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    • Hari 162

      Arusha - and yet another safari

      13 Maret, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Some days ago, I finally went from Nairobi in Kenya to Arusha in the north-west of Tanzania. 🙄 The border crossing was very smooth. I just had to queue in multiple lines after another to get stamped out of Kenya 🇰🇪 and stamped in in Tanzania 🇹🇿 So, my passport has now two more documented country entries/exits.
      It took a while ⏳ until all passengers of our bus went through the process so that I (and many other travelers) waited approximately half an hour at the bus stop for the continuation of our journey to Arusha. This was the perfect opportunity for the Masai women to offer their souvenirs to us. 😅„Maria“ was particularly persistent and agreed with me after a long discussion that I will buy something when I cross the border the next time - she will be waiting for me. 😉 She gave me a bracelet for free and I gave her 100 KES (0.60 EUR) in return since I couldn’t do anything with that cash in Tanzania anyways. 🤷 Then the journey continued through the surprisingly green countryside of north-west Tanzania until I arrived at 3 pm in Arusha. Kaili (from the Netherlands) - who stayed in the same Hostel as I - was also on the same bus 🚌 as me for the entire trip from Nairobi. She was researching the impact of tourism on the Masai people in Tanzania for her master’s degree and just returned from visiting some friends in Nairobi. Since she had been in the hostel (Villa Viva) before, she knew the telephone number of the driver of the hostel and arranged a free pickup for us. 👍
      In the hostel, I quickly got to know Pedro (from Denmark). He was leaving the next day to Zanzibar but it might be that I meet him there again. However, the majority of guests in the Villa Viva were from Germany 🇩🇪 The owner (Tizia) is also German and arranges volunteering and work-away trips in Tanzania for Germans. So, naturally this attracts many tourists from our country, I guess. However, a German family from Hamburg - who were there for vacation - was also in the Villa: Matthias & Yvonne as well as their kids Onno, Hannah and Irma. Hannah and Irma were on a 4-day hiking trip of Mt. Meru ⛰️; that’s why I met them only later. But with Matthias, Yvonne and Onno I went to an Ethiopian Restaurant for dinner 🍽️ one night. The food was very delicious and talking to the family was really interesting. I was grateful that they welcomed me so warmly. ☺️
      Initially, I wanted to see Lake Natron which is north of Arusha. After all, its stunning photos I had seen on Google Maps were the reason why I came to that region. But organising a tour to Lake Natron proved way more difficult than I thought. 😩 Tour operators offer trips to that destination but usually only in combination with Safaris in Serengeti or other close-by conservation areas as well as at least one overnight stay in a camp 🏕️ I just wanted to see the landscape as I had been already on enough safaris in Kenya and had seen plenty of animals. Also, safaris in Tanzania seemed to be almost twice as expensive 🫰as in Kenya. So, I would have had to get up at 5 am in the morning, organise my own 4-5 hour long transport to some village north of Arusha and then meet a local guide who takes me from there to Lake Natron - too exhausting and too complicated! 🥴
      Instead, I pivoted to visiting the Ngorogoro Crater (actually also a safari) which many travellers coming from Tanzania had recommended to me and negotiated with a tour operator the price for a one day trip (more or less reasonable 220 EUR). And I believe I could not have made a better choice! 😌 It was still a long day with a start at 5 am and a finish at around 8 pm but at least pickup and drop off were at the Villa Viva. I was picked up at 5.40 pm though - apparently there had been a change of plans so that I had been the last one to be picked up instead of first but I didn’t knew that at the time. I wished I could have slept 30 min. longer … but stuff like that is simply normal in Tanzania because everyone is on “African time”. 🤣
      After pickup we drove for approximately 2 hours to meet the others of our group for breakfast. In my group there were 7 other travellers (mostly from Europe but also a woman from Japan) and Omari - our driver. I befriended Jonas & Marlin (from Denmark) during the day since the three of us sat in the back of the 4x4 vehicle 🚐 and during the drive we had plenty of time for entertaining conversations.
      After breakfast we made our way to the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. This natural reserve 🏞️ hosts - on an area of 8.300 square kilometres - one of the most wonderful combinations of landscapes and wildlife 🦁 that I have seen (so far) in Africa. It is part of the so-called Serengeti-Ngorongoro-Masai Mara ecosystem which’s eastern border is formed by the Great Rift Valley, while in the west it borders with the world-famous Serengeti National Park. Our first stop was a viewpoint at the edge of the crater which gave us a fantastic overview of the whole area. 📸 The crater exhibited a strikingly green and dramatic scenery which ranged from forested mountains to smaller and bigger lakes as well as rivers in vast open plains. Besides that we have seen many other animals as well as all members of the big five - except for the leopard 🐆 The Ngorongoro crater alone usually has 20.000 to 25.000 wild animals which cannot escape from it - no wonder it has been declared a World Heritage Site and a Biosphere Reserve.
      We spent the lunchtime in the middle of the crater at an idyllic picnic site 🥪 near a small lake and continued our game drive in the afternoon until we left the conservation area at about 4 pm. Then we started our long way back to Arusha. There was a bit of confusion about where everybody had to be dropped off. 🤯 Neither did our driver know where our respective accommodations were nor any efficient order of the locations to drive us to. So, we ended up crisscrossing through Arusha town until everyone was were they supposed to be. 😵‍💫 I was one of the last ones to be dropped off but I had no plans for the evening anyways - so “Pole Pole”, I guess? 😂(Pole Pole = Kiswahili for “slowly” or in this context rather “keep calm”)
      On the next day, I deliberately took a day off: resting, swimming in the admirably cold pool of the Villa Viva (definitely the coldest in Africa 😅) and reading an exciting novel about 3 very different characters experiencing the civil war of the 1960s in Nigeria (the book 📕 is called “Half of a yellow sun” and I had exchanged it for another one in the Jabulani Hostel in Nairobi). I didn’t do much else since I was merely waiting for my flight ✈️ to Zanzibar on the next day. With only a couple of days left in my sabbatical, I am moving rapidly to the final destinations now. On Zanzibar I want to relax a bit more and enjoy the sun ☀️ before I have to go back to cold and rainy Germany. So, I will get back to you from Zanzibar again - until then: have a great time! 😌
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    • Hari 11

      Neuer Guss für die Wasserstelle

      5 September 2023 ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Gestern (Montag) gingen Stephan und ich erstmal getrennte Wege. Ich verbrachte den Tag in der Stadt, schlenderte über den Massai Markt, traf mich mit Mone zum Mittagessen inklusive Baby Hunde kuscheln. Ich hab nun nicht nur diverse Mückenstiche sondern auch diverse Flohbisse.
      Mone nimmt die Flohschleuder hoch und ich kassier die Bisse 🤷🏾‍♀️
      Erinnert mich sehr an meinen Besuch vor drei Jahren, nur die Termiten Bisse fehlen zum Glück noch!

      Stephan hat sich während dessen mit Ge. (einem Freund von Mone) getroffen um Material zu kaufen und die Wasserstelle der Ndoto Zetus neu zu machen. Einen Teil eurer Spenden nutzten wir dafür. Herzlichen Dank an alle :) Asante sana!
      So kann Wasser entnommen oder Geschirr abgewaschen werden, ohne dass sich eine Matschpfütze bildet!

      Nachmittags traf ich Stephan bei den Kindern und wir mussten schweren Herzens erstmal "Tutaonana Baadaye" (Bis bald) sagen.
      Stephan und ich sind jetzt 10 Tage hier in Arusha. Zeit für Stephan die Kultur, die Menschen und das Land ein wenig kennenzulernen.
      Und zum Glück ist er so sehr begeistert und vom Tanzania Fieber infiziert. Das ich es wieder sein werde, war wohl jedem vorher klar!

      Heute werden wir nach Zanzibar reisen! Ich bin gespannt was sich dort in 3.5 Jahren verändert hat und wie Stephan die Kultur dort gefallen wird. Auch wenn es ein Land ist, unterscheiden sich Insel und Festland meiner Meinung nach in ihrer Kultur doch sehr voneinander.
      Erst gibt es für Zwei Nächte den Trubel mitten drin in Stown Town und dann geht es weiter nach Jambiani. Ich hoffe dass es dort noch so ruhig und authentisch ist, wie ich es in Erinnerung habe.

      Gestern Abend haben wir dann die neue Feuerstelle eingeweiht, was auch wirklich schön war. Wir mögen es sehr am Feuer zu sitzen.

      Habt euch wohl und drückt uns die Daumen, dass wir bei unserem Flug heute mehr Glück haben als bei unserem letzten :)
      Von Stephans Koffer fehlt nämlich leider bis heute jede Spur 🤷🏽‍♀️
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    • Hari 14

      Great start to the day meeting friends

      13 Juli 2023, Tanzania ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      After a great night's sleep (Evelyn - 14 hrs, Elizabeth - 14 hrs, Anna - 13+ hrs, Christian - 12) Moses and Chris picked up up at 10 and we went to the YL Club Building (the only one in ll of Africa) and met two of the local leaders and their families. Edmund and his wife and two kids live in a small home on the property and Magiri's mom and two of his brothers live a couple of blocks away. From there we went to visit with Nancy who was with her mom and sister visiting her father Martin who was in the hospital after surgery for a broken hip. There two other leaders, Veronica and Godson, came by to visit with the family and pray with them. This YL group really are extended family and support each other. We were able to meet the leaders of 5 of the 7 areas Arusha is divided into as well as the families of 3 of thos leaders. Such a privilege to meet them and visit with them.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 4

      Africa Safari Arusha

      31 Agustus 2022, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Ich und meine Terminplanung 😂 Heute noch einen Tag in Arusha verbracht. Lucas war heute Morgen fürs Briefing da. Pole pole wie man hier in Tansania sagt. Danach hat er mich noch in die Stadt begleitet. Bisschen Kultur und essen.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 3

      Ein Entspannter Tag in der Lodge

      30 Agustus 2022, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Heute habe ich einen entspannten Tag in meiner Lodge gemacht. Nach dem Frühstück bin ich ein bisschen in der Gegend spaziert und dann Zeit mit lesen am Pool verbracht. Zum Abendessen ans Buffet. Einfach aber sehr lecker.Baca selengkapnya

    • Kleines Lebenszeichen

      20 Maret 2020, Tanzania ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      Hey Leute, nachdem es nun sehr still um mich wurde weil ich auf den Kili keinen Empfang hatte hier die Rückmeldung. Ja, ich lebe noch und mir geht es gut! Auf dem wenn zum Gipfel des Kili erreichten mich die neuesten Nachrichten über Coro, so dass ich mich 2 noch am Mittwoch Abend mit dem emergency car auf den Rückweg nach moshi und gestern in unsern saftypoint in arusha macht. Nun sitzen Ela und ich erst mal im trockenen und haben für den Moment Tickets für morgen zurück nach Deutschland. Drückt und die Daumen das alles klappt, dann melde ich mich Sonntag Abend aus frankfurth.

      Bis bald,
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    • Hari 9

      Snake Park

      21 Juli 2017, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      We crossed the border again, back into Tanzania yesterday, spending the day travelling towards the Serengeti and passed some giraffes by the roadside. We spent the night at Snake Park, where they have a huge collection of snakes found around this area of Africa. Our guide was very knowledgeable which we found really interesting. They also have a clinic, treating over 1000 people a month, free of charge. It's the only clinic in the area that treats snake bites. They also treat other injuries including burns. In the afternoon we left the truck and went in 4x4 jeeps to a camp on the edge of the Serengeti area.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 3

      Unterwegs zum Tarangire NP

      6 September 2023, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Heute wird es eng im Auto. Wir transportieren, zusätzlich zu unserem Gepäck, den Wasservorrat für vier Tage.

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