Chiang Mai Provincial Local Museum

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    • Day 6

      Chiang Mai

      September 11, 2023 in Thailand ⋅ 🌧 30 °C

      Wie startet mer de Tag noch enere 10 Stündige Carfahrt am beste? Definitiv mit enere Thai Massage. Währed einere Stund sind mir dureknetet worde und sind so tüüfeentspannt anschliessend mit emene Grüentee im Gärtli ghocket. Das isch bestimmt nöd die letzt Massage bliibe. De hütig Tag hend mir demit verbrocht d Stadt und Tempel vo Chiang Mai z erkundige. Uh viel herzigi Kafis und Hüsli gebet dere Stadt ihre Charme. Bis jetzt hend mir uf üsere Reis doch scho paar Tempel gse und doch gliicht kein Tempel em andere.

      Faszination des Tages: Baugrüst bestönd uf dere Siite vo de Welt ledliglich us Bambus und gsehnd nöd unbedingt so sicher us.🙈
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    • Day 162

      Chiang Mai

      February 4 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Ho passato i quattro giorni passati a Chiang Mai, una bellissima cittadina al nord della Thailandia.
      Per la prima volta da tempo sono stata in un ostello. L’ostello era bellissimo e ho conosciuto tantissima gente, soprattutto Ludvine, una carissima ragazza dalla Francia con cui ho fatto diverse attività.

      La città ha tantissimi bellissimi templi, il mio favorito è stato quello d’argento (Wat Sri Suphan) che però come donna non puoi visitare dall’interno, ma solo dall’esterno.
      Con Ludvine siamo state anche a vedere il tempio Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep al tramonto, che si trova su di una collina. È stata una bellissima esperienza anche grazie al monaci che cantavano e pregavano.

      Inoltre, i giorni che io ero a Chiang Mai, veniva svolto il famoso festival del fiori. C’era un parco con tutti i tipi di fiori appesi come decorazioni, tantissime orchidee che non avevo mai visto. Inoltre il sabato 3.2.2024 hanno fatto una parata, con carri e bande musicali. I carri erano anche quelli tutti decorati di fiori. È stato uno bellissimo spettacolo!

      Chiang Mai mi è entrata nel cuore, anche grazie ai suoi tanti mercati e street food, dove ho mangiato il cibo più buono in thailandia fino ad ora.
      C’è tanto da vedere e da fare, ma la parte bella è anche sedersi in un caffe e godersi l’atmosfera.


      I spent the past four days in Chiang Mai, a beautiful town in the north of Thailand.
      For the first time in a while I stayed in a hostel. The hostel was beautiful and I met a lot of people, especially Ludvine, a very nice girl from France with whom I did various activities.

      The city has many beautiful temples, my favorite was the silver one (Wat Sri Suphan) which however as a woman you cannot visit from the inside, but only from the outside.
      With Ludvine we also went to see the Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep temple at sunset, which is located on a hill. It was a beautiful experience also thanks to the monks who sang and prayed.

      Furthermore, the days that I was in Chiang Mai, the famous flower festival was held. There was a park with all kinds of flowers hanging as decorations, lots of orchids that I had never seen. Furthermore, on Saturday 3.2.2024 they held a parade, with floats and musical bands. The floats were also all decorated with flowers. It was a beautiful show!

      Chiang Mai has entered my heart, also thanks to its many markets and street food, where I ate the best food in Thailand so far.
      There is so much to see and do, but the nice part is also sitting in a café and enjoying the atmosphere.
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    • Day 46

      A day walking around Chiang Mai

      February 12 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Spent the day exploring Chiang Mai. There are a lot of temples here. We saw at least a dozen, and there were more that we hadn't seen. The detail and color are always so vibrant, and it was nice hearing the kids playing at the schools next to every temple. It is definitely less busy here than in Bangkok, which is a nice change. Had some downtime back at the condo after lunch, then decided it was time for a haircut. Doing some google review searches, I decided to try Skill Barber 2. Learning from past experiences with language barriers at foreign barbers, I went armed with some pictures. I am happy to say the haircut was a success. Afterward, we went for some dinner and then explored the night markets. It is hard to fathom how massive these markets are from looking at pictures, but one of them was a 15 -20 minute walk nonstop from one end to the other, and there are multiple rows of tables.Read more

    • Day 15

      Chiang Mai

      February 12 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Hongkong Ziplinen. Het scheen de hoogste en langste van Azië te zijn. Geen idee of dat echt zo is.
      Maar het was wel super vet om te doen!

      En de Sticky Mango rijst geprobeerd. Ik heb het als diner gegeten, maar kwam erachter dat het eigenlijk een dessert is!Read more

    • Day 11–13

      Chiang Mai Altstadt

      November 27, 2023 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Dann ging es weiter in die schöne und aber auch sehr touristische Stadt Chiang Mai, wo wir noch bis zum 1.12. sein werden. Es war seltsam, aus der ruhigeren Natur und dem lokalen Leben, wo wir quasi die einzigen oder eine der wenigen Touristen waren nun in dieser sehr durchmischten Stadt anzukommen. Thailand ist eben ein super easy Reiseland für Jedermann/Jedefrau, auch für Reise-Einsteiger*innen eignet es sich perfekt, weil es sicher und günstig ist, man kommt gut von A nach B und man bekommt überall alles was man braucht.
      Am 27.11. war das berühmte Lichterfest „Loi Krathong“ - deswegen ist die Stadt momentan auch überfüllt an Tourist*innen und Backpacker*innen.
      Bei Einbruch der Dunkelheit werden traditionell gebastelte Schiffchen mit Kerzen auf den Fluss gelassen, Papierlaternen mit einem Feuerreif werden angezündet und steigen in den Abendhimmel, eine traditionelle Parade zieht durch eine der Hauptstraßen mit Kostümen und lauter Live-Musik, es wird geböllert und hier und da gibt es kleine Feuerwerke.
      Es war gerammelt voll, aber die Stimmung war schön und ausgelassen.
      In Chiang Mai kann man sich locker ein paar Wochen aufhalten und sich vor allem gut und viel essen - ist gibt von allem und aus alle Ländern etwas - dank der Touristen 😅
      Heute wanderten wir zu den am Berg gelegenen Tempel Wat Pha Lat und Doi Suthep, schwitzten ordentlich bei dem steilen aber sehr schönen Weg durch den Wald, und wurden belohnt mit einer tollen Aussicht auf Chiang Mai.
      Abends aßen wir ein Menü bei einem burmesischen Bekannten von Stefan (aus Bangkok), was fantastisch war und viele neue Geschmäcker zu unseren Gaumen brauchte. Wir wurden privat bekocht und unterhielten uns danach noch ausgiebig auf wirklich gutem Englisch mit den Gastgeber*innen, es war wunderbar!
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    • Day 8

      Just a great day

      January 21, 2020 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      After a lovely breakfast of fruits and an omelet that they make quite rare if you will. Not sure everyone would eat them but they are delicious 😋. We both did our own routes today so I can only tell you what I did.
      I had a great day but there was a lot of walking involved. Wandering through the streets of any country has always been one of my most favourite things to do. Stop and go. After a quick snack I headed straight for the three kings statue which is attached to the national museum. I had planned on a massage but I just was having too much fun wandering. The museum was great! Very informative with well set up rooms decorated like the information they were trying to convey.
      A stop at a super cute cafe proved quite entertaining since I sat beside a fountain and pond with koi. I enjoyed my beverage while enjoying their curious company. As I walked about the foundation they followed. They literally jump over top of each other, was fun to watch and feed them.
      Lunch was exceptional at the Bam Boo Cafe trying something different. Then went wandering again to the street market out of the old city. I find the markets the same except I found Thai sausage and I was waiting in line when the biggest cockroach, the size of a small mouse, ran from under the table that was serving the meats! Appetite was suddenly gone. Heading home to meet up with Teresa for supper and rest before my next event... Thai boxing 🥊.
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    Chiang Mai Provincial Local Museum

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