Khlong San

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    • Day 53

      Der Unterschied von 10min

      September 12, 2022 in Thailand ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      Wir sind losgegangen um Bangkok zu erkunden. Es ist einfach ein Traum! Warm, laut, trubelig. Sandra sagte, dass sie ihre Nase von innen verschließen können. Das ist auch manchmal echt wichtig! Gerade wenn das geschmolzene Eis, in dem den Tag über die Fische lagen auf die Straße gekippt wird, sollte man zumindest nicht übermäßig anfällig für olfaktorische Reize sein.

      Auch eine zu blühende Phantasie hilft nicht unbedingt, wenn man sich vorstellt, dass man da gerade genaugenommen nahezu Barfuß durchläuft. Flip-Flops zählen nicht wirklich in die Kategorie der Sicherheitsschuhe.

      Wir sind über eine Seitengasse bis zum Fluss vorgegangen. Wie immer steht an solchen Stellen ein Mensch, der irgendetwas von dir will. Eigentlich immer dein Bestes… Dein Geld.
      Das Problem ist aber gerade in Bangkok, dass es auch einige offiziell Angestellte der Stadt gibt, die Ausländer unterstützen sollen. Uns gelingt es leider nicht die Ersten von den Zweiten zu unterscheiden. Daher ist es manchmal schwierig einzuschätzen, ob die Informationen jetzt valide sind.

      In diesem Falle sagte der freundliche Herr, dass er Fährbetrieb eingestellt sei, er uns aber für ein geringes Entgelt transportieren könne. Wir waren skeptisch und haben uns einfach mal auf den Steg gestellt und gewartet. Schilder gab es keine. In Google Maps findet sich der Eintrag:

      „Ich dachte, es wäre ein Ort, an dem ich ein kostenloses Boot nehmen könnte, aber es hieß, dass ich an dieser Haltestelle nicht einsteigen könnte. Icon Siam liegt direkt vor mir, aber ich kann nicht zurück, also habe ich 200 Baht bezahlt, um auf das Boot zu steigen. Es scheint eine Abzocke zu sein, aber ich hatte keine andere Wahl, als es zu fahren.“

      Das mit der Wahl ist ja so eine Sache. Wir haben einfach noch etwas gewartet. Siehe da, eine feine Fähre bringt uns 4 für insgesamt 20 Baht auf die andere Seite. Eine traumhafte Nebenstrasse sowie eine Erkenntnis inklusive.
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    • Day 6

      IconSiam- mall, movie and A/C

      November 3, 2022 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 90 °F

      It’s hot today. I mean f-ing hot. I was going to explore my neighborhood but I just couldn’t do it.
      One of the things Asia is known for is their malls. They are a glorious air-conditioned refuge from the blazing heat. Stores, food Courts, movie theatre. Yes, we have those in the States, but these are like those but on Steroids. And on of the best is in Bangkok and it’s the IconSiam. 7 floors. It’s insane, tons of food and one of the best movie theaters in Thailand. Another thing Thailand and Malaysia are known for are their super comfy recliners in the movie theaters.
      It so happens, my neighborhood is very close to the River that runs through the city. It’s also very close to the Pier. This is where the have a Hop off and Hop on boat that takes you to all around to the sites. (Hmmmm, that may be an idea.)
      Another one is free. It’s a free shuttle across to Icon Siam and back to the Pier. And it’s very close to where I’m staying. So I did that today. I went to see a movie. I saw the last “ Halloween”. I love Jamie Lee Curtis , the movie was ok, but there was no one in there, it was cool and the seats were super comfy. I had ordered a movie ticket on line (and was very pleased with myself figuring that one out- it involved entering my local Thai phone # correctly-which was a lot harder than it sounds) and had picked a “premier” seat in the back. Well I got there and the seat was great. Now mind you. There was NO ONE else in the theater, just me. So I looked behind me on the last row and there were even better comfy seats. So I got up and went to sit in one of those. They were even better!
      As soon as the movie started , a very nice young woman who worked there came in and asked to see my ticket. I knew I had been busted, but figured I’d play dumb. When I showed her my ticket on my phone she gently pointed out A8 was in the row I’m front of us. “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry, thank you so much, I just didn’t realize, I thought this was row A”. I’m sure she hears it 100000000 x a day and I scurried to my appropriate seat and stayed there. 🤦‍♀️😆
      And I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
      Before the movie, I got there early and took a look at the stores on each floor before I went up the escalator to the next one. There was one store I bought something in. It was a Travel store (of course) and they had small UV umbrellas. I see the women carrying these all the time and it really makes sense. Heck, I might start using it when I walk in from the parking lot to Costco in the middle of summer.
      I was getting hungry, but it was all sit down places and I wasn’t seeing anything I liked. So I did a few laps and settled on a ramen place. Well, holy cow! It was fantastic. And I wasn’t 1000% sure how to do it, but there was a bowl of cooked ingredients, a bowl of broth, and an empty bowl with a spoon and chopsticks. So I put in some broth and some ingredients and slurped away. Afterward I found some Mochi ice cream which was perfect.
      Then I was ready for my movie. I realize too, sometimes asking someone where to go can create more chaos than if I had just followed my nose. Movie theaters are universally the same. Snack bar, ticket taker, bathrooms, theater 1-7 one way 8-13 the others way. It’s not hard. But I tend to over complicate even that.
      I had to got to theatre 7. I was headed towards it, but for some reason I stopped an employee to be sure. I showed her the ticket and said 7? And she asked if I’m looking for 7-11. Well, this went on for 30 seconds and I’ve got google translate out. Thank goodness a restroom attendant ( the bathrooms are fabulous) came by and said “theatre 7” and pointed. There was no need for all of that. I guess that how you learn.
      This mall also has the SuperRich currency exchange I’m using. I even took a $100 bill out of my other shoe to take, but totally forgot you have to show your passport, which I had not brought with me. 🤦‍♀️
      After I left the movie, I wound my way down to the bottom floor and stumbled upon a glorious sight to behold. It was a huge food court. With all the stuff I’ve been seeing on the streets all in one place. And still super inexpensive!
      So I’m going to get up and make the most of tomorrow. I’m thinking I’m going to head back over to this mall. At the very least to get money changed, and eat some good street food for lunch. And getting to the shuttle boat is so close. It makes an easy journey. I’m learning to work smarter not harder.
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    • Day 7

      The Chao Phraya River & IconSiam food co

      November 4, 2022 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 88 °F

      I didn’t sleep in today. Since we all agreed yesterday that the Hop On/Hop off boat sounded like a great idea, I figured let’s do that in the morning. That way, when the midday heat hits, we can go to IconSiam for lunch. I had to change money, and I read that they have a fantastic inexpensive food court that I completely missed yesterday.
      The boat was great. Open, beat up, big thick tires along the sides as fenders. The engine was loud, grumbly, throaty and sounds like an old sea captain. The river is something else. The current runs fast, It gets choppy and I’m thinking it’s pretty deep. The tide was low this morning, but you could see how high the water line got. And with all the side canals, Bangkok must have flooding issues. How could they not? It was a completely different side of the city than I have been seeing this week. Apparently, small long tail boats are like small buses for the community. Since traffic is so bad, (and apparently for a large part of the population, the MRT and BTS are too expensive) the river has been the true local way to get around the city for years and years.
      Old communities that have been on the river for generations, are butting up against new steel and glass buildings. Super posh hotels, next to rickety river houses. It certainly sums up what I’ve seen this week in this city. The pendulum swings wide each way in regards to old ways vs the ultra modern connectedness of Asia.
      I didn’t get off at any sites, because there really wasn’t anything I wanted to see that badly. I could see the grand palace from the boat, and when you get around those super touristy locations, the scammers are plentiful. They won’t hurt you; just waste your time trying to get you to part with more of your money. I didn’t have the energy to deal with that. The breeze on the boat was nice, and I had a nice seat. I was comfy and relaxed. It was nice. And a full day pass off and on as much as you would like, was $150 baht, which ends up being $4.00. I think in London, Paris or NYC, the hop on/off buses are at least $25.
      After I had gone up and down once, I got off at IconSiam. I could have gone around again, but at the last stop at the top of the river, you have to get off. And I waited for about 30-40 minutes to get back on. Which is fine. But I was getting hungry and had had enough.
      So I went to IconSiam, changed my $100 dollar bill into Baht. Lol, I took the $100 bill out of my other shoe and they took it. So that was good.
      Then I went downstairs to the food court. It seemed just like all the food stalls I’ve been seeing while out and about this week. Except there wasn’t deep dark alleys, small back rooms, motor bikes whizzing by and tuk-Tuks screeching around the corner. It was all the food culture with out the shock. And it was glorious. Also, I was more apt to try something new. I had crispy pork with a REALLY spicy chili sauce, pad Thai, pandan custard, tiny palm sized pineapple that are to die for, Wild betel nut herb wraps, (I have a picture, they were like nothing I had ever tasted and I’m so glad I tried them). Small Japanese custard stuffed waffles shaped like fish, and green mango ( which tasted like a Granny Smith apple) with a pink salt/sugar mix you sprinkle on the mango (which completely changed the taste of the fruit and was amazing!!)
      It was nice. I got there around 1 pm. Grazed for a bit, then went to change $$ and then went back down to the food court to graze more. It was air conditioned and the bathrooms were plentiful and clean. The heat really takes so much out of you. It was nice to not be fighting it yesterday.
      So around 4pm I took the boat back across to the pier close to the house. I had to pack up because I am leaving for a Flight to Chiang Mai on Sat am.
      I’m flying Air Asia and I can’t take as much on the plane, so I have to really pack my checked bag.
      On of the cool things I got at IconSiam at the travel store was a pacsafe lock. It’s super light weight, looks like an old telephone cord, so you can attach bags together and/or attach them to something stationary. So while packing, I undid it from its packaging and went about resetting it- no problem. Except the lighting was dim, and you are supposed to hold the lock clip down while you reset. Well my hand slipped. Then as I jumped up to get into better lighting I moved the numbers back to 000. 🤦‍♀️So now I have a lock I love that I just set a combination for that I don’t know what it is. I was super bummed. But then I googled, “how to find combination of lock you can’t remember.” Well, turns out since it is a 3 number combination it isn’t terribly hard, you just have to be patient. So on a 3 number lock, there are 1000 different combinations. So I started at 999 and worked my way backwards. Every new # I’d push down the clip. It sounds tedious, but I was watching Friends and figured if it took me the rest of the trip. I was going to to see if I could get this lock open. So at # 192 It clicked open!! I was so proud of myself. So I carefully paid attention to what the code, and reset it. I’m going to keep that lock forever. 😆
      So I have a GRAB taxi coming at 9:45 am to take me to the airport. This is a regional airport used for the smaller airlines. My flight leaves at 1pm, I get in around 3, and I can go right to my air BB. I think you guys are going to like this place. I’m kinda sad to be leaving Bangkok, but I hear Chiang Mai is amazing.
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    • Day 65

      Und aus!

      January 12, 2023 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Die untergehende Sonne spiegelt sich bereits in der Glasfassade des CAT-Towers, als ich mit der Fähre den Chao Phraya überquere.
      Es ist geschafft! Back in Bangkok.
      Ich werde noch vor Einbruch der Dunkelheit im Hotel ankommen.
      Am 20. November bin ich an dieser Stelle in mein Rad-Abenteuer gestartet und es war stellenweise mehr Abenteuer als mir lieb war.
      Aber nichts ist geschehen, was mich in Zukunft davon abhalten würde, weiterhin so zu reisen.
      Letztendlich sind es dann doch 1.713,83 offizielle Radkilometer geworden, die mir das Gefühl vermitteln, dass ich trotz der vielen Pausen und Zwangspausen noch fest „am“ Sattel sitze.
      Nach diesen elenden Corona-Jahren habe ich länger gebraucht, um in diesem Radnomaden-Dasein wieder anzukommen.
      Und solange dieses melancholische Gefühl zurückbleibt, das mich nach dem Einchecken im Hotel, dem finalen Abstellen der Satteltaschen überkommt, solange wird es die bevorzugte Form des Reisens bleiben.
      Bereits morgen wird das Rad zerlegt und für den Heimflug verpackt. Es hat tapfer durchgehalten, nur auf den letzten Metern etwas gemuckt. In der Soi Sala Daeng war der ramponierte, nur provisorisch fixierte Kotschützer nicht mehr zu halten und wurde aus der Halterung geworfen, der dann durch Mitschleifen im dichten Abendverkehr kurz für Irritationen gesorgt hat.
      Die Managerin des Hotels ist dermaßen begeistert, dass sie den durch Thailand radelnden Farang lebend wiedersieht, dass ich mit ihr und Teilen der Belegschaft spontan zum Tourabschluss-Selfie gebeten werde.
      Mein Koffer wurde hier die gesamten Wochen kostenlos aufbewahrt und wird mir feierlich übergeben. Dann überbringt die Managerin die nächste frohe Botschaft, dass sie für mich das selbe Zimmer bereit gestellt hat, in dem ich vor Abfahrt logierte. Dass ich eigentlich ein anderes Zimmer in einer höheren Etage wollte, traue ich mich ob ihrer Bemühungen und Freude einfach nicht mehr zu artikulieren. Ein paar Minuten später öffnet sich als déjà-vu die Zimmertüre 306.
      Und alles endet, wie es begonnen hat.
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    • Day 4

      Bangkok Tag 3, the solo adventure

      July 16 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Hüt bini mehrheitlech allei ungerwägs gsi, wüu mini Reisebegleiterin chrank im Bett gläge isch 😟
      Het zersch e Usflug id ICONSIAM Mall gä, wos im EG e grosse indoor Food Markt (z.T. mit Stäng ufemne "künstleche Fluss") het. Dert hani es Krokodilspiessli probiert, gar nid mau so schlächt, chli wie Poulet eifach zähier.
      De räscht vom Nami bini chli ir Mall umeghüehneret u die verschidene Läde agluegt.

      Am Abe när zNacht in China Town wo komplett überlüffe isch gsi mit Lüt und denah bini no chli d "Partymeile" vo Bangkok ga aluege inklusive obligatorische Abstächer is Rotliechtviertu wo si Teile vo Hangover 2 gfiumet hei (nume ga luege natürlech 🙃)
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    • Day 1–5


      July 14 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      English below:
      Tag 1 die 3 wichtigsten Sehenswuerdigkeiten: Wat Pho Tempel des ligenden Buddha, Grosser Palast mit Tempel des Emerald Buddhas und Wat Arun Tempel

      Tag 2: modernised Bangkok: Blumenmarkt, iconsiam mall und China town

      Tag 3 Maerkte: floating market and Railway market

      Day 1 A spot of temple hopping: Wat Pho with uts reclining buddha, Grand Palace with the temple of Emerald Buddha and Wat Arun

      Day 2 modern Bangkok:
      Flower Market, iconsiam mall and China town

      Day 3 floating market and Railway market
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    • Day 4

      Icon Siam, Thailand

      July 24 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Nach diesem Abenteuer nahmen wir ein Taxi zum größten Einkaufszentrum in Bangkok, dem "Icon Siam". Dort trafen wir uns mit dem Freund von Levins Bruder. Wir aßen ein leckeres Mittagessen und sahen uns im Einkaufszentrum um, bevor wir mit einem Dessert abschlossen.Read more

    • Day 3

      Day & Bike Night Bangkok

      February 4, 2020 in Thailand ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      Wir hatten Glück und konnten unser Zimmer direkt beziehen. Dies wurde genutzt um uns frisch zu machen und ein wenig auszuruhen.
      Danach ging es ein wenig zu Fuss die Umgebung erkunden und das erste ThaiFood essen. Einfach lecker. Was haben wir uns darauf gefreut.
      Wir waren gegen späten Nachmittag zurück in der Unterkunft und recht Ko. Also noch einmal die Gunst der Stunde nutzen und vor der nächtlichen Fahrradtour noch ein kleines Schläfchen.
      Mit dem Fahrrad durch Bangkok ist schon ein recht besonderes Erlebnis. Die Straßen sind im vergleich zum Tag nur wenig befahren. Die leicht kühlende Fahrtluft, von überall riecht es lecker nach Essen, die Menschen immer im Treiben und die beeindruckende Umgebung machten eine kleine Fahrradtour zu etwas ganz besonderem. Wir konnten nicht nur ganz alleine den Big Buddha besuchen, und das Beste Ice von Bangkok genießen sondern auch einheimischen beim allabendlichen Fußball Thai Style bestaunen. Sport am Abend hat uns dann doch ganz schön hungrig gemacht und somit gab es das erste Singha und Pad Thai with chicken. Mega.
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    • Day 108

      Dinner am Fluss

      October 30, 2023 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Es ist so toll, wenn man auf einer Reise Menschen kennen lernt und sich verabreden kann 😃 In Bangkok treffen wir jemanden wieder, die wir auf Ko Phangan kennengelernt haben… zu einem schönen Dinner direkt am Fluss.Read more

    • Day 3


      January 16, 2020 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Yep, we went to a mall. Seemed like a chill, relaxed thing to do that didn't require any thinking. Didn't find any cute dresses that would be suitable for visiting temples (which require you to dress modestly and cover up your shoulders and knees), but it did have an amazing section with stuff made by local artisans, such as jewelry, pottery, glassware, beauty products and household decor. The bottom floor was an incredible replica of a night market and there was so much "street food". One of the upper floors had an incredible range of restaurants, all with delicious sounding dishes. If I hadn't been full from breakfast, the hardest thing would have been deciding what to eat! Stopped for a drink at Fallabella, to rest, relax and enioy the view. Overcast and smoggy and surprisingly bright, and then the sun came out and it got REALLY bright and hot very quickly. Still operating off little sleep, so it was time to go back to the hotel for a siesta before the street food tour tonight.

      We also learned that it was cheaper to pay the taxi by meter instead of a flat rate (75THB vs 200THB), and even though we were paying by meter, he still wanted cash upfront. (Which we definitely didn't do. How were we supposed to know how much to pay when we hadn't reached our destination?) He turned out to be pretty nice and taught us that a woman says khob kun ka, which means thank you, and a man says khob kun krub.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Khlong San, คลองสาน

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