Chiang Mai

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    • Day 3

      Motorky nemajú

      December 21, 2023 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Dnešný poobedňajší plán požičať motorky, s ktorými budeme robiť 7 dňový okruh po horách od začiatku zlyháva. Zo 4och motoriek predjednaných v prvej požičovni nemajú ani jednu. Skúšame ďalšie požičovne a vo väčšine nemajú motorky (je najvyššia sezóna), alebo ich majú len do chvíle, kým neprezradíme, kde chceme ísť.
      V jednej požičovni, keď povieme, že chceme ísť do hôr (pritom podľa recenzii vieme, že s tým nemajú problém) začne predajca tvrdiť, že už záhadne nemá žiadnu motorku i keď stojíme pred motorkami, ktoré pred chvíľou bol ochotný požičať.
      Keď mu prezradíme, že máme skúsenosti s riadením motorky v horách, predajca sa z nás začne drzo smiať. Za to mu za odmenu dávam krásnu jednohviezdičkovú recenziu.

      Zajtra potrebujeme nutne motorky. Na tom je založený celý náš výlet a po prejdení cca 8 požičovní je problém, že buď nemajú, alebo nechcú požičať. Sme úplne bezradní, lebo už o žiadnych normálnych požičovniach nevieme. Navyše toto je veľké mesto, presúvame sa medzi požičovňami taxíkom, čas ubieha a my sme cca 2 a pol hodiny pred zavretím väčšiny požičovní a už fakt pomaly nevieme kde ísť. Zajtra už máme ubytko v ďalšom meste, kde sa na tých motorkách musíme dopracovať.

      V úplne poslednej, kde by majiteľ aj požičal, ale má len jednu poslednú motorku sa spýtam, či by nám teda niečo neporadil, lebo už fakt nevieme čo ďalej. A záhadne len minútku pešo za rohom je požičovňa, kde nakoniec požičiavame 4 motorky aj keď úplne, úplne iné, aké sme mali v pláne. Celé to bolo v praxi o dosť zložitejšie, ale tým vás už nejdem zaťažovať.

      Mentálne som vyčerpaný na smrť, ako som sa snažil rýchlo rozmýšľať, orientovať sa v mapách a všetko v hlave sumarizovať a organizovať, medzi tým objednávať a kontrolovať taxíky, bol to riadny stres, keď si človek uvedomoval možné následky (zrušenie polky dovolenky). Ale podarilo sa...

      P.S. Kto sa vyzná, tak namiesto 4x Honda Click 125 máme nakoniec 3x Yamaha QBix 125 a 1x Honda PCX 150. Dúfame, že tie Yamahy to dajú.
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    • Day 15

      Day 15

      February 20 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      Chiang Mai

      Today, we were meant to be doing a day trip to Chiang Rai to see the white and blue temple. However, when we woke up, all the busses were sold out till 12.45 which then wouldn't arrive till 4.30 so that was a no go aswell. I gave Dang a call to see if he was free for Muay Thai but unfortunately he was in Bangkok. This left us with no real plan.

      We head out in search of a pharmacy and breakfast. A short walk away and we find somewhere to top up our supplies, finding suncream and some bandages. I also needed tissues, a razor, and shaving foam but I couldn't find any of them for the life of me. A stop in 7-11 found me a razor but no shaving foam. I had never shaved with a non electric razor before so i opted for a 10p more expensive Gillette razor than Alfie's Bic.

      After we grab some breakfast (now more lunch to be honest) from JJ's Waffle again, we head back to our hostel. I go for a quick swim then whilst Alfie goes for a nap I head out into town. I didn't really have much of a plan but I was on a mission to buy some more stuff. Without the tethers of Alfie's judgemental eye, I finally feel brave enough to buy a typical Thai elephant shirt, going for white and red to mix up the colour palette.

      At a temple, I met a dude who had travelled up from Phuket to buy wedding dresses and suits for his daughters wedding, as Chiang Mai was apparently the best place in South East Asia, better than Vietnam which although is cheaper, apparently won't last. I thought fuck it, and with his recommendation headed to Tom's Tailor where I chatted to him about the different materials and prices. Surprisingly, the suits ranged from £180 to £260, which was much more than I was prepared to pay for something I didn't need.

      I grab a mango smoothie, finally find shaving cream, and head to a park to do some planning along with a durian ice cream (wouldn't have again). The park was small and had a nice fountain with some very skilled slackliners set up not far from me. After an hour or 2, I order my very first Grab bike back to the hostel (imagine South East Asia's version of uber, but on the back of a scooter, as fast as it is cheap).

      After a while, we head out to a few of the night markets that weren't too far, where our mission was a dry bag and a shirt for Alfie. As Alfie's clothes are about as diverse as the Brits in Benidorm, he found nothing to his liking and declared he was gonna go to H&M tomorrow. I managed to find a dry bag which would be useful when we venture down South. After finding some fried squid which didn't have a lot of flavour going on, we sit down when I get a message from Hong Yao inviting us to a Cabaret show which just so happened to be less than 1 minute from where we were sat.

      Alfie went back home, but I joined Hong Yao for a 390 Baht experience of a night, with a Chang beer on the house. I can't super describe what the show was like, but it was an hour and a half of both drag and non-drag queens dancing & singing, with alot of audience participation & interaction. It was also an hour and a half of cheering & laughing. Leaving with my ears ringing and not trying their signature drink "Suck Me Please!" which was served in a penis shaped glass, we headed towards some bars.

      These bars also happened to be the red light district, as well as a Muay Thai arena, where for free we were able to watch a 5 round fight of green shorts vs yellow shorts. We obviously were on team yellow shorts. They both persevered but eventually green shorts was declared the victor and we headed towards 7-11. After grabbing some cookies and FINALLY finding some tissues, we chatted more about the differences between Signapore & the UK, where I showed him what a roast dinner was

      Eventually, I grabbed a grab bike back home, brushed my teeth and went to bed.
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    • Day 72

      Chiang Mai - Lichterfest

      November 11, 2019 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Endlich war es soweit, Betti und Ines kamen aus Bangkok zu uns, um mit uns hier das Lichterfest zu feiern und dann zusammen weiter nach Myanmar zu reisen. Nach einer anstrengenden Busfahrt, mussten die beiden jedoch erst einmal entspannen und so kam es dass wir zu zweit erneut mit Tanner zum Mittagessen mit typisch thailändischen Essen gingen. Danach chillten wir weiterhin im Hostel und warteten auf den Abend. Denn an diesem Tag stand der Höhepunkt des Lichterfestes an, an dem das Loy Krathong und das Yee Peng Festival stattfinden. Ersteres sind kleine schwimmende Blumenfloße, die mit einem Nagel, einen Geldstück und einem Haar, zu Wasser gelassen werden und die Wünsche in Erfüllung gehen lassen sollen. Zweiteres ist das Aufsteigen lassen von Lampions, wie im heutigen Buddhismus selbstverständlich zum selben Zweck.
      Für all dies hatten wir uns mit Tanner und einer Gruppe aus dem Hostel verabredet. Es war wirklich super schön dies mit zu erleben! 😊
      Nach diesen Aktivitäten, nahmen wir auch noch ein Essen zu uns und dann gingen wir in das Barviertel, um noch ein wenig zu feiern. Es wurde eine lange Nacht...
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    • Day 41

      Koh Samui Part 2 & Ankunft in Chiang Mai

      December 6, 2019 in Thailand ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Jo, also zu Koh Samui ist jetzt tatsächlich nicht mehr allzu viel zu berichten 😅. Unsere vorherigen Infos waren falsch und Südthailand befindet sich grade mitten in der Regenzeit 😬. Das haben wir dann auch gemerkt als es am 3. Tag praktisch ununterbrochen regnete 😅. Wir haben nicht viel gemacht und uns dann nachmittags spontan entschieden, die Nebeninseln, die eigentlich noch geplant waren auszulassen und uns sofort in den sonnigen Norden aufzumachen! Später am Abend haben wir dann noch einen kleinen Aussichtspunkt entdeckt, es war aber leider schon zu spät um so richtig gut sehen zu können, also haben wir uns entschieden am nächsten Morgen vorm Abflug zum Sonnenaufgang wieder zu kommen. Wir haben aber auf dem Weg nach unten noch ein Glühwürmchen gesehen! Gesagt getan: um 6 saßen wir schon auf dem Roller und schlängelten uns die steilen Straßen zum „Overlap Stone“ hoch, der seinen Namen von zwei riesigen aufeinander gestapelten Steinen hat. Es war echt schön und so früh morgens auch noch trocken 😊. Danach dann gefrühstückt, Roller abgegeben und um 20 nach 8 waren wir am Flughafen Koh Samui, wohl der coolste Flughafen den wir je gesehen haben 😅. Eigentlich sah er mehr aus wie eine Parkanlage und zum Flugzeug gebracht wurden wir von überlangen Golfcarts 😬😅.

      Alles lief wie am Schnürchen und wir waren schnell in unserem Guest House nahe der Altstadt von Chiang Mai. Nach Singapur ist Chiang Mai wohl die schönste größere Stadt auf unserer Reise. Die Straßen sind relativ breit und nicht so stark befahren, die Altstadt ist schön und teils von alten Stadtmauern und Kanälen umgeben und überall sieht man die goldenen Kuppeln der vielen Tempel Chiang Mais (angeblich über 300!). Einige davon haben wir uns heute auf unserer Tour durch die Stadt bei angenehmen 26 Grad und Sonne auch schon angeguckt, sind an zahlreichen Essens- und Touri-Märkten vorbeigekommen und haben uns abends dann noch auf einem Platz vorm östlichen Stadttor ein kleines Konzert einer Digeridoo-Band angeguckt 😊. Wir sind glücklich und zufrieden (und bei aktuellen 19 Grad und Fenstern, die nicht schließen auch ein bisschen kalt 😂) und freuen uns auf die nächsten Tage hier!
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    • Punktstrandung

      December 8, 2019 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Ein kleiner sonntäglicher Lagebericht. Kein Reisebericht, gereist wird grad nicht. Mein Fahrrad hat Knie.

      Zudem ein sehr gutes Gespür für Timing, es hat mit dem Geknirsche ganz kurz vor den Toren von Chiang Mai angefangen. Ich bin echt ein Glückskind.

      Habe einen sehr netten und kompetenten Schrauber gefunden, mit drei schnurrenden AssistentInnen. Triple Cats Cycle. Reiseradspezialist. Hatte ich erwähnt, dass ich ein Glückskind bin?

      Vermutlich ist ein neues Tretlager fällig.

      Hier ein bisschen länger zu bleiben war sowieso der Plan. Ein paar Kurse machen - Thai kochen lernen, Elefanten hinter den Ohren kraulen... ich hoffe, ich habe nach gründlicher Recherche ein Elefantenprojekt gefunden, das sich wirklich um die Tiere sorgt und kein Touristenfake ist.

      Vielleicht brauchte das Fahrrad auch Erholung von den Bergetappen der letzten Tage. Habe die Hauptstraßen verlassen und bin durch die Naturschutzgebiete gefahren. Und geschoben. Heftige Rampen, das Vorderrad stieg hoch. Und die lustigen Thailänder stellen lauter gelbe Warnschilder in den Dschungel, auf denen die Steigung immer (!) mit 8 Prozent angegeben ist. Vielleicht, wenn man die Acht flachlegt...

      Es gibt ja kaum etwas Schöneres als diese letztes Meter vor der Kuppe. Und natürlich das Runterrauschen. Am besten nicht zu steil, so dass man gut rollen lassen kann, die Luft frisch, und die Sonne malt Sprenkel durchs Blätterdach auf den Asphalt.

      Aber jetzt: Chiang Mai, zeitweise Radlos. Bisschen busy hier, offenbar bin ich Landei geworden. Thai-Land-Ei.

      Ich bin zur illegalen Untermiete in einer Appartementanlage untergekommen. Alles richtig posh (zumindest nimmt man keinen armen Leuten den Wohnraum weg). Ein Pool so groß, dass er auf kein Foto passt. Ein Gym. Und: eine Waschmaschine! Manches Glück erkennt man erst, wenn man‘s ne Weile nicht hatte.

      Habe mich für 14 Tage einquartiert. Wenn es schnell geht mit dem Ersatzteil, mache ich von hier aus paar Spritztouren ohne Gepäck in die Berge. Kann man das auch mit dem Rad sagen, Spritztour? Joyrides halt.

      Ansonsten habe ich viel Zeit, zum Beispiel um neue Badebekleidung zu finden, die nicht gleich Dreiviertel meines Körpers bedeckt, aber trotzdem einen Großteil meiner Brüste. Die Thailänderinnen neigen da offenbar zum Extrem. Kleine Tücken des Travellerinnenalltags.

      Vielleicht einfacher in den Reisehochburgen im Süden. Aber jeder Kohleintopf am Straßenrand auf den Dörfern hier, von der Lanna-Oma mit Liebe gekocht, macht es mir wett. Solange man nicht gerade die Portion erwischt, in der das Rüsselchen schwimmt.

      Und all die kleinen Kuriositäten, wie die Thai-Jungs auf dem Moped in Bayer Leverkusen Trikots. Letztens getoppt von einem Shirt mit Werbung von Heckler & Koch. Dürfte in Deutschland noch größerer Ladenhüter sein als Erstgenannte.

      An Tempeln habe ich mich grad ein bisschen sattgeguckt, aber an Menschen, Märkten und Nudelsuppe kann man sich nie überfressen.

      Der weitere Plan: Nachtzug nach Bangkok, doch ein paar Tage in die Mega-City. Und dann nochmal drei Wochen ‚Urlaub von der Reise‘ über den Jahreswechsel, ein bisschen Ayurveda, Leib und Seele pampern.

      Wer jetzt mitgerechnet hat: geschlagene sechs Wochen nicht mit meinem Velotraum auf Tour. Weiß gar nicht, ob ich das aushalte. Werde sicher nochmal berichten, bevor ich zur Kur das Handy beiseite lege.

      Kommt gut durch die Vorweihnachtszeit und stresst Euch nicht!
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    • Day 8

      A river, a market and a festival

      November 5, 2022 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 84 °F

      So I’m in Chiang Mai and settled into my new apt. I flew AirAsia and it was pretty good. I got the premium flex which costs more, but they let you change your flight date and time 2x which I ended up doing. Funny, with this ticket , they feed you. Now it’s an hour flight. I don’t need to be fed, but as soon as they reached cruising altitude, they started handing out meals with a ferocity I have never seen. Then I looked around and everyone is scarfing them down. And literally in 10 minutes, they are collecting the food trays because we are starting our descent. Lol, so I’m going to see if I can amend the meal on the flight back. I don’t think I can take that kind of pressure again.
      So the apt is really cool. It isn’t as well stocked as the one in Bangkok, but then again it was 1/2 the price. It gave me an excuse to go buy soap, a sponge, and trash bags. Thank goodness Google translate has a camera, where you take a picture of something and it translates it. So there I am in the mini-mart taking pictures of dish soap. But I got it!
      So I walked back to the apt, and walked the other way, figuring, since it was getting dark, the street vendors should be setting up. And holy moly!
      I stumbled onto the night market that I had saved on Google maps. Wow. Everything you could ever want, right there. And it’s only about a 5 minute walk from my apt.
      I’m here for 6 nights. There is a festival that starts Monday, where they release lanterns in the sky and create flower offerings and send them down the river ( that my apt overlooks) in thanks that the monsoon season is over. They also have 3 nights of parades, and the parade goes right by this apt! And I have a wonderful balcony. I knew this place was a score, that’s why I reserved it back in March. I also have an appointment to get a tattoo on Monday. I found a guy and I liked his stuff and he had availability. 😁
      I’m reading “The Beach” right now. I saw the movie back in the day. But the book is really very good so far.
      So I got some fruit for dinner and something wrapped in a banana leaf ( that I will be sure to show you guys). I’m still watching Friends, and it’s been a long day. This apt only has a/c in the bedroom, but it has a big ass rotating fan in the living room. And this place is meant for hot weather. Slick tile floors, cross ventilation and jalousie windows with very good screens. The bedroom cooled off immediately with the a/c so that will be nice. Anyway, it kinda gives me an excuse not to move to fast. I am on vacation after all.
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    • Day 9

      Early Morning Market

      November 6, 2022 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 64 °F

      So as I mentioned the day before, the City is preparing for a festival this week. Which mean firecrackers. Lol, these are not the kind I’m used to. These literally sound like a small explosive has been detonated. BOOM. Not pop pop pop. You know how in the states ( well, in Fl) we play, “Was that fireworks or gunfire?) well, here I’m wondering if the Thai navy are having active drills behind the apt.
      So I wake up earlier here. Probably because that’s when the steady buzz of motorcycles start streaming by where I’m staying. So this morning I woke up at 6:15. And told myself to throw on a T-shirt and skirt, go get coffee and see what the local market is doing. I had to change a 1,000 baht bill (the local vendors don’t like doing it) and knew the upscale new coffee place around the corner could do it. I’ve discovered everyplace have their “signature” iced coffee. It generally sweet and strong and has condensed milk in it. And it’s goooood. So I changed money for my morning caffeine and when to see the market I was at last night. It was different, not as packed, way more fruits and veggies and food to cook with, not foods that are already prepared. I walked through a flower market 1st. Since they are getting ready for the festival, it was humming this morning.
      I find I’m more adventurous, going down side alleys in the morning. I see lots of women seeing their wares, and a Buddhist Monk going around collecting alms. The ladies give him some food and they kneel down and he says prayers over them. It was very cool.
      I have also discovered where my adventuresome spirit with trying food lays. Things wrapped in banana leaf. Small medium or large, they are generally very complex and layered in taste and texture. And since they are steamed, always cooked. I got some today, and I’ll include the pictures of the contents of last night’s banana leaf. It’s about 9:30 am here. The air is cool. In fact I even opened all the windows in the bedroom and moved the fan. It feels so nice. I can hear all the traffic outside, but it is nice.
      Manda had asked about the bathrooms. This apt is way more local. They have TP but the “bum gun “ is the standard here. You can’t through TP in the toilet, the pipes are so old, they would clog anything up. So you toss your tissue in the trash. It’s kinda weird. But I’m adjusting.
      Tonight I’m going to the big Sunday night market. One of the main reasons I came here. But for now, a mid morning nap is in order. ❤️
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    • Day 10

      Naga and Loy Krathong

      November 7, 2022 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      So today was a big day. It’s the 1st night of Loy Krathong. It’s festival signifying the end of the monsoon season. You light your Krathong ( floating basket) and sends all your resentments, sorrows and troubles with it down the river. Since I got here on Saturday the preparations have been fast and furious. Especially the flower markets. K
      So this morning I had an appointment to get a tattoo. Through another Thai Tattoo artist on Instagram, I found this guy. I loved his work, and emailed him to see if he had any availability when I was here this week and he did! So I caught a GRAB down to his place. But I needed to eat before hand. A few absolutes when I’m getting a tattoo. I have to eat a light meal with carbs (sandwich, pasta, stir fry) and I have to have a big cold container of full sugar soda. ( it helps if you start feeling clammy or icky) So I found this great little PadThai place right around the corner from Mod’s studio. It was 30 baht ($0.80- can you believe it?!) for a small, 45 baht ($1.20) for a medium. So I got a small. I finished it, and walked over to Mod’s studio. Then discussed price and payment. Credit cards? No he doesn’t take credit cards. Cash.
      Shit. So I asked where the nearest ATM was and said I’d be back shortly. So that ATM isn’t giving out $ today. Ok. So I head off to the next one. No problem. But it’s only letting me take out a certain amount? So to make a long story longer, in a minute my prepaid travel debit/ATM card starts sending me notifications that it was declined my requests at the ATM because I had set a daily limit on my ATM withdrawals. I had to laugh, because that’s such a responsible good practical thing to do; and I needed to adjust that immediately!
      So I adjusted the limit in settings went back to the ATM and got out what I needed.
      But I can tell you this was the 1st day I had used my UV umbrella instead of my hat and it was fantastic.
      So Mod, my tattooist was fantastic. I changed my mind on the piece I wanted about 30 minutes before I left the house. After that last “we need to check you for maybe cancer” I’ve been feeling like I need a bit of protection. Thailand is full of great mythical creatures that symbolize all kinds of stuff. The one I got is Naga and it’s on the back of my shoulder.
      It is is a guardian serpent that keeps away evil spirits in both Buddhist and Hindu mythology. It is said the King of Nagas protected Buddha from a Terrible storm for 7 days and 7 nights.
      So the tattoo is Naga intertwined with a flower. It’s a more intense tattoo than I’ve gotten in the past, but having a bad-ass guardian serpent watch my back sounds really good these days.
      Mod and his wife who helps him in the studio were just delightful. They had lived in Portland OR for a number of years and were just as friendly and kind as could be.
      So several hours later I emerged freshly inked. I was headed back towards the river and home, but since it was getting dark, and it was the 1st night of the festival, I figured I may want to get a good meal, before heading into the insanity. So I went back to the PadThai place, ordered a medium and took my time enjoying it and the fact that is was $1.20.
      As I headed home I picked up some fruit and some noodles for breakfast. That’s what I’ve been eating this trip for breakfast. Noodles, coffee and fruit.
      So I picked up some things for tomorrow at the local market, (which was nuts by now, and mind you It was only around 6pm) and got my Krathong.
      I went down the steps to the river to light the candle and incense and set it adrift in the Ping River. I had given it my resentments, worries and fears, so it was loaded and ready to go. I got down to the bottom step, (and I thought I’d be savvy and do a video. Well, that didn’t really work, so I did a video once it was in the water) and it must be low tide because I didn’t get to “set it gently adrift, burning incense and candles aglow with the promise of good days to come. “
      I chucked it, because the water was a few feet below the step. The candle went out, the incense stayed lit, but it hugged the side of the steps instead of floating majestically out the the middle of the river, like I was hoping. All the while; thinking I’m taking a video, laying on my stomach, freshly tattooed with a Thai mythical viper, while a lady is trying to get my attention to sell me (I’m not kidding) a small fish in a bag, so I can set it free in the river. 🤦‍♀️
      Talk about Instagram vs Reality. 😆
      So as I’ve been writing this, I’m out on my balcony watching the action below. There seemed to be a big issue between 2 vendors in regards to 3 tables, whose they belonged to, and who gets to use them. The police were here and everything. Now the police have left and the 2 vendors seem happy.
      But they are still discussing and no one is putting product on them yet. Hmmmmm. Thai street vendor drama is an interesting genre. I’ll have to see if I can find any on Netflix.
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    • Day 11

      Loy Krathong & a Do-Over

      November 8, 2022 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      Good evening/Good morning from Chiang Mai!
      Night 2 of Loy Krathong. They’ve closed the street and bridge off in front of me and there are more tourists tonight than last night.
      So apparently you can put a flower offering in the river all 3 nights!! So I totally got to do a do-over.
      I slept in today, got up, had coffee, fruit and pad Thai.
      Washing my tattoo for the 1st time was interesting, parts were a tad hard to reach, so I got a good morning stretch in to wash it and apply aquaphor. I mainly rested today. 3 1/2 hours of tattooing is hard on the body, so I like to rest the next day. That and I had given myself permission to not do much during the day this week. I knew the activities would be on once the sun goes down and also I’m on vacation. My bedroom is cool in the daytime with the windows open and the floor fan going.
      So I laid down to read and ended up falling asleep for a few hours. I woke up at 4:30 and ventured out around 5:30-6. I made a bee line for the local market down the street. I knew I wanted to try this one lady’s stall. I knew it had to be good because her picture was on the big sign behind all the big pots simmering away. I had been eyeballing her for the last few days and this evening I was going to try her out. She has quite the operation going . A long table with small plastic stools ( this week she has had 4 long tables) all laid out with condiments: fresh cilantro, bean sprouts pickled greens, fish sauce, sugar, chili paste, rice vinegar, and I’m sure something else. I ordered the Khao Soi (the Northern Thai coconut curry with chicken.) I told the girl what I wanted, she motioned me to sit. I plopped down on a low plastic stool next to a local lady and it was brought to me immediately. I like to take a picture or 2, but try to be discreet. It was delicious, and from what I’ve seen, only locals eating there. Only 50 baht ($1.34)
      So I finished, and walked back to the apt. On the way to dinner I had been eye balling all of the flower offerings. So I got another one on the way back.
      I was doing to do this again and not chuck it this time, damn it!
      Last night, after my debacle, I had noticed long wooden poles with a wide flat square screen on the end at a 90 degree angle. Hmmmm, those would be perfect for putting your Krathong in the river, nicely. DOH!! Apparently that’s exactly what they are for.
      So tonight, I got one of those poles, sat down, ran through my resentments, fears and sorrows (yeah yeah, we all know why I’m doing this again. I can be competitive all by myself 😆) AND, I got it on video this time.
      So afterward, I came back upstairs and have been watching the festivities from my balcony. The bug spray is coming in handy and the breeze is nice.
      The fireworks are insane and in the hands of every Thai male under the age of 30. The smell of grilling skewers and something sweet are wafting up from the vendors below. They have closed the street to traffic and as I was sitting here a parade came through! Apparently the big parade is tomorrow night.
      The Yi Ping festival is tonight too I think. That’s where they release floating lanterns into the sky. But from what I have read, it’s riddled with all kinds of issues. So they only let people release them in some University field and charge people, it’s this whole deal. I have seen a few go up in the distance in one area, but if I had had to choose, I’d stick with the offerings to the river. And it also means I don’t have to leave my balcony.
      The roads here are weird. They have very high curbs, and a lot of places, the curb to street area is sloped, so you can be walking very sure-footedly and still roll an ankle. I diid something like that (a 2nd time, Mom, other foot 🤦‍♀️) it’s the side of my foot, not my ankle. So I’m just trying to take it easy and not push it.
      I’ve been wearing my Keene’s the whole time I’ve been in Chiang Mai. The 1st night I went to the local market, I hit something heavy, metal and protruding with my toe; About 5-6 times. And I just laughed, because the front of these keene’s are the best protection for your toes. And the whole time before I left, I kept saying, “ I have this overwhelming sense that I need to protect my toes at all costs.” Holy cow I was right.
      So, it’s about 9 pm here. I’m going to do a load of laundry, shower, clean my tattoo and go to bed and read for a while. I found ear plugs, an eye mask and melatonin work to sleep with a festival going on downstairs.
      I’ve really enjoyed it here. This apt is the vibe I was going for. It’s definitely a place I could see staying a month or 2. I bet this area is great in the rainy season. Although they said it was becoming winter, so it was cooler and drier. And having such a good local market so close by. How nice to know there are places like this in the world.
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    • Day 232

      Loy Krathong festival

      November 8, 2022 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 84 °F

      We were sad to have to leave the elephants, but made it back to Chiang Mai. Tonight starts their annual Full moon festival. A krathong is a small floating container and they are usually made 100% of plants and flowers. You can make one yourself or buy them from one of the many street vendors. You light it, and then float it on the main river in town. The Thai people believe they are floating away bad wishes or bad luck - some feel it is a time to make a wish for good luck.

      It was very pretty standing by the river watching hundreds of krathongs float past (picture doesn’t do it justice). They have a massive celebration with parades, music, fun, fireworks and of course FOOD. We ate SO MUCH! It was fun to take part in all of it

      9.4 miles!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Chiang Mai, צ'אנג מאי, CNX, チエンマイ, 치앙마이, Cziang Maj, Чианг-Май, แม่ริม เชียงใหม่, 清迈

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