought. But when your getting up to over 11,000 feet it takes effort. The Swiss have got it figurered it though and you can buy a single ticket, albeit an expensive ticket at CF154.00, which gets you from Interlaken and back. Here is a breakdown.

      Bus Interlaken Sonne to Wilderswil
      Train to Lauterbrunnen
      Train to Klein Shonnen -cog wheeled
      Stop at Eigergletscher at 2,320m
      Stop at Eisner at 3,160m (10,360 feet)
      Made it to stop at Jungfrau
      Return trip
      Klein Shonnen
      Interlaken Sonne
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