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    • Lucerne - day 13

      April 24, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      So today I woke up feeling a bit worse, had coughed a fair bit overnight and then woke up at 9am. Rowena then took us on a wee drive around Stienen and we visited the swiss army knife factory - Victorinox – where we might have bought a few things. We both got a ceramic knife which is supposed to stay sharp for ages, and reduce the crying issue when chopping onions, and also several little knives which have lots of little gadgets. Rowena also took me to a pharmacy that had lots of natural remedies, hope they work.

      Then we had a stop at a café near Lake Lucerne, and decided not to take the boat as it was pretty rough. It was just under an hour on the train with 1 train change which was pretty easy and got there around 1pm. We spent the afternoon in Lucerne browsing the shops, taking silly pictures, and walked up the hill to a castle which had lovely views. Things really are pretty expensive here which was great as we weren’t tempted to spend any money. We caught the train back around 6pm, and Rowena cooked us a lovely meal of meatballs, pasta and salad.

      Oh, yes we might have found a chocolate shop as well. We both picked up a visitors guide, and 1 page had an advert for this shop, and by presenting the page we got 4 lindt chocolate truffles. Of course we had to visit that shop.

      So tomorrow I am hoping that the remedies work as we are on the road again tomorrow. Heading for Innsbruck, and stopping off in Litchenstein on the way.

      And forgot a funny story from yesterday. Rowena’s husband does a lot of skiing and pointed out the hill that he skis on that you can see from their house. He drives to the train to get there, and I asked when he put his ski boots on, and he said when he got out of the car. I said that he must be comfortable in them, and he said well I can’t drive in them! I think he would if he could tho.
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    • Day 14

      Le Lac des Quatre Cantons

      July 16, 2020 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Depuis Lucerne, la pluie s'est invitée au programme. Elle rend inutile la montée au mont Rigi afin d'apprécier le panorama sur le lac. Malgré tout nous prenons un ferry pour le traverser et allons rendre visite à Guillaume Tell, son fils et son arbalète. Ce serait une légende, mais néanmoins elle a donné les fondations de ce qu'est la Suisse aujourd'hui.
      Nous terminons la journée à l'usine Victorinox où se fabrique les fameux couteaux suisses.
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    • Day 45

      Brunnen Train Station

      July 24, 2016 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      What a great few days it went so quickly but we are now heading back to Zurich.

      Yes, we have been upgraded apparently as we are now classified as a regular customer now not sure how that works but who cares this room is so much bigger we even have a small kitchen and a washing machine. Looks like washing will be on the agenda tonight.Read more

    • Day 45

      Coffee and Crazy Golf

      July 24, 2016 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      A nice walk around the village after breakfast with a stop so Louie could play in the park while we all had coffee. Louie challenged John and Francis to a game of crazy mini golf. We headed back to the Fisher's for lunch and Francis made a yummy fondue. Unfortunately, we had to leave the Fishers to return to Zurich.

      Thank you Francis and Kate for a most enjoyable weekend and Louie for allowing us to be your Aussie grandparents for a few days
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    • Day 2

      A Hike in the Swiss Mountains

      April 17, 2016 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      Today my wife and I went on a hike in the Swiss mountains. Our main goal for the day was to encounter as much wild life as possible. We learned that if you look close enough and be quit, it will show its wonders to you.
      Tidhar was always the first to notice them. It always amazed me how close they are to us. If we have not been paying close attention to our marvelous nature, we could have easily missed it.
      When we got to the top of the mountain, our breathe stopped because of the astonishing view.
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    • Day 5

      A Walk in the City

      April 20, 2016 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      Switzerland is such an extraordinary place. Just by walking through the streets and breathing the fresh air, you feel a peaceful sensation overcoming you.
      Everything is organized neatly, even their trash! The world truly should learn a thing or two from Switzerland.Read more

    • Day 134

      Switzerland, Schwyz

      August 1, 2014 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Esther Minder
      "Wings of clarity, peace and liberty" My hope: It would be wonderfull if everyone in the world could reach this for himself. And so, all the people of our planet would change to "blue and white". Maybe this painting is the beginning, like a catalyst."

      "Dear Heidi and Peter
      I’m really so happy for the painting from you. I call it „Wings of liberty“.
      Thank you so much for it. Thank you also so much for this beautiful project you started.
      It’s a wonderful thing and I am so happy to be a part of it.
      Thank you so much.
      Love Esther"
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    • Day 6

      Bern, Switzerland

      May 5, 2018 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Another fantastic day in Swizerland! A 90 minute train trip from Schwyz found us in Bern where Imelda's daughter, Jeanine, and her partner Oliver live.

      With Imelda and Rische we toured this beautiful city, historic sites, including their Capitol building, got a fantastic history lesson and, of course, shopped.

      We loved how our hosts insisted on stopping every hour or so for coffee, beer and a small snack. Most memorable stop was for a beer and snack at Albert Einstein's home.

      Last stop was the Rose Garden obetlooking old Bern city. Ed had a chance to discuss relativity with Albert and suggest he square the value of "c" to make his theory work.

      At days end Jeanine and Oliver hosted us in their home for dinner. Oliver made fantastic civiche then grilled chicken and wurst (sausage) on their apartment's deck. Wunderbar!

      A fast walk to the bus stop got us back to the train station barely in time for the last train back to Schwyz and we were back just after midnight. Thank goodness for Swiss obsession with being on time.
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    • Mystischer Mythen im 🌧🌧 Monsun ⛰️🌧

      September 5, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ 10 °C

      🌧🌧🌧 Sᴄʜᴏ̈ɴᴇʀ ᴀʟs ᴊᴇᴛᴢᴛ ᴋᴀɴɴ ᴅᴇʀ Rᴇɢᴇɴ ɴɪᴄʜᴛ ғᴀʟʟᴇɴ! 🌧🌧

      Es gibt kein schlechtes Wetter 🤔 😅 naja... ich denke, diese Aussage revidiere ich!!!! Wandern im Dauerregen macht echt wenig Fun! 🏔🌧🌧 ... Einmal nass bis auf die Knochen bitte 😖 ... ich war echt komplett durch! Zurück am Auto konnte ich beide Schuhe einmal auskippen 😳 🥾🥾💧 das hat nicht nur so' n büschen geregnet, das hat geduscht! 🌧🌧🚿

      Irgendwie mystisch der '𝗠𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗻' im Nebel oder?!?!☺ nie wieder werde ich bei so einem Sauwetter freiwillig einen Gipfel besteigen!
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    • Day 8

      Chillen und dann Klettern in der ️

      April 3, 2021 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      *** English version below ***

      Wir hatten eine gute Nacht am Ibergeregg Pass - beim Aufwachen war allerdings klar: heute wird es erst später losgehen. Wir saßen im dichten Nebel bei um 0 Grad 🥶 .

      Wir lasen beide unsere mitgenommenen Bücher der Bordbibliothek - irgendwann muss das ja auch mal sein 😜

      Gegen Mittag ging es dann wieder hinab ins Tal - hier oben auf fast 1.500 Metern würde es heute nichts mehr werden. In Schwyz kurz einkaufen und dann setzte langsam die Sonne ein.

      Anna hatte ein nettes Klettergebiet direkt vor der Stadt Seewen bei Schwyz gefunden: 5 Minuten ab Parkplatz und über 70 Routen in in tollem Kalkfels - juhu! Wir kletterten beide bis in den späten Abend bei herrlicher Sonne ☀️

      Danach ging es an das Standplatzfinden: wir hatten sofort einen ins Auge gefasst und waren sehr zufrieden: direkt am See (kleiner See nördlich vom Vierwaldstätter See) und nix los! Zwar gibt’s keine Sanitäranlagen direkt am Platt mit Frischwasser - aber ein Blick auf das Pössl-Panel zeigt: obwohl wir 7 Tage unterwegs sind, haben wir noch 50% = 50 l Frischwasser im Tank (siehe Foto mit Bertram drauf).

      Nach dem Abendessen gibt’s heute nochmal einen Film, getarnt war “Nachtzug nach Lissabon” im ZDF dran, mal sehen was es heute gibt!

      *** English version ***

      We had a calm and quiet night at the Ibergeregg pass. But waking up in the morning, we saw that we err surrounded by dense fog with 0° outside temperature 🥶 Therefore, we took it slowly and advanced our reading of the books brought along in the board library 📚

      Around midday we made a choice: the weather would take too long to clear here at 1,500 meters of altitude, thus, descending into the valley made more sense.

      We shopped some groceries at Coop in Schwyz and then explored a little gem of a climbing area: just outside of a neighboring town of Schwyz, we found a spot with 70+ routes, great rock, and facing south-west. With increasing sunshine, we climbed until late into the evening 😍

      We then were lucky to find a great parking spot at the shore of a smaller lake north of Vierwaldstätter Lake, just a 10 minute drive! We had no sanitary facilities with freshwater here, however, we still have 50% = 50 l left in the tank after 7 days on the road, we have been really economical!

      Now, it’s dinner time and probably another movie: yesterday’s was “Night train to Lisbon” - really nice!
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